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Commit 2269b0b4 authored by Simon Marlow's avatar Simon Marlow
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[project @ 1997-10-20 10:21:11 by simonm]

fix for overloading-related space leak (typecheck/should_run/tcrun002)
parent 9b1a016a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module Id (
mkIdWithNewUniq, mkIdWithNewName, mkIdWithNewType,
......@@ -295,10 +294,6 @@ data IdDetails
-- actually do comparisons that way, we kindly supply
-- a Unique for that purpose.
| InstId -- An instance of a dictionary, class operation,
-- or overloaded value (Local name)
Bool -- as for LocalId
| SpecId -- A specialisation of another Id
Id -- Id of which this is a specialisation
[Maybe Type] -- Types at which it is specialised;
......@@ -422,9 +417,6 @@ to a dictionary for C (T a b ..).
include dictionaries for the immediate superclasses of C at the type
(T a b ..).
......@@ -461,7 +453,7 @@ They are constants, so they are not free variables. (When the STG
machine makes a closure, it puts all the free variables in the
closure; the above are not required.)
Note that @InstIds@, @Locals@ and @SysLocals@ {\em may} have the above
Note that @Locals@ and @SysLocals@ {\em may} have the above
properties, but they may not.
......@@ -515,7 +507,6 @@ toplevelishId (Id _ _ _ details _ _)
chk (DictFunId _ _) = True
chk (SpecId unspec _ _) = toplevelishId unspec
-- depends what the unspecialised thing is
chk (InstId _) = False -- these are local
chk (LocalId _) = False
chk (SysLocalId _) = False
chk (SpecPragmaId _ _) = False
......@@ -533,7 +524,6 @@ idHasNoFreeTyVars (Id _ _ _ details _ info)
chk (DefaultMethodId _) = True
chk (DictFunId _ _) = True
chk (SpecId _ _ no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
chk (InstId no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
chk (LocalId no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
chk (SysLocalId no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
chk (SpecPragmaId _ no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
......@@ -661,7 +651,7 @@ apply_to_Id ty_fn id@(Id u n ty details prag info)
new_maybes = map apply_to_maybe ty_maybes
SpecId new_unspec new_maybes (no_free_tvs ty)
-- ToDo: gratuitous recalc no_ftvs???? (also InstId)
-- ToDo: gratuitous recalc no_ftvs????
apply_to_maybe Nothing = Nothing
apply_to_maybe (Just ty) = Just (ty_fn ty)
......@@ -722,9 +712,6 @@ mkWorkerId u unwrkr ty info
details = LocalId (no_free_tvs ty)
name = mkCompoundName name_fn u (getName unwrkr)
name_fn wkr_str = SLIT("$w") _APPEND_ wkr_str
mkInstId u ty name
= Id u name ty (InstId (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
......@@ -991,7 +978,6 @@ dataConFieldLabels x@(Id _ _ _ idt _ _) =
MethodSelId _ -> "m"
DefaultMethodId _ -> "d"
DictFunId _ _ -> "di"
InstId _ -> "in"
SpecId _ _ _ -> "spec"))
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Inst (
newDicts, newDictsAtLoc, newMethod, newMethodWithGivenTy, newOverloadedLit,
instType, tyVarsOfInst, lookupInst, lookupSimpleInst,
tyVarsOfInst, lookupInst, lookupSimpleInst,
isDict, isTyVarDict,
......@@ -42,17 +42,18 @@ import TcHsSyn ( SYN_IE(TcExpr),
import TcMonad
import TcEnv ( tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, tcLookupTyConByKey )
import TcType ( TcIdOcc(..), SYN_IE(TcIdBndr),
import TcType ( TcIdOcc(..), SYN_IE(TcIdBndr), SYN_IE(TcThetaType), SYN_IE(TcTauType),
SYN_IE(TcType), SYN_IE(TcRhoType), TcMaybe, SYN_IE(TcTyVarSet),
tcInstType, zonkTcType, tcSplitForAllTy, tcSplitRhoTy )
tcInstType, zonkTcType, zonkTcTheta,
tcSplitForAllTy, tcSplitRhoTy
import Bag ( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, bagToList,
listToBag, consBag, Bag )
import Class ( classInstEnv,
SYN_IE(Class), GenClass, SYN_IE(ClassInstEnv)
import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc, SYN_IE(Error) )
import Id ( GenId, idType, mkInstId, SYN_IE(Id) )
import Id ( GenId, idType, mkUserLocal, mkSysLocal, SYN_IE(Id) )
import PrelInfo ( isCcallishClass, isNoDictClass )
import MatchEnv ( lookupMEnv, insertMEnv )
import Name ( OccName(..), Name, mkLocalName,
......@@ -145,15 +146,17 @@ data Inst s
-- should be instantiated.
