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Commit cb5e6c57 authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1997-08-14 18:36:47 by sof]

parent 0223e746
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TOP = ../..
include $(TOP)/mk/
SUBDIRS = reader rename simplCore typecheck deSugar printing ccall deriving
include $(TOP)/mk/
interface HelpMicroPrel where
alpha :: UniType
alpha_tyvar :: TyVar
alpha_tyvarU :: Int
alpha_tyvars :: [TyVar]
applySubstToId :: Subst -> Id -> Id
applySubstToTauTy :: Subst -> UniType -> UniType
applySubstToThetaTy :: Subst -> [(Class, UniType)] -> [(Class, UniType)]
applySubstToTy :: Subst -> UniType -> UniType
applyTy :: UniType -> UniType -> UniType
applyTyCon :: TyCon -> [UniType] -> UniType
applyTyConLazily :: TyCon -> TyCon -> [UniType] -> UniType
assocMaybe :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Labda b
beta_tyvar :: TyVar
beta_tyvarU :: Int
binTyCon :: TyCon
binTyConU :: Int
catMaybes :: [Labda a] -> [a]
catQuickStrings :: [QuickString] -> QuickString
charPrimRelOpTy :: UniType
charPrimTy :: UniType
charPrimTyCon :: TyCon
charPrimTyConU :: Int
checkInstanceShape :: UniType -> Labda (TyCon, [TyVar])
chrPrimId :: Id
data PprStyle = PprForUser | PprDebug | PprShowAll | PprInterface deriving ()
data Env a b
data GVE
data TCE
data PrettyRep
data PrimitiveOp
class AbsSynParam a where
hasType :: a -> Bool
getType :: a -> UniType
isConop :: a -> Bool
isAconid :: a -> Bool
isAconop :: a -> Bool
isAvarid :: a -> Bool
isAvarop :: a -> Bool
class Outputable a where
frc :: a -> Int
ppr :: PprStyle -> a -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
data Annotations
data CLabelInfo
data Class
data ConFamilySize = SmallConFamily Int | LargeConFamily deriving ()
data CoreExpr a b
data Id = Local Name Unique UniType | Imported Name UniType (Labda (CoreExpr Id Id)) | DataCon Name Int [TyVar] [(Class, UniType)] [UniType] TyCon deriving ()
data Labda a = Just a | Nothing deriving ()
data MaybeErr a b = Succeeded a | Failed b deriving ()
data Name
data PrimitiveKind
data QuickString
data Subst
data TyCon = TyConSynonym Name Unique Int [TyVar] UniType | TyConData Name Unique Int [TyVar] ConFamilySize [Id] | TyConBuiltIn Name Unique Int deriving ()
data TyVar
data TyVarOrTyCon = IsTyVar TyVar | IsTyCon TyCon [UniType] deriving ()
data UniType = UniTyVar TyVar | UniFun UniType UniType | UniData TyCon [UniType] | UniSyn TyCon [UniType] UniType | UniDict Class UniType | UniForall TyVar UniType deriving ()
data TypecheckedPat
data Expr a b
data Matches a b
data MonoBinds a b
data Binds a b
data GRHSs a b
data UnifyErrContext = PredCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | AppCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | OpAppCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | SectionLAppCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | SectionRAppCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | CaseCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Matches Id TypecheckedPat) | BranchCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | ListCtxt [Expr Id TypecheckedPat] | ConPatCtxt QuickString [TypecheckedPat] | ConOpPatCtxt TypecheckedPat QuickString TypecheckedPat | ListPatCtxt [TypecheckedPat] | MatchPairCtxt (Matches Id TypecheckedPat) (Matches Id TypecheckedPat) | FilterCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | GeneratorCtxt TypecheckedPat (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | GRHSsBranchCtxt (GRHSs Id TypecheckedPat) (GRHSs Id TypecheckedPat) | GRHSsGuardCtxt (Expr Id TypecheckedPat) | RecCtxt [QuickString] (MonoBinds Id TypecheckedPat) | PatMonoBindsCtxt TypecheckedPat (GRHSs Id TypecheckedPat) (Binds Id TypecheckedPat) | MatchCtxt UniType UniType | ArithSeqCtxt [Expr Id TypecheckedPat] | CCallCtxt QuickString [Expr Id TypecheckedPat] deriving ()
