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# If $(WAYS) = p mc, then WAY_TARGETS expands to
#	%.p_lhs %.p_hs %.p_o ... %.mc_lhs %.p_hs ...
#	%_p.a %_p %_mc.a %_mc
# where the suffixes are from $(SUFFIXES)
# We have to treat libraries and "other" targets differently, 
# because their names are of the form
#	libHS_p.a and Foo_p
# whereas everything else has names of the form
#	Foo.p_o


WAY_TARGETS     = $(foreach way,$(WAYS),$(foreach suffix, $(FPTOOLS_SUFFIXES), %.$(way)_$(suffix)))
LIB_WAY_TARGETS = $(foreach way,$(WAYS),%_$(way).a %_$(way))

# $@ will be something like Foo.p_o
# $(suffix $@)     returns .p_o
# $(subst .,.p_o)  returns p_o
# $(subst _,.,p_o) returns p.o   (clever)
# $(basename p.o)  returns p
	$(MAKE) way=$(basename $(subst _,.,$(subst .,,$(suffix $@)))) $@

# $(@F) will be something like libHS_p.a, or Foo_p
# $(basename $(@F)) will be libHS_p, or Foo_p
# The sed script extracts the "p" part.

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $@ way=$(subst .,,$(suffix $(subst _,.,$(basename $@))))

endif	# if way

# 		Recursive stuff

# Here are the diabolically clever rules that
# (a) for each "recursive target" <t>
#     propagates "make <t>" to directories in SUBDIRS
# (b) when SUBDIRS is empty,
#     for each "multi-way-target" <t>
#     calls "make -way=w <t>" for each w in $(WAYS)
#     This has the effect of making the standard target
#     in each of the specified ways (as well as in the normal way

# Controlling variables
#	WAYS    = extra (beyond the normal way) ways to build things in
# 	SUBDIRS = subdirectories to recurse into

# No ways, so iterate over the SUBDIRS

# note about recursively invoking make: we'd like make to drop all the
# way back to the top level if it fails in any of the
# sub(sub-...)directories.  This is done by setting the -e flag to the
# shell during the loop, which causes an immediate failure if any of
# the shell commands fail.

# One exception: if the user gave the -i or -k flag to make in the
# first place, we'd like to reverse this behaviour.  So we check for
# these flags, and set the -e flag appropriately.  NOTE: watch out for
# the --no-print-directory flag which is passed to recursive
# invocations of make.
# NOTE: Truly weird use of exit below to stop the for loop dead in
# its tracks should any of the sub-makes fail. By my reckoning, 
#  "cmd || exit $?" should be equivalent to "cmd"
ifeq "$(way)" ""
ifneq "$(SUBDIRS)" ""

all docs runtests boot TAGS clean veryclean maintainer-clean install info ::
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "===fptools== Recursively making \`$@' in $(SUBDIRS) ..."
	@echo "PWD = $(shell pwd)"
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Don't rely on -e working, instead we check exit return codes from sub-makes.
	@case '${MFLAGS}' in *-[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *-r*[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *) x_on_err=1;; esac; \
	for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
	  echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
	  echo "==fptools== $(MAKE) $@ $(MFLAGS);"; \
	  echo " in $(shell pwd)/$$i"; \
	  echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
	  $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $$i $(MFLAGS) $@; \
	  if [ $$? -eq 0 -o $$x_on_err -eq 0 ] ;  then true; else exit 1; fi; \
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "===fptools== Finished making \`$@' in $(SUBDIRS) ..."
	@echo "PWD = $(shell pwd)"
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Don't rely on -e working, instead we check exit return codes from sub-makes.
	@case '${MFLAGS}' in *-[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *-r*[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *) x_on_err=1;; esac; \
	for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
	  $(MKDIRHIER_PREFIX)mkdirhier $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$$i; \
	  $(MAKE) -C $$i $(MFLAGS) $@ SRC_DIST_DIR=$(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$$i; \
	  if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ;  then true; else exit $$x_on_err; fi; \
# The default dist rule:
# copy/link the contents of $(SRC_DIST_FILES) into the
# shadow distribution tree. SRC_DIST_FILES contain the
# build-generated files that you want to include in
# a source distribution.
ifneq "$(SRC_DIST_FILES)" ""
	@for i in $(SRC_DIST_FILES); do 		 \
	  if ( echo "$$i" | grep "~" >/dev/null 2>&1 ); then	 \
	    echo $(LN_S) `pwd`/`echo $$i | sed -e "s/^\([^~]*\)~.*/\1/g"` $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/`echo $$i | sed -e "s/.*~\(.*\)/\1/g"` ; \
	    $(LN_S) `pwd`/`echo $$i | sed -e "s/^\([^~]*\)~.*/\1/g"` $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/`echo $$i | sed -e "s/.*~\(.*\)/\1/g"` ; \
	  else \
	    if (test -f "$$i"); then 			   \
	      echo $(LN_S) `pwd`/$$i $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$$i ; \
	      $(LN_S) `pwd`/$$i $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$$i ;	   \
	     fi;					   \
	  fi; \

# Selectively building subdirectories.
ifneq "$(SUBDIRS)" ""
	  $(MAKE) -C $@ $(MFLAGS)

ifneq "$(WAYS)" ""
ifeq "$(way)" ""

# NB: the targets exclude 
#	boot info TAGS runtests
# since these are way-independent
all docs TAGS clean veryclean maintainer-clean install ::
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "===fptools== Recursively making \`$@' for ways: $(WAYS) ..."
	@echo "PWD = $(shell pwd)"
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Don't rely on -e working, instead we check exit return codes from sub-makes.
	@case '${MFLAGS}' in *-[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *-r*[ik]*) x_on_err=0;; *) x_on_err=1;; esac; \
	for i in $(WAYS) ; do \
	  echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
	  echo "==fptools== $(MAKE) way=$$i $@;"; \
	  echo "PWD = $(shell pwd)"; \
	  echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
	  $(MAKE) way=$$i --no-print-directory $(MFLAGS) $@ ; \
	  if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then true; else exit $$x_on_err; fi; \
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "===fptools== Finished recursively making \`$@' for ways: $(WAYS) ..."
	@echo "PWD = $(shell pwd)"
	@echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"