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  • sheaf's avatar
    An API for inter-process communication via Handles · a6af24e9
    sheaf authored
    This commit adds the System.Process.CommunicationHandle module, which
    provides the cross-platform CommunicationHandle abstraction which allows
    Handles to be passed to child processes for inter-process communication.
    A high-level API is provided by the function
    `readCreateProcessWithExitCodeCommunicationHandle`, which can be
    consulted for further details about how the functionality is meant to be
    To test this functionality, we created a new "cli-child" executable
    component to the process-tests package. To work around Cabal bug #9854,
    it was necessary to change the build-type of the package to `Custom`, in
    order to make the "cli-child" executable visible when running the test-suite.
    The custom Setup.hs script contains more details about the problem.
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