-- TH.Lib contains lots of useful helper functions for
-- generating and manipulating Template Haskell terms
module Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (
-- All of the exports from this module should
-- be "public" functions. The main module TH
-- re-exports them all.
-- * Library functions
-- ** Abbreviations
InfoQ, ExpQ, TExpQ, DecQ, DecsQ, ConQ, TypeQ, TyLitQ, CxtQ, PredQ,
DerivClauseQ, MatchQ, ClauseQ, BodyQ, GuardQ, StmtQ, RangeQ,
SourceStrictnessQ, SourceUnpackednessQ, BangQ, BangTypeQ, VarBangTypeQ,
StrictTypeQ, VarStrictTypeQ, FieldExpQ, PatQ, FieldPatQ, RuleBndrQ,
TySynEqnQ, PatSynDirQ, PatSynArgsQ,
-- ** Constructors lifted to 'Q'
-- *** Literals
intPrimL, wordPrimL, floatPrimL, doublePrimL, integerL, rationalL,
charL, stringL, stringPrimL, charPrimL,
-- *** Patterns
litP, varP, tupP, unboxedTupP, unboxedSumP, conP, uInfixP, parensP,
infixP, tildeP, bangP, asP, wildP, recP,
listP, sigP, viewP,
-- *** Pattern Guards
normalB, guardedB, normalG, normalGE, patG, patGE, match, clause,
-- *** Expressions
dyn, varE, unboundVarE, conE, litE, appE, appTypeE, uInfixE, parensE,
staticE, infixE, infixApp, sectionL, sectionR,
lamE, lam1E, lamCaseE, tupE, unboxedTupE, unboxedSumE, condE, multiIfE,
letE, caseE, appsE, listE, sigE, recConE, recUpdE, stringE, fieldExp,
-- **** Ranges
fromE, fromThenE, fromToE, fromThenToE,
-- ***** Ranges with more indirection
fromR, fromThenR, fromToR, fromThenToR,
-- **** Statements
doE, compE,
bindS, letS, noBindS, parS,
-- *** Types
forallT, varT, conT, appT, arrowT, infixT, uInfixT, parensT, equalityT,
listT, tupleT, unboxedTupleT, unboxedSumT, sigT, litT, wildCardT,
promotedT, promotedTupleT, promotedNilT, promotedConsT,
-- **** Type literals
numTyLit, strTyLit,
-- **** Strictness
noSourceUnpackedness, sourceNoUnpack, sourceUnpack,
noSourceStrictness, sourceLazy, sourceStrict,
isStrict, notStrict, unpacked,
bang, bangType, varBangType, strictType, varStrictType,
-- **** Class Contexts
cxt, classP, equalP,
-- **** Constructors
normalC, recC, infixC, forallC, gadtC, recGadtC,
-- *** Kinds
varK, conK, tupleK, arrowK, listK, appK, starK, constraintK,
-- *** Type variable binders
plainTV, kindedTV,
-- *** Roles
nominalR, representationalR, phantomR, inferR,
-- *** Top Level Declarations
-- **** Data
valD, funD, tySynD, dataD, newtypeD,
derivClause, DerivClause(..), DerivStrategy(..),
-- **** Class
classD, instanceD, instanceWithOverlapD, Overlap(..),
sigD, standaloneDerivD, standaloneDerivWithStrategyD, defaultSigD,
-- **** Role annotations
-- **** Type Family / Data Family
dataFamilyD, openTypeFamilyD, closedTypeFamilyD, dataInstD,
familyNoKindD, familyKindD, closedTypeFamilyNoKindD, closedTypeFamilyKindD,
newtypeInstD, tySynInstD,
typeFam, dataFam, tySynEqn, injectivityAnn, noSig, kindSig, tyVarSig,
-- **** Fixity
infixLD, infixRD, infixND,
-- **** Foreign Function Interface (FFI)
cCall, stdCall, cApi, prim, javaScript,
unsafe, safe, interruptible, forImpD,
-- **** Functional dependencies
-- **** Pragmas
ruleVar, typedRuleVar,
valueAnnotation, typeAnnotation, moduleAnnotation,
pragInlD, pragSpecD, pragSpecInlD, pragSpecInstD, pragRuleD, pragAnnD,
pragLineD, pragCompleteD,
-- **** Pattern Synonyms
patSynD, patSynSigD, unidir, implBidir, explBidir, prefixPatSyn,
infixPatSyn, recordPatSyn,
-- ** Reify
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Role, InjectivityAnn)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Control.Monad( liftM, liftM2 )
type InfoQ = Q Info
type PatQ = Q Pat
type FieldPatQ = Q FieldPat
type ExpQ = Q Exp
type TExpQ a = Q (TExp a)
type DecQ = Q Dec
type DecsQ = Q [Dec]
type ConQ = Q Con
type TypeQ = Q Type
type TyLitQ = Q TyLit
type CxtQ = Q Cxt
type PredQ = Q Pred
