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Commit 2fbfbca2 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

Fix desugaring of pattern bindings (again)

This patch fixes Trac #12595.  The problem was with a
pattern binding like
     !x = e
For a start it's silly to match that pattern and build
a unit tuple (the General Case of mkSelectorBinds); but
that's what was happening because the bang fell through
to the general case.  But for a variable pattern building
any auxiliary bindings is stupid.  So the patch
introduces a new case in mkSelectorBinds for variable

Then it turned out that if 'e' was a plain variable, and
moreover was imported GlobalId, then matchSinglePat made
it a /bound/ variable, which should never happen.  That
ultimately caused a linker error, but the original bug
was much earlier.
parent 0b533a25
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......@@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ dsHsBind dflags
= do { body_expr <- dsGuarded grhss ty
; let body' = mkOptTickBox rhs_tick body_expr
pat' = decideBangHood dflags pat
; (force_var,sel_binds) <-
mkSelectorBinds var_ticks pat body'
; (force_var,sel_binds) <- mkSelectorBinds var_ticks pat body'
-- We silently ignore inline pragmas; no makeCorePair
-- Not so cool, but really doesn't matter
; let force_var' = if isBangedLPat pat'
......@@ -597,23 +597,14 @@ in a binding group:
where p binds x,y (this list of binders can be empty).
There are two cases.
General case (A).
In the general case we generate these bindings (A)
{ t = case e of p -> (x,y)
; x = case t of (x,y) -> x
; y = case t of (x,y) -> y }
and we return 't' as the variable to force if the pattern
is strict. So with -XStrict or an outermost-bang-pattern, the binding
let p = e in body
would turn into
let { t = case e of p -> (x,y)
; x = case t of (x,y) -> x
; y = case t of (x,y) -> y }
in t `seq` t
------ Special case (A) -------
For a pattern that is just a variable,
let !x = e in body
let x = e in x `seq` body
So we return the binding, with 'x' as the variable to seq.
Special case (B).
------ Special case (B) -------
For a pattern that is essentially just a tuple:
* A product type, so cannot fail
* Only one level, so that
......@@ -625,7 +616,38 @@ Special case (B).
; y = case v of p -> y }
with 'v' as the variable to force
------ General case (C) -------
In the general case we generate these bindings:
let { ...; p = e; ... } in body
let { t = case e of p -> (x,y)
; x = case t of (x,y) -> x
; y = case t of (x,y) -> y }
in t `seq` body
Note that we return 't' as the variable to force if the pattern
is strict (i.e. with -XStrict or an outermost-bang-pattern)
Note that (A) /includes/ the situation where
* The pattern binds exactly one variable
let !(Just (Just x) = e in body
let { t = case e of Just (Just v) -> Unit v
; v = case t of Unit v -> v }
in t `seq` body
The 'Unit' is a one-tuple; see Note [One-tuples] in TysWiredIn
Note that forcing 't' makes the pattern match happen,
but does not force 'v'.
* The pattern binds no variables
let !(True,False) = e in body
let t = case e of (True,False) -> ()
in t `seq` body
------ Examples ----------
* !(_, (_, a)) = e
t = case e of (_, (_, a)) -> Unit a
......@@ -708,14 +730,17 @@ mkSelectorBinds :: [[Tickish Id]] -- ^ ticks to add, possibly
-- and all the desugared binds
mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
| is_simple_lpat pat -- Special case (B)
= do { let pat_ty = hsLPatType pat
| L _ (VarPat (L _ v)) <- pat' -- Special case (A)
= return (v, [(v, val_expr)])
| is_flat_prod_lpat pat' -- Special case (B)
= do { let pat_ty = hsLPatType pat'
; val_var <- newSysLocalDs pat_ty
; let mk_bind scrut_var tick bndr_var
; let mk_bind tick bndr_var
-- (mk_bind sv bv) generates bv = case sv of { pat -> bv }
-- Remember, 'pat' binds 'bv'
= do { rhs_expr <- matchSimply (Var scrut_var) PatBindRhs pat
= do { rhs_expr <- matchSimply (Var val_var) PatBindRhs pat'
(Var bndr_var)
(Var bndr_var) -- Neat hack
-- Neat hack: since 'pat' can't fail, the
......@@ -724,12 +749,12 @@ mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
-- that bndr_var is just the ticket.
; return (bndr_var, mkOptTickBox tick rhs_expr) }
; binds <- zipWithM (mk_bind val_var) ticks' binders
; binds <- zipWithM mk_bind ticks' binders
; return ( val_var, (val_var, val_expr) : binds) }
| otherwise
| otherwise -- General case (C)
= do { tuple_var <- newSysLocalDs tuple_ty
; error_expr <- mkErrorAppDs iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID tuple_ty (ppr pat)
; error_expr <- mkErrorAppDs iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID tuple_ty (ppr pat')
; tuple_expr <- matchSimply val_expr PatBindRhs pat
local_tuple error_expr
; let mk_tup_bind tick binder
......@@ -739,30 +764,34 @@ mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
tup_binds = zipWith mk_tup_bind ticks' binders
; return (tuple_var, (tuple_var, tuple_expr) : tup_binds) }
binders = collectPatBinders pat
pat' = strip_bangs pat
