From 0bfa00316b524173bc7cad7de4034536950e92c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Pickering <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:20:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] hadrian: Uniformly pass buildOptions to all builders in

In Builder.hs, runBuilderWith mostly ignores the buildOptions in BuildInfo.

This leads to hard to diagnose bugs as any build options you pass with
runBuilderWithCmdOptions are ignored for many builders.

Solution: Uniformly pass buildOptions to the invocation of cmd.

Fixes #23845
 hadrian/src/Builder.hs            | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs | 10 ++++++----
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
index e359c759d493..a97a9033b117 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Builder.hs
@@ -313,20 +313,20 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                 msgOut = "[runBuilderWith] Exactly one output file expected."
                 -- Capture stdout and write it to the output file.
                 captureStdout = do
-                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' [path] buildArgs
+                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                     -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
                     writeFileChangedBS output stdout
             case builder of
                 Ar Pack stg -> do
                     useTempFile <- arSupportsAtFile stg
-                    if useTempFile then runAr                path buildArgs buildInputs
-                                   else runArWithoutTempFile path buildArgs buildInputs
+                    if useTempFile then runAr                path buildArgs buildInputs buildOptions
+                                   else runArWithoutTempFile path buildArgs buildInputs buildOptions
-                Ar Unpack _ -> cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
+                Ar Unpack _ -> cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                 Autoreconf dir -> do
                   bash <- bashPath
-                  cmd' [Cwd dir] [bash, path] buildArgs
+                  cmd' [Cwd dir] [bash, path] buildArgs buildOptions
                 Configure  dir -> do
                     -- Inject /bin/bash into `libtool`, instead of /bin/sh,
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                 GenPrimopCode -> do
                     stdin <- readFile' input
-                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' (Stdin stdin) [path] buildArgs
+                    Stdout stdout <- cmd' (Stdin stdin) [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                     -- see Note [Capture stdout as a ByteString]
                     writeFileChangedBS output stdout
@@ -350,47 +350,47 @@ instance H.Builder Builder where
                       , "describe"
                       , input -- the package name
-                    cmd' (Stdin pkgDesc) [path] (buildArgs ++ ["-"])
+                    cmd' (Stdin pkgDesc) [path] (buildArgs ++ ["-"]) buildOptions
                 GhcPkg Unregister _ -> do
                     -- unregistering is allowed to fail (e.g. when a package
                     -- isn't already present)
-                    Exit _ <- cmd' [path] (buildArgs ++ [input])
+                    Exit _ <- cmd' [path] (buildArgs ++ [input]) buildOptions
                     return ()
                 Haddock BuildPackage -> runHaddock path buildArgs buildInputs
                 HsCpp    -> captureStdout
-                Make dir -> cmd' path ["-C", dir] buildArgs
+                Make dir -> cmd' buildOptions path ["-C", dir] buildArgs
                 Makeinfo -> do
-                  cmd' [path] "--no-split" [ "-o", output] [input]
+                  cmd' [path] "--no-split" [ "-o", output] [input] buildOptions
                 Xelatex   ->
                   -- xelatex produces an incredible amount of output, almost
                   -- all of which is useless. Suppress it unless user
                   -- requests a loud build.
                   if verbosity >= Diagnostic
-                    then cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
-                    else do (Stdouterr out, Exit code) <- cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs
+                    then cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
+                    else do (Stdouterr out, Exit code) <- cmd' [Cwd output] [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                             when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ do
                               liftIO $ BSL.hPutStrLn stderr out
                               putFailure "xelatex failed!"
                               fail "xelatex failed"
-                Makeindex -> unit $ cmd' [Cwd output] [path] (buildArgs ++ [input])
+                Makeindex -> unit $ cmd' [Cwd output] [path] (buildArgs ++ [input]) buildOptions
                 Tar _ -> cmd' buildOptions [path] buildArgs
                 -- RunTest produces a very large amount of (colorised) output;
                 -- Don't attempt to capture it.
                 Testsuite RunTest -> do
-                  Exit code <- cmd [path] buildArgs
+                  Exit code <- cmd [path] buildArgs buildOptions
                   when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ do
                     fail "tests failed"
-                _  -> cmd' [path] buildArgs
+                _  -> cmd' [path] buildArgs buildOptions
 -- | Invoke @haddock@ given a path to it and a list of arguments. The arguments
 -- are passed in a response file.
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
index 332929a6faca..2e4c995351b4 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
@@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ instance NFData   ArMode
 runAr :: FilePath    -- ^ path to @ar@
       -> [String]    -- ^ other arguments
       -> [FilePath]  -- ^ input file paths
+      -> [CmdOption] -- ^ Additional options
       -> Action ()
-runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
+runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs buildOptions = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
     writeFile' tmp $ unwords fileArgs
-    cmd [arPath] flagArgs ('@' : tmp)
+    cmd [arPath] flagArgs ('@' : tmp) buildOptions
 -- | Invoke @ar@ given a path to it and a list of arguments. Note that @ar@
 -- will be called multiple times if the list of files to be archived is too
@@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ runAr arPath flagArgs fileArgs = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
 runArWithoutTempFile :: FilePath    -- ^ path to @ar@
                      -> [String]    -- ^ other arguments
                      -> [FilePath]  -- ^ input file paths
+                     -> [CmdOption] -- ^ Additional options
                      -> Action ()
-runArWithoutTempFile arPath flagArgs fileArgs =
+runArWithoutTempFile arPath flagArgs fileArgs buildOptions =
     forM_ (chunksOfSize cmdLineLengthLimit fileArgs) $ \argsChunk ->
-        unit . cmd [arPath] $ flagArgs ++ argsChunk
+        unit (cmd [arPath] (flagArgs ++ argsChunk) buildOptions)