type MatchQ = Q Match
type ClauseQ = Q Clause
type BodyQ = Q Body
type GuardQ = Q Guard
type StmtQ = Q Stmt
type RangeQ = Q Range
type SourceStrictnessQ = Q SourceStrictness
type SourceUnpackednessQ = Q SourceUnpackedness
type BangQ = Q Bang
type BangTypeQ = Q BangType
type VarBangTypeQ = Q VarBangType
type StrictTypeQ = Q StrictType
type VarStrictTypeQ = Q VarStrictType
type FieldExpQ = Q FieldExp
type RuleBndrQ = Q RuleBndr
type TySynEqnQ = Q TySynEqn
type PatSynDirQ = Q PatSynDir
type PatSynArgsQ = Q PatSynArgs
-- must be defined here for DsMeta to find it
type Role = TH.Role
type InjectivityAnn = TH.InjectivityAnn
intPrimL :: Integer -> Lit
intPrimL = IntPrimL
wordPrimL :: Integer -> Lit
wordPrimL = WordPrimL
floatPrimL :: Rational -> Lit
floatPrimL = FloatPrimL
doublePrimL :: Rational -> Lit
doublePrimL = DoublePrimL
integerL :: Integer -> Lit
integerL = IntegerL
charL :: Char -> Lit
charL = CharL
charPrimL :: Char -> Lit
charPrimL = CharPrimL
stringL :: String -> Lit
stringL = StringL
stringPrimL = StringPrimL
rationalL :: Rational -> Lit
rationalL = RationalL
litP :: Lit -> PatQ
litP l = return (LitP l)
varP :: Name -> PatQ
varP v = return (VarP v)
tupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ
tupP ps = do { ps1 <- sequence ps; return (TupP ps1)}
unboxedTupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ
unboxedTupP ps = do { ps1 <- sequence ps; return (UnboxedTupP ps1)}
unboxedSumP :: PatQ -> SumAlt -> SumArity -> PatQ
unboxedSumP p alt arity = do { p1 <- p; return (UnboxedSumP p1 alt arity) }
conP :: Name -> [PatQ] -> PatQ
conP n ps = do ps' <- sequence ps
return (ConP n ps')
infixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ
infixP p1 n p2 = do p1' <- p1
p2' <- p2
return (InfixP p1' n p2')
uInfixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ
uInfixP p1 n p2 = do p1' <- p1
p2' <- p2
return (UInfixP p1' n p2')
parensP :: PatQ -> PatQ
parensP p = do p' <- p
return (ParensP p')
tildeP :: PatQ -> PatQ
tildeP p = do p' <- p
return (TildeP p')
bangP :: PatQ -> PatQ
bangP p = do p' <- p
return (BangP p')
asP :: Name -> PatQ -> PatQ
asP n p = do p' <- p
return (AsP n p')
wildP :: PatQ
wildP = return WildP
recP :: Name -> [FieldPatQ] -> PatQ
recP n fps = do fps' <- sequence fps
return (RecP n fps')
listP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ
listP ps = do ps' <- sequence ps
return (ListP ps')
sigP :: PatQ -> TypeQ -> PatQ
sigP p t = do p' <- p
t' <- t
return (SigP p' t')
viewP :: ExpQ -> PatQ -> PatQ
viewP e p = do e' <- e
p' <- p
return (ViewP e' p')
fieldPat :: Name -> PatQ -> FieldPatQ
fieldPat n p = do p' <- p
return (n, p')
bindS :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> StmtQ
bindS p e = liftM2 BindS p e
letS :: [DecQ] -> StmtQ
letS ds = do { ds1 <- sequence ds; return (LetS ds1) }
noBindS :: ExpQ -> StmtQ
noBindS e = do { e1 <- e; return (NoBindS e1) }
parS :: [[StmtQ]] -> StmtQ
parS sss = do { sss1 <- mapM sequence sss; return (ParS sss1) }
fromThenR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ
fromThenR x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (FromThenR a b) }
fromToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ
fromToR x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (FromToR a b) }
fromThenToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ
fromThenToR x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z;
normalB :: ExpQ -> BodyQ
normalB e = do { e1 <- e; return (NormalB e1) }
guardedB :: [Q (Guard,Exp)] -> BodyQ
guardedB ges = do { ges' <- sequence ges; return (GuardedB ges') }
normalG :: ExpQ -> GuardQ
normalG e = do { e1 <- e; return (NormalG e1) }
normalGE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp)
