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Commit d6765099 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
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[project @ 1998-04-29 09:30:24 by simonpj]

Alleged fix to SpecEnv muddle for recursive bindings
parent 5e3c79eb
No related merge requests found
......@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ module SimplUtils (
singleConstructorType, typeOkForCase
singleConstructorType, typeOkForCase,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
......@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ import MkId ( mkSysLocal )
import Id ( idType, isBottomingId, getIdArity,
addInlinePragma, addIdDemandInfo,
idWantsToBeINLINEd, dataConArgTys, Id,
lookupIdEnv, delOneFromIdEnv
import IdInfo ( ArityInfo(..), DemandInfo )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
......@@ -37,10 +40,10 @@ import PrimOp ( primOpIsCheap )
import SimplEnv
import SimplMonad
import Type ( tyVarsOfType, mkForAllTys, mkTyVarTys, getTyVar_maybe,
splitAlgTyConApp_maybe, Type
splitAlgTyConApp_maybe, instantiateTy, Type
import TyCon ( isDataTyCon )
import TyVar ( elementOfTyVarSet )
import TyVar ( elementOfTyVarSet, delFromTyVarEnv )
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import Util ( isIn, zipWithEqual, panic, assertPanic )
......@@ -494,3 +497,35 @@ typeOkForCase ty
-- currently handle. (ToDo: when return-in-heap is universal we
-- don't need to worry about this.)
substSpecEnvRhs applies a substitution to the RHS's of a SpecEnv
It exploits the known structure of a SpecEnv's RHS to have fewer
substSpecEnvRhs te ve rhs
= go te ve rhs
go te ve (App f (TyArg ty)) = App (go te ve f) (TyArg (instantiateTy te ty))
go te ve (App f (VarArg v)) = App (go te ve f) (case lookupIdEnv ve v of
Just (SubstVar v') -> VarArg v'
Just (SubstLit l) -> LitArg l
Nothing -> VarArg v)
go te ve (Var v) = case lookupIdEnv ve v of
Just (SubstVar v') -> Var v'
Just (SubstLit l) -> Lit l
Nothing -> Var v
-- These equations are a bit half baked, because
-- they don't deal properly wih capture.
-- But I'm sure it'll never matter... sigh.
go te ve (Lam b@(TyBinder tyvar) e) = Lam b (go te' ve e)
te' = delFromTyVarEnv te tyvar
go te ve (Lam b@(ValBinder v) e) = Lam b (go te ve' e)
ve' = delOneFromIdEnv ve v
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Id ( idType, getIdUnfolding,
mkIdWithNewUniq, mkIdWithNewType,
IdEnv, lookupIdEnv, delOneFromIdEnv, elemIdEnv, isNullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv
import SpecEnv ( lookupSpecEnv, substSpecEnv, isEmptySpecEnv )
import SpecEnv ( lookupSpecEnv )
import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
import Literal ( isNoRepLit )
import MagicUFs ( applyMagicUnfoldingFun, MagicUnfoldingFun )
......@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@ simplBinder env (id, occ_info)
-- id1 has its type zapped
id1 | empty_ty_subst = id
| otherwise = mkIdWithNewType id ty'
-- id2 has its SpecEnv zapped
id2 | isEmptySpecEnv spec_env = id1
| otherwise = setIdSpecialisation id1 spec_env'
if not_in_scope then
-- No need to clone, but we *must* zap any current substitution
......@@ -207,19 +203,19 @@ simplBinder env (id, occ_info)
-- (\x.e) with id_subst = [x |-> e']
-- Here we must simply zap the substitution for x
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id2,
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id1,
delOneFromIdEnv id_subst id)
returnSmpl (env', id2)
returnSmpl (env', id1)
-- Must clone
getUniqueSmpl `thenSmpl` \ uniq ->
id3 = mkIdWithNewUniq id2 uniq
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id3,
addOneToIdEnv id_subst id (SubstVar id3))
id2 = mkIdWithNewUniq id1 uniq
env' = setIdEnv env (new_in_scope_ids id2,
addOneToIdEnv id_subst id (SubstVar id2))
returnSmpl (env', id3)
returnSmpl (env', id2)
((in_scope_tyvars, ty_subst), (in_scope_ids, id_subst)) = getEnvs env
......@@ -231,9 +227,6 @@ simplBinder env (id, occ_info)
ty = idType id
ty' = instantiateTy ty_subst ty
spec_env = getIdSpecialisation id
spec_env' = substSpecEnv ty_subst (substSpecEnvRhs ty_subst id_subst) spec_env
simplBinders :: SimplEnv -> [InBinder] -> SmplM (SimplEnv, [OutId])
simplBinders env binders = mapAccumLSmpl simplBinder env binders
......@@ -266,33 +259,3 @@ simplTyBinders :: SimplEnv -> [TyVar] -> SmplM (SimplEnv, [TyVar])
simplTyBinders env binders = mapAccumLSmpl simplTyBinder env binders
substSpecEnvRhs applies a substitution to the RHS's of a SpecEnv
It exploits the known structure of a SpecEnv's RHS to have fewer
substSpecEnvRhs te ve rhs
= go te ve rhs
go te ve (App f (TyArg ty)) = App (go te ve f) (TyArg (instantiateTy te ty))
go te ve (App f (VarArg v)) = App (go te ve f) (case lookupIdEnv ve v of
Just (SubstVar v') -> VarArg v'
Just (SubstLit l) -> LitArg l
Nothing -> VarArg v)
go te ve (Var v) = case lookupIdEnv ve v of
Just (SubstVar v') -> Var v'
Just (SubstLit l) -> Lit l
Nothing -> Var v
-- These equations are a bit half baked, because
-- they don't deal properly wih capture.
