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Commit 8d873902 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

[project @ 2000-07-14 08:14:53 by simonpj]

Remove dead code
parent 78d385b3
No related merge requests found
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: Costs.lhs,v 1.24 2000/07/06 14:08:31 simonmar Exp $
% $Id: Costs.lhs,v 1.25 2000/07/14 08:15:28 simonpj Exp $
% Only needed in a GranSim setup -- HWL
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -315,10 +315,6 @@ exprMacroCosts side macro mode_list =
stmtMacroCosts :: CStmtMacro -> [CAddrMode] -> CostRes
stmtMacroCosts macro modes =
arg_costs = foldl (+) nullCosts
[addrModeCosts mode Rhs | mode <- modes]
case macro of
ARGS_CHK_LOAD_NODE -> Cost (2, 1, 0, 0, 0) {- StgMacros.lh -}
-- p=probability of PAP (instead of AP): + p*(3,1,0,0,0)
......@@ -812,14 +812,6 @@ pprCCall call@(CCall op_str is_asm may_gc cconv) args results vol_regs
(local_arg_decls, pp_non_void_args)
= unzip [ ppr_casm_arg a i | (a,i) <- non_void_args `zip` [1..] ]
ccall_arg_tys = map (text.showPrimRep.getAmodeRep) non_void_args
ccall_res_ty =
case non_void_results of
[] -> ptext SLIT("void")
[amode] -> text (showPrimRep (getAmodeRep amode))
_ -> panic "pprCCall: ccall_res_ty"
(declare_local_vars, local_vars, assign_results)
= ppr_casm_results non_void_results
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgCase.lhs,v 1.43 2000/07/11 16:03:37 simonmar Exp $
% $Id: CgCase.lhs,v 1.44 2000/07/14 08:14:53 simonpj Exp $
%* *
......@@ -899,8 +899,6 @@ mkReturnVector :: Unique
mkReturnVector uniq tagged_alt_absCs deflt_absC srt liveness ret_conv
= getSRTLabel `thenFC` \srt_label ->
srt_info = (srt_label, srt)
(return_vec_amode, vtbl_body) = case ret_conv of {
-- might be a polymorphic case...
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgClosure.lhs,v 1.40 2000/07/06 14:08:31 simonmar Exp $
% $Id: CgClosure.lhs,v 1.41 2000/07/14 08:14:53 simonpj Exp $
\section[CgClosure]{Code generation for closures}
......@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@ cgStdRhsClosure binder cc binder_info fvs args body lf_info payload
returnFC (binder, heapIdInfo binder heap_offset lf_info)
is_std_thunk = isStandardFormThunk lf_info
Here's the general case.
......@@ -311,7 +308,7 @@ closureCodeBody binder_info closure_info cc all_args body
-- Arg mapping for standard (slow) entry point; all args on stack,
-- with tagging.
(sp_all_args, arg_offsets, arg_tags)
(sp_all_args, arg_offsets, _)
= mkTaggedVirtStkOffsets vSp idPrimRep all_args
-- Arg mapping for the fast entry point; as many args as poss in
......@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
returnFC (id, stableAmodeIdInfo id (CLbl closure_label PtrRep) lf_info)
con_tycon = dataConTyCon con
lf_info = mkConLFInfo con
closure_label = mkClosureLabel name
name = idName id
......@@ -173,8 +172,6 @@ buildDynCon binder cc con [arg_amode]
in_range_int_lit (CLit (MachInt val)) = val <= mAX_INTLIKE && val >= mIN_INTLIKE
in_range_int_lit other_amode = False
tycon = dataConTyCon con
Now the general case.
