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  • duairc's avatar
    Added (more) missing instances for Identity and Const · 7b8beba7
    duairc authored
      * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Num`, `Real`, `Integral`,
        `Fractional`, `Floating`, `RealFrac` and `RealFloat` instances
      * `Identity` and `Const` now have `Bits` and `FiniteBits` instances
      * `Identity` and `Const` now have `IsString` instances
    Reviewers: RyanGlScott, austin, hvr, bgamari, ekmett
    Reviewed By: ekmett
    Subscribers: nomeata, ekmett, RyanGlScott, thomie
    Differential Revision:
    GHC Trac Issues: #11790
    (cherry picked from commit 8b57cac5)
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