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Commit 699e9f22 authored by Simon Marlow's avatar Simon Marlow
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[project @ 1999-04-23 13:53:28 by simonm]

Support for

	dataToTag# :: a -> Int#  (if a is a data type)

and (partial) support for

	tagToEnum# :: Int# -> a  (if a is an enumerated type)

The con2tag functions generated by derived Eq,Ord and Enum instances
are now replaced by dataToTag# for data types with a large number of
parent 33171730
No related merge requests found
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgCase.lhs,v 1.25 1999/03/22 16:57:10 simonm Exp $
% $Id: CgCase.lhs,v 1.26 1999/04/23 13:53:28 simonm Exp $
%* *
......@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ import AbsCUtils ( mkAbstractCs, mkAbsCStmts, mkAlgAltsCSwitch,
import CoreSyn ( isDeadBinder )
import CgUpdate ( reserveSeqFrame )
import CgBindery ( getVolatileRegs, getArgAmodes,
import CgBindery ( getVolatileRegs, getArgAmodes, getArgAmode,
bindNewToReg, bindNewToTemp,
rebindToStack, getCAddrMode,
getCAddrModeAndInfo, getCAddrModeIfVolatile,
buildContLivenessMask, nukeDeadBindings
buildContLivenessMask, nukeDeadBindings,
import CgCon ( bindConArgs, bindUnboxedTupleComponents )
import CgHeapery ( altHeapCheck, yield )
......@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@ import PrimRep ( getPrimRepSize, retPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..)
import TyCon ( TyCon, isEnumerationTyCon, isUnboxedTupleTyCon,
isNewTyCon, isAlgTyCon, isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon,
tyConDataCons, tyConFamilySize )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep, splitAlgTyConApp, splitTyConApp_maybe,
splitFunTys, applyTys )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep, splitAlgTyConApp,
splitFunTys, applyTys )
import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Outputable
......@@ -116,14 +117,6 @@ Against:
This never hurts us if there is only one alternative.
*** NOT YET DONE *** The difficulty is that \tr{!B!}, \tr{!C!} need
to take account of what is live, and that includes all live volatile
variables, even if they also have stable analogues. Furthermore, the
stack pointers must be lined up properly so that GC sees tidy stacks.
If these things are done, then the heap checks can be done at \tr{!B!} and
\tr{!C!} without a full save-volatile-vars sequence.
cgCase :: StgExpr
-> StgLiveVars
......@@ -137,7 +130,26 @@ cgCase :: StgExpr
Several special cases for inline primitive operations.
cgCase (StgCon (PrimOp op) args res_ty) live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alts
cgCase (StgCon (PrimOp TagToEnumOp) [arg] res_ty)
live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alts
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon
= getArgAmode arg `thenFC` \amode ->
[res] = getPrimAppResultAmodes (getUnique bndr) alts
absC (CAssign res (CTableEntry
(CLbl (mkClosureTblLabel tycon) PtrRep)
amode PtrRep)) `thenC`
-- Scrutinise the result
cgInlineAlts bndr alts
| otherwise = panic "cgCase: tagToEnum# of non-enumerated type"
(Just (tycon,_)) = splitTyConApp_maybe res_ty
cgCase (StgCon (PrimOp op) args res_ty)
live_in_whole_case live_in_alts bndr srt alts
| not (primOpOutOfLine op)
-- Get amodes for the arguments and results
......@@ -338,22 +350,22 @@ getPrimAppResultAmodes
-> [CAddrMode]
-- If there's an StgBindDefault which does use the bound
-- variable, then we can only handle it if the type involved is
-- an enumeration type. That's important in the case
-- of comparisions:
-- case x ># y of
-- r -> f r
-- The only reason for the restriction to *enumeration* types is our
-- inability to invent suitable temporaries to hold the results;
-- Elaborating the CTemp addr mode to have a second uniq field
-- (which would simply count from 1) would solve the problem.
-- Anyway, cgInlineAlts is now capable of handling all cases;
-- it's only this function which is being wimpish.
If there's an StgBindDefault which does use the bound
variable, then we can only handle it if the type involved is
an enumeration type. That's important in the case
of comparisions:
case x ># y of
r -> f r
The only reason for the restriction to *enumeration* types is our
inability to invent suitable temporaries to hold the results;
Elaborating the CTemp addr mode to have a second uniq field
(which would simply count from 1) would solve the problem.
