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[project @ 1999-09-11 16:49:02 by sof]

Added hSelect
parent c13c43a1
No related merge requests found
% (c) sof, 1999
Haskell wrapper for select() OS functionality. It's use
shouldn't be all that common in a Haskell system that implements
IO in such a way that's thread friendly, but still.
{-# OPTIONS -#include "cbits/selectFrom.h" #-}
module Select
hSelect -- :: [Handle]
-- -> [Handle]
-- -> [Handle]
-- -> TimeOut
-- -> IO SelectResult
, TimeOut(..) -- type _ = Maybe Int
, SelectResult(..)
) where
import Posix
import GlaExts
import IO
import Monad
import Maybe
import PrelIOBase
import PosixUtil (fdToInt)
This stuff should really be done using HDirect.
type TimeOut
= Maybe Int
-- Nothing => wait indefinitely.
-- Just x | x >= 0 => block waiting for 'x' micro seconds.
-- | otherwise => block waiting for '-x' micro seconds.
type SelectResult
= ([Handle], [Handle], [Handle])
hSelect :: [Handle] -- input/read handles
-> [Handle] -- output/write handles
-> [Handle] -- exceptional handles
-> TimeOut
-> IO SelectResult
hSelect ins outs excps timeout = do
ins_ <- mapM getFd ins
outs_ <- mapM getFd outs
excps_ <- mapM getFd excps
(max_in, fds_ins) <- marshallFDs ins_
(max_out, fds_outs) <- marshallFDs outs_
(max_excp,fds_excps) <- marshallFDs excps_
tout <- marshallTimeout timeout
let max_fd = max_in `max` max_out `max` max_excp
rc <- selectFrom__ fds_ins
(max_fd+1) tout
if (rc /= 0)
then constructErrorAndFail "hSelect"
-- thunk these so that we only pay unmarshalling costs if demanded.
ins_ready = unsafePerformIO (getReadyOnes fds_ins ins_)
outs_ready = unsafePerformIO (getReadyOnes fds_outs outs_)
excps_ready = unsafePerformIO (getReadyOnes fds_outs outs_)
return (ins_ready, outs_ready, excps_ready)
getFd :: Handle -> IO (Fd,Handle)
getFd h = do
f <- handleToFd h
return (f,h)
foreign import "selectFrom__"
selectFrom__ :: ByteArray Int
-> ByteArray Int
-> ByteArray Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO Int
marshallTimeout :: Maybe Int -> IO Int
marshallTimeout Nothing = return (-1)
marshallTimeout (Just x) = return (abs x)
getReadyOnes :: ByteArray Int -> [(Fd,Handle)] -> IO [Handle]
getReadyOnes ba ls = do
xs <- mapM isReady ls
return (catMaybes xs)
isReady (f,h) = do
let fi = fdToInt f
flg <- is_fd_set ba fi
if (flg /= 0) then
return (Just h)
return Nothing
marshallFDs :: [(Fd,Handle)] -> IO (Int, ByteArray Int)
marshallFDs ls = do
ba <- stToIO (newCharArray (0, sizeof_fd_set))
fd_zero ba
fillIn acc (f,_) = do
let fi = fdToInt f
fd_set ba fi
return (max acc fi)
x <- foldM fillIn 0 ls
ba <- stToIO (unsafeFreezeByteArray ba)
return (x, ba)
foreign import "is_fd_set__"
is_fd_set :: ByteArray Int -> Int -> IO Int
foreign import "fd_zero__"
fd_zero :: MutableByteArray RealWorld Int -> IO ()
foreign import "fd_set__"
fd_set :: MutableByteArray RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO ()
foreign import "sizeof_fd_set__"
sizeof_fd_set :: Int
* (c) sof, 1999
* Stubs to help implement Select module.
/* we're outside the realms of POSIX here... */
#include "Rts.h"
#include "selectFrom.h"
#include "stgio.h"
# if defined(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
# include <sys/types.h>
# endif
# include <sys/time.h>
# endif
/* Helpers for the Haskell-side unmarshalling */
return (sizeof(fd_set));
fd_zero__(StgByteArray a)
fd_set__(StgByteArray a, StgInt fd)
is_fd_set__(StgByteArray a, StgInt fd)
return FD_ISSET(fd,(fd_set*)a);
selectFrom__( StgByteArray rfd
, StgByteArray wfd
, StgByteArray efd
, StgInt mFd
, StgInt tout
int rc, i;
struct timeval tv;
if (tout != (-1)) {
tv.tv_sec = tout / 1000000;
tv.tv_usec = tout % 1000000;
while ((rc = select(mFd, (fd_set*)rfd, (fd_set*)wfd, (fd_set*)efd, (tout == -1 ? NULL : &tv))) < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
return 0;
* (c) sof, 1999
* Stubs to help implement Select module
#ifndef __SELECTFROM_H__
#define __SELECTFROM_H__
extern StgInt sizeof_fd_set__();
extern void fd_zero__(StgByteArray fds);
extern void fd_set__(StgByteArray a, StgInt fd);
extern StgInt is_fd_set__(StgByteArray a, StgInt fd);
extern StgInt selectFrom__
( StgByteArray rfd
, StgByteArray wfd
, StgByteArray efd
, StgInt mFd
, StgInt tout
#endif /* __SELECTFROM_H__ */
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