diff --git a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
index 691766b8bce46841188468d9747ff9546f14ac2c..c2006a7c9f6750c0b464c82c1bee010eaf56f5d3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Data.FlatBag
 import GHC.Data.SizedSeq
@@ -526,12 +525,7 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
-    literal (LitLabel fs (Just sz) _)
-     | platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
-         = litlabel (appendFS fs (mkFastString ('@':show sz)))
-     -- On Windows, stdcall labels have a suffix indicating the no. of
-     -- arg words, e.g. foo@8.  testcase: ffi012(ghci)
-    literal (LitLabel fs _ _) = litlabel fs
+    literal (LitLabel fs _)   = litlabel fs
     literal LitNullAddr       = word 0
     literal (LitFloat r)      = float (fromRational r)
     literal (LitDouble r)     = double (fromRational r)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
index a8fa68415027630dc40301a39a09c2c54e5a2a4b..6eced164f3b82f9620d292e49bbfc51ac8d85b8c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
@@ -132,9 +132,7 @@ module GHC.Cmm.CLabel (
         -- * Others
-        dynamicLinkerLabelInfo,
-        addLabelSize,
-        foreignLabelStdcallInfo
+        dynamicLinkerLabelInfo
     ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -235,10 +233,6 @@ data CLabel
   | ForeignLabel
         FastString              -- ^ name of the imported label.
-        (Maybe Int)             -- ^ possible '@n' suffix for stdcall functions
-                                -- When generating C, the '@n' suffix is omitted, but when
-                                -- generating assembler we must add it to the label.
         ForeignLabelSource      -- ^ what package the foreign label is in.
@@ -359,11 +353,10 @@ instance Ord CLabel where
     compare d1 d2
   compare (RtsLabel a1) (RtsLabel a2) = compare a1 a2
   compare (LocalBlockLabel u1) (LocalBlockLabel u2) = nonDetCmpUnique u1 u2
-  compare (ForeignLabel a1 b1 c1 d1) (ForeignLabel a2 b2 c2 d2) =
+  compare (ForeignLabel a1 b1 c1) (ForeignLabel a2 b2 c2) =
     uniqCompareFS a1 a2 S.<>
     compare b1 b2 S.<>
-    compare c1 c2 S.<>
-    compare d1 d2
+    compare c1 c2
   compare (AsmTempLabel u1) (AsmTempLabel u2) = nonDetCmpUnique u1 u2
   compare (AsmTempDerivedLabel a1 b1) (AsmTempDerivedLabel a2 b2) =
     compare a1 a2 S.<>
@@ -465,8 +458,8 @@ pprDebugCLabel platform lbl = pprAsmLabel platform lbl <> parens extra
             -> text "RtsLabel"
-         ForeignLabel _name mSuffix src funOrData
-             -> text "ForeignLabel" <+> ppr mSuffix <+> ppr src <+> ppr funOrData
+         ForeignLabel _name src funOrData
+             -> text "ForeignLabel" <+> ppr src <+> ppr funOrData
          _  -> text "other CLabel"
@@ -647,7 +640,7 @@ mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label,
     mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel, mkBadAlignmentLabel,
     mkOutOfBoundsAccessLabel, mkMemcpyRangeOverlapLabel,
     mkMUT_VAR_CLEAN_infoLabel :: CLabel
-mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label           = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "dirty_MUT_VAR") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
+mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label           = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "dirty_MUT_VAR") ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
                                 = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "nonmoving_write_barrier_enabled") CmmData
 mkOrigThunkInfoLabel            = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "stg_orig_thunk_info_frame") CmmInfo
@@ -665,8 +658,8 @@ mkSMAP_FROZEN_CLEAN_infoLabel   = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsL
 mkSMAP_FROZEN_DIRTY_infoLabel   = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "stg_SMALL_MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN_DIRTY") CmmInfo
 mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel          = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "stg_SMALL_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY") CmmInfo
 mkBadAlignmentLabel             = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "stg_badAlignment")      CmmEntry
-mkOutOfBoundsAccessLabel        = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "rtsOutOfBoundsAccess")  Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
-mkMemcpyRangeOverlapLabel       = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "rtsMemcpyRangeOverlap") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
+mkOutOfBoundsAccessLabel        = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "rtsOutOfBoundsAccess") ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
+mkMemcpyRangeOverlapLabel       = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "rtsMemcpyRangeOverlap") ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
 mkMUT_VAR_CLEAN_infoLabel       = CmmLabel rtsUnitId (NeedExternDecl False) (fsLit "stg_MUT_VAR_CLEAN")     CmmInfo
 mkSRTInfoLabel :: Int -> CLabel
@@ -750,21 +743,12 @@ mkPrimCallLabel (PrimCall str pkg)
 -- | Make a foreign label
         :: FastString           -- name
-        -> Maybe Int            -- size prefix
         -> ForeignLabelSource   -- what package it's in
         -> FunctionOrData
         -> CLabel
 mkForeignLabel = ForeignLabel
--- | Update the label size field in a ForeignLabel
-addLabelSize :: CLabel -> Int -> CLabel
-addLabelSize (ForeignLabel str _ src  fod) sz
-    = ForeignLabel str (Just sz) src fod
-addLabelSize label _
-    = label
 -- | Whether label is a top-level string literal
 isBytesLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
 isBytesLabel (IdLabel _ _ Bytes) = True
@@ -772,7 +756,7 @@ isBytesLabel _lbl = False
 -- | Whether label is a non-haskell label (defined in C code)
 isForeignLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
-isForeignLabel (ForeignLabel _ _ _ _) = True
+isForeignLabel (ForeignLabel _ _ _) = True
 isForeignLabel _lbl = False
 -- | Whether label is a static closure label (can come from haskell or cmm)
@@ -815,12 +799,6 @@ isConInfoTableLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
 isConInfoTableLabel (IdLabel _ _ ConInfoTable {})   = True
 isConInfoTableLabel _                            = False
--- | Get the label size field from a ForeignLabel
-foreignLabelStdcallInfo :: CLabel -> Maybe Int
-foreignLabelStdcallInfo (ForeignLabel _ info _ _) = info
-foreignLabelStdcallInfo _lbl = Nothing
 -- Constructing Large*Labels
 mkBitmapLabel   :: Unique -> CLabel
 mkBitmapLabel   uniq            = LargeBitmapLabel uniq
@@ -1052,7 +1030,7 @@ maybeLocalBlockLabel _                     = Nothing
 --      to the C compiler. For these labels we avoid generating our
 --      own C prototypes.
 isMathFun :: CLabel -> Bool
-isMathFun (ForeignLabel fs _ _ _)       = fs `elementOfUniqSet` math_funs
+isMathFun (ForeignLabel fs _ _)       = fs `elementOfUniqSet` math_funs
 isMathFun _ = False
 math_funs :: UniqSet FastString
@@ -1217,8 +1195,8 @@ labelType (RtsLabel (RtsPrimOp _))              = CodeLabel
 labelType (RtsLabel (RtsSlowFastTickyCtr _))    = DataLabel
 labelType (LocalBlockLabel _)                   = CodeLabel
 labelType (SRTLabel _)                          = DataLabel
-labelType (ForeignLabel _ _ _ IsFunction)       = CodeLabel
-labelType (ForeignLabel _ _ _ IsData)           = DataLabel
+labelType (ForeignLabel _ _ IsFunction)         = CodeLabel
+labelType (ForeignLabel _ _ IsData)             = DataLabel
 labelType (AsmTempLabel _)                      = panic "labelType(AsmTempLabel)"
 labelType (AsmTempDerivedLabel _ _)             = panic "labelType(AsmTempDerivedLabel)"
 labelType (StringLitLabel _)                    = DataLabel
@@ -1297,7 +1275,7 @@ labelDynamic this_mod platform external_dynamic_refs lbl =
    LocalBlockLabel _    -> False
-   ForeignLabel _ _ source _  ->
+   ForeignLabel _ source _  ->
        if os == OSMinGW32
        then case source of
             -- Foreign label is in some un-named foreign package (or DLL).
@@ -1424,11 +1402,11 @@ allocation.  Take care if you want to remove them!
 -- | Style of label pretty-printing.
--- When we produce C sources or headers, we have to take into account that C
--- compilers transform C labels when they convert them into symbols. For
--- example, they can add prefixes (e.g., "_" on Darwin) or suffixes (size for
--- stdcalls on Windows). So we provide two ways to pretty-print CLabels: C style
--- or Asm style.
+-- When we produce C sources or headers, we have to take into account
+-- that C compilers transform C labels when they convert them into
+-- symbols. For example, they can add prefixes (e.g., "_" on Darwin).
+-- So we provide two ways to pretty-print CLabels: C style or Asm
+-- style.
 data LabelStyle
    = CStyle   -- ^ C label style (used by C and LLVM backends)
@@ -1504,17 +1482,9 @@ pprCLabelStyle !platform !sty lbl = -- see Note [Bangs in CLabel]
    StringLitLabel u
       -> maybe_underscore $ pprUniqueAlways u <> text "_str"
-   ForeignLabel fs (Just sz) _ _
-      | AsmStyle <- sty
-      , OSMinGW32 <- platformOS platform
-      -> -- In asm mode, we need to put the suffix on a stdcall ForeignLabel.
-         -- (The C compiler does this itself).