data UnifyErrInfo = DataConMisMatch UniType UniType | UniConMisMatch UniType UniType | TypeRec TyVar UniType | UnifyListMisMatch [UniType] [UniType] deriving ()
data Unique
data UniqueSupply
divideDoublePrimId :: Id
divideFloatPrimId :: Id
divideIntPrimId :: Id
divideIntegerPrimId :: Id
doublePrim2FloatPrimId :: Id
doublePrim2IntPrimId :: Id
doublePrimArithOpTy :: UniType
doublePrimRelOpTy :: UniType
doublePrimTy :: UniType
doublePrimTyCon :: TyCon
doublePrimTyConU :: Int
doublePrimUnaryOpTy :: UniType
duplicateLocal :: Id -> Unique -> Id
duplicateTyVar :: TyVar -> Unique -> TyVar
eRROR_ID :: Id
eqCharPrimId :: Id
eqDoublePrimId :: Id
eqFloatPrimId :: Id
eqIntPrimBoolId :: Id
eqIntPrimId :: Id
eqIntegerPrimId :: Id
errorTy :: UniType
expandTySyn :: UniType -> UniType
extractTyVarsFromTy :: UniType -> [TyVar]
extractTyVarsFromTys :: [UniType] -> [TyVar]
firstTupleUniqueInt :: Int
floatPrim2DoublePrimId :: Id
floatPrim2IntPrimId :: Id
floatPrimArithOpTy :: UniType
floatPrimRelOpTy :: UniType
floatPrimTy :: UniType
floatPrimTyCon :: TyCon
floatPrimTyConU :: Int
floatPrimUnaryOpTy :: UniType
frcId :: Bool -> Id -> Int
frcUniType :: UniType -> Int
funResultTy :: UniType -> UniType
geCharPrimId :: Id
geDoublePrimId :: Id
geFloatPrimId :: Id
geIntPrimId :: Id
geIntegerPrimId :: Id
genInstantiateTy :: UniqueSupply -> [(TyVar, UniType)] -> UniType -> (UniqueSupply, UniType)
genInstantiateTyUS :: (Env TyVar UniType) -> UniType -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, UniType)
getClassName :: Class -> Name
getClassOps :: Class -> [(QuickString, UniType)]
getClassSig :: Class -> (TyVar, [(Class, UniType)], [(QuickString, UniType)])
getClassThetaType :: Class -> [(Class, UniType)]
getConstructedTyTycon :: UniType -> TyCon
getDataConDeps :: Id -> [TyCon]
getDataConFamily :: Id -> [Id]
getDataConSig :: Id -> ([TyVar], [(Class, UniType)], [UniType], TyCon)
getDataConTag :: Id -> Int
getDataConTyCon :: Id -> TyCon
getDictClass :: Id -> Class
getDictClassType :: Id -> (Class, UniType)
getDictTyVar :: Id -> TyVar
getDictType :: Id -> UniType
getIdAnns :: Id -> Annotations
getIdBoundTyVars :: Id -> [TyVar]
getIdCLabelInfo :: Id -> CLabelInfo
getIdKind :: Id -> PrimitiveKind
getIdName :: Id -> Name
getIdQuickString :: Id -> QuickString
getIdSourceTypes :: Id -> [UniType]
getIdTargetType :: Id -> UniType
getIdTauType :: Id -> UniType
getIdUnfolding :: Id -> Labda (CoreExpr Id Id)
getIdUniType :: Id -> UniType
getLocalUnique :: Id -> Unique
getMentionedTyCons :: TyCon -> [TyCon]
getQuickStringStr :: QuickString -> [Char]
getReferredToTyCons :: UniType -> [TyCon]
getTauType :: UniType -> UniType
getTyConArity :: TyCon -> Int
getTyConDataCons :: TyCon -> [Id]
getTyConName :: TyCon -> Name
getTyConTyVars :: TyCon -> [TyVar]
getTyVar :: UniType -> TyVar
getTyVarMaybe :: UniType -> Labda TyVar
getUniDataTyCon :: UniType -> TyCon
getUnique :: UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, Unique)
getUniques :: Int -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, [Unique])
glueTyArgs :: [UniType] -> UniType -> UniType
gtCharPrimId :: Id
gtDoublePrimId :: Id
gtFloatPrimId :: Id
gtIntPrimId :: Id
gtIntegerPrimId :: Id
idxStringPrimId :: Id
initUS :: a -> (a -> (b, c)) -> (b, c)
instance AbsSynParam Id
instance AbsSynParam Name
instance AbsSynParam QuickString
instance Eq CLabelInfo
instance Eq Class
instance Eq Id
instance Eq Name
instance Eq PrimitiveKind
instance Eq QuickString
instance Eq TyCon
instance Eq TyVar
instance Eq UniType
instance Eq Unique
instance Ord Id
instance Ord Name
instance Ord QuickString
instance Ord TyCon
instance Ord TyVar
instance Ord Unique
instance Outputable Annotations
instance Outputable CLabelInfo
instance Outputable Class
instance Outputable ConFamilySize
instance Outputable Id
instance Outputable Name
instance Outputable PrimitiveKind
instance Outputable QuickString
instance Outputable TyCon