-- These types must saturate the Id's foralls.
(TcRhoType s) -- Cached: (type-of-id applied to inst_tys)
-- If this type is (theta => tau) then the type of the Method
-- is tau, and the method can be built by saying
-- id inst_tys dicts
-- where dicts are constructed from theta
(TcThetaType s) -- The (types of the) dictionaries to which the function
-- must be applied to get the method
(TcTauType s) -- The type of the method
(InstOrigin s)
-- INVARIANT: in (Method u f tys theta tau loc)
-- type of (f tys dicts(from theta)) = tau
| LitInst
......@@ -165,9 +168,9 @@ data OverloadedLit
= OverloadedIntegral Integer -- The number
| OverloadedFractional Rational -- The number
getInstOrigin (Dict u clas ty origin loc) = origin
getInstOrigin (Method u clas ty rho origin loc) = origin
getInstOrigin (LitInst u lit ty origin loc) = origin
getInstOrigin (Dict u clas ty origin loc) = origin
getInstOrigin (Method u fn tys theta tau origin loc) = origin
getInstOrigin (LitInst u lit ty origin loc) = origin
......@@ -213,24 +216,29 @@ newMethod orig id tys
(case id of
RealId id -> let (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
(if length tyvars /= length tys then pprTrace "newMethod" (ppr PprDebug (idType id)) else \x->x) $
tcInstType (zip{-Equal "newMethod"-} tyvars tys) rho
tcInstType (zipEqual "newMethod" tyvars tys) rho
TcId id -> tcSplitForAllTy (idType id) `thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars, rho) ->
returnNF_Tc (instantiateTy (zipEqual "newMethod(2)" tyvars tys) rho)
) `thenNF_Tc` \ rho_ty ->
(theta, tau) = splitRhoTy rho_ty
-- Our friend does the rest
newMethodWithGivenTy orig id tys rho_ty
newMethodWithGivenTy orig id tys theta tau
newMethodWithGivenTy orig id tys rho_ty
newMethodWithGivenTy orig id tys theta tau
= tcGetSrcLoc `thenNF_Tc` \ loc ->
tcGetUnique `thenNF_Tc` \ new_uniq ->
meth_inst = Method new_uniq id tys rho_ty orig loc
meth_inst = Method new_uniq id tys theta tau orig loc
returnNF_Tc (unitLIE meth_inst, instToId meth_inst)
newMethodAtLoc :: InstOrigin s -> SrcLoc -> Id -> [TcType s] -> NF_TcM s (Inst s, TcIdOcc s)
newMethodAtLoc :: InstOrigin s -> SrcLoc
-> Id -> [TcType s]
-> NF_TcM s (Inst s, TcIdOcc s)
newMethodAtLoc orig loc real_id tys -- Local function, similar to newMethod but with
-- slightly different interface
= -- Get the Id type and instantiate it at the specified types
......@@ -240,7 +248,8 @@ newMethodAtLoc orig loc real_id tys -- Local function, similar to newMethod but
tcInstType (zipEqual "newMethodAtLoc" tyvars tys) rho `thenNF_Tc` \ rho_ty ->
tcGetUnique `thenNF_Tc` \ new_uniq ->
meth_inst = Method new_uniq (RealId real_id) tys rho_ty orig loc
(theta, tau) = splitRhoTy rho_ty
meth_inst = Method new_uniq (RealId real_id) tys theta tau orig loc
returnNF_Tc (meth_inst, instToId meth_inst)
......@@ -273,27 +282,15 @@ newOverloadedLit orig lit ty -- The general case
instToId :: Inst s -> TcIdOcc s
instToId (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
= TcId (mkInstId u (mkDictTy clas ty) (mkLocalName u str loc))
= TcId (mkUserLocal occ u (mkDictTy clas ty) loc)
str = VarOcc (SLIT("d.") _APPEND_ (occNameString (getOccName clas)))
occ = VarOcc (SLIT("d.") _APPEND_ (occNameString (getOccName clas)))
instToId (Method u id tys rho_ty orig loc)
= TcId (mkInstId u tau_ty (mkLocalName u occ loc))
occ = getOccName id
(_, tau_ty) = splitRhoTy rho_ty
-- I hope we don't need tcSplitRhoTy...