normalGE g e = do { g1 <- g; e1 <- e; return (NormalG g1, e1) }
patG :: [StmtQ] -> GuardQ
patG ss = do { ss' <- sequence ss; return (PatG ss') }
patGE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp)
patGE ss e = do { ss' <- sequence ss;
match :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> MatchQ
match p rhs ds = do { p' <- p;
r' <- rhs;
clause :: [PatQ] -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> ClauseQ
clause ps r ds = do { ps' <- sequence ps;
r' <- r;
-- | Dynamically binding a variable (unhygenic)
dyn s = return (VarE (mkName s))
varE :: Name -> ExpQ
varE s = return (VarE s)
conE :: Name -> ExpQ
conE s = return (ConE s)
litE :: Lit -> ExpQ
litE c = return (LitE c)
appE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
appE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (AppE a b)}
appTypeE :: ExpQ -> TypeQ -> ExpQ
appTypeE x t = do { a <- x; s <- t; return (AppTypeE a s) }
parensE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
parensE x = do { x' <- x; return (ParensE x') }
uInfixE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
uInfixE x s y = do { x' <- x; s' <- s; y' <- y;
return (UInfixE x' s' y') }
infixE :: Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ
infixE (Just x) s (Just y) = do { a <- x; s' <- s; b <- y;
return (InfixE (Just a) s' (Just b))}
infixE Nothing s (Just y) = do { s' <- s; b <- y;
return (InfixE Nothing s' (Just b))}
infixE (Just x) s Nothing = do { a <- x; s' <- s;
return (InfixE (Just a) s' Nothing)}
infixE Nothing s Nothing = do { s' <- s; return (InfixE Nothing s' Nothing) }
infixApp :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
infixApp x y z = infixE (Just x) y (Just z)
sectionL :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
sectionL x y = infixE (Just x) y Nothing
sectionR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
sectionR x y = infixE Nothing x (Just y)
lamE :: [PatQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
lamE ps e = do ps' <- sequence ps
e' <- e
return (LamE ps' e')
-- | Single-arg lambda
lam1E :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
lamCaseE :: [MatchQ] -> ExpQ
lamCaseE ms = sequence ms >>= return . LamCaseE
tupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
tupE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (TupE es1)}
unboxedTupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
unboxedTupE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (UnboxedTupE es1)}
unboxedSumE :: ExpQ -> SumAlt -> SumArity -> ExpQ
unboxedSumE e alt arity = do { e1 <- e; return (UnboxedSumE e1 alt arity) }
condE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
condE x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z; return (CondE a b c)}
multiIfE :: [Q (Guard, Exp)] -> ExpQ
multiIfE alts = sequence alts >>= return . MultiIfE
letE :: [DecQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
letE ds e = do { ds2 <- sequence ds; e2 <- e; return (LetE ds2 e2) }
caseE :: ExpQ -> [MatchQ] -> ExpQ
caseE e ms = do { e1 <- e; ms1 <- sequence ms; return (CaseE e1 ms1) }
doE ss = do { ss1 <- sequence ss; return (DoE ss1) }
compE ss = do { ss1 <- sequence ss; return (CompE ss1) }
arithSeqE r = do { r' <- r; return (ArithSeqE r') }
listE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
listE es = do { es1 <- sequence es; return (ListE es1) }
sigE :: ExpQ -> TypeQ -> ExpQ
sigE e t = do { e1 <- e; t1 <- t; return (SigE e1 t1) }
recConE :: Name -> [Q (Name,Exp)] -> ExpQ
recConE c fs = do { flds <- sequence fs; return (RecConE c flds) }
recUpdE :: ExpQ -> [Q (Name,Exp)] -> ExpQ
recUpdE e fs = do { e1 <- e; flds <- sequence fs; return (RecUpdE e1 flds) }
stringE :: String -> ExpQ
stringE = litE . stringL
