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Commit f2d27c1a authored by Simon Marlow's avatar Simon Marlow
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Comments and refactoring only

Addressing review comments on D4637
parent 0c7db226
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......@@ -143,6 +143,18 @@ data CmmInfoTable
cit_clo :: Maybe (Id, CostCentreStack)
-- Just (id,ccs) <=> build a static closure later
-- Nothing <=> don't build a static closure
-- Static closures for FUNs and THUNKs are *not* generated by
-- the code generator, because we might want to add SRT
-- entries to them later (for FUNs at least; THUNKs are
-- treated the same for consistency). See Note [SRTs] in
-- CmmBuildInfoTables, in particular the [FUN] optimisation.
-- This is strictly speaking not a part of the info table that
-- will be finally generated, but it's the only convenient
-- place to convey this information from the code generator to
-- where we build the static closures in
-- CmmBuildInfoTables.doSRTs.
data ProfilingInfo
......@@ -463,15 +463,16 @@ getCAFs (CmmProc top_info topLbl _ g)
-- | Get the list of blocks that correspond to the entry points for
-- FUN_STATIC closures. These are the blocks for which if we have an
-- SRT we can merge it with the static closure. [FUN]
getStaticFuns :: CmmDecl -> [(BlockId, CLabel)]
getStaticFuns (CmmData _ _) = []
getStaticFuns (CmmProc top_info _ _ g)
| Just info <- mapLookup (g_entry g) (info_tbls top_info)
getStaticFuns :: [CmmDecl] -> [(BlockId, CLabel)]
getStaticFuns decls =
[ (g_entry g, lbl)
| CmmProc top_info _ _ g <- decls
, Just info <- [mapLookup (g_entry g) (info_tbls top_info)]
, Just (id, _) <- [cit_clo info]
, let rep = cit_rep info
, Just (id, _) <- cit_clo info
, isStaticRep rep && isFunRep rep
, let lbl = mkLocalClosureLabel (idName id) (idCafInfo id)
, isStaticRep rep && isFunRep rep = [(g_entry g, lbl)]
| otherwise = []
-- | Put the labelled blocks that we will be annotating with SRTs into
......@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ doSRTs
-> [(CAFEnv, [CmmDecl])]
-> IO (ModuleSRTInfo, [CmmDecl])
doSRTs dflags topSRT tops = do
doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo tops = do
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'u'
-- Ignore the original grouping of decls, and combine all the
......@@ -535,7 +536,7 @@ doSRTs dflags topSRT tops = do
let (cafEnvs, declss) = unzip tops
cafEnv = mapUnions cafEnvs
decls = concat declss
staticFuns = mapFromList (concatMap getStaticFuns decls)
staticFuns = mapFromList (getStaticFuns decls)
-- Put the decls in dependency order. Why? So that we can implement
-- [Shortcut] and [Filter]. If we need to refer to an SRT that has
......@@ -547,9 +548,14 @@ doSRTs dflags topSRT tops = do
-- On each strongly-connected group of decls, construct the SRT
-- closures and the SRT fields for info tables.
let ((result, _srtMap), topSRT') =
let result ::
[ ( [CmmDecl] -- generated SRTs
, [(Label, CLabel)] -- SRT fields for info tables
, [(Label, [SRTEntry])] -- SRTs to attach to static functions
) ]
((result, _srtMap), moduleSRTInfo') =
initUs_ us $
flip runStateT topSRT $
flip runStateT moduleSRTInfo $
flip runStateT Map.empty $
mapM (doSCC dflags staticFuns) sccs
......@@ -561,7 +567,7 @@ doSRTs dflags topSRT tops = do
funSRTMap = mapFromList (concat funSRTs)
decls' = concatMap (updInfoSRTs dflags srtFieldMap funSRTMap) decls
return (topSRT', concat declss ++ decls')
return (moduleSRTInfo', concat declss ++ decls')
-- | Build the SRT for a strongly-connected component of blocks
......@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ mkDataConInfoTable dflags data_con is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds
, cit_rep = sm_rep
, cit_prof = prof
, cit_srt = Nothing
, cit_clo = Nothing }
, cit_clo = Nothing }
name = dataConName data_con
info_lbl = mkConInfoTableLabel name NoCafRefs
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