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Commit 322ffb93 authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1997-05-18 23:16:13 by sof]

new PP;2.0x bootable
parent 0ddf7fa7
No related merge requests found
......@@ -25,32 +25,37 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_SpecialiseOverloaded, opt_SpecialiseUnboxed,
import Bag ( isEmptyBag, bagToList )
import Class ( GenClass{-instance NamedThing-}, GenClassOp {- instance NamedThing -} )
import Bag ( isEmptyBag, bagToList, Bag )
import Class ( GenClass{-instance NamedThing-}, SYN_IE(Class),
GenClassOp {- instance NamedThing -} )
import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, addListToFM_C, plusFM_C, keysFM,
import Id ( idType, isDictFunId, isConstMethodId_maybe,
GenId {-instance NamedThing -}
GenId {-instance NamedThing -}, SYN_IE(Id)
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, catMaybes, firstJust )
import Name ( OccName, pprNonSym, pprOccName, modAndOcc )
import Name ( OccName, pprOccName, modAndOcc, NamedThing(..) )
import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
import PprType ( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
TyCon{-ditto-}, GenType{-ditto-}, GenTyVar
TyCon{-ditto-}, GenType{-ditto-}, GenTyVar, GenClassOp
import Pretty -- plenty of it
import TyCon ( tyConTyVars, TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
import Type ( splitSigmaTy, mkTyVarTy, mkForAllTys,
getTyVar_maybe, isUnboxedType
getTyVar_maybe, isUnboxedType, SYN_IE(Type)
import TyVar ( GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
import TyVar ( GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}, SYN_IE(TyVar) )
import Unique ( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
import Util ( equivClasses, zipWithEqual, cmpPString,
assertPanic, panic{-ToDo:rm-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 202
import Outputable ( Outputable(..) )
cmpType = panic "SpecUtils.cmpType (ToDo: get rid of)"
mkSameSpecCon = panic "SpecUtils.mkSameSpecCon (ToDo)"
getInstIdModule = panic "SpecUtils.getInstIdModule (ToDo)"
......@@ -63,8 +68,8 @@ based on flags, the overloading constraint vector, and the types.
specialiseCallTys :: ConstraintVector -- Tells which type args are overloaded
-> [Type] -- Type args
-> [Maybe Type] -- Nothings replace non-specialised type args
-> [Type] -- Type args
-> [Maybe Type] -- Nothings replace non-specialised type args
specialiseCallTys cvec tys
| opt_SpecialiseAll = map Just tys
......@@ -73,8 +78,8 @@ specialiseCallTys cvec tys
spec_ty_other c ty | (opt_SpecialiseUnboxed && isUnboxedType ty) ||
(opt_SpecialiseOverloaded && c)
= Just ty
| otherwise = Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
@getIdOverloading@ grabs the type of an Id, and returns a
......@@ -159,13 +164,13 @@ with a list of specialising types. An error message is returned if not.
argTysMatchSpecTys_error :: [Maybe Type]
-> [Type]
-> Maybe Pretty
-> Maybe Doc
argTysMatchSpecTys_error spec_tys arg_tys
= if match spec_tys arg_tys
then Nothing
else Just (ppSep [ppPStr SLIT("Spec and Arg Types Inconsistent:"),
ppPStr SLIT("spectys="), ppSep [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
ppPStr SLIT("argtys="), ppSep [pprParendGenType PprDebug ty | ty <- arg_tys]])
else Just (sep [ptext SLIT("Spec and Arg Types Inconsistent:"),
ptext SLIT("spectys="), sep [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
ptext SLIT("argtys="), sep [pprParendGenType PprDebug ty | ty <- arg_tys]])
match (Nothing:spec_tys) (arg:arg_tys)
= not (isUnboxedType arg) &&
......@@ -186,16 +191,16 @@ pprSpecErrs :: FAST_STRING -- module name
-> (Bag (Id,[Maybe Type])) -- errors
-> (Bag (Id,[Maybe Type])) -- warnings