fieldExp :: Name -> ExpQ -> Q (Name, Exp)
fieldExp s e = do { e' <- e; return (s,e') }
-- | @staticE x = [| static x |]@
staticE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
staticE = fmap StaticE
unboundVarE :: Name -> ExpQ
unboundVarE s = return (UnboundVarE s)
-- ** 'arithSeqE' Shortcuts
fromE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
fromE x = do { a <- x; return (ArithSeqE (FromR a)) }
fromThenE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (ArithSeqE (FromThenR a b)) }
fromToE x y = do { a <- x; b <- y; return (ArithSeqE (FromToR a b)) }
fromThenToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
fromThenToE x y z = do { a <- x; b <- y; c <- z;
valD :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ
do { p' <- p
; ds' <- sequence ds
funD :: Name -> [ClauseQ] -> DecQ
do { cs1 <- sequence cs
; return (FunD nm cs1)
tySynD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> TypeQ -> DecQ
tySynD tc tvs rhs = do { rhs1 <- rhs; return (TySynD tc tvs rhs1) }
dataD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> [ConQ] -> [DerivClauseQ]
-> DecQ
dataD ctxt tc tvs ksig cons derivs =
ctxt1 <- ctxt
cons1 <- sequence cons
return (DataD ctxt1 tc tvs ksig cons1 derivs1)
newtypeD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> ConQ -> [DerivClauseQ]
-> DecQ
newtypeD ctxt tc tvs ksig con derivs =
ctxt1 <- ctxt
con1 <- con
return (NewtypeD ctxt1 tc tvs ksig con1 derivs1)
classD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [FunDep] -> [DecQ] -> DecQ
decs1 <- sequence decs
ctxt1 <- ctxt
return $ ClassD ctxt1 cls tvs fds decs1
instanceD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ
instanceD = instanceWithOverlapD Nothing
instanceWithOverlapD :: Maybe Overlap -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ
instanceWithOverlapD o ctxt ty decs =
ctxt1 <- ctxt
decs1 <- sequence decs
ty1 <- ty
return $ InstanceD o ctxt1 ty1 decs1
sigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ
sigD fun ty = liftM (SigD fun) $ ty
forImpD :: Callconv -> Safety -> String -> Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ
forImpD cc s str n ty
= do ty' <- ty
return $ ForeignD (ImportF cc s str n ty')
infixLD :: Int -> Name -> DecQ
infixLD prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixL) nm)
infixRD :: Int -> Name -> DecQ
infixRD prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixR) nm)
infixND :: Int -> Name -> DecQ
infixND prec nm = return (InfixD (Fixity prec InfixN) nm)
pragInlD :: Name -> Inline -> RuleMatch -> Phases -> DecQ
pragInlD name inline rm phases
= return $ PragmaD $ InlineP name inline rm phases
pragSpecD :: Name -> TypeQ -> Phases -> DecQ
pragSpecD n ty phases
ty1 <- ty
return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseP n ty1 Nothing phases
pragSpecInlD :: Name -> TypeQ -> Inline -> Phases -> DecQ
pragSpecInlD n ty inline phases
= do
ty1 <- ty
return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseP n ty1 (Just inline) phases
pragSpecInstD :: TypeQ -> DecQ
pragSpecInstD ty
= do
ty1 <- ty
return $ PragmaD $ SpecialiseInstP ty1
pragRuleD :: String -> [RuleBndrQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Phases -> DecQ
pragRuleD n bndrs lhs rhs phases
= do
bndrs1 <- sequence bndrs
lhs1 <- lhs
rhs1 <- rhs
return $ PragmaD $ RuleP n bndrs1 lhs1 rhs1 phases
pragAnnD :: AnnTarget -> ExpQ -> DecQ
pragAnnD target expr
= do
exp1 <- expr
return $ PragmaD $ AnnP target exp1
pragLineD :: Int -> String -> DecQ
pragLineD line file = return $ PragmaD $ LineP line file
pragCompleteD :: [Name] -> Maybe Name -> DecQ
pragCompleteD cls mty = return $ PragmaD $ CompleteP cls mty
dataInstD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TypeQ] -> Maybe Kind -> [ConQ] -> [DerivClauseQ]
