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Commit 5a5362b0 authored by sof's avatar sof
Browse files

[project @ 1997-06-05 23:28:37 by sof]

Updated for 2.04
parent f1ab58e5
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module Main (main)
module Main (main) where
import LibPosix
import LibSystem
import IO
import Posix
import Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
import System ( getEnv, exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import Char (isSpace)
main :: IO ()
main =
initialize >>
......@@ -17,24 +21,25 @@ main =
initialize :: IO ()
initialize =
dupChannelTo stdInput myStdin >>
dupChannelTo stdOutput myStdout >>
dupChannelTo stdError myStderr >>
closeChannel stdInput >>
closeChannel stdOutput >>
-- closeChannel stdError >>
installHandler sigINT (Catch intr) Nothing >>
dupTo stdInput myStdin >>
dupTo stdOutput myStdout >>
dupTo stdError myStderr >>
fdClose stdInput >>
fdClose stdOutput >>
-- fdClose stdError >>
installHandler sigINT (Catch intr) Nothing >>
return ()
myStdin = 16 :: Channel
myStdout = 17 :: Channel
myStderr = 18 :: Channel
-- some random fd numbers...
myStdin = intToFd 16
myStdout = intToFd 17
myStderr = intToFd 18
-- For user interrupts
intr :: IO ()
intr =
writeChannel myStdout "\n" >>
fdWrite myStdout "\n" >>
......@@ -44,46 +49,47 @@ intr =
commandLoop :: IO ()
commandLoop =
writeChannel myStdout "$ " >>
try (readCommand myStdin) >>=
fdWrite myStdout "$ " >>
try (readCommand myStdin) >>=
(\ err -> case err of
EOF -> return ()
_ -> dieHorribly)
(\ err ->
if isEOFError err then
return ()
(\ cmd ->
try (processCommand cmd) >>=
(\ err -> commandLoop)
(\ succ -> commandLoop))
try (processCommand cmd) >>= either (\ err -> commandLoop) (\ succ -> commandLoop))
dieHorribly :: IO ()
dieHorribly =
errMsg "read failed" >>
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
errMsg "read failed"
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Read a command a character at a time (to allow for fancy processing later).
On newline, you're done, unless the newline was escaped by a backslash.
readCommand :: Channel -> IO String
readCommand chan =
readCommand :: Fd -> IO String
readCommand fd =
accumString "" >>= \ cmd ->
return cmd
accumString :: String -> IO String
accumString s =
myGetChar chan >>= \ c ->
myGetChar fd >>= \ c ->
case c of
'\\' ->
myGetChar chan >>= \ c' ->
myGetChar fd >>= \ c' ->
accumString (c':c:s)
'\n' -> return (reverse s)
ch -> accumString (ch:s)
myGetChar :: Channel -> IO Char
myGetChar :: Fd -> IO Char
myGetChar chan =
readChannel chan 1 >>= \ (s, len) ->
(s,len) <- fdRead chan 1
case len of
0 -> myGetChar chan
1 -> return (head s)
......@@ -97,53 +103,50 @@ myGetChar chan =
processCommand :: String -> IO ()
processCommand "" = return ()
processCommand s =
parseCommand s >>= \ words ->
parseRedirection words >>= \ (inFile, outFile, words) ->
performRedirections inFile outFile >>
cmd = head words
args = tail words
case builtin cmd of
Just f ->
f args >>
closeChannel stdInput >>
closeChannel stdOutput
Nothing ->
exec cmd args
words <- parseCommand s
(inFile, outFile, words) <- parseRedirection words
performRedirections inFile outFile
cmd = head words
args = tail words
case builtin cmd of
Just f ->
f args
fdClose stdInput
fdClose stdOutput
Nothing -> exec cmd args
Redirections are a bit of a pain, really. If none are specified, we
dupChannel our own file descriptors. Otherwise, we try to open the files
dup our own file descriptors. Otherwise, we try to open the files
as requested.
