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Commit 44616f4e authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1997-09-04 20:05:55 by sof]

tidy up; bug fix for poly-case
parent 23948660
Branches wip/T19847
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......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import BinderInfo ( BinderInfo{-instance Outputable-} )
import CmdLineOpts ( CoreToDo(..), SimplifierSwitch(..), switchIsOn,
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import CoreUtils ( coreExprType )
import SimplUtils ( etaCoreExpr, typeOkForCase )
import CoreUnfold
import Literal ( Literal(..), literalType, mkMachInt )
import ErrUtils ( ghcExit )
import ErrUtils ( ghcExit, dumpIfSet, doIfSet )
import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap )
import FloatIn ( floatInwards )
import FloatOut ( floatOutwards )
......@@ -58,7 +59,9 @@ import Type ( maybeAppDataTyCon, isPrimType, SYN_IE(Type) )
import TysWiredIn ( stringTy, isIntegerTy )
import LiberateCase ( liberateCase )
import MagicUFs ( MagicUnfoldingFun )
import Outputable ( PprStyle(..), Outputable(..){-instance * (,) -} )
import Outputable ( pprDumpStyle, printErrs,
PprStyle(..), Outputable(..){-instance * (,) -}
import PprCore
import PprType ( GenType{-instance Outputable-}, GenTyVar{-ditto-},
......@@ -100,7 +103,6 @@ import DefUtils ( deforestable )
core2core :: [CoreToDo] -- spec of what core-to-core passes to do
-> FAST_STRING -- module name (profiling only)
-> PprStyle -- printing style (for debugging only)
-> UniqSupply -- a name supply
-> [TyCon] -- local data tycons and tycon specialisations
-> FiniteMap TyCon [(Bool, [Maybe Type])]
......@@ -109,13 +111,8 @@ core2core :: [CoreToDo] -- spec of what core-to-core passes to do
([CoreBinding], -- results: program, plus...
SpecialiseData) -- specialisation data
core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
= -- Print heading
(if opt_D_verbose_core2core then
hPutStr stderr "VERBOSE CORE-TO-CORE:\n"
else return ()) >>
-- Do the main business
core2core core_todos module_name us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
= -- Do the main business
foldl_mn do_core_pass
(binds, us, init_specdata, zeroSimplCount)
......@@ -123,32 +120,27 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
-- Do the final tidy-up
final_binds = core_linter "TidyCorePgm" True $
tidyCorePgm module_name processed_binds
final_binds = tidyCorePgm module_name processed_binds
lintCoreBindings "TidyCorePgm" True final_binds >>
-- Dump output
dumpIfSet (opt_D_dump_simpl || opt_D_verbose_core2core)
"Core transformations"
(pprCoreBindings pprDumpStyle final_binds) >>
-- Report statistics
(if opt_D_simplifier_stats then
hPutStr stderr ("\nSimplifier Stats:\n") >>
hPutStr stderr (showSimplCount simpl_stats) >>
hPutStr stderr "\n"
else return ()) >>
doIfSet opt_D_simplifier_stats
(hPutStr stderr ("\nSimplifier Stats:\n") >>
hPutStr stderr (showSimplCount simpl_stats) >>
hPutStr stderr "\n") >>
-- Return results
return (final_binds, spec_data)
init_specdata = initSpecData local_tycons tycon_specs
core_linter what spec_done
= if opt_DoCoreLinting
then (if opt_D_show_passes then
trace ("\n*** Core Lint result of " ++ what)
else id
lintCoreBindings ppr_style what spec_done
else id
do_core_pass info@(binds, us, spec_data, simpl_stats) to_do =
case (splitUniqSupply us) of
......@@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
then " (foldr/build)" else "") >>
case (simplifyPgm binds simpl_sw_chkr simpl_stats us1) of
(p, it_cnt, simpl_stats2)
-> end_pass False us2 p spec_data simpl_stats2
-> end_pass us2 p spec_data simpl_stats2
("Simplify (" ++ show it_cnt ++ ")"
++ if switchIsOn simpl_sw_chkr SimplDoFoldrBuild
then " foldr/build" else "")
......@@ -169,37 +161,37 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
-> _scc_ "CoreDoFoldrBuildWorkerWrapper"
begin_pass "FBWW" >>
case (mkFoldrBuildWW us1 binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FBWW" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FBWW" }
-> _scc_ "CoreDoFoldrBuildWWAnal"
begin_pass "AnalFBWW" >>
case (analFBWW binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "AnalFBWW" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "AnalFBWW" }
-> _scc_ "LiberateCase"
begin_pass "LiberateCase" >>
case (liberateCase opt_LiberateCaseThreshold binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "LiberateCase" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "LiberateCase" }
-> _scc_ "FloatInwards"
begin_pass "FloatIn" >>
case (floatInwards binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FloatIn" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FloatIn" }
-> _scc_ "CoreFloating"
begin_pass "FloatOut" >>
case (floatOutwards us1 binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FloatOut" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "FloatOut" }
-> _scc_ "CoreStaticArgs"
begin_pass "StaticArgs" >>
case (doStaticArgs binds us1) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "StaticArgs" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "StaticArgs" }
-- Binds really should be dependency-analysed for static-
-- arg transformation... Not to worry, they probably are.
