diff --git a/distrib/configure.ac.in b/distrib/configure.ac.in
index 777c5259c52cef3092df0e9bf17cee8be09c234e..5095af3ac2ffc81f51a67312cf2a6d49570a08b1 100644
--- a/distrib/configure.ac.in
+++ b/distrib/configure.ac.in
@@ -103,6 +103,17 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(distro-toolchain,
+if test "$HostOS" = "mingw32" -a "$EnableDistroToolchain" = "NO"; then
+  FP_SETUP_WINDOWS_TOOLCHAIN([$hardtop/mingw/], [\$\$topdir/../mingw/])
+if test "$HostOS" = "mingw32"; then
+    WindresCmd="$Windres"
+    AC_SUBST([WindresCmd])
+    AC_SUBST([GenlibCmd])
 dnl ** Which gcc to use?
 dnl --------------------------------------------------------------
 AC_PROG_CC([gcc clang])
@@ -288,6 +299,7 @@ if test "x$UseLibdw" = "xYES" ; then
diff --git a/hadrian/bindist/Makefile b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
index 32fa695d649ebb7947fd5379c0c98ed74ec7b755..fb34637fc6a05236acafdd4e25810c2e659974c9 100644
--- a/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
+++ b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
@@ -62,20 +62,29 @@ show:
 .PHONY: install
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-install_bin: install_mingw install_bin_direct
+ifeq "$(EnableDistroToolchain)" "NO"
+install_extra: install_mingw
+ifeq "$(RelocatableBuild)" "YES"
+install_bin: install_bin_direct
 install_bin: install_bin_libdir install_wrappers
-install: install_bin install_lib
+install: install_bin install_lib install_extra
 install: install_man install_docs update_package_db
 ifeq "$(RelocatableBuild)" "YES"
diff --git a/hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in b/hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in
index ab4ae7a90579350a70b530614d9cb6cf90c401ba..4a21d7d0e437401c2463be6265715940a2354b81 100644
--- a/hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in
+++ b/hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ $(eval $(call set_default,dvidir,$${docdir}))
 $(eval $(call set_default,pdfdir,$${docdir}))
 $(eval $(call set_default,psdir,$${docdir}))
+# On Windows we can only make a relocatable bindist because the normal install
+# script creates wrapper scripts which do not work on windows. Therefore we force
+# RelocatableBuild = YES here until/if that is ever fixed.
+ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "YES"
+RelocatableBuild = YES
 ifeq "$(RelocatableBuild)" "YES"
 # Hack: our directory layouts tend to be different on Windows, so
@@ -153,14 +160,6 @@ else
 GhcWithInterpreter=$(if $(findstring YES,$(DYNAMIC_GHC_PROGRAMS)),YES,NO)
-# On Windows we normally want to make a relocatable bindist, to we
-# ignore flags like libdir
-ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "YES"
-RelocatableBuild = YES
-RelocatableBuild = NO
 ifneq "$(DESTDIR)" ""
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
index 3b39ad1453a4d61b4155a415dcc64612f621be16..8cb7e9063cb99c428ebf09f3657c42b4b95eabce 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
@@ -229,16 +229,6 @@ bindistRules = do
         cmd_ (bindistFilesDir -/- "bin" -/- ghcPkgName) ["recache"]
-        -- The settings file must be regenerated by the bindist installation
-        -- logic to account for the environment discovered by the bindist
-        -- configure script on the host. Not on Windows, however, where
-        -- we do not ship a configure script with the bindist. See #20254.
-        --
-        -- N.B. we must do this after ghc-pkg has been run as it will go
-        -- looking for the settings files.
-        unless windowsHost $
-            removeFile (bindistFilesDir -/- "lib" -/- "settings")
         unless cross $ need ["docs"]
         -- TODO: we should only embed the docs that have been generated
@@ -272,37 +262,33 @@ bindistRules = do
         whenM (liftIO (IO.doesDirectoryExist (root -/- "manpage"))) $ do
           copyDirectory (root -/- "manpage") bindistFilesDir
-        -- These scripts are only necessary in the configure/install
-        -- workflow which is not supported on windows.
-        -- TODO: Instead of guarding against windows, we could offer the
-        -- option to make a relocatable, but not installable bindist on any
-        -- platform.
-        unless windowsHost $ do
-          -- We then 'need' all the files necessary to configure and install
-          -- (as in, './configure [...] && make install') this build on some
-          -- other machine.
-          need $ map (bindistFilesDir -/-)
-                    (["configure", "Makefile"] ++ bindistInstallFiles)
-          copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "bindist" -/- "config.mk.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "config.mk.in")
-          generateBuildMk >>= writeFile' (bindistFilesDir -/- "build.mk")
-          copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "cfg" -/- "default.target.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "default.target.in")
-          copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "cfg" -/- "default.host.target.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "default.host.target.in")
-          forM_ bin_targets $ \(pkg, _) -> do
-            needed_wrappers <- pkgToWrappers pkg
-            forM_ needed_wrappers $ \wrapper_name -> do
-              let suffix = if useGhcPrefix pkg
-                             then "ghc-" ++ version
-                             else version
-              wrapper_content <- wrapper wrapper_name
-              let unversioned_wrapper_path = bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers" -/- wrapper_name
-                  versioned_wrapper = wrapper_name ++ "-" ++ suffix
-                  versioned_wrapper_path = bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers" -/- versioned_wrapper
-              -- Write the wrapper to the versioned path
-              writeFile' versioned_wrapper_path wrapper_content
-              -- Create a symlink from the non-versioned to the versioned.
-              liftIO $ do
-                IO.removeFile unversioned_wrapper_path <|> return ()
-                IO.createFileLink versioned_wrapper unversioned_wrapper_path
+        -- We then 'need' all the files necessary to configure and install
+        -- (as in, './configure [...] && make install') this build on some
+        -- other machine.
+        need $ map (bindistFilesDir -/-)
+                  (["configure", "Makefile"] ++ bindistInstallFiles)
+        copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "bindist" -/- "config.mk.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "config.mk.in")
+        generateBuildMk >>= writeFile' (bindistFilesDir -/- "build.mk")
+        copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "cfg" -/- "default.target.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "default.target.in")
+        copyFile ("hadrian" -/- "cfg" -/- "default.host.target.in") (bindistFilesDir -/- "default.host.target.in")
+        -- todo: do we need these wrappers on windows
+        forM_ bin_targets $ \(pkg, _) -> do
+          needed_wrappers <- pkgToWrappers pkg
+          forM_ needed_wrappers $ \wrapper_name -> do
+            let suffix = if useGhcPrefix pkg
+                           then "ghc-" ++ version
+                           else version
+            wrapper_content <- wrapper wrapper_name
+            let unversioned_wrapper_path = bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers" -/- wrapper_name
+                versioned_wrapper = wrapper_name ++ "-" ++ suffix
+                versioned_wrapper_path = bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers" -/- versioned_wrapper
+            -- Write the wrapper to the versioned path
+            writeFile' versioned_wrapper_path wrapper_content
+            -- Create a symlink from the non-versioned to the versioned.
+            liftIO $ do
+              IO.removeFile unversioned_wrapper_path <|> return ()
+              IO.createFileLink versioned_wrapper unversioned_wrapper_path
     let buildBinDist = buildBinDistX "binary-dist-dir" "bindist"
         buildBinDistReloc = buildBinDistX "reloc-binary-dist-dir" "reloc-bindist"