-- Strip the bangs before looking for case (A) or (B)
-- The incoming pattern may well have a bang on it
binders = collectPatBinders pat'
ticks' = ticks ++ repeat []
local_binders = map localiseId binders -- See Note [Localise pattern binders]
local_tuple = mkBigCoreVarTup1 binders
tuple_ty = exprType local_tuple
is_simple_lpat :: LPat a -> Bool
is_simple_lpat p = is_simple_pat (unLoc p)
strip_bangs :: LPat a -> LPat a
-- Remove outermost bangs and parens
strip_bangs (L _ (ParPat p)) = strip_bangs p
strip_bangs (L _ (BangPat p)) = strip_bangs p
strip_bangs lp = lp
is_simple_pat :: Pat a -> Bool
is_simple_pat (VarPat _) = True
is_simple_pat (ParPat p) = is_simple_lpat p
is_simple_pat (TuplePat ps Boxed _) = all is_triv_lpat ps
is_simple_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con
, pat_args = ps}) = is_simple_con_pat con ps
is_simple_pat _ = False
is_flat_prod_lpat :: LPat a -> Bool
is_flat_prod_lpat p = is_flat_prod_pat (unLoc p)
is_simple_con_pat :: Located ConLike -> HsConPatDetails a -> Bool
is_simple_con_pat con args
= case con of
L _ (RealDataCon con) -> isProductTyCon (dataConTyCon con)
&& all is_triv_lpat (hsConPatArgs args)
L _ (PatSynCon {}) -> False
is_flat_prod_pat :: Pat a -> Bool
is_flat_prod_pat (ParPat p) = is_flat_prod_lpat p
is_flat_prod_pat (TuplePat ps Boxed _) = all is_triv_lpat ps
is_flat_prod_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ pcon, pat_args = ps})
| RealDataCon con <- pcon
, isProductTyCon (dataConTyCon con)
= all is_triv_lpat (hsConPatArgs ps)
is_flat_prod_pat _ = False
is_triv_lpat :: LPat a -> Bool
is_triv_lpat p = is_triv_pat (unLoc p)
......@@ -926,28 +955,25 @@ mkBinaryTickBox ixT ixF e = do
-- *******************************************************************
-- | Remove any bang from a pattern and say if it is a strict bind,
-- also make irrefutable patterns ordinary patterns if -XStrict.
-- | Use -XStrict to add a ! or remove a ~
-- Examples:
-- ~pat => False, pat -- when -XStrict
-- -- even if pat = ~pat'
-- ~pat => False, ~pat -- without -XStrict
-- ~(~pat) => False, ~pat -- when -XStrict
-- pat => True, pat -- when -XStrict
-- !pat => True, pat -- always
-- ~pat => pat -- when -XStrict (even if pat = ~pat')
-- !pat => !pat -- always
-- pat => !pat -- when -XStrict
-- pat => pat -- otherwise
decideBangHood :: DynFlags
-> LPat id -- ^ Original pattern
-> LPat id -- Pattern with bang if necessary
decideBangHood dflags lpat
| not (xopt LangExt.Strict dflags)
= lpat
| otherwise -- -XStrict
= go lpat
xstrict = xopt LangExt.Strict dflags
go lp@(L l p)
= case p of
ParPat p -> L l (ParPat (go p))
LazyPat lp' | xstrict -> lp'
BangPat _ -> lp
_ | xstrict -> L l (BangPat lp)
| otherwise -> lp
ParPat p -> L l (ParPat (go p))
LazyPat lp' -> lp'
BangPat _ -> lp
_ -> L l (BangPat lp)
......@@ -763,12 +763,27 @@ matchSimply scrut hs_ctx pat result_expr fail_expr = do
matchSinglePat :: CoreExpr -> HsMatchContext Name -> LPat Id
-> Type -> MatchResult -> DsM MatchResult
-- Do not warn about incomplete patterns
-- matchSinglePat does not warn about incomplete patterns
-- Used for things like [ e | pat <- stuff ], where
-- incomplete patterns are just fine
matchSinglePat (Var var) ctx pat ty match_result
| isLocalId var
= match_single_pat_var var ctx pat ty match_result
matchSinglePat scrut hs_ctx pat ty match_result
= do { var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL pat
; match_result' <- match_single_pat_var var hs_ctx pat ty match_result
; return (adjustMatchResult (bindNonRec var scrut) match_result') }
match_single_pat_var :: Id -> HsMatchContext Name -> LPat Id
-> Type -> MatchResult -> DsM MatchResult
-- matchSinglePat ensures that the scrutinee is a variable
-- and then calls match_single_pat_var
match_single_pat_var var ctx pat ty match_result
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; locn <- getSrcSpanDs
-- Pattern match check warnings
; checkSingle dflags (DsMatchContext ctx locn) var (unLoc pat)
......@@ -776,10 +791,6 @@ matchSinglePat (Var var) ctx pat ty match_result
, eqn_rhs = match_result }
; match [var] ty [eqn_info] }
matchSinglePat scrut hs_ctx pat ty match_result
= do { var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL pat
; match_result' <- matchSinglePat (Var var) hs_ctx pat ty match_result
; return (adjustMatchResult (bindNonRec var scrut) match_result') }
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Base
-- In Trac #12595 a bogus desugaring led (bizarrely)
-- to a top-level binding maxInt = maxInt
-- This test just checks that doesn't happen again
main = print (let !x = maxInt in even x)
......@@ -59,3 +59,4 @@ test('T11193', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
test('T11572', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
test('T11601', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
test('T11747', normal, compile_and_run, ['-dcore-lint'])
test('T12595', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
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