performRedirections :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
performRedirections inFile outFile =
(case inFile of
Nothing ->
dupChannelTo myStdin stdInput
Just x ->
try (openChannel x ReadOnly Nothing False False False False False)
Nothing -> dupTo myStdin stdInput
Just x ->
try (openFd x ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags)
(\ err ->
errMsg ("Can't redirect input from " ++ x)
failWith (UserError "redirect"))
errMsg ("Can't redirect input from " ++ x) >>
fail (userError "redirect"))
(\ succ -> return ())) >>
(case outFile of
Nothing ->
dupChannelTo myStdout stdOutput
dupTo myStdout stdOutput
Just x ->
try (createFile x stdFileMode)
try (createFile x stdFileMode) >>=
(\ err ->
errMsg ("Can't redirect output to " ++ x)
closeChannel stdInput >>
failWith (UserError "redirect"))
errMsg ("Can't redirect output to " ++ x)
fdClose stdInput
fail (userError "redirect"))
(\ succ -> return ()))
......@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ parseCommand = getTokens []
accumQuote :: Char -> [Char] -> String -> IO (String, String)
accumQuote q cs "" =
errMsg ("Unmatched " ++ [q]) >>
failWith (UserError "unmatched quote")
fail (userError "unmatched quote")
accumQuote q cs (c:s)
| c == q = accumToken cs s
| otherwise = accumQuote q (c:cs) s
......@@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ parseRedirection = redirect Nothing Nothing []
redirect inFile outFile args [arg]
| arg == "<" || arg == ">" =
errMsg "Missing name for redirect" >>
failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
fail (userError "parse redirect")
| otherwise =
return (inFile, outFile, reverse (arg:args))
redirect inFile outFile args ("<":name:more)
......@@ -210,13 +213,13 @@ parseRedirection = redirect Nothing Nothing []
redirect (Just name) outFile args more
| otherwise =
errMsg "Ambiguous input redirect" >>
failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
fail (userError "parse redirect")
redirect inFile outFile args (">":name:more)
| outFile == Nothing =
redirect inFile (Just name) args more
| otherwise =
errMsg "Ambiguous output redirect" >>
failWith (UserError "parse redirect")
fail (userError "parse redirect")
redirect inFile outFile args (arg:more) =
redirect inFile outFile (arg:args) more
......@@ -231,20 +234,22 @@ exec cmd args =
forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
case maybe_pid of
Nothing ->
dupChannelTo myStderr stdError >>
closeChannel myStdin >>
closeChannel myStdout >>
closeChannel myStderr >>
executeFile cmd True args Nothing `handle`
\ err ->
writeChannel stdError ("command not found: " ++ cmd ++ ".\n")
exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1)
dupTo myStderr stdError
fdClose myStdin
fdClose myStdout
fdClose myStderr
executeFile cmd True args Nothing
(\ err ->
fdWrite stdError ("command not found: " ++ cmd ++ ".\n") >>
exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1))
Just pid ->
closeChannel stdInput >>
closeChannel stdOutput >>
-- closeChannel stdError >>
getProcessStatus True False pid >>
fdClose stdInput
fdClose stdOutput
-- fdClose stdError
getProcessStatus True False pid
return ()
......@@ -257,21 +262,20 @@ exec cmd args =
builtin :: String -> Maybe ([String] -> IO ())
builtin "cd" = Just chdir
builtin "cd" = Just chdir
builtin "exit" = Just exit
builtin _ = Nothing
builtin _ = Nothing
chdir :: [String] -> IO ()
chdir [] =
getEnvVar "HOME" >>= \ home ->
changeWorkingDirectory home `handle`
\ err -> errMsg "cd: can't go home"
home <- getEnv "HOME"
setCurrentDirectory home `catch` \ err -> errMsg "cd: can't go home"
chdir [dir] =
changeWorkingDirectory dir `handle`
\ err -> errMsg ("cd: can't chdir to " ++ dir)
chdir _ =
errMsg "cd: too many arguments"
setCurrentDirectory dir `catch` \ err -> errMsg ("cd: can't chdir to " ++ dir)
chdir _ = errMsg "cd: too many arguments"
exit :: [String] -> IO ()
exit _ = exitWith ExitSuccess
......@@ -280,5 +284,5 @@ exit _ = exitWith ExitSuccess
errMsg :: String -> IO ()
errMsg msg =
writeChannel myStderr ("hsh: " ++ msg ++ ".\n") >>
fdWrite myStderr ("hsh: " ++ msg ++ ".\n") >>
return ()
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