Anyway, cgInlineAlts is now capable of handling all cases;
it's only this function which is being wimpish.
getPrimAppResultAmodes uniq (StgAlgAlts ty alts
(StgBindDefault rhs))
| isEnumerationTyCon spec_tycon = [tag_amode]
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import ClosureInfo ( layOutStaticClosure, layOutDynCon,
import CostCentre ( dontCareCCS )
import FiniteMap ( fmToList, FiniteMap )
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConTag, dataConName, dataConRawArgTys )
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConName, dataConRawArgTys )
import Const ( Con(..) )
import Name ( getOccString )
import PrimRep ( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..) )
......@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
static_code = CClosureInfoAndCode static_ci body Nothing con_descr
tag = dataConTag data_con
cost_centre = mkCCostCentreStack dontCareCCS -- not worried about static data costs
-- For zero-arity data constructors, or, more accurately,
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgExpr.lhs,v 1.22 1999/03/25 13:13:51 simonm Exp $
% $Id: CgExpr.lhs,v 1.23 1999/04/23 13:53:29 simonm Exp $
%* *
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import AbsCUtils ( mkAbstractCs )
import CLabel ( mkClosureTblLabel )
import SMRep ( fixedHdrSize )
import CgBindery ( getArgAmodes, CgIdInfo, nukeDeadBindings )
import CgBindery ( getArgAmodes, getArgAmode, CgIdInfo, nukeDeadBindings)
import CgCase ( cgCase, saveVolatileVarsAndRegs,
restoreCurrentCostCentre, freeCostCentreSlot,
splitTyConAppThroughNewTypes )
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import PrimOp ( primOpOutOfLine,
import PrimRep ( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..), isFollowableRep )
import TyCon ( maybeTyConSingleCon,
isUnboxedTupleTyCon, isEnumerationTyCon )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep, splitTyConApp_maybe )
import Maybes ( assocMaybe, maybeToBool )
import Unique ( mkBuiltinUnique )
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), RecFlag(..) )
......@@ -116,12 +116,30 @@ NOTE about _ccall_GC_:
A _ccall_GC_ is treated as an out-of-line primop for the case
expression code, because we want a proper stack frame on the stack
when we perform it. When we get here, however, we need to actually
perform the call, so we treat it an an inline primop.
perform the call, so we treat it as an inline primop.
cgExpr (StgCon (PrimOp op@(CCallOp _ _ may_gc@True _)) args res_ty)
= primRetUnboxedTuple op args res_ty
-- tagToEnum# is special: we need to pull the constructor out of the table,
-- and perform an appropriate return.
cgExpr (StgCon (PrimOp TagToEnumOp) [arg] res_ty)
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon =
getArgAmode arg `thenFC` \amode ->
performReturn (CAssign (CReg node)
(CLbl (mkClosureTblLabel tycon) PtrRep)
amode PtrRep))
(\ sequel -> mkDynamicAlgReturnCode tycon amode sequel)
| otherwise = panic "cgExpr: tagToEnum# of non-enumerated type"
(Just (tycon,_)) = splitTyConApp_maybe res_ty
cgExpr x@(StgCon (PrimOp op) args res_ty)
| primOpOutOfLine op = tailCallPrimOp op args
| otherwise
......@@ -144,7 +162,6 @@ cgExpr x@(StgCon (PrimOp op) args res_ty)
ReturnsAlg tycon
| isUnboxedTupleTyCon tycon -> primRetUnboxedTuple op args res_ty
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon ->
(COpStmt [dyn_tag] op arg_amodes [{-no vol_regs-}])