-- NB The method Id has just the tau type
instToId (Method u id tys theta tau orig loc)
= TcId (mkUserLocal (getOccName id) u tau loc)
instToId (LitInst u list ty orig loc)
= TcId (mkInstId u ty (mkSysLocalName u SLIT("lit") loc))
instType :: Inst s -> TcType s
instType (Dict _ clas ty _ _) = mkDictTy clas ty
instType (LitInst _ _ ty _ _) = ty
instType (Method _ id tys ty _ _) = ty
= TcId (mkSysLocal SLIT("lit") u ty loc)
......@@ -309,10 +306,11 @@ zonkInst (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
= zonkTcType ty `thenNF_Tc` \ new_ty ->
returnNF_Tc (Dict u clas new_ty orig loc)
zonkInst (Method u id tys rho orig loc) -- Doesn't zonk the id!
zonkInst (Method u id tys theta tau orig loc) -- Doesn't zonk the id!
= mapNF_Tc zonkTcType tys `thenNF_Tc` \ new_tys ->
zonkTcType rho `thenNF_Tc` \ new_rho ->
returnNF_Tc (Method u id new_tys new_rho orig loc)
zonkTcTheta theta `thenNF_Tc` \ new_theta ->
zonkTcType tau `thenNF_Tc` \ new_tau ->
returnNF_Tc (Method u id new_tys new_theta new_tau orig loc)
zonkInst (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
= zonkTcType ty `thenNF_Tc` \ new_ty ->
......@@ -322,8 +320,8 @@ zonkInst (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
tyVarsOfInst :: Inst s -> TcTyVarSet s
tyVarsOfInst (Dict _ _ ty _ _) = tyVarsOfType ty
tyVarsOfInst (Method _ id tys rho _ _) = tyVarsOfTypes tys `unionTyVarSets` tcIdTyVars id
tyVarsOfInst (Dict _ _ ty _ _) = tyVarsOfType ty
tyVarsOfInst (Method _ id tys _ _ _ _) = tyVarsOfTypes tys `unionTyVarSets` tcIdTyVars id
-- The id might not be a RealId; in the case of
-- locally-overloaded class methods, for example
tyVarsOfInst (LitInst _ _ ty _ _) = tyVarsOfType ty
......@@ -338,7 +336,7 @@ matchesInst :: Inst s -> Inst s -> Bool
matchesInst (Dict _ clas1 ty1 _ _) (Dict _ clas2 ty2 _ _)
= clas1 == clas2 && ty1 `eqSimpleTy` ty2
matchesInst (Method _ id1 tys1 _ _ _) (Method _ id2 tys2 _ _ _)
matchesInst (Method _ id1 tys1 _ _ _ _) (Method _ id2 tys2 _ _ _ _)
= id1 == id2
&& and (zipWith eqSimpleTy tys1 tys2)
&& length tys1 == length tys2
......@@ -402,7 +400,7 @@ pprInst sty (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
pprInst sty (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
= hsep [ppr sty clas, pprParendGenType sty ty, show_uniq sty u]
pprInst sty (Method u id tys rho orig loc)
pprInst sty (Method u id tys _ _ orig loc)
= hsep [ppr sty id, ptext SLIT("at"),
interppSP sty tys,
show_uniq sty u]
......@@ -478,9 +476,8 @@ lookupInst dict@(Dict _ clas ty orig loc)
-- Methods
lookupInst inst@(Method _ id tys rho orig loc)
= tcSplitRhoTy rho `thenNF_Tc` \ (theta, _) ->
newDictsAtLoc orig loc theta `thenNF_Tc` \ (dicts, dict_ids) ->
lookupInst inst@(Method _ id tys theta _ orig loc)
= newDictsAtLoc orig loc theta `thenNF_Tc` \ (dicts, dict_ids) ->
returnTc (dicts, VarMonoBind (instToId inst) (mkHsDictApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar id) tys) dict_ids))
-- Literals
......@@ -671,9 +668,9 @@ pprOrigin sty inst
= hsep [text "arising from", pp_orig orig, text "at", ppr sty locn]
(orig, locn) = case inst of
Dict _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
Method _ _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
