Disable split sections on aarch64-deb10 build
See #22722 Failure on this job: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/jobs/1287852 ``` Unexpected failures: /builds/ghc/ghc/tmp/ghctest-s3d8g1hj/test spaces/testsuite/tests/th/T10828.run T10828 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp) /builds/ghc/ghc/tmp/ghctest-s3d8g1hj/test spaces/testsuite/tests/th/T13123.run T13123 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp) /builds/ghc/ghc/tmp/ghctest-s3d8g1hj/test spaces/testsuite/tests/th/T20590.run T20590 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp) Appending 232 stats to file: /builds/ghc/ghc/performance-metrics.tsv ``` ``` Compile failed (exit code 1) errors were: data family D_0 a_1 :: * -> * data instance D_0 GHC.Types.Int GHC.Types.Bool :: * where DInt_2 :: D_0 GHC.Types.Int GHC.Types.Bool data E_3 where MkE_4 :: a_5 -> E_3 data Foo_6 a_7 b_8 where MkFoo_9, MkFoo'_10 :: a_11 -> Foo_6 a_11 b_12 newtype Bar_13 :: * -> GHC.Types.Bool -> * where MkBar_14 :: a_15 -> Bar_13 a_15 b_16 data T10828.T (a_0 :: *) where T10828.MkT :: forall (a_1 :: *) . a_1 -> a_1 -> T10828.T a_1 T10828.MkC :: forall (a_2 :: *) (b_3 :: *) . (GHC.Types.~) a_2 GHC.Types.Int => {T10828.foo :: a_2, T10828.bar :: b_3} -> T10828.T GHC.Types.Int T10828.hs:1:1: error: [GHC-87897] Exception when trying to run compile-time code: ghc-iserv terminated (-4) Code: (do TyConI dec <- runQ $ reify (mkName "T") runIO $ putStrLn (pprint dec) >> hFlush stdout d <- runQ $ [d| data T' a :: Type where MkT' :: a -> a -> T' a MkC' :: forall a b. (a ~ Int) => {foo :: a, bar :: b} -> T' Int |] runIO $ putStrLn (pprint d) >> hFlush stdout ....) *** unexpected failure for T10828(ext-interp) =====> 7000 of 9215 [0, 1, 0] =====> 7000 of 9215 [0, 1, 0] =====> 7000 of 9215 [0, 1, 0] =====> 7000 of 9215 [0, 1, 0] Compile failed (exit code 1) errors were: T13123.hs:1:1: error: [GHC-87897] Exception when trying to run compile-time code: ghc-iserv terminated (-4) Code: ([d| data GADT where MkGADT :: forall k proxy (a :: k). proxy a -> GADT |]) *** unexpected failure for T13123(ext-interp) =====> 7100 of 9215 [0, 2, 0] =====> 7100 of 9215 [0, 2, 0] =====> 7200 of 9215 [0, 2, 0] Compile failed (exit code 1) errors were: T20590.hs:1:1: error: [GHC-87897] Exception when trying to run compile-time code: ghc-iserv terminated (-4) Code: ([d| data T where MkT :: forall a. a -> T |]) *** unexpected failure for T20590(ext-interp) ``` Looks fairly worrying to me.
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