diff --git a/libraries/base/src/Data/Bifunctor.hs b/libraries/base/src/Data/Bifunctor.hs
index d01917ffaa75c9e0cb58ec1419c33aa22e7550dc..e7a776cd995b7b9194d781ec98c2fdf27c25bbc0 100644
--- a/libraries/base/src/Data/Bifunctor.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/src/Data/Bifunctor.hs
@@ -39,9 +39,23 @@ import GHC.Generics ( K1(..) )
 -- Intuitively it is a bifunctor where both the first and second
 -- arguments are covariant.
+-- The class definition of a 'Bifunctor' @p@ uses the
+-- [QuantifiedConstraints](https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/exts/quantified_constraints.html)
+-- language extension to quantify over the first type
+-- argument @a@ in its context. The context requires that @p a@
+-- must be a 'Functor' for all @a@. In other words a partially
+-- applied 'Bifunctor' must be a 'Functor'. This makes 'Functor' a
+-- superclass of 'Bifunctor' such that a function with a
+-- 'Bifunctor' constraint may use 'fmap' in its implementation.
+-- 'Functor' has been a quantified superclass of
+-- 'Bifunctor' since base-
 -- You can define a 'Bifunctor' by either defining 'bimap' or by
--- defining both 'first' and 'second'. A partially applied 'Bifunctor'
--- must be a 'Functor' and the 'second' method must agree with 'fmap'.
+-- defining both 'first' and 'second'. The 'second' method must
+-- agree with 'fmap':
+-- @'second' ≡ 'fmap'@
 -- From this it follows that:
 -- @'second' 'id' ≡ 'id'@
@@ -69,8 +83,6 @@ import GHC.Generics ( K1(..) )
 -- 'second' (f '.' g) ≡ 'second' f '.' 'second' g
 -- @
--- Since 'Functor' is a superclass of 'Bifunctor.
 -- @since
 class (forall a. Functor (p a)) => Bifunctor p where
     {-# MINIMAL bimap | first, second #-}