LitInst _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
Dict _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
Method _ _ _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
LitInst _ _ _ orig loc -> (orig,loc)
pp_orig (OccurrenceOf id)
= hsep [ptext SLIT("use of"), ppr sty id]
......@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ import TcHsSyn ( SYN_IE(TcHsBinds), SYN_IE(TcMonoBinds),
import TcMonad
import Inst ( Inst, SYN_IE(LIE), emptyLIE, plusLIE, InstOrigin(..),
newDicts, tyVarsOfInst, instToId
import Inst ( Inst, SYN_IE(LIE), emptyLIE, plusLIE, plusLIEs, InstOrigin(..),
newDicts, tyVarsOfInst, instToId, newMethodWithGivenTy
import TcEnv ( tcExtendLocalValEnv, tcLookupLocalValueOK, newMonoIds,
import TcEnv ( tcExtendLocalValEnv, tcLookupLocalValueOK, newLocalId,
tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcExtendGlobalTyVars
import SpecEnv ( SpecEnv )
......@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ import TcSimplify ( bindInstsOfLocalFuns )
import TcType ( TcIdOcc(..), SYN_IE(TcIdBndr),
SYN_IE(TcType), SYN_IE(TcThetaType), SYN_IE(TcTauType),
SYN_IE(TcTyVarSet), SYN_IE(TcTyVar),
newTyVarTy, zonkTcType, zonkSigTyVar,
newTyVarTy, zonkTcType, zonkTcTheta, zonkSigTyVar,
newTcTyVar, tcInstSigType, newTyVarTys
import Unify ( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
import Kind ( isUnboxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, isTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
import Id ( GenId, idType, mkUserLocal, mkUserId )
import Id ( GenId, idType, mkUserId )
import IdInfo ( noIdInfo )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, assocMaybe, catMaybes )
import Name ( getOccName, getSrcLoc, Name )
......@@ -230,11 +230,12 @@ tcBindWithSigs binder_names mbind tc_ty_sigs is_rec prag_info_fn
-- Create a new identifier for each binder, with each being given
-- a fresh unique, and a type-variable type.
tcGetUniques no_of_binders `thenNF_Tc` \ uniqs ->
mapNF_Tc mk_mono_id_ty binder_names `thenNF_Tc` \ mono_id_tys ->
-- For "mono_lies" see comments about polymorphic recursion at the
-- end of the function.
mapAndUnzipNF_Tc mk_mono_id binder_names `thenNF_Tc` \ (mono_lies, mono_ids) ->
mono_ids = zipWith3Equal "tcBindAndSigs" mk_id binder_names uniqs mono_id_tys
mk_id name uniq ty = mkUserLocal (getOccName name) uniq ty (getSrcLoc name)
mono_lie = plusLIEs mono_lies
mono_id_tys = map idType mono_ids
......@@ -251,10 +252,12 @@ tcBindWithSigs binder_names mbind tc_ty_sigs is_rec prag_info_fn
getTyVarsToGen is_unrestricted mono_id_tys lie `thenTc` \ (tyvars_not_to_gen, tyvars_to_gen) ->
mapTc defaultUncommittedTyVar (tyVarSetToList tyvars_to_gen) `thenTc` \ real_tyvars_to_gen_list ->
mapTc defaultUncommittedTyVar
(tyVarSetToList tyvars_to_gen) `thenTc` \ real_tyvars_to_gen_list ->
real_tyvars_to_gen = mkTyVarSet real_tyvars_to_gen_list
-- It's important that the final list (real_tyvars_to_gen and real_tyvars_to_gen_list) is fully
-- It's important that the final list
-- (real_tyvars_to_gen and real_tyvars_to_gen_list) is fully
-- zonked, *including boxity*, because they'll be included in the forall types of
-- the polymorphic Ids, and instances of these Ids will be generated from them.