-         maybe_underscore $ ftext fs <> char '@' <> int sz
-   ForeignLabel fs _ _ _
+   ForeignLabel fs _ _
       -> maybe_underscore $ ftext fs
    IdLabel name _cafs flavor -> case sty of
       AsmStyle -> maybe_underscore $ internalNamePrefix <> pprName name <> ppIdFlavor flavor
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs
index 1fe3f805f3467af1c2be0deff088f0c77f4ae821..1fbd581401c85180b359f9b99189aefcaac43d2f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Node.hs
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ pprForeignTarget platform (PrimTarget op)
  = pdoc platform
                           (mkFastString (show op))
-                          Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction)
+                          ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction)
 instance Outputable Convention where
   ppr = pprConvention
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
index 365ede9f35dfda0d75314deb73a81908b98e438f..60b18ee984294ebaf4760a72ce4977fffeeb6b96 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ static  :: { CmmParse [CmmStatic] }
                 { do { lits <- sequence $4
                 ; profile <- getProfile
                      ; return $ map CmmStaticLit $
-                        mkStaticClosure profile (mkForeignLabel $3 Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsData)
+                        mkStaticClosure profile (mkForeignLabel $3 ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsData)
                          -- mkForeignLabel because these are only used
                          -- for CHARLIKE and INTLIKE closures in the RTS.
                         dontCareCCS (map getLit lits) [] [] [] [] } }
@@ -640,11 +640,11 @@ importName
         -- A label imported without an explicit packageId.
         --      These are taken to come from some foreign, unnamed package.
         : NAME
-        { ($1, mkForeignLabel $1 Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction) }
+        { ($1, mkForeignLabel $1 ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction) }
         -- as previous 'NAME', but 'IsData'
         | 'CLOSURE' NAME
-        { ($2, mkForeignLabel $2 Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsData) }
+        { ($2, mkForeignLabel $2 ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsData) }
         -- A label imported with an explicit UnitId.
         | STRING NAME
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ expr_or_unknown
                 { do e <- $1; return (Just e) }
 foreignLabel     :: { CmmParse CmmExpr }
-        : NAME                          { return (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel $1 Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))) }
+        : NAME                          { return (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel $1 ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))) }
 opt_never_returns :: { CmmReturnInfo }
         :                               { CmmMayReturn }
@@ -1352,11 +1352,10 @@ foreignCall conv_string results_code expr_code args_code safety ret
           expr <- expr_code
           args <- sequence args_code
-                  expr' = adjCallTarget platform conv expr args
                   (arg_exprs, arg_hints) = unzip args
                   (res_regs,  res_hints) = unzip results
                   fc = ForeignConvention conv arg_hints res_hints ret
-                  target = ForeignTarget expr' fc
+                  target = ForeignTarget expr fc
           _ <- code $ emitForeignCall safety res_regs target arg_exprs
           return ()
@@ -1401,18 +1400,6 @@ doCall expr_code res_code args_code = do
   c <- code $ mkCall expr (NativeNodeCall,NativeReturn) ress args updfr_off []
   emit c
-adjCallTarget :: Platform -> CCallConv -> CmmExpr -> [(CmmExpr, ForeignHint) ]
-              -> CmmExpr
--- On Windows, we have to add the '@N' suffix to the label when making
--- a call with the stdcall calling convention.
-adjCallTarget platform StdCallConv (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) args
- | platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
-  = CmmLit (CmmLabel (addLabelSize lbl (sum (map size args))))
-  where size (e, _) = max (platformWordSizeInBytes platform) (widthInBytes (typeWidth (cmmExprType platform e)))
-                 -- c.f. CgForeignCall.emitForeignCall
-adjCallTarget _ _ expr _
-  = expr
         :: [CmmParse (CmmFormal, ForeignHint)]
         -> FastString
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/ThreadSanitizer.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/ThreadSanitizer.hs
index 5dfedfe21d2eae477bb4a17b32018f9d524c230e..afc1273588f6630221495aff4b60af5b1de81506 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/ThreadSanitizer.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/ThreadSanitizer.hs
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ tsanTarget fn formals args =
     ForeignTarget (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) conv
     conv = ForeignConvention CCallConv args formals CmmMayReturn
-    lbl = mkForeignLabel fn Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
+    lbl = mkForeignLabel fn ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
 tsanStore :: Env
           -> CmmType -> CmmExpr
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
index fa68fedfede54fa73e40fbbccd96bb9d2bf6e9ab..9b642ea3cfff77f83ed31b89632a6ece3ec15079 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
@@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do
     mkCCall name = do
       config <- getConfig
       target <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config CallReference $
-          mkForeignLabel name Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
+          mkForeignLabel name ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
       let cconv = ForeignConvention CCallConv [NoHint] [NoHint] CmmMayReturn
       genCCall (ForeignTarget target cconv) dest_regs arg_regs bid
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs
index 5bda90ab455300789e8f4a16b74cd8a02006a22f..7a07a77c23c244d135086cf8de2c044c76ffe2bb 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ gotLabel
         -- HACK: this label isn't really foreign
         = mkForeignLabel
                 (fsLit ".LCTOC1")
-                Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsData
+                ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsData
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs
index c95f62d37e86ed86f242c01aa2c1759d8682ec1d..cca47f7bac2fdbbd6e8765735968749240fb233a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ genCCall' config gcp target dest_regs args
         outOfLineMachOp mop =
                 mopExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config CallReference $
-                              mkForeignLabel functionName Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
+                              mkForeignLabel functionName ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
                 let mopLabelOrExpr = case mopExpr of
                         CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) -> Left lbl
                         _ -> Right mopExpr
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
index 1409e9b469418e2f3bc970c81a304fb111d99d00..c0264ee76ea213708350604031f7f7b62aa4bfb5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -2628,7 +2628,7 @@ genLibCCall bid lbl_txt dsts args = do
   -- Assume we can call these functions directly, and that they're not in a dynamic library.
   -- TODO: Why is this ok? Under linux this code will be in libm.so
   --       Is it because they're really implemented as a primitive instruction by the assembler??  -- BL 2009/12/31
-  let lbl = mkForeignLabel lbl_txt Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
+  let lbl = mkForeignLabel lbl_txt ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
   addr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config CallReference lbl
   let conv = ForeignConvention CCallConv [] [] CmmMayReturn
   genCCall bid addr conv dsts args
@@ -2643,7 +2643,7 @@ genRTSCCall
 genRTSCCall bid lbl_txt dsts args = do
   config <- getConfig
   -- Assume we can call these functions directly, and that they're not in a dynamic library.
-  let lbl = mkForeignLabel lbl_txt Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
+  let lbl = mkForeignLabel lbl_txt ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction
   addr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config CallReference lbl
   let conv = ForeignConvention CCallConv [] [] CmmMayReturn
   genCCall bid addr conv dsts args
@@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@ genCCall32 :: CmmExpr           -- ^ address of the function to call
            -> [CmmFormal]       -- ^ where to put the result
            -> [CmmActual]       -- ^ arguments (of mixed type)
            -> NatM InstrBlock
-genCCall32 addr conv dest_regs args = do
+genCCall32 addr _ dest_regs args = do
         config <- getConfig
         let platform = ncgPlatform config
             prom_args = map (maybePromoteCArg platform W32) args
@@ -2748,16 +2748,15 @@ genCCall32 addr conv dest_regs args = do
         massert (delta == delta0 - tot_arg_size)
         -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
-        (callinsns,cconv) <-
+        callinsns <-
           case addr of
             CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
-               -> -- ToDo: stdcall arg sizes
-                  return (unitOL (CALL (Left fn_imm) []), conv)
+               -> return $ unitOL (CALL (Left fn_imm) [])
                where fn_imm = ImmCLbl lbl
                -> do { (dyn_r, dyn_c) <- getSomeReg addr
                      ; massert (isWord32 (cmmExprType platform addr))
-                     ; return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) [], conv) }
+                     ; return $ dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) [] }
         let push_code
                 | arg_pad_size /= 0
                 = toOL [SUB II32 (OpImm (ImmInt arg_pad_size)) (OpReg esp),
@@ -2766,19 +2765,10 @@ genCCall32 addr conv dest_regs args = do
                 | otherwise
                 = concatOL push_codes
-              -- Deallocate parameters after call for ccall;
-              -- but not for stdcall (callee does it)
-              --
-              -- We have to pop any stack padding we added
-              -- even if we are doing stdcall, though (#5052)
-            pop_size
-               | ForeignConvention StdCallConv _ _ _ <- cconv = arg_pad_size
-               | otherwise = tot_arg_size
             call = callinsns `appOL`
                    toOL (
-                      (if pop_size==0 then [] else
-                       [ADD II32 (OpImm (ImmInt pop_size)) (OpReg esp)])
+                      (if tot_arg_size == 0 then [] else
+                       [ADD II32 (OpImm (ImmInt tot_arg_size)) (OpReg esp)])
                       [DELTA delta0]
@@ -3011,7 +3001,6 @@ genCCall64 addr conv dest_regs args = do
     -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
     (callinsns,_cconv) <- case addr of
       CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) ->
-        -- ToDo: stdcall arg sizes
         return (unitOL (CALL (Left (ImmCLbl lbl)) arg_regs), conv)
       _ -> do
         (dyn_r, dyn_c) <- getSomeReg addr
@@ -3030,9 +3019,7 @@ genCCall64 addr conv dest_regs args = do
     let call = callinsns `appOL`
                toOL (
-                    -- Deallocate parameters after call for ccall;
-                    -- stdcall has callee do it, but is not supported on
-                    -- x86_64 target (see #3336)
+                    -- Deallocate parameters after call for ccall
                   (if real_size==0 then [] else
                    [ADD (intFormat (platformWordWidth platform)) (OpImm (ImmInt real_size)) (OpReg esp)])
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
index a8e060085447cebaac242d05a5a7cf2ec4611a56..cb5c6223f93a4c81a575d8220c2fed813c94e25c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
@@ -243,13 +243,6 @@ pprStmt platform stmt =
         fnCall =
             case fn of
               CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
-                | StdCallConv <- cconv ->
-                    pprCall platform (pprCLabel platform lbl) cconv hresults hargs
-                        -- stdcall functions must be declared with
-                        -- a function type, otherwise the C compiler
-                        -- doesn't add the @n suffix to the label.  We
-                        -- can't add the @n suffix ourselves, because
-                        -- it isn't valid C.
