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  • Pepe Iborra's avatar
    Extract the benchmarking Shake rules to a standalone Cabal package (haskell/ghcide#941) · 14af467e
    Pepe Iborra authored
    * [bench-hist] break down in rule functions
    * Extract the benchmarking Shake rules to a shake-bench package
    There's some room for reusing the rules used in the historic benchmarking suite
    in other projects. This change makes that a bit easier and improves the
    documentation and code structure.
    The new structure is:
    - lib:shake-bench - a Cabal library with functions to generate Shake rules
    - ghcide:bench:benchHist - the ghcide instantiation of the above Shake rules
    That's not to say that shake-bench is completely decoupled from ghcide -
    there are still plenty of assumptions on how the benchmarks are organized, their
    outputs, etc. But with a little bit of effort, it should be easy to make
    these rules more reusable
    * Fix nix build
    * Fix license
    * hlints and redundant imports
    * more hlints
    * Exclude shake-bench from the stack build