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Commit 6f890dfb authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1997-05-18 23:19:37 by sof]

2.04 updates
parent 4d355aed
No related merge requests found
......@@ -18,18 +18,24 @@ import StgSyn
import Id ( emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, minusIdSet,
unionIdSets, unionManyIdSets, isEmptyIdSet,
unitIdSet, intersectIdSets,
addIdArity, getIdArity,
addOneToIdSet, SYN_IE(IdSet),
nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv,
unitIdEnv, combineIdEnvs, delManyFromIdEnv,
rngIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
GenId{-instance Eq-}
GenId{-instance Eq-}, SYN_IE(Id)
import IdInfo ( ArityInfo(..) )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Name ( isLocallyDefined )
import TyCon ( SYN_IE(Arity) )
import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
import PprType ( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
import Util ( panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
import Pretty ( Doc )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 202
import Outputable ( Outputable(..) )
infixr 9 `thenLne`, `thenLne_`
......@@ -41,6 +47,15 @@ infixr 9 `thenLne`, `thenLne_`
(There is other relevant documentation in codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.)
March 97: setStgVarInfo guarantees to leave every variable's arity correctly
set. The lambda lifter makes some let-bound variables (which have arities)
and turns them into lambda-bound ones (which should not, else we get Vap trouble),
so this guarantee is necessary, as well as desirable.
The arity information is used in the code generator, when deciding if
a right-hand side is a saturated application so we can generate a VAP
The actual Stg datatype is decorated with {\em live variable}
information, as well as {\em free variable} information. The two are
{\em not} the same. Liveness is an operational property rather than a
......@@ -111,40 +126,40 @@ varsTopBinds :: [StgBinding] -> LneM ([StgBinding], FreeVarsInfo)
varsTopBinds [] = returnLne ([], emptyFVInfo)
varsTopBinds (bind:binds)
= extendVarEnv env_extension (
varsTopBinds binds `thenLne` \ (binds', fv_binds) ->
varsTopBind fv_binds bind `thenLne` \ (bind', fv_bind) ->
varsTopBinds binds `thenLne` \ (binds', fv_binds) ->
varsTopBind binders' fv_binds bind `thenLne` \ (bind', fv_bind) ->
returnLne ((bind' : binds'),
(fv_binds `unionFVInfo` fv_bind) `minusFVBinders` binders
(fv_binds `unionFVInfo` fv_bind) `minusFVBinders` binders'
env_extension = [(b, LetrecBound
True {- top level -}
(rhsArity rhs)
| (b,rhs) <- pairs]
pairs = case bind of
StgNonRec binder rhs -> [(binder,rhs)]
StgRec pairs -> pairs
binders = [b | (b,_) <- pairs]
binders' = [ binder `addIdArity` ArityExactly (rhsArity rhs)
| (binder, rhs) <- pairs
env_extension = binders' `zip` repeat how_bound
how_bound = LetrecBound
True {- top level -}
varsTopBind :: FreeVarsInfo -- Info about the body
varsTopBind :: [Id] -- New binders (with correct arity)
-> FreeVarsInfo -- Info about the body
-> StgBinding
-> LneM (StgBinding, FreeVarsInfo)
varsTopBind body_fvs (StgNonRec binder rhs)
varsTopBind [binder'] body_fvs (StgNonRec binder rhs)
= varsRhs body_fvs (binder,rhs) `thenLne` \ (rhs2, fvs, _) ->
returnLne (StgNonRec binder rhs2, fvs)
returnLne (StgNonRec binder' rhs2, fvs)
varsTopBind body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
= let
(binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
fixLne (\ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs) ->
varsTopBind binders' body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
= fixLne (\ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs) ->
scope_fvs = unionFVInfo body_fvs rec_rhs_fvs
......@@ -152,7 +167,7 @@ varsTopBind body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
fvs = unionFVInfos fvss
returnLne (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2), fvs)
returnLne (StgRec (binders' `zip` rhss2), fvs)
......@@ -163,11 +178,11 @@ varsRhs :: FreeVarsInfo -- Free var info for the scope of the binding
-> LneM (StgRhs, FreeVarsInfo, EscVarsSet)
varsRhs scope_fv_info (binder, StgRhsCon cc con args)
= varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ fvs ->
returnLne (StgRhsCon cc con args, fvs, getFVSet fvs)
= varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ (args', fvs) ->
returnLne (StgRhsCon cc con args', fvs, getFVSet fvs)
varsRhs scope_fv_info (binder, StgRhsClosure cc _ _ upd args body)
= extendVarEnv [ (a, LambdaBound) | a <- args ] (
= extendVarEnv [ (zapArity a, LambdaBound) | a <- args ] (
do_body args body `thenLne` \ (body2, body_fvs, body_escs) ->
set_of_args = mkIdSet args
......@@ -184,19 +199,23 @@ varsRhs scope_fv_info (binder, StgRhsClosure cc _ _ upd args body)
do_body _ other_body = varsExpr other_body
varsAtoms :: [StgArg]
-> LneM FreeVarsInfo
-> LneM ([StgArg], FreeVarsInfo)
-- It's not *really* necessary to return fresh arguments,
-- because the only difference is that the argument variable
-- arities are correct. But it seems safer to do so.
