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Commit eb57d374 authored by sof's avatar sof
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[project @ 1998-05-27 15:42:37 by sof]

Fixed non-obvious performance bug that made occAnalTop quadratic rather than linear
parent 9d956223
No related merge requests found
......@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ occurAnalyseBinds
occurAnalyseBinds binds simplifier_sw_chkr
| opt_D_dump_occur_anal = pprTrace "OccurAnal:"
(pprGenericBindings binds')
| otherwise = binds'
(pprGenericBindings new_binds)
| otherwise = new_binds
new_binds = concat binds'
(_, _, binds') = occAnalTop initial_env binds
initial_env = OccEnv (simplifier_sw_chkr IgnoreINLINEPragma)
......@@ -153,32 +154,27 @@ unfolding for something.
occAnalTop :: OccEnv -- What's in scope
-> [CoreBinding]
-> (IdEnv BinderInfo, -- Occurrence info
IdEnv Id, -- Indirection elimination info
IdEnv Id, -- Indirection elimination info
occAnalTop env [] = (emptyDetails, nullIdEnv, [])
occAnalTop env (bind : binds)
= case bind of
NonRec exported_id (Var local_id)
| isExported exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
-- Special case for eliminating indirections
-- Note: it's a shortcoming that this only works for
-- non-recursive bindings. Elminating indirections
-- makes perfect sense for recursive bindings too, but
-- it's more complicated to implement, so I haven't done so
occAnalTop env (NonRec exported_id (Var local_id) : binds)
| isExported exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
isLocallyDefined local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
-- module, so that we *can* change its
-- binding to be the exported thing!
isLocallyDefined local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
-- module, so that we *can* change its
-- binding to be the exported thing!
not (isExported local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
-- since the transformation will nuke it
not (isExported local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
-- since the transformation will nuke it
not (omitIfaceSigForId local_id) && -- Don't do the transformation if rhs_id is
-- something like a constructor, whose
-- definition is implicitly exported and
-- which must not vanish.
not (omitIfaceSigForId local_id) && -- Don't do the transformation if rhs_id is
-- something like a constructor, whose
-- definition is implicitly exported and
-- which must not vanish.
-- To illustrate the preceding check consider
-- data T = MkT Int
-- mkT = MkT
......@@ -192,23 +188,21 @@ occAnalTop env (NonRec exported_id (Var local_id) : binds)
-- the MkT constructor.
-- Slightly gruesome, this.
not (maybeToBool (lookupIdEnv ind_env local_id))
-- Only if not already substituted for
= -- Aha! An indirection; let's eliminate it!
(scope_usage, ind_env', binds')
not (maybeToBool (lookupIdEnv ind_env local_id))
-- Only if not already substituted for
-> -- Aha! An indirection; let's eliminate it!
(scope_usage, ind_env', binds')
ind_env' = addOneToIdEnv ind_env local_id exported_id
-> -- The normal case
(final_usage, ind_env, (new_binds : binds'))
(final_usage, new_binds) = occAnalBind env (zap_bind bind) scope_usage
(scope_usage, ind_env, binds') = occAnalTop env binds
ind_env' = addOneToIdEnv ind_env local_id exported_id
-- The normal case
occAnalTop env (bind : binds)
= (final_usage, ind_env, new_binds ++ binds')
new_env = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
new_env = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
(scope_usage, ind_env, binds') = occAnalTop new_env binds
(final_usage, new_binds) = occAnalBind env (zap_bind bind) scope_usage
-- Deal with any indirections
zap_bind (NonRec bndr rhs)
......@@ -223,6 +217,7 @@ occAnalTop env (bind : binds)
Nothing -> [pair]
Just exported_id -> [(bndr, Var exported_id),
(exported_id, rhs)]
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