......@@ -268,21 +271,30 @@ tcBindWithSigs binder_names mbind tc_ty_sigs is_rec prag_info_fn
tcExtendGlobalTyVars tyvars_not_to_gen (
if null tc_ty_sigs then
-- No signatures, so just simplify the lie
-- NB: no signatures => no polymorphic recursion, so no
-- need to use mono_lies (which will be empty anyway)
tcSimplify real_tyvars_to_gen lie `thenTc` \ (lie_free, dict_binds, lie_bound) ->
returnTc (lie_free, dict_binds, map instToId (bagToList lie_bound))
zonk_theta sig_theta `thenNF_Tc` \ sig_theta' ->
zonkTcTheta sig_theta `thenNF_Tc` \ sig_theta' ->
newDicts SignatureOrigin sig_theta' `thenNF_Tc` \ (dicts_sig, dict_ids) ->
-- It's important that sig_theta is zonked, because
-- dict_id is later used to form the type of the polymorphic thing,
-- and forall-types must be zonked so far as their bound variables
-- are concerned
-- The "givens" is the stuff available. We get that from
-- the context of the type signature, BUT ALSO the mono_lie
-- so that polymorphic recursion works right (see comments at end of fn)
givens = dicts_sig `plusLIE` mono_lie
-- Check that the needed dicts can be expressed in
-- terms of the signature ones
tcAddErrCtxt (sigsCtxt tysig_names) $
tcSimplifyAndCheck real_tyvars_to_gen dicts_sig lie `thenTc` \ (lie_free, dict_binds) ->
tcSimplifyAndCheck real_tyvars_to_gen givens lie `thenTc` \ (lie_free, dict_binds) ->
returnTc (lie_free, dict_binds, dict_ids)
) `thenTc` \ (lie_free, dict_binds, dicts_bound) ->
......@@ -326,23 +338,86 @@ tcBindWithSigs binder_names mbind tc_ty_sigs is_rec prag_info_fn
no_of_binders = length binder_names
mk_mono_id_ty binder_name = case maybeSig tc_ty_sigs binder_name of
Just (TySigInfo name _ _ _ tau_ty _) -> returnNF_Tc tau_ty -- There's a signature
otherwise -> newTyVarTy kind -- No signature
mk_mono_id binder_name
| theres_a_signature -- There's a signature; and it's overloaded,
&& not (null sig_theta) -- so make a Method
= tcAddSrcLoc sig_loc $
newMethodWithGivenTy SignatureOrigin
(TcId poly_id) (mkTyVarTys sig_tyvars)
sig_theta sig_tau `thenNF_Tc` \ (mono_lie, TcId mono_id) ->
-- A bit turgid to have to strip the TcId
returnNF_Tc (mono_lie, mono_id)
| otherwise -- No signature or not overloaded;
= tcAddSrcLoc (getSrcLoc binder_name) $
(if theres_a_signature then
returnNF_Tc sig_tau -- Non-overloaded signature; use its type
newTyVarTy kind -- No signature; use a new type variable
) `thenNF_Tc` \ mono_id_ty ->
newLocalId (getOccName binder_name) mono_id_ty `thenNF_Tc` \ mono_id ->
returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, mono_id)
maybe_sig = maybeSig tc_ty_sigs binder_name
theres_a_signature = maybeToBool maybe_sig
Just (TySigInfo name poly_id sig_tyvars sig_theta sig_tau sig_loc) = maybe_sig
tysig_names = [name | (TySigInfo name _ _ _ _ _) <- tc_ty_sigs]
is_unrestricted = isUnRestrictedGroup tysig_names mbind
kind | is_rec = mkBoxedTypeKind -- Recursive, so no unboxed types
| otherwise = mkTypeKind -- Non-recursive, so we permit unboxed types
zonk_theta theta = mapNF_Tc zonk theta
zonk (c,t) = zonkTcType t `thenNF_Tc` \ t' ->
returnNF_Tc (c,t')
@getImplicitStuffToGen@ decides what type variables generalise over.
Polymorphic recursion
The game plan for polymorphic recursion in the code above is
* Bind any variable for which we have a type signature
to an Id with a polymorphic type. Then when type-checking
the RHSs we'll make a full polymorphic call.
This fine, but if you aren't a bit careful you end up with a horrendous
amount of partial application and (worse) a huge space leak. For example:
f :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
f xs = ...f...
If we don't take care, after typechecking we get
f = /\a -> \d::Eq a -> let f' = f a d
\ys:[a] -> ...f'...