                 | CmmNeverReturns <- ret ->
                     pprCall platform cast_fn cconv hresults hargs <> semi <> text "__builtin_unreachable();"
                 | not (isMathFun lbl) ->
@@ -1260,7 +1253,6 @@ pprExternDecl :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
 pprExternDecl platform lbl
   -- do not print anything for "known external" things
   | not (needsCDecl lbl) = empty
-  | Just sz <- foreignLabelStdcallInfo lbl = stdcall_decl sz
   | otherwise =
         hcat [ visibility, label_type lbl , lparen, pprCLabel platform lbl, text ");"
              -- occasionally useful to see label type
@@ -1281,14 +1273,6 @@ pprExternDecl platform lbl
      | externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = char 'E'
      | otherwise                   = char 'I'
-  -- If the label we want to refer to is a stdcall function (on Windows) then
-  -- we must generate an appropriate prototype for it, so that the C compiler will
-  -- add the @n suffix to the label (#2276)
-  stdcall_decl sz =
-        text "extern __attribute__((stdcall)) void " <> pprCLabel platform lbl
-        <> parens (commafy (replicate (sz `quot` platformWordSizeInBytes platform) (machRep_U_CType platform (wordWidth platform))))
-        <> semi
 type TEState = (UniqSet LocalReg, Map CLabel ())
 newtype TE a = TE' (State TEState a)
   deriving stock (Functor)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
index 44c8788c3feb3d3d2adbb564bf071f295b810a9c..a6cd5976429f7c0abe760cde395949c1e611ea10 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
@@ -452,10 +452,7 @@ genCall target res args = do
     let lmconv = case target of
             ForeignTarget _ (ForeignConvention conv _ _ _) ->
               case conv of
-                 StdCallConv  -> case platformArch platform of
-                                 ArchX86    -> CC_X86_Stdcc
-                                 ArchX86_64 -> CC_X86_Stdcc
-                                 _          -> CC_Ccc
+                 StdCallConv  -> panic "GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen.genCall: StdCallConv"
                  CCallConv    -> CC_Ccc
                  CApiConv     -> CC_Ccc
                  PrimCallConv       -> panic "GHC.CmmToLlvm.CodeGen.genCall: PrimCallConv"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
index 8beaa8986ec594e3e98a65ee4d8ca430d8030f01..16918dd2af1170a02978ff0ffa8480806d4eeb05 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ dsCFExport:: Id                 -- Either the exported Id,
           -> DsM ( CHeader      -- contents of Module_stub.h
                  , CStub        -- contents of Module_stub.c
                  , String       -- string describing type to pass to createAdj.
-                 , Int          -- size of args to stub function
 dsCFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv isDyn = do
@@ -108,10 +107,8 @@ dsCImport :: Id
           -> Safety
           -> Maybe Header
           -> DsM ([Binding], CHeader, CStub)
-dsCImport id co (CLabel cid) cconv _ _ = do
-   dflags <- getDynFlags
+dsCImport id co (CLabel cid) _ _ _ = do
    let ty  = coercionLKind co
-       platform = targetPlatform dflags
        fod = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (dropForAlls ty) of
              Just tycon
               | tyConUnique tycon == funPtrTyConKey ->
@@ -120,9 +117,8 @@ dsCImport id co (CLabel cid) cconv _ _ = do
    (resTy, foRhs) <- resultWrapper ty
    assert (fromJust resTy `eqType` addrPrimTy) $    -- typechecker ensures this
-        rhs = foRhs (Lit (LitLabel cid stdcall_info fod))
+        rhs = foRhs (Lit (LitLabel cid fod))
         rhs' = Cast rhs co
-        stdcall_info = fun_type_arg_stdcall_info platform cconv ty
     return ([(id, rhs')], mempty, mempty)
@@ -175,8 +171,6 @@ dsCFExportDynamic :: Id
                  -> DsM ([Binding], CHeader, CStub)
 dsCFExportDynamic id co0 cconv = do
     mod <- getModule
-    dflags <- getDynFlags
-    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
     let fe_nm = mkFastString $ zEncodeString
             (moduleStableString mod ++ "$" ++ toCName id)
         -- Construct the label based on the passed id, don't use names
@@ -189,31 +183,23 @@ dsCFExportDynamic id co0 cconv = do
         export_ty     = mkVisFunTyMany stable_ptr_ty arg_ty
     bindIOId <- dsLookupGlobalId bindIOName
     stbl_value <- newSysLocalDs ManyTy stable_ptr_ty
-    (h_code, c_code, typestring, args_size) <- dsCFExport id (mkRepReflCo export_ty) fe_nm cconv True
+    (h_code, c_code, typestring) <- dsCFExport id (mkRepReflCo export_ty) fe_nm cconv True
           The arguments to the external function which will
           create a little bit of (template) code on the fly
           for allowing the (stable pointed) Haskell closure
           to be entered using an external calling convention
-          (stdcall, ccall).
+          (ccall).
-        adj_args      = [ mkIntLit platform (fromIntegral (ccallConvToInt cconv))
-                        , Var stbl_value
-                        , Lit (LitLabel fe_nm mb_sz_args IsFunction)
+        adj_args      = [ Var stbl_value
+                        , Lit (LitLabel fe_nm IsFunction)
                         , Lit (mkLitString typestring)
           -- name of external entry point providing these services.
           -- (probably in the RTS.)
         adjustor   = fsLit "createAdjustor"
-          -- Determine the number of bytes of arguments to the stub function,
-          -- so that we can attach the '@N' suffix to its label if it is a
-          -- stdcall on Windows.
-        mb_sz_args = case cconv of
-                        StdCallConv -> Just args_size
-                        _           -> Nothing
     ccall_adj <- dsCCall adjustor adj_args PlayRisky (mkTyConApp io_tc [res_ty])
         -- PlayRisky: the adjustor doesn't allocate in the Haskell heap or do a callback
@@ -396,15 +382,13 @@ mkFExportCBits :: DynFlags
                -> CCallConv
                -> (CHeader,
-                   String,      -- the argument reps
-                   Int          -- total size of arguments
+                   String       -- the argument reps
 mkFExportCBits dflags c_nm maybe_target arg_htys res_hty is_IO_res_ty cc
    ( header_bits
    , CStub body [] []
-   , type_string,
-    aug_arg_size
+   , type_string
   platform = targetPlatform dflags
@@ -443,19 +427,6 @@ mkFExportCBits dflags c_nm maybe_target arg_htys res_hty is_IO_res_ty cc
     | isNothing maybe_target = stable_ptr_arg : insertRetAddr platform cc arg_info
     | otherwise              = arg_info
-  aug_arg_size = sum [ widthInBytes (typeWidth rep) | (_,_,_,rep) <- aug_arg_info]
-         -- NB. the calculation here isn't strictly speaking correct.
-         -- We have a primitive Haskell type (eg. Int#, Double#), and
-         -- we want to know the size, when passed on the C stack, of
-         -- the associated C type (eg. HsInt, HsDouble).  We don't have
-         -- this information to hand, but we know what GHC's conventions
-         -- are for passing around the primitive Haskell types, so we
-         -- use that instead.  I hope the two coincide --SDM
-         -- AK: This seems just wrong, the code here uses widthInBytes, but when
-         -- we pass args on the haskell stack we always extend to multiples of 8
-         -- to my knowledge. Not sure if it matters though so I won't touch this
-         -- for now.
   stable_ptr_arg =
         (text "the_stableptr", text "StgStablePtr", undefined,
          typeCmmType platform (mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy))
@@ -625,17 +596,3 @@ insertRetAddr _ _ args = args
 ret_addr_arg :: Platform -> (SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)
 ret_addr_arg platform = (text "original_return_addr", text "void*", undefined,
                          typeCmmType platform addrPrimTy)
--- For stdcall labels, if the type was a FunPtr or newtype thereof,
--- then we need to calculate the size of the arguments in order to add
--- the @n suffix to the label.
-fun_type_arg_stdcall_info :: Platform -> CCallConv -> Type -> Maybe Int
-fun_type_arg_stdcall_info platform StdCallConv ty
-  | Just (tc,[arg_ty]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty,
-    tyConUnique tc == funPtrTyConKey
-  = let
-       (bndrs, _) = tcSplitPiTys arg_ty
-       fe_arg_tys = mapMaybe anonPiTyBinderType_maybe bndrs
-    in Just $ sum (map (widthInBytes . typeWidth . typeCmmType platform . getPrimTyOf) fe_arg_tys)
-fun_type_arg_stdcall_info _ _other_conv _
-  = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Decl.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Decl.hs
index 7f5e9c975d8e58e79877aeb85f3930f0ef885bd8..27b70cef67c6bd336c52c2c0916bd7cde131887b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Decl.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Decl.hs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ dsForeigns' fos = do
                           , fd_e_ext = co
                           , fd_fe = CExport _
                               (L _ (CExportStatic _ ext_nm cconv)) }) = do
-      (h, c, _, _, ids, bs) <- dsFExport id co ext_nm cconv False
+      (h, c, _, ids, bs) <- dsFExport id co ext_nm cconv False
       return (h, c, ids, bs)
@@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ dsFExport :: Id                 -- Either the exported Id,
           -> DsM ( CHeader      -- contents of Module_stub.h
                  , CStub        -- contents of Module_stub.c
                  , String       -- string describing type to pass to createAdj.
