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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit a7b34ca3 authored by André Santos's avatar André Santos
Browse files

[project @ 2000-06-13 15:35:29 by andre]

AIX/RS6000 patches
parent 67a9242d
No related merge requests found
This diff is collapsed.
%* *
\section[Driver-obj-splitting]{Splitting into many \tr{.o} files (for libraries)}
%* *
sub inject_split_markers {
local($hc_file) = @_;
local($to_do) = "$Cp $hc_file $Tmp_prefix.unmkd";
&run_something($to_do, 'Prepare to number split markers');
open(TMPI, "< $Tmp_prefix.unmkd") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$Tmp_prefix.unmkd' (to read)\n");
open(TMPO, "> $hc_file") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$hc_file' (to write)\n");
local($marker_no) = 1;
# make sure there is a split marker before any "real" code
$_ = <TMPI>;
while ( $_ ne '' && ( /^$/ || /^#/ ) ) {
print TMPO $_;
$_ = <TMPI>;
print TMPO "__STG_SPLIT_MARKER(1)\n";
print TMPO $_ if ! /^\s*\/\* SPLIT \*\/\s*$/;
# Have to be a bit careful detecting /* SPLIT */ comments
# since a progam may use a string containing "/* SPLIT */"
# We check that there is nothing else on the line
while (<TMPI>) {
if (/^\s*\/\* SPLIT \*\/\s*$/) {
print TMPO "__STG_SPLIT_MARKER($marker_no)\n";
print TMPO $_;
close(TMPI) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading $Tmp_prefix.unmkd\n");
close(TMPO) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed writing $hc_file\n");
sub split_asm_file {
local($asm_file) = @_;
open(TMPI, "< $asm_file") || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$asm_file' (to read)\n");
&collectExports_hppa() if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/;
&collectExports_mips() if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips/;
$octr = 0; # output file counter
$* = 1; # multi-line matches are OK
%LocalConstant = (); # we have to subvert C compiler's commoning-up of constants...
$s_stuff = &ReadTMPIUpToAMarker( '', $octr );
# that first stuff is a prologue for all .s outputs
$prologue_stuff = &process_asm_block ( $s_stuff );
# $_ already has some of the next stuff in it...
# &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: no split markers in .s file!\n")
# if $prologue_stuff eq $s_stuff;
# lie about where this stuff came from
$prologue_stuff =~ s|"/tmp/ghc\d+\.c"|"$ifile_root\.hc"|g;
while ( $_ ne '' ) { # not EOF
# grab and de-mangle a section of the .s file...
$s_stuff = &ReadTMPIUpToAMarker ( $_, $octr );
$this_piece = &process_asm_block ( $s_stuff );
# output to a file of its own
# open a new output file...
$ofname = "${Tmp_prefix}__${octr}.s";
open(OUTF, "> $ofname") || die "$Pgm: can't open output file: $ofname\n";
print OUTF $prologue_stuff;
print OUTF $this_piece;
|| &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm:Failed writing ${Tmp_prefix}__${octr}.s\n");
$NoOfSplitFiles = $octr;
close(TMPI) || &tidy_up_and_die(1,"Failed reading $asm_file\n");
sub collectExports_hppa { # Note: HP-PA only
%LocalExport = (); # NB: global table
while(<TMPI>) {
if (/^\s+\.EXPORT\s+([^,]+),.*\n/) {
local($label) = $1;
local($body) = "\t.IMPORT $label";
if (/,DATA/) {
$body .= ",DATA\n";
} else {
$body .= ",CODE\n";
$label =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$LocalExport{$label} = $body;
seek(TMPI, 0, 0);
sub collectExports_mips { # Note: MIPS only
# (not really sure this is necessary [WDP 95/05])
$UNDEFINED_FUNS = ''; # NB: global table
while(<TMPI>) {
$UNDEFINED_FUNS .= $_ if /^\t\.globl\s+\S+ \.\S+\n/;
# just save 'em all
seek(TMPI, 0, 0);
sub ReadTMPIUpToAMarker {
local($str, $count) = @_; # already read bits
for ( $_ = <TMPI>; $_ ne '' && ! /_?__stg_split_marker/; $_ = <TMPI> ) {
$str .= $_;
# if not EOF, then creep forward until next "real" line
# (throwing everything away).
# that first "real" line will stay in $_.
# This loop is intended to pick up the body of the split_marker function
# Note that the assembler mangler will already have eliminated this code
# if it's been invoked (which it probably has).
while ($_ ne '' && (/_?__stg_split_marker/
|| /^L[^C].*:$/
|| /^\.stab/
|| /\t\.proc/
|| /\t\.stabd/
|| /\t\.even/
|| /\tunlk a6/
|| /^\t!#PROLOGUE/
|| /\t\.prologue/
|| /\t\.frame/
# || /\t\.end/ NOT! Let the split_marker regexp catch it
# || /\t\.ent/ NOT! Let the split_marker regexp catch it
|| /^\s+(save|retl?|restore|nop)/)) {
$_ = <TMPI>;
print STDERR "### BLOCK:$count:\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
# return str
We must (a)~strip the marker off the block, (b)~record any literal C
constants that are defined here, and (c)~inject copies of any C constants
that are used-but-not-defined here.
