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Commit 19e9dbef authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1998-04-30 19:06:18 by sof]

simplBinder: allow cloning of binders to be on al the time
via the -fclone-binds simplifier option. (Need to use
this option prior to running a/the floating out pass.)
parent bc5406e2
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......@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ import CoreUtils ( coreExprCc )
import BinderInfo ( BinderInfo, noBinderInfo )
import CostCentre ( CostCentre, noCostCentreAttached, isCurrentCostCentre )
import Id ( idType, getIdUnfolding,
import Id ( idType, getIdUnfolding, externallyVisibleId,
getIdSpecialisation, setIdSpecialisation,
idMustBeINLINEd, idHasNoFreeTyVars,
mkIdWithNewUniq, mkIdWithNewType,
IdEnv, lookupIdEnv, delOneFromIdEnv, elemIdEnv, isNullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv
import SpecEnv ( lookupSpecEnv )
import SpecEnv ( lookupSpecEnv, isEmptySpecEnv, emptySpecEnv )
import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
import Literal ( isNoRepLit )
import MagicUFs ( applyMagicUnfoldingFun, MagicUnfoldingFun )
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ When we hit a binder we may need to
simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> InBinder -> SmplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplBinder env (id, occ_info)
| not_in_scope -- Not in scope, so no need to clone
| no_need_to_clone -- Not in scope (or cloning disabled), so no need to clone
&& empty_ty_subst -- No type substitution to do inside the Id
&& isNullIdEnv id_subst -- No id substitution to do inside the Id
= let
......@@ -196,38 +196,58 @@ simplBinder env (id, occ_info)
-- id1 has its type zapped
id1 | empty_ty_subst = id
| otherwise = mkIdWithNewType id ty'
-- id2 has its SpecEnv zapped (see comment inside Simplify.completeBind)
id2 | empty_spec_env = id1
| otherwise = setIdSpecialisation id1 emptySpecEnv
if not_in_scope then
if no_need_to_clone then
-- No need to clone, but we *must* zap any current substitution
-- for the variable. For example:
-- (\x.e) with id_subst = [x |-> e']
-- Here we must simply zap the substitution for x
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id1,
delOneFromIdEnv id_subst id)
new_id_subst = delOneFromIdEnv id_subst id
new_env = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id2, new_id_subst)
returnSmpl (env', id1)
returnSmpl (new_env, id2)
-- Must clone
getUniqueSmpl `thenSmpl` \ uniq ->
id2 = mkIdWithNewUniq id1 uniq
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id2,
addOneToIdEnv id_subst id (SubstVar id2))
id3 = mkIdWithNewUniq id2 uniq
new_env = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id3,
addOneToIdEnv id_subst id (SubstVar id3))
returnSmpl (env', id2)
returnSmpl (new_env, id3)
((in_scope_tyvars, ty_subst), (in_scope_ids, id_subst)) = getEnvs env
empty_ty_subst = isEmptyTyVarEnv ty_subst
not_in_scope = not (id `elemIdEnv` in_scope_ids)
empty_ty_subst = isEmptyTyVarEnv ty_subst
empty_spec_env = isEmptySpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation id)
no_need_to_clone = not need_to_clone
need_to_clone = not (externallyVisibleId id) &&
( elemIdEnv id in_scope_ids || clone_binds_please)
The SimplCloneBinds option isn't just here as another simplifier knob we can
twiddle. Prior to floating bindings outwards, we have to make sure that no
duplicate bindings exist as floating may cause bindings with identical
uniques to come into scope, with disastrous consequences.
To avoid this situation, we make sure that cloning is turned *on* in the
simplifier pass prior to running an outward floating pass.
clone_binds_please = switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplCloneBinds
new_in_scope_ids id' = addOneToIdEnv in_scope_ids id' (id', occ_info, NoUnfolding)
ty = idType id
ty' = instantiateTy ty_subst ty
sw_chkr = getSwitchChecker env
simplBinders :: SimplEnv -> [InBinder] -> SmplM (SimplEnv, [OutId])
simplBinders env binders = mapAccumLSmpl simplBinder env binders
......@@ -235,7 +255,7 @@ simplBinders env binders = mapAccumLSmpl simplBinder env binders
simplTyBinder :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> SmplM (SimplEnv, TyVar)
simplTyBinder env tyvar
| not (tyvar `elementOfTyVarSet` tyvars)
| no_need_to_clone
= -- No need to clone; but must zap any binding for tyvar
-- see comments with simplBinder above
......@@ -254,8 +274,13 @@ simplTyBinder env tyvar
returnSmpl (env', tyvar')
((tyvars, ty_subst), (ids, id_subst)) = getEnvs env
no_need_to_clone = not (tyvar `elementOfTyVarSet` tyvars) &&
not clone_binds_please
clone_binds_please = switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplCloneBinds
sw_chkr = getSwitchChecker env
simplTyBinders :: SimplEnv -> [TyVar] -> SmplM (SimplEnv, [TyVar])
simplTyBinders env binders = mapAccumLSmpl simplTyBinder env binders
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