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Commit 4bb6e490 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

[project @ 1999-06-28 16:33:17 by simonpj]

Some renamer fixes

* Correct the defn of Rename.isOrphanRule (caused a Sergey bug)

* Tidy up the Rename.implicitFVs stuff
parent 6288438b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ module PrelInfo (
-- it is here, unique and all. Includes all the
derivingOccurrences, -- For a given class C, this tells what other
-- things are needed as a result of a
derivableClassKeys, -- things are needed as a result of a
-- deriving(C) clause
-- Random other things
main_NAME, ioTyCon_NAME,
deRefStablePtr_NAME, makeStablePtr_NAME,
maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon,
needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys, cCallishClassKeys, cCallishTyKeys,
......@@ -22,16 +22,17 @@ import RnMonad
import RnNames ( getGlobalNames )
import RnSource ( rnSourceDecls, rnDecl )
import RnIfaces ( getImportedInstDecls, importDecl, getImportVersions,
getImportedRules, loadHomeInterface, getSlurped
getImportedRules, loadHomeInterface, getSlurped, removeContext
import RnEnv ( availName, availNames, availsToNameSet,
warnUnusedTopNames, mapFvRn,
warnUnusedTopNames, mapFvRn, lookupImplicitOccRn,
FreeVars, plusFVs, plusFV, unitFV, emptyFVs, isEmptyFVs
import Module ( Module, ModuleName, pprModule, mkSearchPath, mkThisModule )
import Name ( Name, isLocallyDefined,
NamedThing(..), ImportReason(..), Provenance(..),
pprOccName, getNameProvenance,
pprOccName, nameOccName,
maybeWiredInTyConName, maybeWiredInIdName, isWiredInName
import Id ( idType )
......@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import RdrName ( RdrName )
import NameSet
import PrelMods ( mAIN_Name, pREL_MAIN_Name )
import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, intTyCon, doubleTyCon, boolTyCon )
import PrelInfo ( ioTyCon_NAME, thinAirIdNames )
import PrelInfo ( ioTyCon_NAME, numClass_RDR, thinAirIdNames, derivingOccurrences )
import Type ( namesOfType, funTyCon )
import ErrUtils ( pprBagOfErrors, pprBagOfWarnings,
doIfSet, dumpIfSet, ghcExit
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ import BasicTypes ( NewOrData(..) )
import Bag ( isEmptyBag, bagToList )
import FiniteMap ( fmToList, delListFromFM, addToFM, sizeFM, eltsFM )
import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
import Util ( equivClasses )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Outputable
......@@ -118,8 +120,9 @@ rename this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports local_decls loc)
) `thenRn` \ (rn_local_decls, source_fvs) ->
implicitFVs mod_name rn_local_decls `thenRn` \ implicit_fvs ->
real_source_fvs = implicitFVs mod_name `plusFV` source_fvs
real_source_fvs = implicit_fvs `plusFV` source_fvs
-- It's important to do the "plus" this way round, so that
-- when compiling the prelude, locally-defined (), Bool, etc
-- override the implicit ones.
......@@ -168,10 +171,13 @@ rename this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports local_decls loc)
mentioned explicitly, but which might be needed by the type checker.
implicitFVs mod_name
= implicit_main `plusFV`
mkNameSet default_tys `plusFV`
mkNameSet thinAirIdNames
implicitFVs mod_name decls
= mapRn lookupImplicitOccRn implicit_occs `thenRn` \ implicit_names ->
returnRn (implicit_main `plusFV`
mkNameSet default_tys `plusFV`
mkNameSet thinAirIdNames `plusFV`
mkNameSet implicit_names)
-- Add occurrences for Int, Double, and (), because they
-- are the types to which ambigious type variables may be defaulted by
......@@ -187,11 +193,30 @@ implicitFVs mod_name
implicit_main | mod_name == mAIN_Name
|| mod_name == pREL_MAIN_Name = unitFV ioTyCon_NAME
| otherwise = emptyFVs
-- Now add extra "occurrences" for things that
-- the deriving mechanism, or defaulting, will later need in order to
-- generate code
implicit_occs = foldr ((++) . get) [] decls
get (DefD _) = [numClass_RDR]
get (TyClD (TyData _ _ _ _ _ (Just deriv_classes) _ _))
= concat (map get_deriv deriv_classes)
get other = []
get_deriv cls = case lookupUFM derivingOccurrences cls of
Nothing -> []
Just occs -> occs
isOrphanDecl (InstD (InstDecl inst_ty _ _ _ _))
= not (foldNameSet ((||) . isLocallyDefined) False (extractHsTyNames inst_ty))
= not (foldNameSet ((||) . isLocallyDefined) False (extractHsTyNames (removeContext inst_ty)))
-- The 'removeContext' is because of
-- instance Foo a => Baz T where ...
-- The decl is an orphan if Baz and T are both not locally defined,
-- even if Foo *is* locally defined
isOrphanDecl (RuleD (RuleDecl _ _ _ lhs _ _))
= check lhs
......@@ -462,10 +487,6 @@ getInstDeclGates other = emptyFVs
reportUnusedNames gbl_env avail_env (ExportEnv export_avails _) mentioned_names
| not (opt_WarnUnusedBinds || opt_WarnUnusedImports)
= returnRn ()
| otherwise
= let
used_names = mentioned_names `unionNameSets` availsToNameSet export_avails
......@@ -487,8 +508,7 @@ reportUnusedNames gbl_env avail_env (ExportEnv export_avails _) mentioned_names
-- Filter out the ones only defined implicitly
bad_guys = filter reportableUnusedName defined_but_not_used