instance Outputable TyVar
instance Outputable UniType
instance Outputable Unique
instance Text Id
instance Text Unique
instantiateTauTy :: [(TyVar, UniType)] -> UniType -> UniType
instantiateThetaTy :: [(TyVar, UniType)] -> [(Class, UniType)] -> [(Class, UniType)]
instantiateTy :: [(TyVar, UniType)] -> UniType -> UniType
intPrim2DoublePrimId :: Id
intPrim2FloatPrimId :: Id
intPrim2IntegerPrimId :: Id
intPrimArithOpTy :: UniType
intPrimRelOpTy :: UniType
intPrimTy :: UniType
intPrimTyCon :: TyCon
intPrimTyConU :: Int
intPrimUnaryOpTy :: UniType
integerPrim2IntPrimId :: Id
integerPrimArithOpTy :: UniType
integerPrimRelOpTy :: UniType
integerPrimTy :: UniType
integerPrimTyCon :: TyCon
integerPrimTyConU :: Int
integerPrimUnaryOpTy :: UniType
ioPrimTy :: UniType
ioPrimTyCon :: TyCon
ioPrimTyConU :: Int
isAbstractTyConData :: TyCon -> Bool
isFunType :: UniType -> Bool
isGlobalId :: Id -> Bool
isTyConBuiltIn :: TyCon -> Bool
isTyConData :: TyCon -> Bool
isUnboxedType :: UniType -> Bool
kindFromType :: UniType -> PrimitiveKind
leCharPrimId :: Id
leDoublePrimId :: Id
leFloatPrimId :: Id
leIntPrimId :: Id
leIntegerPrimId :: Id
listMaybeErrs :: [MaybeErr a b] -> MaybeErr [a] [b]
ltCharPrimId :: Id
ltDoublePrimId :: Id
ltFloatPrimId :: Id
ltIntPrimId :: Id
ltIntegerPrimId :: Id
matchList :: Subst -> [UniType] -> [UniType] -> MaybeErr Subst UnifyErrInfo
matchTys :: Subst -> UniType -> UniType -> MaybeErr Subst UnifyErrInfo
minusDoublePrimId :: Id
minusFloatPrimId :: Id
minusIntPrimId :: Id
minusIntegerPrimId :: Id
mkClass :: Unique -> Name -> TyVar -> [(Class, UniType)] -> [(QuickString, UniType)] -> Class
mkClassBottom :: QuickString -> QuickString -> Annotations -> Class
mkDataCon :: Name -> UniType -> Id
mkDataTy :: TyCon -> [UniType] -> UniType
mkDataTyConBottom :: QuickString -> QuickString -> Annotations -> Int -> TyCon
mkDictFunId :: Class -> TyCon -> UniType -> Id
mkDictFunType :: [TyVar] -> [(Class, UniType)] -> Class -> UniType -> UniType
mkDictTy :: Class -> UniType -> UniType
mkForallTy :: [TyVar] -> UniType -> UniType
mkImported :: Name -> UniType -> (Labda (CoreExpr Id Id)) -> Id
mkInternalDataCon :: Name -> Int -> [TyVar] -> [(Class, UniType)] -> [UniType] -> TyCon -> Id
mkLocal :: Name -> Unique -> UniType -> Id
mkNamedLocal :: QuickString -> Unique -> UniType -> Annotations -> Id
mkQuickString :: [Char] -> QuickString
mkRenamedLocal :: Name -> Unique -> UniType -> Id
mkSigmaTy :: [TyVar] -> [(Class, UniType)] -> UniType -> UniType
mkSynTy :: TyCon -> [UniType] -> UniType -> UniType
mkSynTyConBottom :: QuickString -> QuickString -> Annotations -> Int -> TyCon
mkSysLocal :: [Char] -> Unique -> UniType -> Annotations -> Id
mkSysTyVar :: Unique -> TyVar
mkTUPLE_ID :: Int -> Id
mkTemplateLocals :: [UniType] -> [Id]
mkTupleTy :: [UniType] -> UniType
mkTupleTyCon :: Int -> TyCon
mkTupleTyConAndId :: Int -> (TyCon, Id)
mkTyConBuiltIn :: Name -> Unique -> Int -> TyCon
mkTyConData :: Name -> Unique -> Int -> [TyVar] -> Int -> [Id] -> TyCon
mkTyConSynonym :: Name -> Unique -> Int -> [TyVar] -> UniType -> TyCon
mkTyVarTy :: TyVar -> UniType
mkUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkUniqueSupply :: Int -> UniqueSupply
mkUserTyVar :: Unique -> QuickString -> TyVar
nanoCoreGVE :: GVE
nanoCoreTCE :: TCE
neCharPrimId :: Id
neDoublePrimId :: Id
neFloatPrimId :: Id
neIntPrimId :: Id
neIntegerPrimId :: Id
negateDoublePrimId :: Id
negateFloatPrimId :: Id
negateIntPrimId :: Id
negateIntegerPrimId :: Id
noFail :: (Labda a) -> [Char] -> a
ordPrimId :: Id
pRELUDE :: [Char]
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Char :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Double :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Float :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Int :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Integer :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_List :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Tuple0 :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_BUILTIN_Tuple2 :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE :: [Char]
