diff --git a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
index e359c759d493142bfc3a208235f1dd814ce0c08e..a97a9033b117ad5e1436be6b1a9d7fc97dc097a9 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
@@ -313,20 +313,20 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                 msgOut = "[runBuilderWith] Exactly one output file expected."
                 -- Capture stdout and write it to the output file.
                 captureStdout = do
-                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' [path] buildArgs
+                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                     -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
                     writeFileChangedBS output stdout
             case builder of
                 Ar Pack stg -> do
                     useTempFile <- arSupportsAtFile stg
-                    if useTempFile then runAr                path buildArgs buildInputs
-                                   else runArWithoutTempFile path buildArgs buildInputs
+                    if useTempFile then runAr                path buildArgs buildInputs buildOptions
+                                   else runArWithoutTempFile path buildArgs buildInputs buildOptions
-                Ar Unpack _ -> cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
+                Ar Unpack _ -> cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                 Autoreconf dir -> do
                   bash <- bashPath
-                  cmd' [Cwd dir] [bash, path] buildArgs
+                  cmd' [Cwd dir] [bash, path] buildArgs buildOptions
                 Configure  dir -> do
                     -- Inject /bin/bash into `libtool`, instead of /bin/sh,
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                 GenPrimopCode -> do
                     stdin <- readFile' input
-                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' (Stdin stdin) [path] buildArgs
+                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' (Stdin stdin) [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                     -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
                     writeFileChangedBS output stdout
@@ -350,47 +350,47 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                       , "describe"
                       , input -- the package name
-                    cmd' (Stdin pkgDesc) [path] (buildArgs ++ ["-"])
+                    cmd' (Stdin pkgDesc) [path] (buildArgs ++ ["-"]) buildOptions
                 GhcPkg Unregister _ -> do
                     -- unregistering is allowed to fail (e.g. when a package
                     -- isn't already present)
-                    Exit _ <- cmd' [path] (buildArgs ++ [input])
+                    Exit _ <- cmd' [path] (buildArgs ++ [input]) buildOptions
                     return ()
                 Haddock BuildPackage -> runHaddock path buildArgs buildInputs
                 HsCpp    -> captureStdout
-                Make dir -> cmd' path ["-C", dir] buildArgs
+                Make dir -> cmd' buildOptions path ["-C", dir] buildArgs
                 Makeinfo -> do
-                  cmd' [path] "--no-split" [ "-o", output] [input]
+                  cmd' [path] "--no-split" [ "-o", output] [input] buildOptions
                 Xelatex   ->
                   -- xelatex produces an incredible amount of output, almost
                   -- all of which is useless. Suppress it unless user
                   -- requests a loud build.
                   if verbosity >= Diagnostic
-                    then cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
-                    else do (Stdouterr out, Exit code) <- cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
+                    then cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
+                    else do (Stdouterr out, Exit code) <- cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                             when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ do
                               liftIO $ BSL.hPutStrLn stderr out
                               putFailure "xelatex failed!"
                               fail "xelatex failed"
-                Makeindex -> unit $ cmd' [Cwd output] [path] (buildArgs ++ [input])
+                Makeindex -> unit $ cmd' [Cwd output] [path] (buildArgs ++ [input]) buildOptions
                 Tar _ -> cmd' buildOptions [path] buildArgs
                 -- RunTest produces a very large amount of (colorised) output;
                 -- Don't attempt to capture it.
                 Testsuite RunTest -> do
-                  Exit code <- cmd [path] buildArgs
+                  Exit code <- cmd [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                   when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ do
                     fail "tests failed"
-                _  -> cmd' [path] buildArgs
+                _  -> cmd' [path] buildArgs buildOptions
 -- | Invoke @haddock@ given a path to it and a list of arguments. The arguments
 -- are passed in a response file.
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
index 332929a6faca5531cc0a237f1d6825f9735d10ee..2e4c995351b49cd9a42885eb2f9189552545f201 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
@@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ instance NFData   ArMode
 runAr :: FilePath    -- ^ path to @ar@
       -> [String]    -- ^ other arguments
       -> [FilePath]  -- ^ input file paths
+      -> [CmdOption] -- ^ Additional options
       -> Action ()
-runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
+runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs buildOptions = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
     writeFile' tmp $ unwords fileArgs
-    cmd [arPath] flagArgs ('@' : tmp)
+    cmd [arPath] flagArgs ('@' : tmp) buildOptions
 -- | Invoke @ar@ given a path to it and a list of arguments. Note that @ar@
 -- will be called multiple times if the list of files to be archived is too
@@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
 runArWithoutTempFile :: FilePath    -- ^ path to @ar@
                      -> [String]    -- ^ other arguments
                      -> [FilePath]  -- ^ input file paths
+                     -> [CmdOption] -- ^ Additional options
                      -> Action ()
-runArWithoutTempFile arPath flagArgs fileArgs =
+runArWithoutTempFile arPath flagArgs fileArgs buildOptions =
     forM_ (chunksOfSize cmdLineLengthLimit fileArgs) $ \argsChunk ->
-        unit . cmd [arPath] $ flagArgs ++ argsChunk
+        unit (cmd [arPath] (flagArgs ++ argsChunk) buildOptions)