This is the root directory for functional-programming tools
distributed by the Computing Science Department at Glasgow University.
Simon Peyton Jones <> is the ringleader of this
effort. The tools are:
ghc the Glasgow Haskell compilation system
hslibs collection of Haskell libraries
haggis the Haggis GUI toolkit
happy the Happy Haskell parser generator
nofib the NoFib Haskell benchmarking suite
literate the Glasgow "literate programming" system
glafp-utils shared utility programs
mk GNU make setup used by all the fptools
docs documentation on the installing and using
the fptools suite.
The "literate" stuff is usually distributed *with* other systems, but
not necessarily. Components which are always part of a distribution
(never stand-alone) are "glafp-utils" and "mk" (a configuration
There is usually an ANNOUNCE* file with any distribution. Please
consult that, or the <piece>/README file, to find out how to proceed.