warnUnusedTopNames bad_guys `thenRn_`
returnRn ()
warnUnusedTopNames bad_guys
reportableUnusedName :: Name -> Bool
reportableUnusedName name
......@@ -500,7 +520,7 @@ reportableUnusedName name
-- Report unused explicit imports
explicitlyImported other = False
-- Don't report others
rnStats :: [RenamedHsDecl] -> RnMG ()
rnStats imp_decls
| opt_D_dump_rn_trace ||
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Name ( Name, Provenance(..), ExportFlag(..), NamedThing(..),
import NameSet
import OccName ( OccName,
mkDFunOcc, occNameUserString,
import TysWiredIn ( tupleTyCon, unboxedTupleTyCon, listTyCon )
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ whether there are any instance decls in this module are ``special''.
The name cache should have the correct provenance, though.
lookupImplicitOccRn :: RdrName -> RnMS Name
lookupImplicitOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM d Name
lookupImplicitOccRn rdr_name = mkImportedGlobalFromRdrName rdr_name
......@@ -725,32 +725,28 @@ warnUnusedBinds warn_when_local names
warnUnusedGroup :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Name] -> RnM d ()
warnUnusedGroup emit_warning names
| null filtered_names = returnRn ()
| not (emit_warning is_local) = returnRn ()
| otherwise
= case filter isReportable names of
[] -> returnRn ()
repnames -> warn repnames
= pushSrcLocRn def_loc $
addWarnRn $
sep [msg <> colon, nest 4 (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr filtered_names)))]
warn repnames = pushSrcLocRn def_loc $
addWarnRn $
sep [msg <> colon, nest 4 (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr repnames)))]
name1 = head names
(is_local, def_loc, msg)
= case getNameProvenance name1 of
filtered_names = filter reportable names
name1 = head filtered_names
(is_local, def_loc, msg)
= case getNameProvenance name1 of
LocalDef loc _ -> (True, loc, text "Defined but not used")
NonLocalDef (UserImport mod loc _) _ ->
(True, loc, text "Imported from" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
text "but not used")
other -> (False, getSrcLoc name1, text "Strangely defined but not used")
isReportable = not . startsWithUnderscore . occNameUserString . nameOccName
-- Haskell 98 encourages compilers to suppress warnings about
-- unused names in a pattern if they start with "_".
startsWithUnderscore ('_' : _) = True
-- Suppress warnings for names starting with an underscore
startsWithUnderscore other = False
reportable name = case occNameUserString (nameOccName name) of
('_' : _) -> False
_other -> True
-- Haskell 98 encourages compilers to suppress warnings about
-- unused names in a pattern if they start with "_".
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ module RnIfaces (
getDeclBinders, getDeclSysBinders
getDeclBinders, getDeclSysBinders,
removeContext -- removeContext probably belongs somewhere else
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
......@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ import NameSet
import OccName ( mkDefaultMethodOcc )
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..) )
import FiniteMap ( elemFM )
import PrelInfo ( derivingOccurrences, numClass_RDR,
deRefStablePtr_NAME, makeStablePtr_NAME,
import PrelInfo ( derivableClassKeys,
deRefStablePtr_NAME, makeStablePtr_NAME, bindIO_NAME
import Bag ( bagToList )
import List ( partition, nub )
import Outputable
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_WarnUnusedMatches ) -- Warn of unused for-all'd tyvars
import Unique ( Uniquable(..) )
import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
import Util
......@@ -348,8 +348,7 @@ rnDecl (InstD (InstDecl inst_ty mbinds uprags dfun_rdr_name src_loc))
rnDecl (DefD (DefaultDecl tys src_loc))
= pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
rnHsTypes doc_str tys `thenRn` \ (tys', fvs) ->
lookupImplicitOccRn numClass_RDR `thenRn` \ num ->
returnRn (DefD (DefaultDecl tys' src_loc), fvs `addOneFV` num)
returnRn (DefD (DefaultDecl tys' src_loc), fvs)
doc_str = text "a `default' declaration"
......@@ -437,22 +436,14 @@ rnDerivs :: Maybe [RdrName] -> RnMS (Maybe [Name], FreeVars)
rnDerivs Nothing -- derivs not specified
= returnRn (Nothing, emptyFVs)
rnDerivs (Just ds)
= mapFvRn rn_deriv ds `thenRn` \ (derivs, fvs) ->
returnRn (Just derivs, fvs)
rnDerivs (Just clss)
= mapRn do_one clss `thenRn` \ clss' ->
returnRn (Just clss', mkNameSet clss')
rn_deriv clas
= lookupOccRn clas `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
-- Now add extra "occurrences" for things that
-- the deriving mechanism will later need in order to
-- generate code for this class.
case lookupUFM derivingOccurrences clas_name of
Nothing -> addErrRn (derivingNonStdClassErr clas_name) `thenRn_`
returnRn (clas_name, unitFV clas_name)
Just occs -> mapRn lookupImplicitOccRn occs `thenRn` \ names ->
returnRn (clas_name, mkNameSet (clas_name : names))
do_one cls = lookupOccRn cls `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
checkRn (getUnique clas_name `elem` derivableClassKeys)
(derivingNonStdClassErr clas_name) `thenRn_`
returnRn clas_name
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