-                 , Int          -- size of args to stub function
                  , [Id]         -- function closures to be registered as GC roots
                  , [Binding]    -- additional bindings used by desugared foreign export
@@ -181,13 +180,13 @@ dsFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv is_dyn = do
   platform <- getPlatform
   case (platformArch platform, cconv) of
     (ArchJavaScript, _) -> do
-      (h, c, ts, args) <- dsJsFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv is_dyn
-      pure (h, c, ts, args, [fn_id], [])
+      (h, c, ts) <- dsJsFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv is_dyn
+      pure (h, c, ts, [fn_id], [])
     (ArchWasm32, JavaScriptCallConv) ->
       dsWasmJSExport fn_id co ext_name
     _ -> do
-      (h, c, ts, args) <- dsCFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv is_dyn
-      pure (h, c, ts, args, [fn_id], [])
+      (h, c, ts) <- dsCFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv is_dyn
+      pure (h, c, ts, [fn_id], [])
 foreignExportsInitialiser :: Platform -> Module -> [Id] -> CStub
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/JavaScript.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/JavaScript.hs
index 790d95fd4e945d2df56701ce8a84c4187e947bd0..77092ab89d8e02182659abaf1879517ae951a6f8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/JavaScript.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/JavaScript.hs
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ dsJsFExport
   -> DsM ( CHeader      -- contents of Module_stub.h
          , CStub        -- contents of Module_stub.c
          , String       -- string describing type to pass to createAdj.
-         , Int          -- size of args to stub function
 dsJsFExport fn_id co ext_name cconv isDyn = do
@@ -114,20 +113,10 @@ mkFExportJSBits
   -> CCallConv
   -> (CHeader,
-      String,      -- the argument reps
-      Int          -- total size of arguments
+      String       -- the argument reps
 mkFExportJSBits platform c_nm maybe_target arg_htys res_hty is_IO_res_ty _cconv
- = (header_bits, js_bits, type_string,
-    sum [ widthInBytes (typeWidth rep) | (_,_,_,rep) <- arg_info] -- all the args
-         -- NB. the calculation here isn't strictly speaking correct.
-         -- We have a primitive Haskell type (eg. Int#, Double#), and
-         -- we want to know the size, when passed on the C stack, of
-         -- the associated C type (eg. HsInt, HsDouble).  We don't have
-         -- this information to hand, but we know what GHC's conventions
-         -- are for passing around the primitive Haskell types, so we
-         -- use that instead.  I hope the two coincide --SDM
-    )
+ = (header_bits, js_bits, type_string)
   -- list the arguments to the JS function
   arg_info :: [(SDoc,           -- arg name
@@ -242,7 +231,7 @@ dsJsImport
   -> Safety
   -> Maybe Header
   -> DsM ([Binding], CHeader, CStub)
-dsJsImport id co (CLabel cid) cconv _ _ = do
+dsJsImport id co (CLabel cid) _ _ _ = do
    let ty = coercionLKind co
        fod = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (dropForAlls ty) of
              Just tycon
@@ -251,9 +240,8 @@ dsJsImport id co (CLabel cid) cconv _ _ = do
              _ -> IsData
    (_resTy, foRhs) <- jsResultWrapper ty
 --   ASSERT(fromJust resTy `eqType` addrPrimTy)    -- typechecker ensures this
-   let rhs = foRhs (Lit (LitLabel cid stdcall_info fod))
+   let rhs = foRhs (Lit (LitLabel cid fod))
        rhs' = Cast rhs co
-       stdcall_info = fun_type_arg_stdcall_info cconv ty
    return ([(id, rhs')], mempty, mempty)
@@ -280,7 +268,6 @@ dsJsFExportDynamic id co0 cconv = do
                                         -- Must have an IO type; hence Just
                                         $ tcSplitIOType_maybe fn_res_ty
     mod <- getModule
-    platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
     let fe_nm = mkFastString $ zEncodeString
             ("h$" ++ moduleStableString mod ++ "$" ++ toJsName id)
         -- Construct the label based on the passed id, don't use names
@@ -293,31 +280,23 @@ dsJsFExportDynamic id co0 cconv = do
         export_ty     = mkVisFunTyMany stable_ptr_ty arg_ty
     bindIOId <- dsLookupGlobalId bindIOName
     stbl_value <- newSysLocalDs ManyTy stable_ptr_ty
-    (h_code, c_code, typestring, args_size) <- dsJsFExport id (mkRepReflCo export_ty) fe_nm cconv True
+    (h_code, c_code, typestring) <- dsJsFExport id (mkRepReflCo export_ty) fe_nm cconv True
           The arguments to the external function which will
           create a little bit of (template) code on the fly
           for allowing the (stable pointed) Haskell closure
           to be entered using an external calling convention
-          (stdcall, ccall).
+          (ccall).
-        adj_args      = [ mkIntLit platform (toInteger (ccallConvToInt cconv))
-                        , Var stbl_value
-                        , Lit (LitLabel fe_nm mb_sz_args IsFunction)
+        adj_args      = [ Var stbl_value
+                        , Lit (LitLabel fe_nm IsFunction)
                         , Lit (mkLitString typestring)
           -- name of external entry point providing these services.
           -- (probably in the RTS.)
         adjustor   = fsLit "createAdjustor"
-          -- Determine the number of bytes of arguments to the stub function,
-          -- so that we can attach the '@N' suffix to its label if it is a
-          -- stdcall on Windows.
-        mb_sz_args = case cconv of
-                        StdCallConv -> Just args_size
-                        _           -> Nothing
     ccall_adj <- dsCCall adjustor adj_args PlayRisky (mkTyConApp io_tc [res_ty])
         -- PlayRisky: the adjustor doesn't allocate in the Haskell heap or do a callback
@@ -568,10 +547,6 @@ mk_alt return_result (Just prim_res_ty, wrap_result)
         the_alt      = Alt (DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed 2)) [state_id, result_id] the_rhs
     return (ccall_res_ty, the_alt)
-fun_type_arg_stdcall_info :: CCallConv -> Type -> Maybe Int
-fun_type_arg_stdcall_info _other_conv _ = Nothing
   :: Type
   -> DsM ( Maybe Type           -- Type of the expected result, if any
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Wasm.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Wasm.hs
index 1e92ed7418a563c928c66b79cdd7203a76c40844..302b939e2626796944f081fd04b86d496d5fe5fb 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Wasm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Wasm.hs
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ dsWasmJSDynamicExport fn_id co mUnitId = do
             (Var unsafeDupablePerformIO_id)
             [Type arg_ty, mkApps (Var deRefStablePtr_id) [Type arg_ty, Var sp_id]]
       work_ty = exprType work_rhs
-  (work_h, work_c, _, _, work_ids, work_bs) <-
+  (work_h, work_c, _, work_ids, work_bs) <-
       (mkRepReflCo work_ty)
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ dsWasmJSExport ::
   Id ->
   Coercion ->
   CLabelString ->
-  DsM (CHeader, CStub, String, Int, [Id], [Binding])
+  DsM (CHeader, CStub, String, [Id], [Binding])
 dsWasmJSExport fn_id co ext_name = do
   work_uniq <- newUnique
   let ty = coercionRKind co
@@ -697,7 +697,6 @@ dsWasmJSExport fn_id co ext_name = do
     ( CHeader commonCDecls,
       CStub cstub [] [],
-      -1,
       [(work_id, work_rhs)]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
index a044c074ae999d6eac1522b094ecf34bae67830e..e587053992f1599ae3622318d2226c71ad79afd8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ generatePrimCall d s p target _mb_unit _result_ty args
          prim_args_offsets = mapFst stgArgRepU args_offsets
          shifted_args_offsets = mapSnd (+ d) args_offsets
-         push_target = PUSH_UBX (LitLabel target Nothing IsFunction) 1
+         push_target = PUSH_UBX (LitLabel target IsFunction) 1
          push_info = PUSH_UBX (mkNativeCallInfoLit platform args_info) 1
             compute size to move payload (without stg_primcall_info header)
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target PrimCallConv _) result_ty args
  = generatePrimCall d0 s p label mb_unit result_ty args
  | otherwise
  = panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.generateCCall: primcall convention only supports static targets"
-generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) result_ty args
+generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target _ safety) result_ty args
  = do
      profile <- getProfile
@@ -1546,14 +1546,7 @@ generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) result_ty args
                  StaticTarget _ _ _ False ->
                    panic "generateCCall: unexpected FFI value import"
                  StaticTarget _ target _ True ->
-                   Just (LitLabel target mb_size IsFunction)
-                   where
-                      mb_size
-                          | OSMinGW32 <- platformOS platform
-                          , StdCallConv <- cconv
-                          = Just (fromIntegral a_reps_sizeW * platformWordSizeInBytes platform)
-                          | otherwise
-                          = Nothing
+                   Just (LitLabel target IsFunction)
          is_static = isJust maybe_static_target
@@ -1587,12 +1580,6 @@ generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) result_ty args
          -- is.  See comment in Interpreter.c with the CCALL instruction.
          stk_offset   = bytesToWords platform (d_after_r - s)
-         conv = case cconv of
-           CCallConv -> FFICCall
-           CApiConv  -> FFICCall
-           StdCallConv -> FFIStdCall
-           _ -> panic "GHC.StgToByteCode: unexpected calling convention"
      -- the only difference in libffi mode is that we prepare a cif
      -- describing the call type by calling libffi, and we attach the
      -- address of this to the CCALL instruction.