sub process_asm_block {
local($str) = @_;
return(&process_asm_block_m68k($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/;
return(&process_asm_block_sparc($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^sparc-/;
return(&process_asm_block_iX86($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^i[34]86-/;
return(&process_asm_block_alpha($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/;
return(&process_asm_block_hppa($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/;
return(&process_asm_block_mips($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/;
return(&process_asm_block_powerpc($str)) if $TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-|^rs6000-/;
# otherwise...
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: no process_asm_block for $TargetPlatform\n");
sub process_asm_block_sparc {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
if ( $OptimiseC ) {
$str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//;
} else {
$str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.align .\n)\t\.global\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.proc.*\n/$1/;
$str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.global\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.proc.*\n/$1/;
# make sure the *.hc filename gets saved; not just ghc*.c (temp name)
$str =~ s/^\.stabs "(ghc\d+\.c)"/.stabs "$ifile_root.hc"/g; # HACK HACK
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /(\t\.align .\n(LC\d+):\n(\t\.ascii.*\n)+)/ ) {
local($label) = $2;
local($body) = $1;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = $body;
$str =~ s/\t\.align .\nLC\d+:\n(\t\.ascii.*\n)+//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (sparc):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_m68k {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
$str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.even\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/;
$str =~ s/(\t\.even\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/;
# it seems prudent to stick on one of these:
$str = "\.text\n\t.even\n" . $str;
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /((LC\d+):\n\t\.ascii.*\n)/ ) {
local($label) = $2;
local($body) = $1;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = $body;
$str =~ s/LC\d+:\n\t\.ascii.*\n//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (m68k):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_alpha {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
if ( $OptimiseC ) {
$str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//;
} else {
$str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.ent.*\n/$1/;
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /(\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?(\$(C\d+):\n\t\..*\n)/ ) {
local($label) = $3;
local($body) = $2;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = ".rdata\n\t.align 3\n" . $body . "\t.text\n";
$str =~ s/(\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?\$C\d+:\n\t\..*\n//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\$\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
# Slide the dummy direct return code into the vtbl .ent/.end block,
# to keep the label fixed if it's the last thing in a module, and
# to avoid having any anonymous text that the linker will complain about
$str =~ s/(\t\.end [A-Za-z0-9_]+)\n\t# nop/\tnop\n$1/g;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (alpha):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_iX86 {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
$str =~ s/(\.text\n\t\.align .(,0x90)?\n)\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/;
$str =~ s/(\t\.align .(,0x90)?\n)\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n/$1/;
# it seems prudent to stick on one of these:
$str = "\.text\n\t.align 4\n" . $str;
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( ($str =~ /((LC\d+):\n\t\.ascii.*\n)/ )) {
local($label) = $2;
local($body) = $1;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = $body;
$str =~ s/LC\d+:\n\t\.ascii.*\n//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (iX86):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_hppa {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
$str =~ s/___stg_split_marker.*\n//;
# remove/record any imports defined here
while ( $str =~ /^(\s+\.IMPORT\s.*\n)/ ) {
$Imports .= $1;
$str =~ s/^\s+\.IMPORT.*\n//;
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /^(\s+\.align.*\n(L\$C\d+)\n(\s.*\n)+); end literal\n/ ) {
local($label) = $2;
local($body) = $1;
$label =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\n\n" . $body;
$str =~ s/^\s+\.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\s+\.SUBSPA \$LIT\$\s+\.align.*\nL\$C\d+\n(\s.*\n)+; end literal\n//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
# inject required imports for local exports in other chunks
foreach $k (keys %LocalExport) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k\b/ && ! /EXPORT\s+$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalExport{$k} . $str;
# inject collected imports
$str = $Imports . $str;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (hppa):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_mips {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
if ( $OptimiseC ) {
$str =~ s/_?__stg_split_marker.*:\n//;
} else {
$str =~ s/(\t\.align .\n)\t\.globl\s+.*_?__stg_split_marker.*\n\t\.ent.*\n/$1/;
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /(\t\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?(\$(LC\d+):\n(\t\.byte\t.*\n)+)/ ) {
local($label) = $3;
local($body) = $2;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = "\t.rdata\n\t.align 2\n" . $body . "\t.text\n";
$str =~ s/(\t\.rdata\n\t\.align \d\n)?\$LC\d+:\n(\t\.byte\t.*\n)+//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\$\b$k\b/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
# Slide the dummy direct return code into the vtbl .ent/.end block,
# to keep the label fixed if it's the last thing in a module, and
# to avoid having any anonymous text that the linker will complain about
$str =~ s/(\t\.end [A-Za-z0-9_]+)\n\t# nop/\tnop\n$1/g;
$str .= $UNDEFINED_FUNS; # pin on gratuitiously-large amount of info
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (mips):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
sub process_asm_block_powerpc {
local($str) = @_;
# strip the marker
$str =~ s/___stg_split_marker.*\n//;
$str =~ s/___stg_split_marker.*\n//; # yes, twice.
# remove/record any literal constants defined here
while ( $str =~ /^(.csect .data[RW]\n\s+\.align.*\n(LC\.\.\d+):\n(\s\.byte .*\n)+)/ ) {
local($label) = $2;
local($body) = $1;
&tidy_up_and_die(1,"Local constant label $label already defined!\n")
if $LocalConstant{$label};
$LocalConstant{$label} = $body;
$str =~ s/^.csect .data[RW]\n\s+\.align.*\nLC\.\.\d+:\n(\s\.byte .*\n)+//;
# inject definitions for any local constants now used herein
foreach $k (keys %LocalConstant) {
if ( $str =~ /\b$k(\b|\[)/ ) {
$str = $LocalConstant{$k} . $str;
print STDERR "### STRIPPED BLOCK (powerpc/rs6000):\n$str" if $Dump_asm_splitting_info;
$str = ".toc\n" . $str;
# make "require"r happy...
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