-> (Bag (TyCon,[Maybe Type])) -- errors
-> Pretty
-> Doc
pprSpecErrs this_mod spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs
| not any_errs && not any_warn
= ppNil
= empty
| otherwise
= ppAboves [
ppAboves (map pp_module_specs use_modules)
= vcat [
vcat (map pp_module_specs use_modules)
any_errs = not (isEmptyBag spec_errs && isEmptyBag spec_tyerrs)
......@@ -249,20 +254,20 @@ pprSpecErrs this_mod spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs
use_modules = unks ++ known
pp_module_specs :: FAST_STRING -> Pretty
pp_module_specs :: FAST_STRING -> Doc
pp_module_specs mod
| mod == _NIL_
= ASSERT (null mod_tyspecs)
ppAboves (map (pp_idspec ty_sty (ppPStr SLIT("UNKNOWN:"))) mod_idspecs)
vcat (map (pp_idspec ty_sty (ptext SLIT("UNKNOWN:"))) mod_idspecs)
| have_specs
= ppAboves [
ppAboves (map (pp_tyspec ty_sty (pp_module mod)) mod_tyspecs),
ppAboves (map (pp_idspec ty_sty (pp_module mod)) mod_idspecs)
= vcat [
vcat (map (pp_tyspec ty_sty (pp_module mod)) mod_tyspecs),
vcat (map (pp_idspec ty_sty (pp_module mod)) mod_idspecs)
| otherwise
= ppNil
= empty
mod_tyspecs = lookupWithDefaultFM tyspecs_fm [] mod
......@@ -271,15 +276,15 @@ pprSpecErrs this_mod spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs
ty_sty = PprInterface
pp_module mod
= ppBesides [ppPStr mod, ppChar ':']
= hcat [ptext mod, char ':']
pp_tyspec :: PprStyle -> Pretty -> (OccName, TyCon, [Maybe Type]) -> Pretty
pp_tyspec :: PprStyle -> Doc -> (OccName, TyCon, [Maybe Type]) -> Doc
pp_tyspec sty pp_mod (_, tycon, tys)
= ppCat [pp_mod,
ppStr "{-# SPECIALIZE data",
pprNonSym PprForUser tycon, ppCat (map (pprParendGenType sty) spec_tys),
ppStr "-} {- Essential -}"
= hsep [pp_mod,
text "{-# SPECIALIZE data",
ppr PprForUser tycon, hsep (map (pprParendGenType sty) spec_tys),
text "-} {- Essential -}"
tvs = tyConTyVars tycon
......@@ -289,48 +294,48 @@ pp_tyspec sty pp_mod (_, tycon, tys)
choose_ty (tv, Nothing) = (mkTyVarTy tv, Just tv)
choose_ty (tv, Just ty) = (ty, Nothing)
pp_idspec :: PprStyle -> Pretty -> (OccName, Id, [Maybe Type], Bool) -> Pretty
pp_idspec :: PprStyle -> Doc -> (OccName, Id, [Maybe Type], Bool) -> Doc
pp_idspec sty pp_mod (_, id, tys, is_err)
| isDictFunId id
= ppCat [pp_mod,
ppStr "{-# SPECIALIZE instance",
= hsep [pp_mod,
text "{-# SPECIALIZE instance",
pprGenType sty spec_ty,
ppStr "#-}", pp_essential ]
text "#-}", pp_essential ]
| is_const_method_id
= let
Just (cls, clsty, clsop) = const_method_maybe
ppCat [pp_mod,
ppStr "{-# SPECIALIZE",
pprNonSym sty clsop, ppStr "::",
hsep [pp_mod,
text "{-# SPECIALIZE",
ppr sty clsop, text "::",
pprGenType sty spec_ty,
ppStr "#-} {- IN instance",
text "#-} {- IN instance",
pprOccName sty (getOccName cls), pprParendGenType sty clsty,
ppStr "-}", pp_essential ]
text "-}", pp_essential ]
| is_default_method_id
= let
Just (cls, clsop, _) = default_method_maybe
ppCat [pp_mod,
ppStr "{- instance",
hsep [pp_mod,
text "{- instance",
pprOccName sty (getOccName cls),
pprNonSym sty clsop, ppStr "::",
ppr sty clsop, text "::",
pprGenType sty spec_ty,
ppStr "-}", pp_essential ]
text "-}", pp_essential ]
| otherwise
= ppCat [pp_mod,
ppStr "{-# SPECIALIZE",
pprNonSym PprForUser id, ppPStr SLIT("::"),
= hsep [pp_mod,
text "{-# SPECIALIZE",
ppr PprForUser id, ptext SLIT("::"),
pprGenType sty spec_ty,
ppStr "#-}", pp_essential ]
text "#-}", pp_essential ]
spec_ty = specialiseTy (idType id) tys 100 -- HACK to drop all dicts!!!
pp_essential = if is_err then ppStr "{- Essential -}" else ppNil
pp_essential = if is_err then text "{- Essential -}" else empty
const_method_maybe = isConstMethodId_maybe id
is_const_method_id = maybeToBool const_method_maybe
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