......@@ -364,8 +361,6 @@ cgReturnDataCon con amodes
build_it_then (mkStaticAlgReturnCode con)
con_name = dataConName con
move_to_reg :: CAddrMode -> MagicId -> AbstractC
move_to_reg src_amode dest_reg = CAssign (CReg dest_reg) src_amode
......@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
profCtrC SLIT("TICK_ENT_CON") [CReg node] `thenC`
entry_addr = CLbl entry_label CodePtrRep
con_descr = occNameUserString (getOccName data_con)
-- Don't need any dynamic closure code for zero-arity constructors
......@@ -135,10 +134,6 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
static_code = CClosureInfoAndCode static_ci body Nothing con_descr
cost_centre = mkCCostCentreStack dontCareCCS -- not worried about static data costs
zero_size arg_ty = getPrimRepSize (typePrimRep arg_ty) == 0
zero_arity_con = isNullaryDataCon data_con
-- We used to check that all the arg-sizes were zero, but we don't
-- really have any constructors with only zero-size args, and it's
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgHeapery.lhs,v 1.21 2000/07/11 16:03:37 simonmar Exp $
% $Id: CgHeapery.lhs,v 1.22 2000/07/14 08:14:53 simonpj Exp $
\section[CgHeapery]{Heap management functions}
......@@ -397,7 +397,6 @@ fetchAndReschedule regs node_reqd =
then fetch_code `thenC` reschedule_code
else absC AbsCNop
all_regs = if node_reqd then node:regs else regs
liveness_mask = mkRegLiveness regs
reschedule_code = absC (CMacroStmt GRAN_RESCHEDULE [
mkIntCLit (IBOX(word2Int# liveness_mask)),
......@@ -431,7 +430,6 @@ yield regs node_reqd =
then yield_code
else absC AbsCNop
-- all_regs = if node_reqd then node:regs else regs
liveness_mask = mkRegLiveness regs
yield_code =
absC (CMacroStmt GRAN_YIELD
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: CgTailCall.lhs,v 1.25 2000/07/11 16:03:37 simonmar Exp $
% $Id: CgTailCall.lhs,v 1.26 2000/07/14 08:14:53 simonpj Exp $
%* *
......@@ -403,8 +403,6 @@ doTailCall arg_amodes arg_regs finish_code arity pending_assts
= getEndOfBlockInfo `thenFC` \ eob@(EndOfBlockInfo args_sp sequel) ->
no_of_args = length arg_amodes
(reg_arg_amodes, stk_arg_amodes) = splitAt (length arg_regs) arg_amodes
-- We get some stk_arg_amodes if (a) no regs, or
-- (b) args beyond arity
......@@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ doTailCall arg_amodes arg_regs finish_code arity pending_assts
splitAt arity stk_arg_amodes
-- eager blackholing, at the end of the basic block.
node_save = CTemp (mkPseudoUnique1 2) DataPtrRep
(r1_tmp_asst, bh_asst)
= case sequel of
#if 0
......@@ -441,6 +438,8 @@ doTailCall arg_amodes arg_regs finish_code arity pending_assts
CAssign (CVal (CIndex node_save (mkIntCLit 0) PtrRep)
(CLbl mkBlackHoleInfoTableLabel DataPtrRep))
node_save = CTemp (mkPseudoUnique1 2) DataPtrRep
_ -> (AbsCNop, AbsCNop)
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
% $Id: ClosureInfo.lhs,v 1.42 2000/05/25 12:41:15 simonpj Exp $
% $Id: ClosureInfo.lhs,v 1.43 2000/07/14 08:14:53 simonpj Exp $
\section[ClosureInfo]{Data structures which describe closures}
......@@ -421,8 +421,6 @@ layOutStaticClosure name kind_fn things lf_info
closure_type = getClosureType is_static tot_wds ptr_wds lf_info
is_static = True
bot = panic "layoutStaticClosure"
layOutStaticNoFVClosure :: Name -> LambdaFormInfo -> ClosureInfo
layOutStaticNoFVClosure name lf_info
= MkClosureInfo name lf_info (GenericRep is_static 0 0 (getClosureType is_static 0 0 lf_info))
......@@ -973,8 +971,6 @@ mkConEntryPtr :: DataCon -> SMRep -> CLabel
mkConEntryPtr con rep
| isStaticRep rep = mkStaticConEntryLabel (dataConName con)
| otherwise = mkConEntryLabel (dataConName con)
name = dataConName con
closureLabelFromCI (MkClosureInfo id _ other_rep) = mkClosureLabel id
......@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@ sizeExpr (I# bOMB_OUT_SIZE) top_args expr
= alts_size (foldr addSize sizeOne alt_sizes) -- The 1 is for the scrutinee
(foldr1 maxSize alt_sizes)
v_in_args = v `elem` top_args
alt_sizes = map size_up_alt alts
alts_size (SizeIs tot tot_disc tot_scrut) -- Size of all alternatives
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