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Commit 805edf6e authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

Take 2 on the recursive-rule fix

This is another attempt to fix the interaction between recursion and
RULES.  I just had it wrong before!  Now the significance of the
flag on IAmALoopBreaker is given in BasicTypes

  | IAmALoopBreaker	-- Used by the occurrence analyser to mark loop-breakers
			-- in a group of recursive definitions
	!RulesOnly	-- True <=> This loop breaker mentions the other binders
			--	    in its recursive group only in its RULES, not
			--	    in its rhs
			--  See OccurAnal Note [RulesOnly]
parent e9a9344b
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......@@ -367,8 +367,6 @@ defn of OccInfo here, safely at the bottom
data OccInfo
= NoOccInfo -- Many occurrences, or unknown
| RulesOnly -- Occurs only in the RHS of one or more rules
| IAmDead -- Marks unused variables. Sometimes useful for
-- lambda and case-bound variables.
......@@ -379,31 +377,14 @@ data OccInfo
| IAmALoopBreaker -- Used by the occurrence analyser to mark loop-breakers
-- in a group of recursive definitions
!Bool -- True <=> This loop breaker occurs only the RHS of a RULE
Note [RulesOnly]
The RulesOnly constructor records if an Id occurs only in the RHS of a Rule.
Similarly, the boolean in IAmLoopbreaker True if the only reason the Id is a
loop-breaker only because of recursion through a RULE. In that case,
we can ignore the loop-breaker-ness for inlining purposes. Example
(from GHC.Enum):
!RulesOnly -- True <=> This loop breaker mentions the other binders
-- in its recursive group only in its RULES, not
-- in its rhs
-- See OccurAnal Note [RulesOnly]
eftInt :: Int# -> Int# -> [Int]
eftInt x y = ...(non-recursive)...
{-# INLINE [0] eftIntFB #-}
eftIntFB :: (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> Int# -> Int# -> r
eftIntFB c n x y = ...(non-recursive)...
"eftInt" [~1] forall x y. eftInt x y = build (\ c n -> eftIntFB c n x y)
"eftIntList" [1] eftIntFB (:) [] = eftInt
type RulesOnly = Bool
The two look mutually recursive only because of their RULES;
we don't want that to inhibit inlining!
isNoOcc :: OccInfo -> Bool
......@@ -455,7 +436,6 @@ isFragileOcc other = False
instance Outputable OccInfo where
-- only used for debugging; never parsed. KSW 1999-07
ppr NoOccInfo = empty
ppr RulesOnly = ptext SLIT("RulesOnly")
ppr (IAmALoopBreaker ro) = ptext SLIT("LoopBreaker") <> if ro then char '!' else empty
ppr IAmDead = ptext SLIT("Dead")
ppr (OneOcc inside_lam one_branch int_cxt)
......@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ callSiteInline dflags active_inline occ id arg_infos interesting_cont
| not active_inline = False
| otherwise = case occ of
IAmDead -> pprTrace "callSiteInline: dead" (ppr id) False
IAmALoopBreaker False -> False -- Note [RulesOnly] in BasicTypes
IAmALoopBreaker False -> False -- Note [RulesOnly] in OccurAnal
--OneOcc in_lam _ _ -> (not in_lam || is_cheap) && consider_safe True
other -> is_cheap && consider_safe False
-- We consider even the once-in-one-branch
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import Maybes ( orElse )
import Digraph ( stronglyConnCompR, SCC(..) )
import PrelNames ( buildIdKey, foldrIdKey, runSTRepIdKey, augmentIdKey )
import Unique ( Unique )
import UniqFM ( keysUFM )
import Util ( zipWithEqual, mapAndUnzip )
import UniqFM ( keysUFM, intersectsUFM )
import Util ( mapAndUnzip, mapAccumL )
import Outputable
......@@ -90,12 +90,11 @@ occAnalBind env (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage
= (body_usage, [])
| otherwise -- It's mentioned in the body
= (final_body_usage `combineUsageDetails` rhs_usage,
= (body_usage' +++ addRuleUsage rhs_usage binder, -- Note [RulesOnly]
[NonRec tagged_binder rhs'])
(final_body_usage, tagged_binder) = tagBinder body_usage binder
(rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnalRhs env tagged_binder rhs
(body_usage', tagged_binder) = tagBinder body_usage binder
(rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnalRhs env tagged_binder rhs
Dropping dead code for recursive bindings is done in a very simple way:
......@@ -137,20 +136,20 @@ It isn't easy to do a perfect job in one blow. Consider
occAnalBind env (Rec pairs) body_usage
= foldr (_scc_ "occAnalBind.dofinal" do_final_bind) (body_usage, []) sccs
analysed_pairs :: [Details1]
analysed_pairs :: [Details]
analysed_pairs = [ (bndr, rhs_usage, rhs')
| (bndr, rhs) <- pairs,
let (rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnalRhs env bndr rhs
sccs :: [SCC (Node Details1)]
sccs :: [SCC (Node Details)]
sccs = _scc_ "occAnalBind.scc" stronglyConnCompR edges
---- stuff for dependency analysis of binds -------------------------------
edges :: [Node Details1]
edges :: [Node Details]
edges = _scc_ "occAnalBind.assoc"
[ (details, idUnique id, edges_from rhs_usage)
[ (details, idUnique id, edges_from id rhs_usage)
| details@(id, rhs_usage, rhs) <- analysed_pairs
......@@ -163,46 +162,43 @@ occAnalBind env (Rec pairs) body_usage
-- maybeToBool (lookupVarEnv rhs_usage bndr)]
-- which has n**2 cost, and this meant that edges_from alone
-- consumed 10% of total runtime!