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module PrelInfo (
ltH_Float_RDR, eqH_Double_RDR, ltH_Double_RDR, eqH_Int_RDR,
ltH_Int_RDR, geH_RDR, leH_RDR, minusH_RDR, false_RDR, true_RDR,
and_RDR, not_RDR, append_RDR, map_RDR, compose_RDR, mkInt_RDR,
error_RDR, assertErr_RDR,
error_RDR, assertErr_RDR, dataToTagH_RDR,
showString_RDR, showParen_RDR, readParen_RDR, lex_RDR,
showSpace_RDR, showList___RDR, readList___RDR, negate_RDR,
......@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ ltH_Int_RDR = prelude_primop IntLtOp
geH_RDR = prelude_primop IntGeOp
leH_RDR = prelude_primop IntLeOp
minusH_RDR = prelude_primop IntSubOp
dataToTagH_RDR = prelude_primop DataToTagOp
......@@ -172,17 +172,21 @@ data PrimOp
| CatchOp
| RaiseOp
-- foreign objects
| MakeForeignObjOp
| WriteForeignObjOp
-- weak pointers
| MkWeakOp
| DeRefWeakOp
| FinalizeWeakOp
-- stable names
| MakeStableNameOp
| EqStableNameOp
| StableNameToIntOp
-- stable pointers
| MakeStablePtrOp
| DeRefStablePtrOp
| EqStablePtrOp
......@@ -280,6 +284,7 @@ about using it this way?? ADR)
| WaitReadOp
| WaitWriteOp
-- more parallel stuff
| ParGlobalOp -- named global par
| ParLocalOp -- named local par
| ParAtOp -- specifies destination of local par
......@@ -288,6 +293,10 @@ about using it this way?? ADR)
| ParAtForNowOp -- specifies initial destination of global par
| CopyableOp -- marks copyable code
| NoFollowOp -- marks non-followup expression
-- tag-related
| DataToTagOp
| TagToEnumOp
Used for the Ord instance
......@@ -546,6 +555,8 @@ tagOf_PrimOp WriteMutVarOp = ILIT(239)
tagOf_PrimOp SameMutVarOp = ILIT(240)
tagOf_PrimOp CatchOp = ILIT(241)
tagOf_PrimOp RaiseOp = ILIT(242)
tagOf_PrimOp DataToTagOp = ILIT(243)
tagOf_PrimOp TagToEnumOp = ILIT(244)
tagOf_PrimOp op = pprPanic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match" (ppr op)
--panic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match"
......@@ -810,7 +821,9 @@ allThePrimOps
......@@ -909,6 +922,8 @@ primOpStrictness MkWeakOp = ([wwLazy, wwLazy, wwLazy, wwPrim], False)
primOpStrictness MakeStableNameOp = ([wwLazy, wwPrim], False)
primOpStrictness MakeStablePtrOp = ([wwLazy, wwPrim], False)
primOpStrictness DataToTagOp = ([wwLazy], False)
-- The rest all have primitive-typed arguments
primOpStrictness other = (repeat wwPrim, False)
......@@ -1837,11 +1852,40 @@ primOpInfo (CCallOp _ _ _ _ arg_tys result_ty)
(result_tycon, tys_applied, _) = splitAlgTyConApp result_ty
%* *
\subsubsection[PrimOp-tag]{PrimOpInfo for @dataToTag#@ and @tagToEnum#@}
%* *
These primops are pretty wierd.
dataToTag# :: a -> Int (arg must be an evaluated data type)
tagToEnum# :: Int -> a (result type must be an enumerated type)
The constraints aren't currently checked by the front end, but the
code generator will fall over if they aren't satisfied.
primOpInfo DataToTagOp
= mkGenPrimOp SLIT("dataToTag#") [alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] intPrimTy
primOpInfo TagToEnumOp
= mkGenPrimOp SLIT("tagToEnum#") [alphaTyVar] [intPrimTy] alphaTy
#ifdef DEBUG
primOpInfo op = panic ("primOpInfo:"++ show (I# (tagOf_PrimOp op)))
%* *
\subsubsection[PrimOp-ool]{Which PrimOps are out-of-line}
%* *
Some PrimOps need to be called out-of-line because they either need to
perform a heap check or they block.
......@@ -2066,12 +2110,11 @@ data PrimOpResultInfo
-- be out of line, or the code generator won't work.