-- But I'm sure it'll never matter... sigh.
go te ve (Lam b@(TyBinder tyvar) e) = Lam b (go te' ve e)
te' = delFromTyVarEnv te tyvar
go te ve (Lam b@(ValBinder v) e) = Lam b (go te ve' e)
ve' = delOneFromIdEnv ve v
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr, simplBind ) where
import BinderInfo
import CmdLineOpts ( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
import ConFold ( completePrim )
import CoreUnfold ( Unfolding, mkFormSummary,
import CoreUnfold ( Unfolding, mkFormSummary, noUnfolding,
exprIsTrivial, whnfOrBottom, inlineUnconditionally,
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import CoreUtils ( coreExprType, nonErrorRHSs, maybeErrorApp,
unTagBinders, squashableDictishCcExpr
import Id ( idType, idMustBeINLINEd, idWantsToBeINLINEd, idMustNotBeINLINEd,
addIdArity, getIdArity,
addIdArity, getIdArity, getIdSpecialisation, setIdSpecialisation,
getIdDemandInfo, addIdDemandInfo
import Name ( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import SimplEnv
import SimplMonad
import SimplVar ( completeVar, simplBinder, simplBinders, simplTyBinder, simplTyBinders )
import SimplUtils
import SpecEnv ( isEmptySpecEnv, substSpecEnv )
import Type ( mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkAppTy, applyTy, applyTys,
mkFunTys, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
splitFunTys, splitFunTy_maybe, isUnpointedType
......@@ -1079,10 +1080,7 @@ completeBind :: SimplEnv
-> InBinder -> OutId -> OutExpr -- Id and RHS
-> (SimplEnv, [(OutId, OutExpr)]) -- Final envt and binding(s)
completeBind env binder@(_,occ_info) new_id new_rhs
| idMustNotBeINLINEd new_id -- Occurrence analyser says "don't inline"
= (env, new_binds)
completeBind env binder@(old_id,occ_info) new_id new_rhs
| atomic_rhs -- If rhs (after eta reduction) is atomic
&& not (isExported new_id) -- and binder isn't exported
= -- Drop the binding completely
......@@ -1092,31 +1090,31 @@ completeBind env binder@(_,occ_info) new_id new_rhs
(env2, [])
{- This case is WRONG. It attempts to exploit knowledge that indirections
are eliminated (by OccurAnal), but they *aren't* for recursive bindings.
If this case is enabled, then
rec { local = (a,b)
global = local
... = case global of ...
never gets simplified
| atomic_rhs -- Rhs is atomic, and new_id is exported
&& case eta'd_rhs of { Var v -> isLocallyDefined v && not (isExported v); other -> False }
= -- The local variable v will be eliminated next time round
-- in favour of new_id, so it's a waste to replace all new_id's with v's
-- this time round.
-- This case is an optional improvement; saves a simplifier iteration
(env, [(new_id, eta'd_rhs)])
| otherwise -- Non-atomic
-- The big deal here is that we simplify the
-- SpecEnv of the Id, if any. We used to do that in simplBinders, but
-- that didn't work because it didn't take account of the fact that
-- one of the mutually recursive group might mention one of the others
-- in its SpecEnv
= let
env1 = extendEnvGivenBinding env occ_info new_id new_rhs
id_w_specenv | isEmptySpecEnv spec_env = new_id
| otherwise = setIdSpecialisation new_id spec_env'
env1 | idMustNotBeINLINEd new_id -- Occurrence analyser says "don't inline"
= extendEnvGivenUnfolding env id_w_specenv occ_info noUnfolding
-- Still need to record the new_id with its SpecEnv
| otherwise -- Can inline it
= extendEnvGivenBinding env occ_info id_w_specenv new_rhs
(env1, new_binds)
spec_env = getIdSpecialisation old_id
spec_env' = substSpecEnv ty_subst (substSpecEnvRhs ty_subst id_subst) spec_env
(ty_subst,id_subst) = getSubstEnvs env
new_binds = [(new_id, new_rhs)]
atomic_rhs = is_atomic eta'd_rhs
eta'd_rhs = case lookForConstructor env new_rhs of
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