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Commit 5a30ed40 authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1997-05-18 23:09:49 by sof]

new PP
parent 9d4d03d5
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......@@ -12,23 +12,24 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
import StgSyn
import Bag ( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, foldBag )
import Bag ( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, foldBag )
import Id ( idType, isDataCon, dataConArgTys,
emptyIdSet, isEmptyIdSet, elementOfIdSet,
mkIdSet, intersectIdSets,
unionIdSets, idSetToList, SYN_IE(IdSet),
GenId{-instanced NamedThing-}
GenId{-instanced NamedThing-}, SYN_IE(Id)
import Literal ( literalType, Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
import Maybes ( catMaybes )
import Name ( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc )
import Outputable ( Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
import PprType ( GenType{-instance Outputable-}, TyCon )
import PprStyle ( PprStyle )
import Pretty -- quite a bit of it
import PrimOp ( primOpType )
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc{-instance Outputable-} )
import Type ( mkFunTys, splitFunTy, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts,
isTyVarTy, eqTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts
isTyVarTy, eqTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts, SYN_IE(Type)
import Util ( zipEqual, pprPanic, panic, panic# )
......@@ -56,12 +57,12 @@ lintStgBindings sty whodunnit binds
= _scc_ "StgLint"
case (initL (lint_binds binds)) of
Nothing -> binds
Just msg -> pprPanic "" (ppAboves [
ppPStr SLIT("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "),ppStr whodunnit, ppPStr SLIT(" ***"),
Just msg -> pprPanic "" (vcat [
ptext SLIT("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "),text whodunnit, ptext SLIT(" ***"),
msg sty,
ppPStr SLIT("*** Offending Program ***"),
ppAboves (map (pprPlainStgBinding sty) binds),
ppPStr SLIT("*** End of Offense ***")])
ptext SLIT("*** Offending Program ***"),
vcat (map (pprPlainStgBinding sty) binds),
ptext SLIT("*** End of Offense ***")])
lint_binds :: [StgBinding] -> LintM ()
......@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ type LintM a = [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
-> Bag ErrMsg -- Error messages so far
-> (a, Bag ErrMsg) -- Result and error messages (if any)
type ErrMsg = PprStyle -> Pretty
type ErrMsg = PprStyle -> Doc
data LintLocInfo
= RhsOf Id -- The variable bound
......@@ -279,22 +280,22 @@ data LintLocInfo
instance Outputable LintLocInfo where
ppr sty (RhsOf v)
= ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ppPStr SLIT(": [RHS of "), pp_binders sty [v], ppChar ']']
= hcat [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ptext SLIT(": [RHS of "), pp_binders sty [v], char ']']
ppr sty (LambdaBodyOf bs)
= ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
ppPStr SLIT(": [in body of lambda with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, ppChar ']']
= hcat [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
ptext SLIT(": [in body of lambda with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, char ']']
ppr sty (BodyOfLetRec bs)
= ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
ppPStr SLIT(": [in body of letrec with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, ppChar ']']
= hcat [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
ptext SLIT(": [in body of letrec with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, char ']']
pp_binders :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty
pp_binders :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Doc
pp_binders sty bs
= ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_binder bs)
= sep (punctuate comma (map pp_binder bs))
pp_binder b
= ppCat [ppr sty b, ppPStr SLIT("::"), ppr sty (idType b)]
= hsep [ppr sty b, ptext SLIT("::"), ppr sty (idType b)]
......@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ initL m
Just ( \ sty ->
foldBag ppAbove ( \ msg -> msg sty ) ppNil errs
foldBag ($$) ( \ msg -> msg sty ) empty errs
......@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ addErr :: Bag ErrMsg -> ErrMsg -> [LintLocInfo] -> Bag ErrMsg
addErr errs_so_far msg locs
= errs_so_far `snocBag` ( \ sty ->
ppHang (ppr sty (head locs)) 4 (msg sty)
hang (ppr sty (head locs)) 4 (msg sty)
addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
......@@ -423,7 +424,7 @@ checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
checkInScope id loc scope errs
= if isLocallyDefined id && not (isDataCon id) && not (id `elementOfIdSet` scope) then
((), addErr errs (\ sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppPStr SLIT("is out of scope")]) loc)
((), addErr errs (\ sty -> hsep [ppr sty id, ptext SLIT("is out of scope")]) loc)
((), errs)
......@@ -437,88 +438,88 @@ checkTys ty1 ty2 msg loc scope errs
mkCaseAltMsg :: StgCaseAlts -> ErrMsg