getPrimOpResultInfo :: PrimOp -> PrimOpResultInfo
getPrimOpResultInfo op
= case (primOpInfo op) of
Dyadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
Monadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
Compare _ ty -> ReturnsAlg boolTyCon
Compare _ ty -> ReturnsAlg boolTyCon
GenPrimOp _ _ _ ty ->
let rep = typePrimRep ty in
case rep of
......@@ -2081,7 +2124,6 @@ getPrimOpResultInfo op
other -> ReturnsPrim other
isCompareOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
isCompareOp op
= case primOpInfo op of
Compare _ _ -> True
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import Const ( mkMachInt, mkMachWord, Literal(..), Con(..) )
import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..) )
import SimplMonad
import TysWiredIn ( trueDataCon, falseDataCon )
import TyCon ( tyConDataCons, isEnumerationTyCon )
import DataCon ( dataConTag, fIRST_TAG )
import Type ( splitTyConApp_maybe )
import Char ( ord, chr )
import Outputable
......@@ -93,6 +96,19 @@ tryPrimOp SeqOp args@[Type ty, Var var]
| otherwise = Nothing -- var not eval'd
tryPrimOp TagToEnumOp [Type ty, Con (Literal (MachInt i _)) _]
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon = Just (Con (DataCon dc) [])
| otherwise = panic "tryPrimOp: tagToEnum# on non-enumeration type"
where tag = fromInteger i
constrs = tyConDataCons tycon
(dc:_) = [ dc | dc <- constrs, tag == dataConTag dc ]
(Just (tycon,_)) = splitTyConApp_maybe ty
tryPrimOp DataToTagOp [Type ty, Con (DataCon dc) _]
= Just (Con (Literal (mkMachInt (toInteger (dataConTag dc - fIRST_TAG)))) [])
tryPrimOp op args
= case args of
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import VarEnv
import Const ( Con(..), isWHNFCon, Literal(..) )
import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..) )
import Type ( isUnLiftedType, isUnboxedTupleType, Type )
import TysPrim ( intPrimTy )
import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
import UniqSupply -- all of it, really
import Outputable
......@@ -72,6 +73,10 @@ invariant any longer.)
type StgEnv = IdEnv Id
data StgFloatBind
= LetBind Id StgExpr
| CaseBind Id StgExpr
No free/live variable information is pinned on in this pass; it's added
......@@ -229,8 +234,7 @@ isDynName nm =
coreArgsToStg :: StgEnv -> [CoreArg]
-> UniqSM ([(Id,StgExpr)], [StgArg])
coreArgsToStg :: StgEnv -> [CoreArg] -> UniqSM ([StgFloatBind], [StgArg])
coreArgsToStg env []
= returnUs ([], [])
......@@ -245,7 +249,7 @@ coreArgsToStg env (a:as)
-- This is where we arrange that a non-trivial argument is let-bound
coreArgToStg :: StgEnv -> CoreArg -> UniqSM ([(Id,StgExpr)], StgArg)
coreArgToStg :: StgEnv -> CoreArg -> UniqSM ([StgFloatBind], StgArg)
coreArgToStg env arg
= coreExprToStgFloat env arg `thenUs` \ (binds, arg') ->
......@@ -254,7 +258,7 @@ coreArgToStg env arg
([], StgApp v []) -> returnUs ([], StgVarArg v)
-- A non-trivial argument: we must let (or case-bind)
-- We don't do the case part here... we leave that to mkStgLets
-- We don't do the case part here... we leave that to mkStgBinds
-- Further complication: if we're converting this binding into
-- a case, then try to avoid generating any case-of-case
......@@ -262,8 +266,8 @@ coreArgToStg env arg
(_, other) ->
newStgVar ty `thenUs` \ v ->
if isUnLiftedType ty
then returnUs (binds ++ [(v,arg')], StgVarArg v)
else returnUs ([(v, mkStgLets binds arg')], StgVarArg v)
then returnUs (binds ++ [CaseBind v arg'], StgVarArg v)
else returnUs ([LetBind v (mkStgBinds binds arg')], StgVarArg v)
ty = coreExprType arg
......@@ -369,7 +373,7 @@ The rest are handled by coreExprStgFloat.
coreExprToStg env expr
= coreExprToStgFloat env expr `thenUs` \ (binds,stg_expr) ->
returnUs (mkStgLets binds stg_expr)
returnUs (mkStgBinds binds stg_expr)
......@@ -433,6 +437,16 @@ coreExprToStgFloat env expr@(Con (PrimOp (CCallOp (Right _) a b c)) args)
let con' = PrimOp (CCallOp (Right u) a b c) in
returnUs (binds, StgCon con' stg_atoms (coreExprType expr))
-- for dataToTag#, we need to make sure the argument is evaluated first.
