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Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
6155 commits behind the upstream repository.
At the moment we need ghc-toolchain to precisely match the output as provided by the normal configure script. The normal configure script (FP_HSCPP_CMD_WITH_ARGS) branches on whether we are using clang or gcc so we match that logic exactly in ghc-toolchain. The old implementation (which checks if certain flags are supported) is better but for now we have to match to catch any potential errors in the configuration. Ticket: #23720
At the moment we need ghc-toolchain to precisely match the output as provided by the normal configure script. The normal configure script (FP_HSCPP_CMD_WITH_ARGS) branches on whether we are using clang or gcc so we match that logic exactly in ghc-toolchain. The old implementation (which checks if certain flags are supported) is better but for now we have to match to catch any potential errors in the configuration. Ticket: #23720
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Cpp.hs 3.44 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module GHC.Toolchain.Tools.Cpp (HsCpp(..), findHsCpp, Cpp(..), findCpp) where
import Control.Monad
import System.FilePath
import Data.List(isInfixOf)
import GHC.Toolchain.Prelude
import GHC.Toolchain.Program
import GHC.Toolchain.Tools.Cc
import GHC.Toolchain.Utils (withTempDir)
newtype Cpp = Cpp { cppProgram :: Program
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
newtype HsCpp = HsCpp { hsCppProgram :: Program
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
----- Haskell Preprocessor -----
findHsCpp :: ProgOpt -> Cc -> M HsCpp
findHsCpp progOpt cc = checking "for Haskell C preprocessor" $ do
-- Use the specified HS CPP or try to find one (candidate is the c compiler)
foundHsCppProg <- findProgram "Haskell C preprocessor" progOpt [takeFileName $ prgPath $ ccProgram cc]
case poFlags progOpt of
-- If the user specified HS CPP flags don't second-guess them
Just _ -> return HsCpp{hsCppProgram=foundHsCppProg}
-- Otherwise, configure the HS CPP flags for this CPP program
Nothing -> do
let rawHsCppProgram = over _prgFlags (["-E"]++) foundHsCppProg
hppArgs <- findHsCppArgs rawHsCppProgram
let hsCppProgram = over _prgFlags (++hppArgs) rawHsCppProgram
return HsCpp{hsCppProgram}
-- | Given a C preprocessor, figure out how it should be invoked to preprocess
-- Haskell source.
findHsCppArgs :: Program -> M [String]
findHsCppArgs cpp = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
let tmp_c = dir </> "tmp.c"
writeFile tmp_c ""
(_, stdout0, stderr0) <- readProgram cpp ["-x", "c", tmp_c, "-dM", "-E"]
if "__clang__" `isInfixOf` stdout0 || "__clang__" `isInfixOf` stderr0
then return ["-undef", "-traditional", "-Wno-invalid-pp-token", "-Wno-unicode", "-Wno-trigraphs"]
else do
(_, stdout1, stderr1) <- readProgram cpp ["-v"]
if "gcc" `isInfixOf` stdout1 || "gcc" `isInfixOf` stderr1
then return ["-undef", "-traditional"]
else do
logDebug "Can't recognize your CPP program, you may need to set --with-hs-cpp-flags=FLAGS explicitly"
return []
{- TODO: We want to just check which flags are accepted rather than branching on which compiler
we are using but this does not match what ./configure does (#23720)
When we retire configure then this more precise logic can be reinstated.
withTmpDir $ \dir -> do
let tmp_h = dir </> "tmp.h"
-- Werror to ensure that unrecognized warnings result in an error
let checkFlag flag =
checking ("for "++flag++" support") $ callProgram cpp ["-Werror", flag, tmp_h]
tryFlag flag =
([flag] <$ checkFlag flag) <|> return []
writeFile tmp_h ""
concat <$> sequence
[ tryFlag "-undef"
, ["-traditional"] <$ checkFlag "-traditional"
, tryFlag "-Wno-invalid-pp-token"
, tryFlag "-Wno-unicode"
, tryFlag "-Wno-trigraphs"
----- C preprocessor -----
findCpp :: ProgOpt -> Cc -> M Cpp
findCpp progOpt cc = checking "for C preprocessor" $ do
-- Use the specified CPP or try to find one (candidate is the c compiler)
foundCppProg <- findProgram "C preprocessor" progOpt [prgPath $ ccProgram cc]
case poFlags progOpt of
-- If the user specified CPP flags don't second-guess them
Just _ -> return Cpp{cppProgram=foundCppProg}
-- Otherwise, configure the CPP flags for this CPP program
Nothing -> do
let cppProgram = over _prgFlags (["-E"]++) foundCppProg
return Cpp{cppProgram}