mkCaseAltMsg alts sty
= ppAbove (ppStr "In some case alternatives, type of alternatives not all same:")
= ($$) (text "In some case alternatives, type of alternatives not all same:")
-- LATER: (ppr sty alts)
(panic "mkCaseAltMsg")
mkCaseDataConMsg :: StgExpr -> ErrMsg
mkCaseDataConMsg expr sty
= ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:"))
= ($$) (ptext SLIT("A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:"))
(pp_expr sty expr)
mkCaseAbstractMsg :: TyCon -> ErrMsg
mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon sty
= ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("An algebraic case on an abstract type:"))
= ($$) (ptext SLIT("An algebraic case on an abstract type:"))
(ppr sty tycon)
mkDefltMsg :: StgCaseDefault -> ErrMsg
mkDefltMsg deflt sty
= ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:"))
= ($$) (ptext SLIT("Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:"))
--LATER: (ppr sty deflt)
(panic "mkDefltMsg")
mkFunAppMsg :: Type -> [Type] -> StgExpr -> ErrMsg
mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys expr sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "In a function application, function type doesn't match arg types:",
ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Function type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Expression:")) 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
= vcat [text "In a function application, function type doesn't match arg types:",
hang (ptext SLIT("Function type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
hang (ptext SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (vcat (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
hang (ptext SLIT("Expression:")) 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
mkRhsConMsg :: Type -> [Type] -> ErrMsg
mkRhsConMsg fun_ty arg_tys sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types:",
ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Constructor type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
= vcat [text "In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types:",
hang (ptext SLIT("Constructor type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
hang (ptext SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (vcat (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
mkUnappTyMsg :: Id -> Type -> ErrMsg
mkUnappTyMsg var ty sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "Variable has a for-all type, but isn't applied to any types.",
ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("Var: ")) (ppr sty var),
ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("Its type: ")) (ppr sty ty)]
= vcat [text "Variable has a for-all type, but isn't applied to any types.",
(<>) (ptext SLIT("Var: ")) (ppr sty var),
(<>) (ptext SLIT("Its type: ")) (ppr sty ty)]
mkAlgAltMsg1 :: Type -> ErrMsg
mkAlgAltMsg1 ty sty
= ppAbove (ppStr "In some case statement, type of scrutinee is not a data type:")
= ($$) (text "In some case statement, type of scrutinee is not a data type:")
(ppr sty ty)
mkAlgAltMsg2 :: Type -> Id -> ErrMsg
mkAlgAltMsg2 ty con sty
= ppAboves [
ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, constructor is not a constructor of scrutinee type:",
= vcat [
text "In some algebraic case alternative, constructor is not a constructor of scrutinee type:",
ppr sty ty,
ppr sty con
mkAlgAltMsg3 :: Id -> [Id] -> ErrMsg
mkAlgAltMsg3 con alts sty
= ppAboves [
ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, number of arguments doesn't match constructor:",
= vcat [
text "In some algebraic case alternative, number of arguments doesn't match constructor:",
ppr sty con,
ppr sty alts
mkAlgAltMsg4 :: Type -> Id -> ErrMsg
mkAlgAltMsg4 ty arg sty
= ppAboves [
ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, type of argument doesn't match data constructor:",
= vcat [
text "In some algebraic case alternative, type of argument doesn't match data constructor:",
ppr sty ty,
ppr sty arg
mkPrimAltMsg :: (Literal, StgExpr) -> ErrMsg
mkPrimAltMsg alt sty
= ppAbove (ppStr "In a primitive case alternative, type of literal doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
= ($$) (text "In a primitive case alternative, type of literal doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
(ppr sty alt)
mkRhsMsg :: Id -> Type -> ErrMsg
mkRhsMsg binder ty sty
= ppAboves [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:"),
= vcat [hsep [ptext SLIT("The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:"),
ppr sty binder],
ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Binder's type:"), ppr sty (idType binder)],
ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Rhs type:"), ppr sty ty]
hsep [ptext SLIT("Binder's type:"), ppr sty (idType binder)],
hsep [ptext SLIT("Rhs type:"), ppr sty ty]
pp_expr :: PprStyle -> StgExpr -> Pretty
pp_expr :: PprStyle -> StgExpr -> Doc
pp_expr sty expr = ppr sty expr
sleazy_eq_ty ty1 ty2
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