@@ -1601,7 +1588,7 @@ generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) result_ty args
      let ffires = primRepToFFIType platform r_rep
          ffiargs = map (primRepToFFIType platform) a_reps
      interp <- hscInterp <$> getHscEnv
-     token <- ioToBc $ interpCmd interp (PrepFFI conv ffiargs ffires)
+     token <- ioToBc $ interpCmd interp (PrepFFI ffiargs ffires)
      recordFFIBc token
@@ -2148,7 +2135,7 @@ isFollowableArg _ = False
 isSupportedCConv :: CCallSpec -> Bool
 isSupportedCConv (CCallSpec _ cconv _) = case cconv of
    CCallConv            -> True     -- we explicitly pattern match on every
-   StdCallConv          -> True     -- convention to ensure that a warning
+   StdCallConv          -> False    -- convention to ensure that a warning
    PrimCallConv         -> True     -- is triggered when a new one is added
    JavaScriptCallConv   -> False
    CApiConv             -> True
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
index d12d73208922966f88b6a4aa7356717bf0ace207..b667008b83f539513d08e7f93ff7dcd0a1a60b33 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Bind.hs
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ link_caf node = do
   { cfg <- getStgToCmmConfig
         -- Call the RTS function newCAF, returning the newly-allocated
         -- blackhole indirection closure
-  ; let newCAF_lbl = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newCAF") Nothing
+  ; let newCAF_lbl = mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newCAF")
                                     ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
   ; let profile  = stgToCmmProfile cfg
   ; let platform = profilePlatform profile
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
index 7464eda718c2e27617d413220bd138eaef8cb994..e1f5a59a4dcb0e4b8769a809d50581d29b9652a5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
@@ -72,20 +72,7 @@ cgForeignCall :: ForeignCall            -- the op
               -> FCode ReturnKind
 cgForeignCall (CCall (CCallSpec target cconv safety)) typ stg_args res_ty
-  = do  { platform <- getPlatform
-        ; let -- in the stdcall calling convention, the symbol needs @size appended
-              -- to it, where size is the total number of bytes of arguments.  We
-              -- attach this info to the CLabel here, and the CLabel pretty printer
-              -- will generate the suffix when the label is printed.
-            call_size args
-              | StdCallConv <- cconv = Just (sum (map arg_size args))
-              | otherwise            = Nothing
-              -- ToDo: this might not be correct for 64-bit API
-              -- This is correct for the PowerPC ELF ABI version 1 and 2.
-            arg_size (arg, _) = max (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType platform arg)
-                                     (platformWordSizeInBytes platform)
-        ; cmm_args <- getFCallArgs stg_args typ
+  = do  { cmm_args <- getFCallArgs stg_args typ
         -- ; traceM $ show cmm_args
         ; (res_regs, res_hints) <- newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty
         ; let ((call_args, arg_hints), cmm_target)
@@ -97,10 +84,9 @@ cgForeignCall (CCall (CCallSpec target cconv safety)) typ stg_args res_ty
                                 = case mPkgId of
                                         Nothing         -> ForeignLabelInThisPackage
                                         Just pkgId      -> ForeignLabelInPackage (toUnitId pkgId)
-                            size = call_size cmm_args
                         in  ( unzip cmm_args
                             , CmmLit (CmmLabel
-                                        (mkForeignLabel lbl size labelSource IsFunction)))
+                                        (mkForeignLabel lbl labelSource IsFunction)))
                    DynamicTarget    ->  case cmm_args of
                                            (fn,_):rest -> (unzip rest, fn)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Lit.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Lit.hs
index f4815c56caf0935ee22ccbe986eb2a28dd8a29ba..53de40b712eae997597d7a14dffdf37ed3ecd861 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Lit.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Lit.hs
@@ -97,9 +97,8 @@ mkSimpleLit platform = \case
    (LitNumber LitNumWord64 i)   -> CmmInt i W64
    (LitFloat r)                 -> CmmFloat r W32
    (LitDouble r)                -> CmmFloat r W64
-   (LitLabel fs ms fod)
+   (LitLabel fs fod)
      -> let -- TODO: Literal labels might not actually be in the current package...
             labelSrc = ForeignLabelInThisPackage
-        in CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel fs ms labelSrc fod)
+        in CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel fs labelSrc fod)
    other -> pprPanic "mkSimpleLit" (ppr other)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
index b957b11b3e890384b8165ed99bc8283cfe8400c3..4d272fda6b5ee897d2b01978cdb943369d920e44 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
     -- later, we might want to inline it.
-        (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
+        (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
         [(baseExpr platform, AddrHint), (arg,AddrHint)]
   SparkOp -> \[arg] -> opIntoRegs $ \[res] -> do
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ emitPrimOp cfg primop =
     tmp2 <- newTemp (bWord platform)
-        (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
+        (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel (fsLit "newSpark") ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction)))
         [(baseExpr platform, AddrHint), ((CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)), AddrHint)]
     emitAssign (CmmLocal res) (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp))
@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ fmaCCall width res arg_x arg_y arg_z =
     (CmmLit (CmmLabel fma_lbl))
     [(arg_x,NoHint), (arg_y,NoHint), (arg_z,NoHint)]
-    fma_lbl = mkForeignLabel fma_op Nothing ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
+    fma_lbl = mkForeignLabel fma_op ForeignLabelInExternalPackage IsFunction
     fma_op = case width of
       W32 -> fsLit "fmaf"
       W64 -> fsLit "fma"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Literal.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Literal.hs
index f967d9b8dd3565706a3431b67cfe239006deb6d9..74958983e88309bcefa0d96d6752ee8127092c67 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Literal.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Literal.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ genLit = \case
     LitNumBigNat  -> panic "genLit: unexpected BigNat that should have been removed in CorePrep"
   LitFloat r               -> return [ toJExpr (r2f r) ]
   LitDouble r              -> return [ toJExpr (r2d r) ]
-  LitLabel name _size fod
+  LitLabel name fod
     | fod == IsFunction      -> return [ ApplExpr (var "h$mkFunctionPtr")
                                                   [var (mkRawSymbol True name)]
                                        , ValExpr (JInt 0)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ genStaticLit = \case
     LitNumBigNat  -> panic "genStaticLit: unexpected BigNat that should have been removed in CorePrep"
   LitFloat r               -> return [ DoubleLit . SaneDouble . r2f $ r ]
   LitDouble r              -> return [ DoubleLit . SaneDouble . r2d $ r ]
-  LitLabel name _size fod  -> return [ LabelLit (fod == IsFunction) (mkRawSymbol True name)
+  LitLabel name fod        -> return [ LabelLit (fod == IsFunction) (mkRawSymbol True name)
                                      , IntLit 0 ]
   l -> pprPanic "genStaticLit" (ppr l)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Terminal.hs b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Terminal.hs
index a3f60e24363c652cac0e553b35e929820444a855..9157f7187408eb71ca04830ca422ef4d53297d54 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Terminal.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Terminal.hs
@@ -17,16 +17,6 @@ import qualified System.Win32 as Win32
 import System.IO.Unsafe
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(WINAPI)
-# if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-#  define WINAPI stdcall
-# elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-#  define WINAPI ccall
-# else
-#  error unknown architecture
-# endif
 -- | Does the controlling terminal support ANSI color sequences?
 -- This memoized to avoid thread-safety issues in ncurses (see #17922).
 stderrSupportsAnsiColors :: Bool
@@ -84,10 +74,10 @@ setConsoleMode :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.DWORD -> IO ()
 setConsoleMode h mode = do
   Win32.failIfFalse_ "SetConsoleMode" (c_SetConsoleMode h mode)
-foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h GetConsoleMode" c_GetConsoleMode
+foreign import ccall unsafe "windows.h GetConsoleMode" c_GetConsoleMode
   :: Win32.HANDLE -> Ptr Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.BOOL
-foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h SetConsoleMode" c_SetConsoleMode
+foreign import ccall unsafe "windows.h SetConsoleMode" c_SetConsoleMode
   :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.BOOL
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
index e1870c50448501112130153dd76768f91a161116..a8019b396310402f78975dadba6201f35a71a39e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
@@ -557,11 +557,7 @@ checkCConv :: Either (ForeignExport GhcRn) (ForeignImport GhcRn)
 checkCConv _ CCallConv    = return CCallConv
 checkCConv _ CApiConv     = return CApiConv
 checkCConv decl StdCallConv = do
-  dflags <- getDynFlags
-  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
-  if platformArch platform == ArchX86
-      then return StdCallConv
-      else do -- This is a warning, not an error. see #3336
+              -- This is a warning, not an error. see #3336
               let msg = TcRnUnsupportedCallConv decl StdCallConvUnsupported
               addDiagnosticTc msg
               return CCallConv
@@ -798,4 +794,3 @@ validIfUnliftedFFITypes :: DynFlags -> Validity' TypeCannotBeMarshaledReason
 validIfUnliftedFFITypes dflags
   | xopt LangExt.UnliftedFFITypes dflags =  IsValid
   | otherwise = NotValid UnliftedFFITypesNeeded
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/ForeignCall.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/ForeignCall.hs
index 8cfa4805ac2a3c425553cb2c6bf24fe45fa5ba37..b99eb931a5389b7d897f090a0f6ff4f458767f4f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/ForeignCall.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/ForeignCall.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module GHC.Types.ForeignCall (
         CExportSpec(..), CLabelString, isCLabelString, pprCLabelString,
         CCallTarget(..), isDynamicTarget,
-        CCallConv(..), defaultCCallConv, ccallConvToInt, ccallConvAttribute,
+        CCallConv(..), defaultCCallConv, ccallConvAttribute,
         Header(..), CType(..),
     ) where
@@ -146,10 +146,6 @@ Stuff to do with calling convention:
 ccall:          Caller allocates parameters, *and* deallocates them.