edges_from :: UsageDetails -> [Unique]
edges_from rhs_usage = _scc_ "occAnalBind.edges_from"
keysUFM rhs_usage
edges_from :: Id -> UsageDetails -> [Unique]
edges_from bndr rhs_usage = _scc_ "occAnalBind.edges_from"
keysUFM (addRuleUsage rhs_usage bndr)
---- stuff to "re-constitute" bindings from dependency-analysis info ------
---- Stuff to "re-constitute" bindings from dependency-analysis info ------
-- Non-recursive SCC
do_final_bind (AcyclicSCC ((bndr, rhs_usage, rhs'), _, _)) (body_usage, binds_so_far)
| not (bndr `usedIn` body_usage)
= (body_usage, binds_so_far) -- Dead code
| otherwise
= (combined_usage, new_bind : binds_so_far)
= (body_usage' +++ addRuleUsage rhs_usage bndr, new_bind : binds_so_far)
(body_usage', tagged_bndr) = tagBinder body_usage bndr
combined_usage = combineUsageDetails body_usage' rhs_usage
new_bind = NonRec tagged_bndr rhs'
-- Recursive SCC
do_final_bind (CyclicSCC cycle) (body_usage, binds_so_far)
| not (any (`usedIn` body_usage) bndrs) -- NB: look at body_usage, not total_usage
= (body_usage, binds_so_far) -- Dead code
| otherwise
= (combined_usage, final_bind:binds_so_far)
| otherwise -- If any is used, they all are
= (final_usage, final_bind : binds_so_far)
details = [details | (details, _, _) <- cycle]
bndrs = [bndr | (bndr, _, _) <- details]
rhs_usages = [rhs_usage | (_, rhs_usage, _) <- details]
rhs_usage = foldr1 combineUsageDetails rhs_usages
total_usage = rhs_usage `combineUsageDetails` body_usage
(combined_usage, tagged_bndrs) = tagBinders total_usage bndrs
new_cycle :: [Node Details2]
new_cycle = zipWithEqual "reorder" mk_node tagged_bndrs cycle
final_bind = Rec (reOrderCycle rhs_usage new_cycle)
mk_node tagged_bndr ((_, _, rhs'), key, keys) = ((tagged_bndr, rhs'), key, keys)
details = [details | (details, _, _) <- cycle]
bndrs = [bndr | (bndr, _, _) <- details]
bndr_usages = [addRuleUsage rhs_usage bndr | (bndr, rhs_usage, _) <- details]
total_usage = foldr (+++) body_usage bndr_usages
(final_usage, tagged_cycle) = mapAccumL tag_bind total_usage cycle
tag_bind usg ((bndr,rhs_usg,rhs),k,ks) = (usg', ((bndr',rhs_usg,rhs),k,ks))
(usg', bndr') = tagBinder usg bndr
final_bind = Rec (reOrderCycle (mkVarSet bndrs) tagged_cycle)
{- An alternative; rebuild the edges. No semantic difference, but perf might change
-- Hopefully 'bndrs' is a relatively small group now
-- Now get ready for the loop-breaking phase, this time ignoring RulesOnly references
-- Now get ready for the loop-breaking phase
-- We've done dead-code elimination already, so no worries about un-referenced binders
keys = map idUnique bndrs
mk_node tagged_bndr (_, rhs_usage, rhs')
......@@ -252,36 +248,35 @@ Perhaps something cleverer would suffice.
type IdWithOccInfo = Id -- An Id with fresh PragmaInfo attached
type Node details = (details, Unique, [Unique]) -- The Ints are gotten from the Unique,
-- which is gotten from the Id.
type Details1 = (Id, UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
type Details2 = (IdWithOccInfo, CoreExpr)
type Details = (Id, UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
reOrderRec :: UsageDetails -> SCC (Node Details2) -> [Details2]
reOrderRec :: IdSet -- Binders of this group
-> SCC (Node Details)
-> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
-- Sorted into a plausible order. Enough of the Ids have
-- IAmALoopBreaker pragmas that there are no loops left.
