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  • bos's avatar
    Switch IO manager to a mutable hashtable · 28cf2e00
    bos authored and AndreasVoellmy's avatar AndreasVoellmy committed
    This data structure (IntTable) provides a similar API to its predecessor
    (IntMap), at half the number of lines in size.
    When tested in isolation using criterion, IntTable is much faster than
    IntMap: over 15x, according to my criterion benchmarks.
    This translates into a measurable improvement when used in the IO manager:
    using weighttp to benchmark acme-http under various configurations on two
    32-core Linux servers connected by a 10gbE network, I see between a 3%
    and 10% increase in requests served per second compared to IntMap.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndreas Voellmy <>