Notice the the stupid construction of (f a d), which is of course
identical to the function we're executing. In this case, the
polymorphic recursion ins't being used (but that's a very common case).
This can lead to a massive space leak, from the following top-level defn:
ff :: [Int] -> [Int]
ff = f dEqInt
Now (f dEqInt) evaluates to a lambda that has f' as a free variable; but
f' is another thunk which evaluates to the same thing... and you end
up with a chain of identical values all hung onto by the CAF ff.
Solution: when typechecking the RHSs we always have in hand the
*monomorphic* Ids for each binding. So we just need to make sure that
if (Method f a d) shows up in the constraints emerging from (...f...)
we just use the monomorphic Id. We achieve this by adding monomorphic Ids
to the "givens" when simplifying constraints. Thats' what the "mono_lies"
is doing.
%* *
%* *
@getTyVarsToGen@ decides what type variables generalise over.
For a "restricted group" -- see the monomorphism restriction
for a definition -- we bind no dictionaries, and
......@@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ tcId name
-- Yes, it's overloaded
newMethodWithGivenTy (OccurrenceOf tc_id_occ)
tc_id_occ arg_tys rho `thenNF_Tc` \ (lie1, meth_id) ->
instantiate_it meth_id tau `thenNF_Tc` \ (expr, lie2, final_tau) ->
tc_id_occ arg_tys theta tau `thenNF_Tc` \ (lie1, meth_id) ->
instantiate_it meth_id tau `thenNF_Tc` \ (expr, lie2, final_tau) ->
returnNF_Tc (expr, lie1 `plusLIE` lie2, final_tau)
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Id ( GenId, mkDictFunId, mkSysLocal, SYN_IE(Id) )
import MatchEnv ( nullMEnv, insertMEnv )
import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..), mkLookupFunDef )
import Name ( getSrcLoc, Name{--O only-} )
import PprType ( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
import PprType ( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar, pprParendType )
import Pretty
import SpecEnv ( SpecEnv, nullSpecEnv, addOneToSpecEnv )
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ dupInstFailure clas info1@(ty1, locn1) info2@(ty2, locn2)
failTc (\sty -> ptext SLIT("Duplicate or overlapping instance declarations"))
ctxt sty = sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("for"),
pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> ppr sty clas <+> ppr sty ty1],
pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> ppr sty clas <+> pprParendType sty ty1],
nest 4 (sep [ptext SLIT("at") <+> ppr sty locn1,
ptext SLIT("and") <+> ppr sty locn2])]
......@@ -432,7 +432,10 @@ tcGetDefaultTys down env = returnSST (getDefaultTys down)
tcSetDefaultTys :: [Type] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
tcSetDefaultTys tys m down env = m (setDefaultTys down tys) env
tcAddSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
-- tcAddSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
-- tcAddSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> NF_TcM s a -> NF_TcM s a
tcAddSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> (TcDown s -> env -> result)
-> (TcDown s -> env -> result)
tcAddSrcLoc loc m down env = m (setLoc down loc) env
tcGetSrcLoc :: NF_TcM s SrcLoc
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ bindInstsOfLocalFuns :: LIE s -> [TcIdBndr s] -> TcM s (LIE s, TcMonoBinds s)
bindInstsOfLocalFuns init_lie local_ids
= foldrTc bind_inst (emptyBag, EmptyMonoBinds) (bagToList init_lie)
bind_inst inst@(Method uniq (TcId id) tys rho orig loc) (insts, binds)
bind_inst inst@(Method uniq (TcId id) tys _ _ orig loc) (insts, binds)
| id `is_elem` local_ids
= lookupInst inst `thenTc` \ (dict_insts, bind) ->
returnTc (listToBag dict_insts `plusLIE` insts,
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module TcType (
tcInstTheta, tcInstId,
zonkTcTyVars, zonkSigTyVar,
zonkTcType, zonkTcTheta,
......@@ -458,4 +458,10 @@ zonkTcType (FunTy ty1 ty2 u)
zonkTcType (DictTy c ty u)
= zonkTcType ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
returnNF_Tc (DictTy c ty' u)
zonkTcTheta theta = mapNF_Tc zonk theta
zonk (c,t) = zonkTcType t `thenNF_Tc` \ t' ->
returnNF_Tc (c,t')
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