Forked from
Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
66107 commits behind the upstream repository.
Simon Marlow authored
- Add NOINLINE pragmas to the unsafe things (unsafe*IO, unsafe*ST, runST etc.) - Move unsafe function back into the proper modules - Remove PrelUnsafe*.lhs
Simon Marlow authored- Add NOINLINE pragmas to the unsafe things (unsafe*IO, unsafe*ST, runST etc.) - Move unsafe function back into the proper modules - Remove PrelUnsafe*.lhs
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PrelPack.lhs 6.89 KiB
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1997
\section[PrelPack]{Packing/unpacking bytes}
This module provides a small set of low-level functions for packing
and unpacking a chunk of bytes. Used by code emitted by the compiler
plus the prelude libraries.
The programmer level view of packed strings is provided by a GHC
system library PackedString.
{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
module PrelPack
-- (**) - emitted by compiler.
packCString#, -- :: [Char] -> ByteArray# **
packString, -- :: [Char] -> ByteArray Int
packStringST, -- :: [Char] -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
packNBytesST, -- :: Int -> [Char] -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
unpackCString, -- :: Addr -> [Char]
unpackNBytes, -- :: Addr -> Int -> [Char]
unpackNBytesST, -- :: Addr -> Int -> ST s [Char]
unpackCString#, -- :: Addr# -> [Char] **
unpackNBytes#, -- :: Addr# -> Int# -> [Char] **
unpackNBytesST#, -- :: Addr# -> Int# -> ST s [Char]
unpackCStringBA, -- :: ByteArray Int -> [Char]
unpackNBytesBA, -- :: ByteArray Int -> Int -> [Char]
unpackCStringBA#, -- :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> [Char]
unpackNBytesBA#, -- :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> [Char]
unpackFoldrCString#, -- **
unpackAppendCString#, -- **
new_ps_array, -- Int# -> ST s (MutableByteArray s Int)
write_ps_array, -- MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> Char# -> ST s ()
freeze_ps_array -- MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
import PrelBase
import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
import PrelList ( length )
import PrelST
import PrelArr
import PrelAddr
%* *
\subsection{Unpacking Addrs}
%* *
Primitives for converting Addrs pointing to external
sequence of bytes into a list of @Char@s:
unpackCString :: Addr{- ptr. to NUL terminated string-} -> [Char]
unpackCString a@(A# addr) =
if a == ``NULL'' then
unpackCString# addr
unpackCString# :: Addr# -> [Char]
unpackCString# addr
= unpack 0#
unpack nh
| ch `eqChar#` '\0'# = []
| otherwise = C# ch : unpack (nh +# 1#)
ch = indexCharOffAddr# addr nh
unpackNBytes :: Addr -> Int -> [Char]
unpackNBytes (A# addr) (I# l) = unpackNBytes# addr l
unpackNBytesST :: Addr -> Int -> ST s [Char]
unpackNBytesST (A# addr) (I# l) = unpackNBytesST# addr l
unpackNBytes# :: Addr# -> Int# -> [Char]
-- This one is called by the compiler to unpack literal strings with NULs in them; rare.
unpackNBytes# addr len
= unpack 0#
unpack i
| i >=# len = []
| otherwise = C# ch : unpack (i +# 1#)
ch = indexCharOffAddr# addr i
unpackNBytesST# :: Addr# -> Int# -> ST s [Char]
unpackNBytesST# addr len
= unpack 0#
unpack i
| i >=# len = return []
| otherwise =
case indexCharOffAddr# addr i of
ch -> unpack (i +# 1#) >>= \ ls -> return (C# ch : ls)
%* *
\subsection{Unpacking ByteArrays}
%* *
Converting byte arrays into list of chars:
unpackCStringBA :: ByteArray Int -> [Char]
unpackCStringBA (ByteArray (l@(I# l#),u@(I# u#)) bytes)
| l > u = []
| otherwise = unpackCStringBA# bytes (u# -# l# +# 1#)
unpack until NUL or end of BA is reached, whatever comes first.
unpackCStringBA# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> [Char]
unpackCStringBA# bytes len
= unpack 0#
unpack nh
| nh >=# len ||
ch `eqChar#` '\0'# = []
| otherwise = C# ch : unpack (nh +# 1#)
ch = indexCharArray# bytes nh
unpackNBytesBA :: ByteArray Int -> Int -> [Char]
unpackNBytesBA (ByteArray (l,u) bytes) i
= unpackNBytesBA# bytes len#
len# = case max 0 (min i len) of I# v# -> v#
len | u > l = 0
| otherwise = u-l+1
unpackNBytesBA# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> [Char]
unpackNBytesBA# bytes nh
= unpack 0#
unpack i
| i >=# nh = []
| otherwise = C# ch : unpack (i +# 1#)
ch = indexCharArray# bytes i
%* *
\subsection{Packing Strings}
%* *
Converting a list of chars into a packed @ByteArray@ representation.
packCString# :: [Char] -> ByteArray#
packCString# str = case (packString str) of { ByteArray _ bytes -> bytes }
packString :: [Char] -> ByteArray Int
packString str = runST (packStringST str)
packStringST :: [Char] -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
packStringST str =
let len = length str in
packNBytesST len str
packNBytesST :: Int -> [Char] -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
packNBytesST len@(I# length#) str =
allocate an array that will hold the string
(not forgetting the NUL byte at the end)
new_ps_array (length# +# 1#) >>= \ ch_array ->
-- fill in packed string from "str"
fill_in ch_array 0# str >>
-- freeze the puppy:
freeze_ps_array ch_array length#
fill_in :: MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> [Char] -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# idx [] =
write_ps_array arr_in# idx (chr# 0#) >>
return ()
fill_in arr_in# idx (C# c : cs) =
write_ps_array arr_in# idx c >>
fill_in arr_in# (idx +# 1#) cs
(Very :-) ``Specialised'' versions of some CharArray things...
new_ps_array :: Int# -> ST s (MutableByteArray s Int)
write_ps_array :: MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> Char# -> ST s ()
freeze_ps_array :: MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> ST s (ByteArray Int)
new_ps_array size = ST $ \ s ->
case (newCharArray# size s) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
STret s2# (MutableByteArray bot barr#) }
bot = error "new_ps_array"
write_ps_array (MutableByteArray _ barr#) n ch = ST $ \ s# ->
case writeCharArray# barr# n ch s# of { s2# ->
STret s2# () }
-- same as unsafeFreezeByteArray
freeze_ps_array (MutableByteArray _ arr#) len# = ST $ \ s# ->
case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
STret s2# (ByteArray (0,I# len#) frozen#) }
%* *
%* *
The compiler may emit these two
unpackAppendCString# :: Addr# -> [Char] -> [Char]
unpackAppendCString# addr rest
= unpack 0#
unpack nh
| ch `eqChar#` '\0'# = rest
| otherwise = C# ch : unpack (nh +# 1#)
ch = indexCharOffAddr# addr nh
unpackFoldrCString# :: Addr# -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a
unpackFoldrCString# addr f z
= unpack 0#
unpack nh
| ch `eqChar#` '\0'# = z
| otherwise = C# ch `f` unpack (nh +# 1#)
ch = indexCharOffAddr# addr nh