[project @ 1999-01-14 18:21:49 by sof]
Haskell 98 related changes + the addition of the MVar primop, isEmptyMVar :: MVar a -> IO Bool -- use with care.
- ghc/lib/concurrent/Channel.lhs 1 addition, 1 deletionghc/lib/concurrent/Channel.lhs
- ghc/lib/concurrent/ChannelVar.lhs 3 additions, 3 deletionsghc/lib/concurrent/ChannelVar.lhs
- ghc/lib/concurrent/Merge.lhs 2 additions, 2 deletionsghc/lib/concurrent/Merge.lhs
- ghc/lib/concurrent/SampleVar.lhs 6 additions, 6 deletionsghc/lib/concurrent/SampleVar.lhs
- ghc/lib/concurrent/Semaphore.lhs 6 additions, 6 deletionsghc/lib/concurrent/Semaphore.lhs
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