varsAtoms atoms
= mapLne var_atom atoms `thenLne` \ fvs_lists ->
returnLne (unionFVInfos fvs_lists)
= mapAndUnzipLne var_atom atoms `thenLne` \ (args', fvs_lists) ->
returnLne (args', unionFVInfos fvs_lists)
var_atom a@(StgLitArg _) = returnLne emptyFVInfo
var_atom a@(StgConArg _) = returnLne emptyFVInfo
var_atom a@(StgLitArg _) = returnLne (a, emptyFVInfo)
var_atom a@(StgConArg _) = returnLne (a, emptyFVInfo)
var_atom a@(StgVarArg v)
= lookupVarEnv v `thenLne` \ how_bound ->
returnLne (singletonFVInfo v how_bound stgArgOcc)
= lookupVarEnv v `thenLne` \ (v', how_bound) ->
returnLne (StgVarArg v', singletonFVInfo v' how_bound stgArgOcc)
......@@ -243,15 +262,14 @@ varsExpr (StgApp fun@(StgVarArg f) args _) = varsApp Nothing f args
varsExpr (StgCon con args _)
= getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ (args', args_fvs) ->
returnLne (StgCon con args live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
returnLne (StgCon con args' live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
varsExpr (StgPrim op args _)
= getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
returnLne (StgPrim op args live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ (args', args_fvs) ->
returnLne (StgPrim op args' live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
varsExpr (StgSCC ty label expr)
= varsExpr expr `thenLne` ( \ (expr2, fvs, escs) ->
......@@ -297,7 +315,7 @@ varsExpr (StgCase scrut _ _ uniq alts)
vars_alg_alt (con, binders, worthless_use_mask, rhs)
= extendVarEnv [(b, CaseBound) | b <- binders] (
= extendVarEnv [(zapArity b, CaseBound) | b <- binders] (
varsExpr rhs `thenLne` \ (rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) ->
good_use_mask = [ b `elementOfFVInfo` rhs_fvs | b <- binders ]
......@@ -333,7 +351,7 @@ varsExpr (StgCase scrut _ _ uniq alts)
= returnLne (StgNoDefault, emptyFVInfo, emptyIdSet)
vars_deflt (StgBindDefault binder _ rhs)
= extendVarEnv [(binder, CaseBound)] (
= extendVarEnv [(zapArity binder, CaseBound)] (
varsExpr rhs `thenLne` \ (rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) ->
used_in_rhs = binder `elementOfFVInfo` rhs_fvs
......@@ -378,18 +396,23 @@ varsApp :: Maybe UpdateFlag -- Just upd <=> this application is
varsApp maybe_thunk_body f args
= getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ (args', args_fvs) ->
lookupVarEnv f `thenLne` \ how_bound ->
lookupVarEnv f `thenLne` \ (f', how_bound) ->
n_args = length args
fun_fvs = singletonFVInfo f how_bound fun_occ
fun_occ =
case how_bound of
LetrecBound _ arity _
n_args = length args
not_letrec_bound = not (isLetrecBound how_bound)
f_arity = getIdArity f'
fun_fvs = singletonFVInfo f' how_bound fun_occ
| not_letrec_bound
= NoStgBinderInfo -- Uninteresting variable
| otherwise -- Letrec bound; must have its arity
= case f_arity of
ArityExactly arity
| n_args == 0 -> stgFakeFunAppOcc -- Function Application
-- with no arguments.
-- used by the lambda lifter.