reOrderRec rhs_usg (AcyclicSCC (bind, _, _)) = [bind]
reOrderRec rhs_usg (CyclicSCC cycle) = reOrderCycle rhs_usg cycle
reOrderRec bndrs (AcyclicSCC ((bndr, _, rhs), _, _)) = [(bndr, rhs)]
reOrderRec bndrs (CyclicSCC cycle) = reOrderCycle bndrs cycle
reOrderCycle :: UsageDetails -> [Node Details2] -> [Details2]
reOrderCycle rhs_usg []
reOrderCycle :: IdSet -> [Node Details] -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
reOrderCycle bndrs []
= panic "reOrderCycle"
reOrderCycle rhs_usg [bind] -- Common case of simple self-recursion
= [(makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg tagged_bndr, rhs)]
reOrderCycle bndrs [bind] -- Common case of simple self-recursion
= [(makeLoopBreaker bndrs rhs_usg bndr, rhs)]
((tagged_bndr, rhs), _, _) = bind
((bndr, rhs_usg, rhs), _, _) = bind
reOrderCycle rhs_usg (bind : binds)
reOrderCycle bndrs (bind : binds)
= -- Choose a loop breaker, mark it no-inline,
-- do SCC analysis on the rest, and recursively sort them out
concatMap (reOrderRec rhs_usg) (stronglyConnCompR unchosen) ++
[(makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg tagged_bndr, rhs)]
concatMap (reOrderRec bndrs) (stronglyConnCompR unchosen) ++
[(makeLoopBreaker bndrs rhs_usg bndr, rhs)]
(chosen_pair, unchosen) = choose_loop_breaker bind (score bind) [] binds
(tagged_bndr, rhs) = chosen_pair
(chosen_bind, unchosen) = choose_loop_breaker bind (score bind) [] binds
(bndr, rhs_usg, rhs) = chosen_bind
-- This loop looks for the bind with the lowest score
-- to pick as the loop breaker. The rest accumulate in
......@@ -297,8 +292,8 @@ reOrderCycle rhs_usg (bind : binds)
sc = score bind
score :: Node Details2 -> Int -- Higher score => less likely to be picked as loop breaker
score ((bndr, rhs), _, _)
score :: Node Details -> Int -- Higher score => less likely to be picked as loop breaker
score ((bndr, _, rhs), _, _)
| exprIsTrivial rhs = 4 -- Practically certain to be inlined
-- Used to have also: && not (isExportedId bndr)
-- But I found this sometimes cost an extra iteration when we have
......@@ -335,15 +330,15 @@ reOrderCycle rhs_usg (bind : binds)
not_fun_ty ty = not (isFunTy (dropForAlls ty))
makeLoopBreaker :: UsageDetails -> Id -> Id
makeLoopBreaker :: VarSet -- Binders of this group
-> UsageDetails -- Usage of this rhs (neglecting rules)
-> Id -> Id
-- Set the loop-breaker flag, recording whether the thing occurs only in
-- the RHS of a RULE (in this recursive group)
makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg bndr
makeLoopBreaker bndrs rhs_usg bndr
= setIdOccInfo bndr (IAmALoopBreaker rules_only)
rules_only = case lookupVarEnv rhs_usg bndr of
Just RulesOnly -> True
other -> False
rules_only = bndrs `intersectsUFM` rhs_usg
@occAnalRhs@ deals with the question of bindings where the Id is marked
......@@ -365,9 +360,8 @@ occAnalRhs :: OccEnv
-> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
occAnalRhs env id rhs
= (final_usage, rhs')
= occAnal ctxt rhs
(rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnal ctxt rhs
ctxt | certainly_inline id = env
| otherwise = rhsCtxt
-- Note that we generally use an rhsCtxt. This tells the occ anal n
......@@ -388,21 +382,47 @@ occAnalRhs env id rhs
certainly_inline id = case idOccInfo id of
OneOcc in_lam one_br _ -> not in_lam && one_br
other -> False
Note [RulesOnly]
If the binder has RULES inside it then we count the specialised Ids as
"extra rhs's". That way the "parent" keeps the specialised "children"
alive. If the parent dies (because it isn't referenced any more),
then the children will die too unless they are already referenced
That's the basic idea. However in a recursive situation we want to be a bit
cleverer. Example (from GHC.Enum):
eftInt :: Int# -> Int# -> [Int]
eftInt x y = ...(non-recursive)...
-- [March 98] A new wrinkle is that if the binder has specialisations inside
-- it then we count the specialised Ids as "extra rhs's". That way
-- the "parent" keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent
-- dies (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will
-- die too unless they are already referenced directly.
