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Commit ae67eed8 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
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[project @ 1998-05-04 13:24:42 by simonpj]

mkRhsTyLam now does not create redundant big lambdas
parent b117679a
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......@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ import PrelVals ( augmentId, buildId )
import PrimOp ( primOpIsCheap )
import SimplEnv
import SimplMonad
import Type ( tyVarsOfType, mkForAllTys, mkTyVarTys, getTyVar_maybe,
import Type ( tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, mkForAllTys, mkTyVarTys, getTyVar_maybe,
splitAlgTyConApp_maybe, instantiateTy, Type
import TyCon ( isDataTyCon )
import TyVar ( elementOfTyVarSet, delFromTyVarEnv )
import TyVar ( mkTyVarSet, intersectTyVarSets, elementOfTyVarSet, tyVarSetToList,
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import Util ( isIn, zipWithEqual, panic, assertPanic )
......@@ -182,31 +184,36 @@ mkRhsTyLam [] body = returnSmpl body
mkRhsTyLam tyvars body
= go (\x -> x) body
tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys tyvars
main_tyvar_set = mkTyVarSet tyvars
go fn (Let bind@(NonRec var rhs) body) | exprIsTrivial rhs
= go (fn . Let bind) body
go fn (Let bind@(NonRec var rhs) body)
= mk_poly var `thenSmpl` \ (var', rhs') ->
= mk_poly tyvars_here var_ty `thenSmpl` \ (var', rhs') ->
go (fn . Let (mk_silly_bind var rhs')) body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
returnSmpl (Let (NonRec var' (mkTyLam tyvars (fn rhs))) body')
returnSmpl (Let (NonRec var' (mkTyLam tyvars_here (fn rhs))) body')
tyvars_here = tyVarSetToList (main_tyvar_set `intersectTyVarSets` tyVarsOfType var_ty)
var_ty = idType var
go fn (Let (Rec prs) body)
= mapAndUnzipSmpl mk_poly vars `thenSmpl` \ (vars', rhss') ->
= mapAndUnzipSmpl (mk_poly tyvars_here) var_tys `thenSmpl` \ (vars', rhss') ->
gn body = fn $ foldr Let body (zipWith mk_silly_bind vars rhss')
go gn body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
returnSmpl (Let (Rec (vars' `zip` [mkTyLam tyvars (gn rhs) | rhs <- rhss])) body')
returnSmpl (Let (Rec (vars' `zip` [mkTyLam tyvars_here (gn rhs) | rhs <- rhss])) body')
(vars,rhss) = unzip prs
tyvars_here = tyVarSetToList (main_tyvar_set `intersectTyVarSets` tyVarsOfTypes var_tys)
var_tys = map idType vars
go fn body = returnSmpl (mkTyLam tyvars (fn body))
mk_poly var
= newId (mkForAllTys tyvars (idType var)) `thenSmpl` \ poly_id ->
returnSmpl (poly_id, mkTyApp (Var poly_id) tyvar_tys)
mk_poly tyvars_here var_ty
= newId (mkForAllTys tyvars_here var_ty) `thenSmpl` \ poly_id ->
returnSmpl (poly_id, mkTyApp (Var poly_id) (mkTyVarTys tyvars_here))
mk_silly_bind var rhs = NonRec (addInlinePragma var) rhs
-- The addInlinePragma is really important! If we don't say
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import TcEnv ( TcIdOcc(..), tcInstId,
import TcMatches ( tcMatchesCase, tcMatchExpected )
import TcGRHSs ( tcStmt )
import TcMonoType ( tcHsType )
import TcPat ( tcPat )
import TcPat ( tcPat, badFieldsCon )
import TcSimplify ( tcSimplifyAndCheck )
import TcType ( TcType, TcTauType, TcMaybe(..),
tcInstType, tcInstSigTcType, tcInstTyVars,
......@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ tcMonoExpr (RecordCon con_name _ rbinds) res_ty
bad_fields = badFields rbinds con_id
checkTc (null bad_fields) (badFieldsCon con_id bad_fields) `thenTc_`
checkTc (null bad_fields) (badFieldsCon con_name bad_fields) `thenTc_`
-- Typecheck the record bindings
-- (Do this after checkRecordFields in case there's a field that
......@@ -1027,10 +1027,6 @@ badFieldsUpd rbinds
recordUpdCtxt = ptext SLIT("In a record update construct")
badFieldsCon con fields
= hsep [ptext SLIT("Constructor"), ppr con,
ptext SLIT("does not have field(s):"), pprQuotedList fields]
notSelector field
= hsep [quotes (ppr field), ptext SLIT("is not a record selector")]
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