-stdcall:        Caller allocates parameters, callee deallocates.
-                Function name has @N after it, where N is number of arg bytes
-                e.g.  _Foo@8. This convention is x86 (win32) specific.
 See: http://www.programmersheaven.com/2/Calling-conventions
@@ -172,20 +168,13 @@ instance Outputable CCallConv where
 defaultCCallConv :: CCallConv
 defaultCCallConv = CCallConv
-ccallConvToInt :: CCallConv -> Int
-ccallConvToInt StdCallConv = 0
-ccallConvToInt CCallConv   = 1
-ccallConvToInt CApiConv    = panic "ccallConvToInt CApiConv"
-ccallConvToInt (PrimCallConv {}) = panic "ccallConvToInt PrimCallConv"
-ccallConvToInt JavaScriptCallConv = panic "ccallConvToInt JavaScriptCallConv"
 Generate the gcc attribute corresponding to the given
 calling convention (used by PprAbsC):
 ccallConvAttribute :: CCallConv -> SDoc
-ccallConvAttribute StdCallConv       = text "__attribute__((__stdcall__))"
+ccallConvAttribute StdCallConv       = panic "ccallConvAttribute StdCallConv"
 ccallConvAttribute CCallConv         = empty
 ccallConvAttribute CApiConv          = empty
 ccallConvAttribute (PrimCallConv {}) = panic "ccallConvAttribute PrimCallConv"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Literal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Literal.hs
index ce9718f9c24e93f0d1fdb601fc3f47b11c10d535..571fb4422fb4dd8f4ce7634d5c3816c935625741 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Literal.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Literal.hs
@@ -145,19 +145,13 @@ data Literal
   | LitFloat   Rational         -- ^ @Float#@. Create with 'mkLitFloat'
   | LitDouble  Rational         -- ^ @Double#@. Create with 'mkLitDouble'
-  | LitLabel   FastString (Maybe Int) FunctionOrData
+  | LitLabel   FastString FunctionOrData
                                 -- ^ A label literal. Parameters:
                                 -- 1) The name of the symbol mentioned in the
                                 --    declaration
-                                -- 2) The size (in bytes) of the arguments
-                                --    the label expects. Only applicable with
-                                --    @stdcall@ labels. @Just x@ => @\<x\>@ will
-                                --    be appended to label name when emitting
-                                --    assembly.
-                                --
-                                -- 3) Flag indicating whether the symbol
+                                -- 2) Flag indicating whether the symbol
                                 --    references a function or a data
   deriving Data
@@ -259,10 +253,9 @@ instance Binary Literal where
     put_ bh (LitNullAddr)    = putByte bh 2
     put_ bh (LitFloat ah)    = do putByte bh 3; put_ bh ah
     put_ bh (LitDouble ai)   = do putByte bh 4; put_ bh ai
-    put_ bh (LitLabel aj mb fod)
+    put_ bh (LitLabel aj fod)
         = do putByte bh 5
              put_ bh aj
-             put_ bh mb
              put_ bh fod
     put_ bh (LitNumber nt i)
         = do putByte bh 6
@@ -289,9 +282,8 @@ instance Binary Literal where
                     return (LitDouble ai)
               5 -> do
                     aj <- get bh
-                    mb <- get bh
                     fod <- get bh
-                    return (LitLabel aj mb fod)
+                    return (LitLabel aj fod)
               6 -> do
                     nt <- get bh
                     i  <- get bh
@@ -843,7 +835,7 @@ literalType (LitChar _)       = charPrimTy
 literalType (LitString  _)    = addrPrimTy
 literalType (LitFloat _)      = floatPrimTy
 literalType (LitDouble _)     = doublePrimTy
-literalType (LitLabel _ _ _)  = addrPrimTy
+literalType (LitLabel _ _)    = addrPrimTy
 literalType (LitNumber lt _)  = case lt of
    LitNumBigNat  -> byteArrayPrimTy
    LitNumInt     -> intPrimTy
@@ -874,7 +866,7 @@ cmpLit (LitString    a)     (LitString     b)     = a `compare` b
 cmpLit (LitNullAddr)        (LitNullAddr)         = EQ
 cmpLit (LitFloat     a)     (LitFloat      b)     = a `compare` b
 cmpLit (LitDouble    a)     (LitDouble     b)     = a `compare` b
-cmpLit (LitLabel     a _ _) (LitLabel      b _ _) = a `lexicalCompareFS` b
+cmpLit (LitLabel     a _)   (LitLabel      b _)   = a `lexicalCompareFS` b
 cmpLit (LitNumber nt1 a)    (LitNumber nt2  b)
   = (nt1 `compare` nt2) `mappend` (a `compare` b)
 cmpLit (LitRubbish tc1 b1)  (LitRubbish tc2 b2)  = (tc1 `compare` tc2) `mappend`
@@ -908,11 +900,8 @@ pprLiteral _       (LitNumber nt i)
        LitNumWord16  -> pprPrimWord16 i
        LitNumWord32  -> pprPrimWord32 i
        LitNumWord64  -> pprPrimWord64 i
-pprLiteral add_par (LitLabel l mb fod) =
-    add_par (text "__label" <+> b <+> ppr fod)
-    where b = case mb of
-              Nothing -> pprHsString l
-              Just x  -> doubleQuotes (ftext l <> text ('@':show x))
+pprLiteral add_par (LitLabel l fod) =
+    add_par (text "__label" <+> pprHsString l <+> ppr fod)
 pprLiteral _       (LitRubbish torc rep)
   = text "RUBBISH" <> pp_tc <> parens (ppr rep)
diff --git a/compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs b/compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs
index 5f9f4908a1f1a2063ded370a4bc4b5d515b36324..4af634ac6e9663d8b3734d7891ca146a3c267f16 100644
--- a/compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs
+++ b/compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Decls.hs
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ data ForeignImport pass = -- import of a C entity
                           --  * `Safety' is irrelevant for `CLabel' and `CWrapper'
                           CImport  (XCImport pass)
-                                   (XRec pass CCallConv) -- ccall or stdcall
+                                   (XRec pass CCallConv) -- ccall
                                    (XRec pass Safety)  -- interruptible, safe or unsafe
                                    (Maybe Header)       -- name of C header
                                    CImportSpec          -- details of the C entity
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/FFI.hsc b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/FFI.hsc
index 301fb55ef62e2ba763f84dd13e68d01f44a6ff46..f88a7b0dd6784acb372c335941a58292dce78b84 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/FFI.hsc
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/FFI.hsc
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
 module GHCi.FFI
   ( FFIType(..)
-  , FFIConv(..)
   , C_ffi_cif
   , prepForeignCall
   , freeForeignCallInfo
@@ -66,36 +65,27 @@ data FFIType
   | FFIUInt64
   deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
-data FFIConv
-  = FFICCall
-  | FFIStdCall
-  deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
-    :: FFIConv
-    -> [FFIType]          -- arg types
+    :: [FFIType]          -- arg types
     -> FFIType            -- result type
     -> IO (Ptr C_ffi_cif) -- token for making calls (must be freed by caller)
 #if !defined(javascript_HOST_ARCH)
-prepForeignCall cconv arg_types result_type = do
+prepForeignCall arg_types result_type = do
   let n_args = length arg_types
   arg_arr <- mallocArray n_args
   pokeArray arg_arr (map ffiType arg_types)
   cif <- mallocBytes (#const sizeof(ffi_cif))
-  let abi = convToABI cconv
-  r <- ffi_prep_cif cif abi (fromIntegral n_args) (ffiType result_type) arg_arr
+  r <- ffi_prep_cif cif fFI_DEFAULT_ABI (fromIntegral n_args) (ffiType result_type) arg_arr
   if r /= fFI_OK then
     throwIO $ ErrorCall $ concat
       [ "prepForeignCallFailed: ", strError r,
-        "(cconv: ", show cconv,
-        " arg tys: ", show arg_types,
+        "(arg tys: ", show arg_types,
         " res ty: ", show result_type, ")" ]
     return (castPtr cif)
-prepForeignCall _ _ _ =
+prepForeignCall _ _ =
   error "GHCi.FFI.prepForeignCall: Called with JS_HOST_ARCH! Perhaps you need to run configure?"