-> DecQ
dataInstD ctxt tc tys ksig cons derivs =
ctxt1 <- ctxt
tys1 <- sequence tys
cons1 <- sequence cons
return (DataInstD ctxt1 tc tys1 ksig cons1 derivs1)
newtypeInstD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [TypeQ] -> Maybe Kind -> ConQ -> [DerivClauseQ]
-> DecQ
newtypeInstD ctxt tc tys ksig con derivs =
ctxt1 <- ctxt
tys1 <- sequence tys
con1 <- con
return (NewtypeInstD ctxt1 tc tys1 ksig con1 derivs1)
tySynInstD :: Name -> TySynEqnQ -> DecQ
eqn1 <- eqn
return (TySynInstD tc eqn1)
dataFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Maybe Kind -> DecQ
dataFamilyD tc tvs kind
= return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs kind
openTypeFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> FamilyResultSig
-> Maybe InjectivityAnn -> DecQ
openTypeFamilyD tc tvs res inj
= return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs res inj)
closedTypeFamilyD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> FamilyResultSig
-> Maybe InjectivityAnn -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ
closedTypeFamilyD tc tvs result injectivity eqns =
do eqns1 <- sequence eqns
return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs result injectivity) eqns1)
-- These were deprecated in GHC 8.0 with a plan to remove them in 8.2. If you
-- remove this check please also:
-- 1. remove deprecated functions
-- 2. remove CPP language extension from top of this module
-- 3. remove the FamFlavour data type from Syntax module
-- 4. make sure that all references to FamFlavour are gone from DsMeta,
-- Convert, TcSplice (follows from 3)
#error Remove deprecated familyNoKindD, familyKindD, closedTypeFamilyNoKindD and closedTypeFamilyKindD
{-# DEPRECATED familyNoKindD, familyKindD
"This function will be removed in the next stable release. Use openTypeFamilyD/dataFamilyD instead." #-}
familyNoKindD :: FamFlavour -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> DecQ
familyNoKindD flav tc tvs =
case flav of
TypeFam -> return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs NoSig Nothing)
DataFam -> return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs Nothing
familyKindD :: FamFlavour -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Kind -> DecQ
familyKindD flav tc tvs k =
case flav of
TypeFam ->
return $ OpenTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs (KindSig k) Nothing)
DataFam -> return $ DataFamilyD tc tvs (Just k)
{-# DEPRECATED closedTypeFamilyNoKindD, closedTypeFamilyKindD
"This function will be removed in the next stable release. Use closedTypeFamilyD instead." #-}
closedTypeFamilyNoKindD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ
closedTypeFamilyNoKindD tc tvs eqns =
return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs NoSig Nothing) eqns1)
closedTypeFamilyKindD :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Kind -> [TySynEqnQ] -> DecQ
closedTypeFamilyKindD tc tvs kind eqns =
return (ClosedTypeFamilyD (TypeFamilyHead tc tvs (KindSig kind) Nothing)
roleAnnotD :: Name -> [Role] -> DecQ
roleAnnotD name roles = return $ RoleAnnotD name roles
standaloneDerivD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> DecQ
standaloneDerivD = standaloneDerivWithStrategyD Nothing
standaloneDerivWithStrategyD :: Maybe DerivStrategy -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> DecQ
standaloneDerivWithStrategyD ds ctxtq tyq =
ctxt <- ctxtq
ty <- tyq
defaultSigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ
defaultSigD n tyq =
ty <- tyq
return $ DefaultSigD n ty
-- | Pattern synonym declaration
patSynD :: Name -> PatSynArgsQ -> PatSynDirQ -> PatQ -> DecQ
patSynD name args dir pat = do
args' <- args
dir' <- dir
pat' <- pat