pRELUDE_CORE_Bool :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Enum :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Eq :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Fractional :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Integral :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Num :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Ord :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_CORE_Real :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_RATIO_Ratio :: ([Char], [Char])
pRELUDE_TEXT :: [Char]
pRELUDE_TEXT_Text :: ([Char], [Char])
packStringPrimId :: Id
pcAnns :: Annotations
pcBasicArithBinOp :: [Char] -> UniType -> Id -> Id -> Id
pcBasicArithUnaryOp :: [Char] -> UniType -> Id -> Id -> Id
pcBasicRelBinOp :: [Char] -> UniType -> Id -> Id -> Id
pcBasicRelBinOpInnerCase :: Id -> Id -> Id -> CoreExpr Id Id
pcBuiltinTyCon :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> TyCon
pcDataCon :: [Char] -> [Char] -> UniType -> Id
pcDataTyCon :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> TyCon
pcDictFunName :: ([Char], [Char]) -> ([Char], [Char]) -> Name
pcDictSelectorName :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Name
pcExternalName :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Name
pcGlobal :: [Char] -> [Char] -> UniType -> Id
pcInstance :: ([Char], [Char]) -> ([Char], [Char]) -> UniType -> Id
pcMethod :: Name -> [Char] -> UniType -> Id
pcPrim :: [Char] -> UniType -> PrimitiveOp -> Id
pcPrimPredicate :: [Char] -> UniType -> Id -> Id
plusDoublePrimId :: Id
plusFloatPrimId :: Id
plusIntPrimId :: Id
plusIntegerPrimId :: Id
pprParendUniType :: PprStyle -> UniType -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
pprUniType :: PprStyle -> UniType -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
remIntPrimId :: Id
remIntegerPrimId :: Id
removeTyConDataCons :: TyCon -> TyCon
returnUS :: a -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, a)
sourceTypes :: UniType -> [UniType]
splitMultiType :: UniType -> ([[TyVar]], [[(Class, UniType)]], UniType)
splitThetaType :: UniType -> (Class, UniType)
splitTyArgs :: UniType -> ([UniType], UniType)
splitType :: UniType -> ([TyVar], [(Class, UniType)], UniType)
stringPrimTy :: UniType
stringPrimTyCon :: TyCon
stringPrimTyConU :: Int
targetType :: UniType -> UniType
thenUS :: (UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, a)) -> (a -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, b)) -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, b)
thenUSs :: [UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, a)] -> UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, [a])
timesDoublePrimId :: Id
timesFloatPrimId :: Id
timesIntPrimId :: Id
timesIntegerPrimId :: Id
tuple0TyCon :: TyCon
tuple2TyCon :: TyCon
tyVarOrTyCon :: UniType -> TyVarOrTyCon
type Arity = Int
type ClassName = QuickString
type ClassOp = (QuickString, UniType)
type ClassOps = [(QuickString, UniType)]
type ConName = QuickString
type ConTag = Int
type DictFun = Id
type DictVar = Id
type ModuleName = QuickString
type RhoType = UniType
type SigmaType = UniType
type TauType = UniType
type ThetaType = [(Class, UniType)]
type TyConName = QuickString
type TyVarName = QuickString
type USap a = UniqueSupply -> (UniqueSupply, a)
type VarName = QuickString
typeWithOneDataCon :: UniType -> Bool
uniformSCCs :: [[TyCon]] -> [Bool]
unifyList :: Subst -> [UniType] -> [UniType] -> MaybeErr Subst UnifyErrInfo
unifyTys :: Subst -> UniType -> UniType -> MaybeErr Subst UnifyErrInfo
verifyTauTy :: UniType -> UniType
zeroTy :: UniType
zeroTyCon :: TyCon
zeroTyConU :: Int
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