@@ -124,14 +114,6 @@ strError r
   | otherwise
   = "unknown error: " ++ show r
-convToABI :: FFIConv -> C_ffi_abi
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
--- unknown conventions are mapped to the default, (#3336)
-convToABI _           = fFI_DEFAULT_ABI
 ffiType :: FFIType -> Ptr C_ffi_type
 ffiType FFIVoid     = ffi_type_void
 ffiType FFIPointer  = ffi_type_pointer
@@ -169,10 +151,6 @@ fFI_BAD_TYPEDEF = (#const FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF)
 fFI_DEFAULT_ABI :: C_ffi_abi
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-fFI_STDCALL     :: C_ffi_abi
-fFI_STDCALL     = (#const FFI_STDCALL)
 -- ffi_status ffi_prep_cif(ffi_cif *cif,
 --                         ffi_abi abi,
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
index 09efb86cdbffee910c5f5db752f3ef42c599a4bf..fa211be8dec6f9704ccbefa0928b2571d684923e 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Message.hs
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ data Message a where
   MallocStrings :: [ByteString] -> Message [RemotePtr ()]
   -- | Calls 'GHCi.FFI.prepareForeignCall'
-  PrepFFI :: FFIConv -> [FFIType] -> FFIType -> Message (RemotePtr C_ffi_cif)
+  PrepFFI :: [FFIType] -> FFIType -> Message (RemotePtr C_ffi_cif)
   -- | Free data previously created by 'PrepFFI'
   FreeFFI :: RemotePtr C_ffi_cif -> Message ()
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ getMessage = do
       13 -> Msg <$> FreeHValueRefs <$> get
       14 -> Msg <$> MallocData <$> get
       15 -> Msg <$> MallocStrings <$> get
-      16 -> Msg <$> (PrepFFI <$> get <*> get <*> get)
+      16 -> Msg <$> (PrepFFI <$> get <*> get)
       17 -> Msg <$> FreeFFI <$> get
       18 -> Msg <$> (MkConInfoTable <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get)
       19 -> Msg <$> (EvalStmt <$> get <*> get)
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ putMessage m = case m of
   FreeHValueRefs val          -> putWord8 13 >> put val
   MallocData bs               -> putWord8 14 >> put bs
   MallocStrings bss           -> putWord8 15 >> put bss
-  PrepFFI conv args res       -> putWord8 16 >> put conv >> put args >> put res
+  PrepFFI args res            -> putWord8 16 >> put args >> put res
   FreeFFI p                   -> putWord8 17 >> put p
   MkConInfoTable tc p n t pt d -> putWord8 18 >> put tc >> put p >> put n >> put t >> put pt >> put d
   EvalStmt opts val           -> putWord8 19 >> put opts >> put val
diff --git a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
index 26492af2d9eb3a05c91ef5ed3647a30f3584065f..815d1686bb80fedd02f4a7722dfaa7f3fdda46e6 100644
--- a/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
+++ b/libraries/ghci/GHCi/Run.hs
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ run m = case m of
     mapM mkRemoteRef =<< getIdValFromApStack aps ix
   MallocData bs -> mkString bs
   MallocStrings bss -> mapM mkString0 bss
-  PrepFFI conv args res -> toRemotePtr <$> prepForeignCall conv args res
+  PrepFFI args res -> toRemotePtr <$> prepForeignCall args res
   FreeFFI p -> freeForeignCallInfo (fromRemotePtr p)
   StartTH -> startTH
   GetClosure ref -> do
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c b/rts/adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c
index 2d128b78b279bf5b6ca7da87dabb4b7e07ff6a80..1c4721694b59f0f387c25de055d0c419dfcc718b 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c
@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ static ffi_type * char_to_ffi_type(char c)
-createAdjustor (int cconv,
-                StgStablePtr hptr,
+createAdjustor (StgStablePtr hptr,
                 StgFunPtr wptr,
                 char *typeString)
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ createAdjustor (int cconv,
     uint32_t n_args, i;
     ffi_type *result_type;
     ffi_closure *cl;
-    int r, abi;
+    int r;
     void *code;
     n_args = strlen(typeString) - 1;
@@ -166,20 +165,8 @@ createAdjustor (int cconv,
     for (i=0; i < n_args; i++) {
         arg_types[i] = char_to_ffi_type(typeString[i+1]);
-    switch (cconv) {
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-    case 0: /* stdcall */
-        abi = FFI_STDCALL;
-        break;
-#endif /* defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) */
-    case 1: /* ccall */
-        abi = FFI_DEFAULT_ABI;
-        break;
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: convention %d not supported on this platform", cconv);
-    }
-    r = ffi_prep_cif(cif, abi, n_args, result_type, arg_types);
+    r = ffi_prep_cif(cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, n_args, result_type, arg_types);
     if (r != FFI_OK) barf("ffi_prep_cif failed: %d", r);
     cl = allocate_adjustor(&code, cif, wptr, hptr);
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64.c b/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64.c
index 086a8533622b51b1dfc8b0012053f81bac5daa3c..6bffe3fed121c720a26c4f5b30051b17952a89d7 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64.c
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void initAdjustors(void)
-createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
+createAdjustor(StgStablePtr hptr,
                StgFunPtr wptr,
                char *typeString
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
         .wptr = wptr,
-    switch (cconv)
-    {
-    case 1: /* _ccall */
       stack at call:
@@ -75,7 +72,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
       pointer inserted just after the 6th integer argument.
-    {
         int n_int_args = 0;
         // determine whether we have 6 or more integer arguments,
@@ -94,13 +90,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
         } else {
             return alloc_adjustor(complex_ccall_pool, &context);
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: Unsupported calling convention");
-        break;
-    }
 void freeHaskellFunctionPtr(void* ptr)
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c b/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c
index 4e3c305d66cde359c620e136ec4e5903efb63726..3635e7adc9d8549b0a2fd838b5b27ff606cd04ac 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void initAdjustors(void)
-createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
+createAdjustor(StgStablePtr hptr,
                StgFunPtr wptr,
                char *typeString
@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
         .wptr = wptr,
-    switch (cconv)
-    {
-    case 1: /* _ccall */
       stack at call:
@@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
       See NativeAmd64MingwAsm.S.
-    {
         // determine whether we have 4 or more integer arguments,
         // and therefore need to flush one to the stack.
         if ((typeString[0] == '\0') ||
@@ -102,12 +98,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
                 return alloc_adjustor(complex_nofloat_ccall_pool, &context);
-    }
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: Unsupported calling convention");
-        break;
-    }
 void freeHaskellFunctionPtr(void* ptr)
@@ -116,4 +106,3 @@ void freeHaskellFunctionPtr(void* ptr)
     free_adjustor(ptr, &context);
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/NativeIA64.c b/rts/adjustor/NativeIA64.c
index 2fe40ce5667999476e48049c5a9a9dddca44daca..79695a04e2e6984a74dff031916d87d8bc0e774a 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/NativeIA64.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/NativeIA64.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ stgAllocStable(size_t size_in_bytes, StgStablePtr *stable)
 void initAdjustors(void) { }
-createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
+createAdjustor(StgStablePtr hptr,
                StgFunPtr wptr,
                char *typeString
 #if !defined(powerpc_HOST_ARCH) && !defined(powerpc64_HOST_ARCH) && !defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
     void *adjustor = NULL;
     void *code = NULL;
-    switch (cconv)
-    {
-    case 1: /* _ccall */
     Up to 8 inputs are passed in registers.  We flush the last two inputs to
     the stack, initially into the 16-byte scratch region left by the caller.
@@ -98,7 +95,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
                                 | (BITS(val,40,23))             \
                                 | (BITS(val,63,1)    << 59))
-    {
         StgStablePtr stable;
         IA64FunDesc *wdesc = (IA64FunDesc *)wptr;
         StgWord64 wcode = wdesc->ip;
@@ -139,15 +135,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
         /* save stable pointers in convenient form */
         code[16] = (StgWord64)hptr;
         code[17] = (StgWord64)stable;
-    }
-    barf("adjustor creation not supported on this platform");
-    break;
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: Unsupported calling convention");
-    }
     return code;
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/NativePowerPC.c b/rts/adjustor/NativePowerPC.c
index 7ad32fb7608b706f5c816e4bf155eb4b8526a027..8dc435f8f564e871d4138f2781df71427708f118 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/NativePowerPC.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/NativePowerPC.c
@@ -54,19 +54,15 @@ typedef struct AdjustorStub {
 void initAdjustors(void) { }
-createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
+createAdjustor(StgStablePtr hptr,
                StgFunPtr wptr,
                char *typeString
-    switch (cconv)
-    {
-    case 1: /* _ccall */
 #if defined(linux_HOST_OS)
 #define OP_LO(op,lo)  ((((unsigned)(op)) << 16) | (((unsigned)(lo)) & 0xFFFF))
 #define OP_HI(op,hi)  ((((unsigned)(op)) << 16) | (((unsigned)(hi)) >> 16))
-    {
         /* The PowerPC Linux (32-bit) calling convention is annoyingly complex.
            We need to calculate all the details of the stack frame layout,
            taking into account the types of all the arguments, and then
@@ -273,13 +269,11 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
             __asm__ volatile ("sync\n\tisync");
-    }
 #define OP_LO(op,lo)  ((((unsigned)(op)) << 16) | (((unsigned)(lo)) & 0xFFFF))
 #define OP_HI(op,hi)  ((((unsigned)(op)) << 16) | (((unsigned)(hi)) >> 16))
-    {
         /* The following code applies to all PowerPC and PowerPC64 platforms
            whose stack layout is based on the AIX ABI.
@@ -384,11 +378,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr,
         adjustorStub->extrawords_plus_one = extra_sz + 1;
         return code;
-    }
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: Unsupported calling convention");
-    }
diff --git a/rts/adjustor/Nativei386.c b/rts/adjustor/Nativei386.c
index 22db4fa4ca15944d6c0005a34235d53a7b1d661f..dfdd045343f122ad0f64f9f8418505d68deb1088 100644
--- a/rts/adjustor/Nativei386.c
+++ b/rts/adjustor/Nativei386.c
@@ -54,73 +54,15 @@ static void mk_ccall_adjustor(uint8_t *code, const void *context, void *user_dat
 /* adjustors to handle ccalls */
 static struct AdjustorPool *ccall_pool;
- * stdcall adjustor
- ***************************************/
-#if !defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
-static void mk_stdcall_adjustor(uint8_t *code, const void *context, void *user_data STG_UNUSED)
-    /* Magic constant computed by inspecting the code length of
-       the following assembly language snippet
-       (offset and machine code prefixed):
-     <0>:       58                popl   %eax              # temp. remove return addr.