return (PatSynD name args' dir' pat')
-- | Pattern synonym type signature
patSynSigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ
patSynSigD nm ty =
do ty' <- ty
return $ PatSynSigD nm ty'
tySynEqn :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> TySynEqnQ
tySynEqn lhs rhs =
lhs1 <- sequence lhs
return (TySynEqn lhs1 rhs1)
derivClause :: Maybe DerivStrategy -> [PredQ] -> DerivClauseQ
derivClause ds p = do p' <- cxt p
return $ DerivClause ds p'
normalC :: Name -> [BangTypeQ] -> ConQ
normalC con strtys = liftM (NormalC con) $ sequence strtys
recC :: Name -> [VarBangTypeQ] -> ConQ
recC con varstrtys = liftM (RecC con) $ sequence varstrtys
infixC :: Q (Bang, Type) -> Name -> Q (Bang, Type) -> ConQ
infixC st1 con st2 = do st1' <- st1
st2' <- st2
return $ InfixC st1' con st2'
forallC :: [TyVarBndr] -> CxtQ -> ConQ -> ConQ
forallC ns ctxt con = liftM2 (ForallC ns) ctxt con
gadtC :: [Name] -> [StrictTypeQ] -> TypeQ -> ConQ
gadtC cons strtys ty = liftM2 (GadtC cons) (sequence strtys) ty
recGadtC :: [Name] -> [VarStrictTypeQ] -> TypeQ -> ConQ
recGadtC cons varstrtys ty = liftM2 (RecGadtC cons) (sequence varstrtys) ty
forallT :: [TyVarBndr] -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
forallT tvars ctxt ty = do
ctxt1 <- ctxt
ty1 <- ty
return $ ForallT tvars ctxt1 ty1
varT :: Name -> TypeQ
varT = return . VarT
conT :: Name -> TypeQ
conT = return . ConT
infixT :: TypeQ -> Name -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
infixT t1 n t2 = do t1' <- t1
t2' <- t2
return (InfixT t1' n t2')
uInfixT :: TypeQ -> Name -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
uInfixT t1 n t2 = do t1' <- t1
t2' <- t2
return (UInfixT t1' n t2')
parensT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ
parensT t = do t' <- t
return (ParensT t')
appT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
appT t1 t2 = do
t1' <- t1
t2' <- t2
return $ AppT t1' t2'
arrowT :: TypeQ
arrowT = return ArrowT
listT :: TypeQ
listT = return ListT
litT :: TyLitQ -> TypeQ
litT l = fmap LitT l
tupleT :: Int -> TypeQ
tupleT i = return (TupleT i)
unboxedTupleT :: Int -> TypeQ
unboxedTupleT i = return (UnboxedTupleT i)
unboxedSumT :: SumArity -> TypeQ
unboxedSumT arity = return (UnboxedSumT arity)
sigT :: TypeQ -> Kind -> TypeQ
sigT t k
= do
t' <- t
return $ SigT t' k
equalityT :: TypeQ
equalityT = return EqualityT
{-# DEPRECATED classP "As of template-haskell-2.10, constraint predicates (Pred) are just types (Type), in keeping with ConstraintKinds. Please use 'conT' and 'appT'." #-}
classP :: Name -> [Q Type] -> Q Pred
classP cla tys
= do
tysl <- sequence tys
return (foldl AppT (ConT cla) tysl)
{-# DEPRECATED equalP "As of template-haskell-2.10, constraint predicates (Pred) are just types (Type), in keeping with ConstraintKinds. Please see 'equalityT'." #-}
equalP :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> PredQ
equalP tleft tright
= do
tleft1 <- tleft
tright1 <- tright
eqT <- equalityT
return (foldl AppT eqT [tleft1, tright1])
promotedT :: Name -> TypeQ
promotedT = return . PromotedT
promotedTupleT :: Int -> TypeQ
promotedTupleT i = return (PromotedTupleT i)
promotedNilT :: TypeQ
promotedNilT = return PromotedNilT
promotedConsT :: TypeQ
promotedConsT = return PromotedConsT
noSourceUnpackedness, sourceNoUnpack, sourceUnpack :: SourceUnpackednessQ
noSourceUnpackedness = return NoSourceUnpackedness
sourceNoUnpack = return SourceNoUnpack
sourceUnpack = return SourceUnpack
noSourceStrictness, sourceLazy, sourceStrict :: SourceStrictnessQ
noSourceStrictness = return NoSourceStrictness
sourceLazy = return SourceLazy
sourceStrict = return SourceStrict
{-# DEPRECATED isStrict
["Use 'bang'. See ",
"Example usage: 'bang noSourceUnpackedness sourceStrict'"] #-}