coreExprToStgFloat env expr@(Con op@(PrimOp DataToTagOp) [Type ty, a])
= newStgVar ty `thenUs` \ v ->
coreArgToStg env a `thenUs` \ (binds, arg) ->
let e = case arg of
StgVarArg v -> StgApp v []
StgConArg c -> StgCon c [] (coreExprType a)
returnUs (binds ++ [CaseBind v e], StgCon op [StgVarArg v] (coreExprType expr))
coreExprToStgFloat env expr@(Con con args)
= coreArgsToStg env args `thenUs` \ (binds, stg_atoms) ->
returnUs (binds, StgCon con stg_atoms (coreExprType expr))
......@@ -541,12 +555,20 @@ newLocalIds env (b:bs)
mkStgLets :: [(Id,StgExpr)] -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
mkStgLets binds body = foldr mkStgLet body binds
mkStgBinds :: [StgFloatBind] -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
mkStgBinds binds body = foldr mkStgBind body binds
mkStgBind (CaseBind bndr rhs) body
| isUnLiftedType bndr_ty
= mkStgCase rhs bndr (StgPrimAlts bndr_ty [] (StgBindDefault body))
| otherwise
= mkStgCase rhs bndr (StgAlgAlts bndr_ty [] (StgBindDefault body))
bndr_ty = idType bndr
mkStgLet (bndr, rhs) body
mkStgBind (LetBind bndr rhs) body
| isUnboxedTupleType bndr_ty
= panic "mkStgLets: unboxed tuple"
= panic "mkStgBinds: unboxed tuple"
| isUnLiftedType bndr_ty
= mkStgCase rhs bndr (StgPrimAlts bndr_ty [] (StgBindDefault body))
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import PrimOp ( PrimOp(..) )
import PrelInfo -- Lots of RdrNames
import SrcLoc ( mkGeneratedSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
import TyCon ( TyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons, isEnumerationTyCon,
maybeTyConSingleCon, tyConFamilySize
import Type ( isUnLiftedType, isUnboxedType, Type )
import TysPrim ( charPrimTy, intPrimTy, wordPrimTy, addrPrimTy,
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import Util ( mapAccumL, zipEqual, zipWithEqual,
zipWith3Equal, nOfThem )
import Panic ( panic, assertPanic )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, assocMaybe )
import Constants
import List ( partition, intersperse )
......@@ -1063,16 +1064,25 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind
-> RdrNameMonoBinds
gen_tag_n_con_monobind (rdr_name, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
| lots_of_constructors
= mk_FunMonoBind (getSrcLoc tycon) rdr_name
[([VarPatIn a_RDR], HsApp dataToTag_Expr a_Expr)]
| otherwise
= mk_FunMonoBind (getSrcLoc tycon) rdr_name (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
lots_of_constructors = tyConFamilySize tycon > mAX_FAMILY_SIZE_FOR_VEC_RETURNS
mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
mk_stuff var
= ([pat], HsLit (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG))))
pat = ConPatIn var_RDR (nOfThem (argFieldCount var) WildPatIn)
var_RDR = qual_orig_name var
gen_tag_n_con_monobind (rdr_name, tycon, GenTag2Con)
= mk_FunMonoBind (getSrcLoc tycon) rdr_name (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon) ++
[([WildPatIn], impossible_Expr)])
......@@ -1351,6 +1361,7 @@ gtTag_Expr = HsVar gtTag_RDR
false_Expr = HsVar false_RDR
true_Expr = HsVar true_RDR
dataToTag_Expr = HsVar dataToTagH_RDR
con2tag_Expr tycon = HsVar (con2tag_RDR tycon)
a_Pat = VarPatIn a_RDR
......@@ -1358,7 +1369,7 @@ b_Pat = VarPatIn b_RDR
c_Pat = VarPatIn c_RDR
d_Pat = VarPatIn d_RDR
con2tag_RDR, tag2con_RDR, maxtag_RDR :: TyCon -> RdrName
tag2con_RDR, maxtag_RDR :: TyCon -> RdrName
con2tag_RDR tycon = varUnqual (_PK_ ("con2tag_" ++ occNameString (getOccName tycon) ++ "#"))
tag2con_RDR tycon = varUnqual (_PK_ ("tag2con_" ++ occNameString (getOccName tycon) ++ "#"))
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