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Commit 8e3bfa9b authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
Browse files

[project @ 1998-01-27 14:53:40 by simonpj]

Fix misleading type checker error msgs; fix broken floatBind in Simplify.lhs
parent 23e7d765
No related merge requests found
......@@ -947,7 +947,8 @@ simplNonRec env binder@(id,occ_info) rhs body_c body_ty
-- Try let-from-let
simpl_bind env (Let bind rhs) | let_floating_ok
= tick LetFloatFromLet `thenSmpl_`
simplBind env (fix_up_demandedness will_be_demanded bind)
simplBind env (if will_be_demanded then bind
else un_demandify_bind bind)
(\env -> simpl_bind env rhs) body_ty
-- Try case-from-let; this deals with a strict let of error too
......@@ -1276,7 +1277,8 @@ floatBind env top_level bind
returnSmpl binds'
(binds', _, n_extras) = fltBind bind
binds' = fltBind bind
n_extras = sum (map no_of_binds binds') - no_of_binds bind
float_lets = switchIsSet env SimplFloatLetsExposingWHNF
always_float_let_from_let = switchIsSet env SimplAlwaysFloatLetsFromLets
......@@ -1284,27 +1286,22 @@ floatBind env top_level bind
-- fltBind guarantees not to return leaky floats
-- and all the binders of the floats have had their demand-info zapped
fltBind (NonRec bndr rhs)
= (binds ++ [NonRec (un_demandify bndr) rhs'],
leakFree bndr rhs',
length binds)
= binds ++ [NonRec bndr rhs']
(binds, rhs') = fltRhs rhs
fltBind (Rec pairs)
= ([Rec (extras
binders `zip` rhss')],
and (zipWith leakFree binders rhss'),
length extras
= [Rec pairs']
(binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
(binds_s, rhss') = mapAndUnzip fltRhs rhss
extras = concat (map get_pairs (concat binds_s))
get_pairs (NonRec bndr rhs) = [(bndr,rhs)]
get_pairs (Rec pairs) = pairs
pairs' = concat [ let
(binds, rhs') = fltRhs rhs
foldr get_pairs [(bndr, rhs')] binds
| (bndr, rhs) <- pairs
get_pairs (NonRec bndr rhs) rest = (bndr,rhs) : rest
get_pairs (Rec pairs) rest = pairs ++ rest
-- fltRhs has same invariant as fltBind
fltRhs rhs
......@@ -1322,12 +1319,19 @@ floatBind env top_level bind
-- fltExpr guarantees not to return leaky floats
= (binds' ++ body_binds, body')
(body_binds, body') = fltExpr body
(binds', binds_wont_leak, _) = fltBind bind
binds_wont_leak = all leakFreeBind binds'
(body_binds, body') = fltExpr body
binds' = fltBind (un_demandify_bind bind)
fltExpr expr = ([], expr)
-- Crude but effective
no_of_binds (NonRec _ _) = 1
no_of_binds (Rec pairs) = length pairs
leakFreeBind (NonRec bndr rhs) = leakFree bndr rhs
leakFreeBind (Rec pairs) = and [leakFree bndr rhs | (bndr, rhs) <- pairs]
leakFree (id,_) rhs = case getIdArity id of
ArityAtLeast n | n > 0 -> True
ArityExactly n | n > 0 -> True
......@@ -1358,16 +1362,14 @@ simplArg env (VarArg id) = lookupId env id
-- fix_up_demandedness switches off the willBeDemanded Info field
-- un_demandify_bind switches off the willBeDemanded Info field
-- for bindings floated out of a non-demanded let
fix_up_demandedness True {- Will be demanded -} bind
= bind -- Simple; no change to demand info needed
fix_up_demandedness False {- May not be demanded -} (NonRec binder rhs)
= NonRec (un_demandify binder) rhs
fix_up_demandedness False {- May not be demanded -} (Rec pairs)
= Rec [(un_demandify binder, rhs) | (binder,rhs) <- pairs]
un_demandify (id, occ_info) = (id `addIdDemandInfo` noDemandInfo, occ_info)
un_demandify_bind (NonRec binder rhs)
= NonRec (un_demandify_bndr binder) rhs
un_demandify_bind (Rec pairs)
= Rec [(un_demandify_bndr binder, rhs) | (binder,rhs) <- pairs]
un_demandify_bndr (id, occ_info) = (id `addIdDemandInfo` noDemandInfo, occ_info)
is_cheap_prim_app (Prim op _) = primOpOkForSpeculation op
is_cheap_prim_app other = False
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ tcExpr :: RenamedHsExpr -- Expession to type check
tcExpr (HsVar name) res_ty
= tcId name `thenNF_Tc` \ (expr', lie, id_ty) ->
unifyTauTy id_ty res_ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy res_ty id_ty `thenTc_`
-- Check that the result type doesn't have any nested for-alls.
