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Commit 903b989b authored by Andreas Klebinger's avatar Andreas Klebinger
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Fix fma warning when using llvm on aarch64.

On aarch64 fma is always on so the +fma flag doesn't exist for that
target. Hence no need to try and pass +fma to llvm.

Fixes #24379
parent 699da01b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -950,6 +950,7 @@ llvmOptions llvm_config dflags =
| otherwise = "static"
platform = targetPlatform dflags
arch = platformArch platform
attrs :: String
attrs = intercalate "," $ mattr
......@@ -962,7 +963,8 @@ llvmOptions llvm_config dflags =
++ ["+avx512cd"| isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ]
++ ["+avx512er"| isAvx512erEnabled dflags ]
++ ["+avx512pf"| isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
++ ["+fma" | isFmaEnabled dflags ]
-- For Arch64 +fma is not a option (it's unconditionally available).
++ ["+fma" | isFmaEnabled dflags && (arch /= ArchAArch64) ]
++ ["+bmi" | isBmiEnabled dflags ]
++ ["+bmi2" | isBmi2Enabled dflags ]
0% or .
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