-     <1>:       b9 fd fc fe fa    movl   0xfafefcfd, %ecx  # constant is addr. of AdjustorContext
-     <6>:       ff 31             pushl  (%ecx)            # push hptr
-     <8>:       50                pushl  %eax              # put back return addr.
-     <9>:       ff 61 04          jmp    *4(%ecx)          # and jump to wptr
-                # the callee cleans up the stack
-    */
-    code[0x00] = 0x58;  /* popl %eax  */
-    code[0x01] = 0xb9;  /* movl context (which is a dword immediate), %ecx */
-    *((const void **) &(code[0x02])) = context;
-    code[0x06] = 0xff; /* pushl (%ecx) */
-    code[0x07] = 0x31;
-    code[0x08] = 0x50; /* pushl %eax */
-    code[0x09] = 0xff; /* jmp *4(%ecx) */
-    code[0x0a] = 0x61;
-    code[0x0b] = 0x04;
-static struct AdjustorPool *stdcall_pool;
 void initAdjustors(void) {
     ccall_pool = new_adjustor_pool(sizeof(struct CCallContext), CCALL_ADJUSTOR_LEN, mk_ccall_adjustor, NULL);
-#if !defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
-    stdcall_pool = new_adjustor_pool(sizeof(struct AdjustorContext), STDCALL_ADJUSTOR_LEN, mk_stdcall_adjustor, NULL);
-createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr,
+createAdjustor(StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr,
                char *typeString STG_UNUSED
-    switch (cconv)
-    {
-    case 0: { /* _stdcall */
-#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
-        barf("stdcall is not supported on Darwin")
-        struct AdjustorContext context = {
-            .hptr = hptr,
-            .wptr = wptr,
-        };
-        return alloc_adjustor(stdcall_pool, &context);
-#endif /* !defined(darwin_HOST_OS) */
-    }
-    case 1: /* _ccall */
-    {
             // The adjustor puts the following things on the stack:
             // 1.) %ebp link
             // 2.) padding and (a copy of) the arguments
@@ -144,11 +86,6 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr,
             .argument_size = sz,
         return alloc_adjustor(ccall_pool, &context);
-    }
-    default:
-        barf("createAdjustor: Unsupported calling convention");
-    }
diff --git a/rts/include/rts/Adjustor.h b/rts/include/rts/Adjustor.h
index 8965c7c8bb03db59b52586f7dcf0c4323bb477b0..8426863a63962d120a3a90849768c8a8a42ea396 100644
--- a/rts/include/rts/Adjustor.h
+++ b/rts/include/rts/Adjustor.h
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
 #pragma once
 /* Creating and destroying an adjustor thunk */
-void* createAdjustor (int cconv,
-                      StgStablePtr hptr,
+void* createAdjustor (StgStablePtr hptr,
                       StgFunPtr wptr,
                       char *typeString);
diff --git a/rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h b/rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h
index 8ffb25fabf9f62c8509f7f832bdf275e4b0241c2..9809da1f8c05b633a988b933a8d01d84aab87394 100644
--- a/rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h
+++ b/rts/include/rts/OSThreads.h
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ EXTERN_INLINE int OS_TRY_ACQUIRE_LOCK(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
 /* We jump through a hoop here to get a CCall AcquireSRWLockExclusive
    and ReleaseSRWLockExclusive, as that's what C-- wants. */
-#define OS_ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "stdcall" AcquireSRWLockExclusive(mutex)
-#define OS_RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "stdcall" ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(mutex)
+#define OS_ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) ccall AcquireSRWLockExclusive((mutex) "ptr")
+#define OS_RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) ccall ReleaseSRWLockExclusive((mutex) "ptr")
 #define OS_ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ typedef DWORD OSThreadId;
 // many HANDLES to a given thread, so comparison would not work.
 typedef DWORD ThreadLocalKey;
-#define OSThreadProcAttr __stdcall
+#define OSThreadProcAttr
 #define INIT_COND_VAR  0
diff --git a/rts/js/mem.js b/rts/js/mem.js
index 3baf27ef759cbbd0689cc92500df2d50aab5cf23..c6dd2c14e44263a61b39b5791415c265aba43d63 100644
--- a/rts/js/mem.js
+++ b/rts/js/mem.js
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ function h$addExtraRoot() {
   // fixme
-function h$createAdjustor(cconv, stbl_d, stbl_o, lbl_d, lbl_o, typeStr_d, typeStr_o) {
+function h$createAdjustor(stbl_d, stbl_o, lbl_d, lbl_o, typeStr_d, typeStr_o) {
   // fixme shouldn't we just use stablePtr for this?
   var func    = lbl_d.arr[lbl_o];
   // var typeStr = h$decodeUtf8z(typeStr_d, typeStr_o);
diff --git a/rts/linker/PEi386.c b/rts/linker/PEi386.c
index 34acf463e87a6440f35e26f239fb23e9d80f8699..0b205f9d6e738624098ab2ebe9e8b5ecfd4da005 100644
--- a/rts/linker/PEi386.c
+++ b/rts/linker/PEi386.c
@@ -1131,7 +1131,6 @@ get_name_string (uint8_t* name, ObjectCode* oc)
-/* See Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme] */
 #if !defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
 static void
 zapTrailingAtSign ( SymbolName* sym )
@@ -1160,9 +1159,9 @@ lookupSymbolInDLL_PEi386 ( const SymbolName* lbl, HINSTANCE instance, pathchar*
     /* debugBelch("look in %ls for %s\n", dll_name, lbl); */
-    sym = GetProcAddress(instance, lbl+STRIP_LEADING_UNDERSCORE);
+    sym = GetProcAddress(instance, lbl);
     if (sym != NULL) {
-        /*debugBelch("found %s in %ls\n", lbl+STRIP_LEADING_UNDERSCORE,dll_name);*/
+        /*debugBelch("found %s in %ls\n", lbl, dll_name);*/
         return sym;
@@ -1176,7 +1175,7 @@ lookupSymbolInDLL_PEi386 ( const SymbolName* lbl, HINSTANCE instance, pathchar*
     if (sym == NULL && strncmp (lbl, "__imp_", 6) == 0) {
         sym = GetProcAddress(instance,
-                             lbl + 6 + STRIP_LEADING_UNDERSCORE);
+                             lbl + 6);
         if (sym != NULL) {
             SymbolAddr** indirect = m32_alloc(dependent->rw_m32, sizeof(SymbolAddr*), 8);
             if (indirect == NULL) {
@@ -1185,7 +1184,7 @@ lookupSymbolInDLL_PEi386 ( const SymbolName* lbl, HINSTANCE instance, pathchar*
             *indirect = sym;
               debugBelch("warning: %s from %S is linked instead of %s\n",
-                         lbl+6+STRIP_LEADING_UNDERSCORE, dll_name, lbl));
+                         lbl+6, dll_name, lbl));
             return (void*) indirect;
@@ -2326,7 +2325,6 @@ SymbolAddr *lookupSymbol_PEi386(SymbolName *lbl, ObjectCode *dependent, SymType
         SymbolAddr* sym;
-/* See Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme] */
 #if !defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
         zapTrailingAtSign ( lbl );
diff --git a/rts/linker/PEi386.h b/rts/linker/PEi386.h
index 384c50aee3d839db2ef1345bc9ce8798239f7b87..b1453c5d804a8096d080e7cbff4a45f6a0c6ebf7 100644
--- a/rts/linker/PEi386.h
+++ b/rts/linker/PEi386.h
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ bool ocVerifyImage_PEi386 ( ObjectCode* oc );
 SymbolAddr *lookupSymbol_PEi386(SymbolName *lbl, ObjectCode *dependent, SymType *type);
 SymbolAddr *lookupSymbolInDLL_PEi386 (const SymbolName* lbl, HINSTANCE instance, pathchar* dll_name, ObjectCode *dependent);
-/* See Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme] */
 /* We use myindex to calculate array addresses, rather than
    simply doing the normal subscript thing.  That's because
    some of the above structs have sizes which are not
@@ -151,27 +150,4 @@ uint8_t getSymNumberOfAuxSymbols ( COFF_HEADER_INFO *info, COFF_symbol* sym );
 uint16_t getSymType ( COFF_HEADER_INFO *info, COFF_symbol* sym );
 uint8_t* getSymShortName ( COFF_HEADER_INFO *info, COFF_symbol* sym );
-/* See Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme] */
-#if !defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-Note [mingw-w64 name decoration scheme]
-What's going on with name decoration? Well, original code
-have some crufty and ad-hocish paths related mostly to very old
-mingw gcc/binutils/runtime combinations. Now mingw-w64 offers pretty
-uniform and MS-compatible decoration scheme across its tools and runtime.
-The scheme is pretty straightforward: on 32 bit objects symbols are exported
-with underscore prepended (and @ + stack size suffix appended for stdcall
-functions), on 64 bits no underscore is prepended and no suffix is appended
-because we have no stdcall convention on 64 bits.
-See #9218
 #include "EndPrivate.h"
diff --git a/rts/win32/OSThreads.c b/rts/win32/OSThreads.c
index 2d2c59fa30830df4bc10f5eb2956d94e0c02e920..ab63b677f286be53c7cd6c147544e39e19650ee9 100644
--- a/rts/win32/OSThreads.c
+++ b/rts/win32/OSThreads.c
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ freeThreadLocalKey (ThreadLocalKey *key)
-static unsigned __stdcall
+static unsigned
 forkOS_createThreadWrapper ( void * entry )
     Capability *cap;