-- For example, a "build" on its own is no good; it must be
......@@ -306,16 +306,24 @@ tcExpr (HsLet binds expr) res_ty
returnTc (expr', lie)
combiner is_rec bind expr = HsLet (MonoBind bind [] is_rec) expr
tcExpr in_expr@(HsCase expr matches src_loc) res_ty
= tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
newTyVarTy mkTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ expr_ty ->
tcExpr expr expr_ty `thenTc` \ (expr',lie1) ->
tcExpr in_expr@(HsCase scrut matches src_loc) res_ty
= tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
tcAddErrCtxt (caseCtxt in_expr) $
-- Typecheck the case alternatives first.
-- The case patterns tend to give good type info to use
-- when typechecking the scrutinee. For example
-- case (map f) of
-- (x:xs) -> ...
-- will report that map is applied to too few arguments
tcAddErrCtxt (caseCtxt in_expr) $
tcMatchesCase (mkFunTy expr_ty res_ty) matches
`thenTc` \ (matches',lie2) ->
tcMatchesCase res_ty matches `thenTc` \ (scrut_ty, matches', lie2) ->
returnTc (HsCase expr' matches' src_loc, plusLIE lie1 lie2)
tcAddErrCtxt (caseScrutCtxt scrut) (
tcExpr scrut scrut_ty
) `thenTc` \ (scrut',lie1) ->
returnTc (HsCase scrut' matches' src_loc, plusLIE lie1 lie2)
tcExpr (HsIf pred b1 b2 src_loc) res_ty
= tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
......@@ -357,7 +365,7 @@ tcExpr (RecordCon con_name _ rbinds) res_ty
-- Con is syntactically constrained to be a data constructor
ASSERT( maybeToBool (splitAlgTyConApp_maybe record_ty ) )
unifyTauTy record_ty res_ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy res_ty record_ty `thenTc_`
-- Check that the record bindings match the constructor
......@@ -432,7 +440,7 @@ tcExpr (RecordUpd record_expr rbinds) res_ty
result_record_ty = mkTyConApp tycon result_inst_tys
unifyTauTy result_record_ty res_ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy res_ty result_record_ty `thenTc_`
tcRecordBinds result_record_ty rbinds `thenTc` \ (rbinds', rbinds_lie) ->
-- STEP 4
......@@ -1034,6 +1042,9 @@ arithSeqCtxt expr
caseCtxt expr
= hang (ptext SLIT("In the case expression:")) 4 (ppr expr)
caseScrutCtxt expr
= hang (ptext SLIT("In the scrutinee of a case expression:")) 4 (ppr expr)
exprSigCtxt expr
= hang (ptext SLIT("In an expression with a type signature:"))
4 (ppr expr)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import TcMonad
import Inst ( Inst, LIE, plusLIE )
import TcEnv ( TcIdOcc(..), newMonoIds )
import TcPat ( tcPat )
import TcType ( TcType, TcMaybe, zonkTcType )
import TcType ( TcType, TcMaybe, zonkTcType, newTyVarTy )
import TcSimplify ( bindInstsOfLocalFuns )
import Unify ( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyFunTy )
import Name ( Name {- instance Outputable -} )
......@@ -78,8 +78,16 @@ tcMatchesFun fun_name expected_ty matches@(first_match:_)
parser guarantees that each equation has exactly one argument.
tcMatchesCase :: TcType s -> [RenamedMatch] -> TcM s ([TcMatch s], LIE s)
tcMatchesCase expected_ty matches = tcMatchesExpected expected_ty MCase matches
tcMatchesCase :: TcType s -- Type of whole case expressions
-> [RenamedMatch] -- The case alternatives
-> TcM s (TcType s, -- Inferred type of the scrutinee
[TcMatch s], -- Translated alternatives
LIE s)
tcMatchesCase expr_ty matches
= newTyVarTy mkTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ scrut_ty ->
tcMatchesExpected (mkFunTy scrut_ty expr_ty) MCase matches `thenTc` \ (matches', lie) ->
returnTc (scrut_ty, matches', lie)
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ unifyFunTy ty
unify_fun_ty_help ty -- Special cases failed, so revert to ordinary unification
= newTyVarTy mkTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ arg ->
newTyVarTy mkTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ res ->
unifyTauTy (mkFunTy arg res) ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy ty (mkFunTy arg res) `thenTc_`
returnTc (arg,res)
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ unifyListTy ty
unify_list_ty_help ty -- Revert to ordinary unification
= newTyVarTy mkBoxedTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ elt_ty ->
unifyTauTy (mkListTy elt_ty) ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy ty (mkListTy elt_ty) `thenTc_`
returnTc elt_ty
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ unifyTupleTy arity ty
unify_tuple_ty_help arity ty
= mapNF_Tc (\ _ -> newTyVarTy mkBoxedTypeKind) [1..arity] `thenNF_Tc` \ arg_tys ->
unifyTauTy (mkTupleTy arity arg_tys) ty `thenTc_`
unifyTauTy ty (mkTupleTy arity arg_tys) `thenTc_`
returnTc arg_tys
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