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Forked from Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
7436 commits behind, 153 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
  • Alp Mestanogullari's avatar
    update (CicleCI) CI script to work with ghc-ci · 93a3f907
    Alp Mestanogullari authored
    ghc-ci is a tiny webservice that acts as an intermediate between our
    CircleCI jobs on Gitlab and the actual builds running on CircleCI, so that
    the build script doesn't need to rely on any secret, which makes the whole
    setup fork-friendly.
    The concrete effect of this patch is to allow any fork of GHC on Gitlab to
    run CircleCI jobs.
    update (CicleCI) CI script to work with ghc-ci
    Alp Mestanogullari authored
    ghc-ci is a tiny webservice that acts as an intermediate between our
    CircleCI jobs on Gitlab and the actual builds running on CircleCI, so that
    the build script doesn't need to rely on any secret, which makes the whole
    setup fork-friendly.
    The concrete effect of this patch is to allow any fork of GHC on Gitlab to
    run CircleCI jobs.
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# Circle CI "backend" for Gitlab CI
# =================================
# Usage example:
#   .gitlab/ validate-x86_64-linux
# There are two things to configure to get artifacts to be
# uploaded to gitlab properly:
# - At https://<gitlab host>/admin/application_settings, expand the
#   Continuous Integration and Deployment section and set the
#   "Maximum artifacts size (MB)" field to something large enough
#   to contain the bindists (the test reports are tiny in comparison).
#   500MB seems to work fine, but 200MB might be sufficient.
# - If gitlab is exposed behind some form of proxy (e.g nginx), make sure
#   the maximum client request body size is large enough to contain all the
#   artifacts of a build. For nginx, this would be the following configuration
#   option:
#   (which can be set with services.nginx.clientMaxBodySize on nixos).

#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -e


[ $# -gt 0 ] || (echo You need to pass the Circle CI job type as argument to this script; exit 1)
[ ${CI_RUNNER_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_RUNNER_ID is not set"; exit 1)
[ ${CI_JOB_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_JOB_ID is not set"; exit 1)
[ ${CI_COMMIT_SHA:-} ] || (echo "CI_COMMIT_SHA is not set"; exit 1)
[ ${CI_REPOSITORY_URL:-} ] || (echo "CI_REPOSITORY_URL is not set"; exit 1)
[ ${CI_PIPELINE_ID:-} ] || (echo "CI_PIPELINE_ID is not set"; exit 1)
# the first argument to this script is the Circle CI job type:
# validate-x86_64-linux, validate-i386-linux, ...

gitlab_user=$(echo $CI_REPOSITORY_URL | cut -d/ -f4)
gitlab_repo=$(echo $CI_REPOSITORY_URL | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -d. -f1)

BODY="{ \"jobType\": \"$CIRCLE_JOB\", \"source\": { \"user\": \"$gitlab_user\", \"project\":\"$gitlab_repo\", \"commit\":\"$CI_COMMIT_SHA\" }, \"pipelineID\": $CI_PIPELINE_ID, \"runnerID\": $CI_RUNNER_ID, \"jobID\": $CI_JOB_ID }"

RESP=$(curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$BODY" \

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    build_num=$(echo $RESP | jq '.build_num')
    circle_url=$(echo $RESP | jq '.url')
    echo "Couldn't submit job"
    echo $RESP
    exit 1

echo Circle CI build number: $build_num
echo Circle CI build page: $circle_url


while [ "$outcome" == "null" ]; do
    sleep 30s
    STATUS_RESP=$(curl -s $STATUS_URL)
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
	new_outcome=$(echo $STATUS_RESP | jq '.outcome')
	if [ "$new_outcome" == "null" ] && [ $jq_exitcode -ne 0 ]; then
	    echo "Couldn't read 'outcome' field in JSON:"
	    echo $STATUS_RESP
	    echo "Skipping"
	echo "curl failed:"
	echo "Skipping"

if [ "$outcome" == "\"success\"" ]; then
    echo The build passed
    artifactsBody=$(curl -s http://${GHCCI_URL}/job/${build_num}/artifacts)
    (echo $artifactsBody | jq '.[] | .url' | xargs wget -q) || echo "No artifacts"
    exit 0
    echo The build failed

    artifactsBody=$(curl -s http://${GHCCI_URL}/job/${build_num}/artifacts)
    (echo $artifactsBody | jq '.[] | .url' | xargs wget -q) || echo "No artifacts"

    failing_step=$(echo $STATUS_RESP | jq '.steps | .[] | .actions | .[] | select(.status != "success")')
    failing_step_name=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.name' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/')
    echo "Failing step: $failing_step_name"

    failing_cmds=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.bash_command' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/')
    echo "Failing command(s):"
    echo $failing_cmds

    log_url=$(echo $failing_step | jq '.output_url' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/')
    echo "Log url: $log_url"

    last_log_lines=$(curl -s $log_url | gunzip | jq '.[] | select(.type == "out") | .message' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\\r\\n/\n/' | tail -50)
    echo End of the build log:
    echo $last_log_lines

    exit 1