......@@ -405,23 +428,17 @@ varsApp maybe_thunk_body f args
other -> panic "varsApp"
| otherwise -> stgNormalOcc
-- record only that it occurs free
other -> NoStgBinderInfo
-- uninteresting variable
-- Record only that it occurs free
myself = unitIdSet f
myself = unitIdSet f'
fun_escs = case how_bound of
LetrecBound _ arity lvs ->
if arity == n_args then
emptyIdSet -- Function doesn't escape
myself -- Inexact application; it does escape
other -> emptyIdSet -- Only letrec-bound escapees
-- are interesting
fun_escs | not_letrec_bound = emptyIdSet -- Only letrec-bound escapees are interesting
| otherwise = case f_arity of -- Letrec bound, so must have its arity
ArityExactly arity
| arity == n_args -> emptyIdSet
-- Function doesn't escape
| otherwise -> myself
-- Inexact application; it does escape
-- At the moment of the call:
......@@ -436,11 +453,11 @@ varsApp maybe_thunk_body f args
= live_in_cont `unionIdSets` case how_bound of
LetrecBound _ _ lvs -> lvs `minusIdSet` myself
other -> emptyIdSet
LetrecBound _ lvs -> lvs `minusIdSet` myself
other -> emptyIdSet
returnLne (
StgApp (StgVarArg f) args live_at_call,
StgApp (StgVarArg f') args' live_at_call,
fun_fvs `unionFVInfo` args_fvs,
fun_escs `unionIdSets` (getFVSet args_fvs)
-- All the free vars of the args are disqualified
......@@ -530,15 +547,14 @@ vars_let let_no_escape bind body
binders = case bind of
StgNonRec binder rhs -> [binder]
StgRec pairs -> map fst pairs
set_of_binders = mkIdSet binders
set_of_binders = mkIdSet binders
binders = case bind of
StgNonRec binder rhs -> [binder]
StgRec pairs -> map fst pairs
mk_binding bind_lvs (binder,rhs)
= (binder,
= (binder `addIdArity` ArityExactly (stgArity rhs),
LetrecBound False -- Not top level
(stgArity rhs)
......@@ -558,14 +574,14 @@ vars_let let_no_escape bind body
vars_bind rec_bind_lvs rec_body_fvs (StgNonRec binder rhs)
= varsRhs rec_body_fvs (binder,rhs) `thenLne` \ (rhs2, fvs, escs) ->
env_ext = [mk_binding rec_bind_lvs (binder,rhs)]
env_ext_item@(binder', _) = mk_binding rec_bind_lvs (binder,rhs)
returnLne (StgNonRec binder rhs2, fvs, escs, env_ext)
returnLne (StgNonRec binder' rhs2, fvs, escs, [env_ext_item])
vars_bind rec_bind_lvs rec_body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
= let
(binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
env_ext = map (mk_binding rec_bind_lvs) pairs
env_ext = map (mk_binding rec_bind_lvs) pairs
binders' = map fst env_ext
extendVarEnv env_ext (
fixLne (\ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs, _, _) ->
......@@ -577,7 +593,7 @@ vars_let let_no_escape bind body
fvs = unionFVInfos fvss
escs = unionManyIdSets escss
returnLne (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2), fvs, escs, env_ext)
returnLne (StgRec (binders' `zip` rhss2), fvs, escs, env_ext)
......@@ -592,7 +608,8 @@ help. All the stuff here is only passed {\em down}.
type LneM a = Bool -- True <=> do let-no-escapes
-> IdEnv HowBound
-> IdEnv (Id, HowBound) -- Use the Id at all occurrences; it has correct
-- arity information inside it.
-> StgLiveVars -- vars live in continuation
-> a
......@@ -602,8 +619,10 @@ data HowBound
| LambdaBound
| LetrecBound
Bool -- True <=> bound at top level
Arity -- Arity
StgLiveVars -- Live vars... see notes below
isLetrecBound (LetrecBound _ _) = True
isLetrecBound other = False
For a let(rec)-bound variable, x, we record what varibles are live if
......@@ -679,16 +698,17 @@ setVarsLiveInCont new_lvs_cont expr sw env lvs_cont
= expr sw env new_lvs_cont
extendVarEnv :: [(Id, HowBound)] -> LneM a -> LneM a
extendVarEnv extension expr sw env lvs_cont
= expr sw (growIdEnvList env extension) lvs_cont
extendVarEnv ids_w_howbound expr sw env lvs_cont
= expr sw (growIdEnvList env [(id, pair) | pair@(id,_) <- ids_w_howbound]) lvs_cont
lookupVarEnv :: Id -> LneM HowBound
lookupVarEnv :: Id -> LneM (Id, HowBound)
lookupVarEnv v sw env lvs_cont
= returnLne (
case (lookupIdEnv env v) of
Just xx -> xx
Nothing -> --false:ASSERT(not (isLocallyDefined v))
(v, ImportBound)
) sw env lvs_cont
-- The result of lookupLiveVarsForSet, a set of live variables, is
......@@ -704,8 +724,8 @@ lookupLiveVarsForSet fvs sw env lvs_cont
do_one v
= if isLocallyDefined v then
case (lookupIdEnv env v) of
Just (LetrecBound _ _ lvs) -> addOneToIdSet lvs v
Just _ -> unitIdSet v
Just (_, LetrecBound _ lvs) -> addOneToIdSet lvs v
Just _ -> unitIdSet v
Nothing -> pprPanic "lookupVarEnv/do_one:" (ppr PprShowAll v)
......@@ -738,9 +758,9 @@ emptyFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo
emptyFVInfo = nullIdEnv
singletonFVInfo :: Id -> HowBound -> StgBinderInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
singletonFVInfo id ImportBound info = nullIdEnv
singletonFVInfo id (LetrecBound top_level _ _) info = unitIdEnv id (id, top_level, info)
singletonFVInfo id other info = unitIdEnv id (id, False, info)
singletonFVInfo id ImportBound info = nullIdEnv
singletonFVInfo id (LetrecBound top_level _) info = unitIdEnv id (id, top_level, info)
singletonFVInfo id other info = unitIdEnv id (id, False, info)
unionFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
unionFVInfo fv1 fv2 = combineIdEnvs plusFVInfo fv1 fv2
......@@ -774,6 +794,9 @@ plusFVInfo (id1,top1,info1) (id2,top2,info2)
rhsArity :: StgRhs -> Arity
rhsArity (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = 0
rhsArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args _) = length args
zapArity :: Id -> Id
zapArity id = id `addIdArity` UnknownArity
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