{-# DEPRECATED notStrict
["Use 'bang'. See ",
"Example usage: 'bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness'"] #-}
{-# DEPRECATED unpacked
["Use 'bang'. See ",
"Example usage: 'bang sourceUnpack sourceStrict'"] #-}
isStrict, notStrict, unpacked :: Q Strict
isStrict = bang noSourceUnpackedness sourceStrict
notStrict = bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness
unpacked = bang sourceUnpack sourceStrict
bang :: SourceUnpackednessQ -> SourceStrictnessQ -> BangQ
bang u s = do u' <- u
s' <- s
return (Bang u' s')
bangType :: BangQ -> TypeQ -> BangTypeQ
bangType = liftM2 (,)
varBangType :: Name -> BangTypeQ -> VarBangTypeQ
varBangType v bt = do (b, t) <- bt
return (v, b, t)
{-# DEPRECATED strictType
"As of @template-haskell-, 'StrictType' has been replaced by 'BangType'. Please use 'bangType' instead." #-}
strictType :: Q Strict -> TypeQ -> StrictTypeQ
{-# DEPRECATED varStrictType
"As of @template-haskell-, 'VarStrictType' has been replaced by 'VarBangType'. Please use 'varBangType' instead." #-}
varStrictType :: Name -> StrictTypeQ -> VarStrictTypeQ
varStrictType = varBangType
numTyLit :: Integer -> TyLitQ
numTyLit n = if n >= 0 then return (NumTyLit n)
else fail ("Negative type-level number: " ++ show n)
strTyLit :: String -> TyLitQ
strTyLit s = return (StrTyLit s)
plainTV :: Name -> TyVarBndr
plainTV = PlainTV
kindedTV :: Name -> Kind -> TyVarBndr
kindedTV = KindedTV
varK :: Name -> Kind
varK = VarT
conK :: Name -> Kind
conK = ConT
tupleK :: Int -> Kind
tupleK = TupleT
arrowK :: Kind
arrowK = ArrowT
listK :: Kind
listK = ListT
appK :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind
appK = AppT
starK = StarT
constraintK :: Kind
constraintK = ConstraintT
-- * Type family result
noSig :: FamilyResultSig
noSig = NoSig
kindSig :: Kind -> FamilyResultSig
kindSig = KindSig
tyVarSig :: TyVarBndr -> FamilyResultSig
tyVarSig = TyVarSig
-- * Injectivity annotation
injectivityAnn :: Name -> [Name] -> InjectivityAnn
injectivityAnn = TH.InjectivityAnn
-- * Role
nominalR, representationalR, phantomR, inferR :: Role
nominalR = NominalR
representationalR = RepresentationalR
phantomR = PhantomR
inferR = InferR
Luite Stegeman
cCall, stdCall, cApi, prim, javaScript :: Callconv
cCall = CCall
stdCall = StdCall
cApi = CApi
prim = Prim
javaScript = JavaScript
unsafe, safe, interruptible :: Safety
interruptible = Interruptible
funDep :: [Name] -> [Name] -> FunDep
funDep = FunDep
typeFam, dataFam :: FamFlavour
typeFam = TypeFam
dataFam = DataFam
-- * RuleBndr
ruleVar :: Name -> RuleBndrQ
ruleVar = return . RuleVar
typedRuleVar :: Name -> TypeQ -> RuleBndrQ
typedRuleVar n ty = ty >>= return . TypedRuleVar n
-- * AnnTarget
valueAnnotation :: Name -> AnnTarget
valueAnnotation = ValueAnnotation
typeAnnotation :: Name -> AnnTarget
typeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation
moduleAnnotation :: AnnTarget
moduleAnnotation = ModuleAnnotation
-- * Pattern Synonyms (sub constructs)
unidir, implBidir :: PatSynDirQ
unidir = return Unidir
implBidir = return ImplBidir
explBidir :: [ClauseQ] -> PatSynDirQ
explBidir cls = do
cls' <- sequence cls
return (ExplBidir cls')
prefixPatSyn :: [Name] -> PatSynArgsQ
prefixPatSyn args = return $ PrefixPatSyn args
recordPatSyn :: [Name] -> PatSynArgsQ
recordPatSyn sels = return $ RecordPatSyn sels
infixPatSyn :: Name -> Name -> PatSynArgsQ
infixPatSyn arg1 arg2 = return $ InfixPatSyn arg1 arg2
appsE [x] = x
appsE (x:y:zs) = appsE ( (appE x y) : zs )
-- | Return the Module at the place of splicing. Can be used as an
-- input for 'reifyModule'.
thisModule :: Q Module
thisModule = do
loc <- location
return $ Module (mkPkgName $ loc_package loc) (mkModName $ loc_module loc)