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Commit ab8b9316 authored by Simon Marlow's avatar Simon Marlow
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[project @ 1997-11-10 14:35:18 by simonm]

Check for declarations of non-existant methods
	(bug: typecheck/should_fail/tcfail077.hs)
parent 7da4beae
No related merge requests found
......@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
#include "HsVersions.h"
module TcClassDcl ( tcClassDecl1, tcClassDecls2, tcMethodBind ) where
module TcClassDcl ( tcClassDecl1, tcClassDecls2,
badMethodErr, tcMethodBind
) where
......@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ import PragmaInfo ( PragmaInfo(..) )
import Bag ( bagToList, unionManyBags )
import Class ( GenClass, mkClass, classBigSig,
classOpTagByOccName, SYN_IE(Class)
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_PprUserLength )
import Id ( GenId, mkSuperDictSelId, mkMethodSelId,
......@@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ import Id ( GenId, mkSuperDictSelId, mkMethodSelId,
import CoreUnfold ( getUnfoldingTemplate )
import IdInfo
import Name ( Name, isLocallyDefined, moduleString, getSrcLoc, nameOccName,
import Name ( Name, isLocallyDefined, moduleString, getSrcLoc,
OccName, nameOccName,
nameString, NamedThing(..) )
import Outputable
import Pretty
......@@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ import TysWiredIn ( stringTy )
import TyVar ( unitTyVarSet, GenTyVar, SYN_IE(TyVar) )
import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
import Util
import Maybes ( assocMaybe, maybeToBool )
-- import TcPragmas ( tcGenPragmas, tcClassOpPragmas )
......@@ -402,18 +406,27 @@ tcDefaultMethodBinds clas default_binds
clas_tyvar_set = unitTyVarSet clas_tyvar
tc_dm meth_bind
= let
bndr_name = case meth_bind of
FunMonoBind name _ _ _ -> name
PatMonoBind (VarPatIn name) _ _ -> name
idx = classOpTagByOccName clas (nameOccName bndr_name) - 1
sel_id = op_sel_ids !! idx
Just dm_id = defm_ids !! idx
| not (maybeToBool maybe_stuff)
= -- Binding for something that isn't in the class signature
failTc (badMethodErr bndr_name clas)
| otherwise
= -- Normal case
tcMethodBind clas origin inst_ty sel_id meth_bind
`thenTc` \ (bind, insts, (_, local_dm_id)) ->
returnTc (bind, insts, ([clas_tyvar], RealId dm_id, local_dm_id))
bndr_name = case meth_bind of
FunMonoBind name _ _ _ -> name
PatMonoBind (VarPatIn name) _ _ -> name
maybe_stuff = assocMaybe assoc_list (nameOccName bndr_name)
assoc_list = [ (getOccName sel_id, pair)
| pair@(sel_id, dm_ie) <- op_sel_ids `zip` defm_ids
Just (sel_id, Just dm_id) = maybe_stuff
-- We're looking at a default-method binding, so the dm_id
-- is sure to be there! Hence the inner "Just".
tcExtendGlobalTyVars clas_tyvar_set (
mapAndUnzip3Tc tc_dm (flatten default_binds [])
......@@ -479,9 +492,12 @@ tcMethodBind clas origin inst_ty sel_id meth_bind
PatMonoBind (VarPatIn name) _ loc -> (name, loc)
Contexts and errors
badMethodErr bndr clas sty
= hsep [ptext SLIT("Class"), ppr sty clas, ptext SLIT("does not have a method"), ppr sty bndr]
classDeclCtxt class_name sty
= hsep [ptext SLIT("In the class declaration for"), ppr sty class_name]
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import TcHsSyn ( SYN_IE(TcHsBinds),
mkHsDictLam, mkHsDictApp )
import TcBinds ( tcPragmaSigs )
import TcClassDcl ( tcMethodBind )
import TcClassDcl ( tcMethodBind, badMethodErr )
import TcMonad
import RnMonad ( SYN_IE(RnNameSupply) )
import Inst ( Inst, InstOrigin(..), SYN_IE(InstanceMapper),
......@@ -381,23 +381,26 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
-- ...[NB May 97; all ignored except INLINE]
tcPragmaSigs uprags `thenTc` \ (prag_fn, spec_binds, spec_lie) ->
-- Check the method bindings
-- Check that all the method bindings come from this class
inst_tyvars_set' = mkTyVarSet inst_tyvars'
check_from_this_class (bndr, loc)
| nameOccName bndr `elem` sel_names = returnTc ()
| otherwise = recoverTc (returnTc ()) $
tcAddSrcLoc loc $
failTc (instBndrErr bndr clas)
failTc (badMethodErr bndr clas)
sel_names = map getOccName op_sel_ids
mapTc check_from_this_class (bagToList (collectMonoBinders monobinds)) `thenTc_`
-- Type check the method bindings themselves
tcExtendGlobalTyVars inst_tyvars_set' (
tcExtendGlobalValEnv (catMaybes defm_ids) $
-- Default-method Ids may be mentioned in synthesised RHSs
mapAndUnzip3Tc (tcInstMethodBind clas inst_ty' monobinds)
(op_sel_ids `zip` defm_ids)
) `thenTc` \ (method_binds_s, insts_needed_s, meth_lies_w_ids) ->
) `thenTc` \ (method_binds_s, insts_needed_s, meth_lies_w_ids) ->
-- Check the overloading constraints of the methods and superclasses
......@@ -742,9 +745,6 @@ instTypeErr ty sty
rest_of_msg = ptext SLIT("cannot be used as an instance type")
instBndrErr bndr clas sty
= hsep [ptext SLIT("Class"), ppr sty clas, ptext SLIT("does not have a method"), ppr sty bndr]
derivingWhenInstanceExistsErr clas tycon sty
= hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Deriving class"),
ppr sty clas,
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module Class (
classSuperDictSelId, classDefaultMethodId,
classBigSig, classInstEnv,
) where
......@@ -154,15 +153,6 @@ classDictArgTys (Class _ _ _ _ sc_sel_ids meth_sel_ids _ _ _) ty
mk_arg_ty id = case splitRhoTy (applyTy (idType id) ty) of
(sel_theta, meth_ty) -> ASSERT( length sel_theta == 1 )
classOpTagByOccName clas occ
= go (classSelIds clas) 1
go (sel_id : sel_ids) tag
| getOccName (idName sel_id) == occ = tag
| otherwise = go sel_ids (tag+1)
go [] _ = pprPanic "classOpTagByOccName"
(hsep [ppr PprDebug (getName clas), ppr PprDebug occ])
@a `isSuperClassOf` b@ returns @Nothing@ if @a@ is not a superclass of
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