-- (I don't think it *dies* if they aren't [WDP 94/04/15])
......@@ -208,7 +200,7 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
-> _scc_ "CoreStranal"
begin_pass "StrAnal" >>
case (saWwTopBinds us1 binds) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "StrAnal" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "StrAnal" }
-> _scc_ "Specialise"
......@@ -218,20 +210,16 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs)) ->
-- if we got errors, we die straight away
(if not spec_noerrs ||
(opt_ShowImportSpecs && not (isEmptyBag spec_warn)) then
hPutStr stderr (show
doIfSet ((not spec_noerrs) ||
(opt_ShowImportSpecs && not (isEmptyBag spec_warn)))
(pprSpecErrs module_name spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs))
>> hPutStr stderr "\n"
return ()) >>
(if not spec_noerrs then -- Stop here if specialisation errors occured
ghcExit 1
return ()) >>
doIfSet (not spec_noerrs) -- Stop here if specialisation errors occured
(ghcExit 1) >>
end_pass False us2 p spec_data2 simpl_stats "Specialise"
end_pass us2 p spec_data2 simpl_stats "Specialise"
......@@ -241,43 +229,37 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
-> _scc_ "Deforestation"
begin_pass "Deforestation" >>
case (deforestProgram binds us1) of { binds2 ->
end_pass False us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "Deforestation" }
end_pass us2 binds2 spec_data simpl_stats "Deforestation" }
CoreDoPrintCore -- print result of last pass
-> end_pass True us2 binds spec_data simpl_stats "Print"
-> dumpIfSet (not opt_D_verbose_core2core) "Print Core"
(pprCoreBindings pprDumpStyle binds) >>
return (binds, us1, spec_data, simpl_stats)
begin_pass what
= if opt_D_show_passes
then \ what -> hPutStr stderr ("*** Core2Core: "++what++"\n")
else \ what -> return ()
then hPutStr stderr ("*** Core2Core: "++what++"\n")
else return ()
end_pass print us2 binds2
end_pass us2 binds2
spec_data2@(SpecData spec_done _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
simpl_stats2 what
= -- report verbosely, if required
(if (opt_D_verbose_core2core && not print) ||
(print && not opt_D_verbose_core2core)
hPutStr stderr ("\n*** "++what++":\n")
hPutStr stderr (show
(vcat (map (pprCoreBinding ppr_style) binds2)))
hPutStr stderr "\n"
return ()) >>
linted_binds = core_linter what spec_done binds2
= -- Report verbosely, if required
dumpIfSet opt_D_verbose_core2core what
(pprCoreBindings pprDumpStyle binds2) >>
lintCoreBindings what spec_done binds2 >>
(linted_binds, -- processed binds, possibly run thru CoreLint
us2, -- UniqSupply for the next guy
spec_data2, -- possibly-updated specialisation info
simpl_stats2 -- accumulated simplifier stats
(binds2, -- processed binds, possibly run thru CoreLint
us2, -- UniqSupply for the next guy
spec_data2, -- possibly-updated specialisation info
simpl_stats2 -- accumulated simplifier stats
-- here so it can be inlined...
foldl_mn f z [] = return z
......@@ -564,7 +546,8 @@ tidyCoreExpr (Case scrut (AlgAlts [] (BindDefault deflt_bndr rhs)))
| not (typeOkForCase (idType deflt_bndr))
= pprTrace "Warning: discarding polymorphic case:" (ppr PprDebug scrut) $
case scrut of
Var v -> extendEnvTM deflt_bndr v (tidyCoreExpr rhs)
Var v -> lookupId v `thenTM` \ v' ->
extendEnvTM deflt_bndr v' (tidyCoreExpr rhs)
other -> tidyCoreExpr (Let (NonRec deflt_bndr scrut) rhs)
tidyCoreExpr (Case scrut alts)
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