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  • Javier Neira 's avatar
    Prepare 1.5.0 (#2361) · 311107ea
    Javier Neira authored
    * Use hackage version of czipwith
    * Update stack.yaml's
    * Remove source czipwith
    * Update index and clean cabal-ghc921.project
    * extra-1.7.9 has a breaking change so no way
    * Increase resources for circleci
    As for November 16, circleci has set a timeout of 1 hour for jobs in free plans
    Trying to increase resources to make the build faster as suggested by its support center
    * Use more threads reduce build times
    * Correct runs-on field
    * Update stack.yaml's
    * Dont fail fast if we are checking
    * Use ref_name to check it is a check
    * Bump patch version of brittany plugin
    * Allow newer base/th for czipwith
    * Add enough allow-newers to allow build the project
    Having all subpackages included in the `packages` field
    * Correct allow-newer's
    * Add missing cd's
    * Bump up ghcide to 1.5.0
    * Exclude pkgs not buildable with 9.0.1
    * Bum up plugins with changes versions
    * Bum up subpackages with changes versions
    * Bum up hls version to 1.5.0
    * Bump up haddock plugin version
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.