{-# INLINE [0] eftIntFB #-}
eftIntFB :: (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> Int# -> Int# -> r
eftIntFB c n x y = ...(non-recursive)...
final_usage = addRuleUsage rhs_usage id
"eftInt" [~1] forall x y. eftInt x y = build (\ c n -> eftIntFB c n x y)
"eftIntList" [1] eftIntFB (:) [] = eftInt
The two look mutually recursive only because of their RULES; we don't want
that to inhibit inlining!
So when we identify a LoopBreaker, we mark it to say whether it only mentions
the other binders in its recursive group in a RULE. If so, we can inline it,
because doing so will not expose new occurrences of binders in its group.
addRuleUsage :: UsageDetails -> Id -> UsageDetails
-- Add the usage from RULES in Id to the usage
addRuleUsage usage id
= foldVarSet add usage (idRuleVars id)
add v u = addOneOcc u v RulesOnly -- Give a non-committal binder info
add v u = addOneOcc u v NoOccInfo -- Give a non-committal binder info
-- (i.e manyOcc) because many copies
-- of the specialised thing can appear
......@@ -517,7 +537,7 @@ occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
alts_usage = foldr1 combineAltsUsageDetails alts_usage_s
alts_usage' = addCaseBndrUsage alts_usage
(alts_usage1, tagged_bndr) = tagBinder alts_usage' bndr
total_usage = scrut_usage `combineUsageDetails` alts_usage1
total_usage = scrut_usage +++ alts_usage1
total_usage `seq` (total_usage, Case scrut' tagged_bndr ty alts') }}
......@@ -549,7 +569,7 @@ occAnal env (Let bind body)
occAnalArgs env args
= case mapAndUnzip (occAnal arg_env) args of { (arg_uds_s, args') ->
(foldr combineUsageDetails emptyDetails arg_uds_s, args')}
(foldr (+++) emptyDetails arg_uds_s, args')}
arg_env = vanillaCtxt
......@@ -574,7 +594,7 @@ occAnalApp env (Var fun, args) is_rhs
= mapVarEnv markMany args_uds
| otherwise = args_uds
(fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` final_args_uds, mkApps (Var fun) args') }
(fun_uds +++ final_args_uds, mkApps (Var fun) args') }
fun_uniq = idUnique fun
fun_uds = mkOneOcc env fun (valArgCount args > 0)
......@@ -604,7 +624,7 @@ occAnalApp env (fun, args) is_rhs
case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') ->
final_uds = fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` args_uds
final_uds = fun_uds +++ args_uds
(final_uds, mkApps fun' args') }}
......@@ -622,12 +642,12 @@ appSpecial env n ctxt args
go 1 (arg:args) -- The magic arg
= case occAnal (setCtxt arg_env ctxt) arg of { (arg_uds, arg') ->
case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') ->
(combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }}
(arg_uds +++ args_uds, arg':args') }}
go n (arg:args)
= case occAnal arg_env arg of { (arg_uds, arg') ->
case go (n-1) args of { (args_uds, args') ->
(combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }}
(arg_uds +++ args_uds, arg':args') }}
......@@ -745,10 +765,10 @@ addAppCtxt (OccEnv encl ctxt) args
type UsageDetails = IdEnv OccInfo -- A finite map from ids to their usage
combineUsageDetails, combineAltsUsageDetails
(+++), combineAltsUsageDetails
:: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
combineUsageDetails usage1 usage2
(+++) usage1 usage2
= plusVarEnv_C addOccInfo usage1 usage2
combineAltsUsageDetails usage1 usage2
......@@ -764,6 +784,8 @@ emptyDetails = (emptyVarEnv :: UsageDetails)
usedIn :: Id -> UsageDetails -> Bool
v `usedIn` details = isExportedId v || v `elemVarEnv` details
type IdWithOccInfo = Id
tagBinders :: UsageDetails -- Of scope
-> [Id] -- Binders
-> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binders removed
......@@ -830,7 +852,6 @@ addOccInfo, orOccInfo :: OccInfo -> OccInfo -> OccInfo
addOccInfo IAmDead info2 = info2
addOccInfo info1 IAmDead = info1
addOccInfo RulesOnly RulesOnly = RulesOnly
addOccInfo info1 info2 = NoOccInfo
-- (orOccInfo orig new) is used
......@@ -838,7 +859,6 @@ addOccInfo info1 info2 = NoOccInfo
orOccInfo IAmDead info2 = info2
orOccInfo info1 IAmDead = info1
orOccInfo RulesOnly RulesOnly = RulesOnly
orOccInfo (OneOcc in_lam1 one_branch1 int_cxt1)
(OneOcc in_lam2 one_branch2 int_cxt2)
= OneOcc (in_lam1 || in_lam2)
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