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Commit f47da5c3 authored by Simon Marlow's avatar Simon Marlow
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[project @ 1999-06-24 12:27:58 by simonmar]

Some fixes to this (still non-working) pass.
parent b6108203
No related merge requests found
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Maybes ( catMaybes )
import Name ( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc )
import ErrUtils ( ErrMsg, Message, addErrLocHdrLine, pprBagOfErrors, dontAddErrLoc )
import Type ( mkFunTys, splitFunTys, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
isUnLiftedType, isTyVarTy, Type
isUnLiftedType, isTyVarTy, splitForAllTys, Type
import TyCon ( TyCon, isDataTyCon )
import Util ( zipEqual )
......@@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ lint_binds_help (binder, rhs)
lintStgRhs :: StgRhs -> LintM (Maybe Type)
lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ [] expr)
= lintStgExpr expr
lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ binders expr)
= addLoc (LambdaBodyOf binders) (
addInScopeVars binders (
......@@ -172,12 +175,15 @@ lintStgExpr e@(StgCase scrut _ _ bndr _ alts)
= lintStgExpr scrut `thenMaybeL` \ _ ->
checkTys (idType bndr) scrut_ty (mkDefltMsg bndr) `thenL_`
-- Check that it is a data type
case (splitAlgTyConApp_maybe scrut_ty) of
Just (tycon, _, _) | isDataTyCon tycon
-> addInScopeVars [bndr] (lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty tycon)
other -> addErrL (mkCaseDataConMsg e) `thenL_`
returnL Nothing
(trace (showSDoc (ppr e)) $
-- we only allow case of tail-call or primop.
(case scrut of
StgApp _ _ -> returnL ()
StgCon _ _ _ -> returnL ()
other -> addErrL (mkCaseOfCaseMsg e)) `thenL_`
addInScopeVars [bndr] (lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty)
scrut_ty = get_ty alts
......@@ -188,10 +194,9 @@ lintStgExpr e@(StgCase scrut _ _ bndr _ alts)
lintStgAlts :: StgCaseAlts
-> Type -- Type of scrutinee
-> TyCon -- TyCon pinned on the case
-> LintM (Maybe Type) -- Type of alternatives
lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty case_tycon
lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty
= (case alts of
StgAlgAlts _ alg_alts deflt ->
mapL (lintAlgAlt scrut_ty) alg_alts `thenL` \ maybe_alt_tys ->
......@@ -371,6 +376,12 @@ addInScopeVars ids m loc scope errs
m loc (scope `unionVarSet` new_set) errs
Checking function applications: we only check that the type has the
right *number* of arrows, we don't actually compare the types. This
is because we can't expect the types to be equal - the type
applications and type lambdas that we use to calculate accurate types
have long since disappeared.
checkFunApp :: Type -- The function type
-> [Type] -- The arg type(s)
......@@ -380,7 +391,8 @@ checkFunApp :: Type -- The function type
checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
= cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
(expected_arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys fun_ty
(_, de_forall_ty) = splitForAllTys fun_ty
(expected_arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys de_forall_ty
cfa res_ty expected [] -- Args have run out; that's fine
= (Just (mkFunTys expected res_ty), errs)
......@@ -397,9 +409,7 @@ checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
(new_expected, new_res) -> cfa new_res new_expected arg_tys
cfa res_ty (expected_arg_ty:expected_arg_tys) (arg_ty:arg_tys)
= if (expected_arg_ty == arg_ty)
then cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
else (Nothing, addErr errs msg loc) -- Arg mis-match
= cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
......@@ -412,22 +422,16 @@ checkInScope id loc scope errs
checkTys :: Type -> Type -> Message -> LintM ()
checkTys ty1 ty2 msg loc scope errs
= if (ty1 == ty2)
then ((), errs)
else ((), addErr errs msg loc)
= -- if (ty1 == ty2) then
((), errs)
-- else ((), addErr errs msg loc)
mkCaseAltMsg :: StgCaseAlts -> Message
mkCaseAltMsg alts
= ($$) (text "In some case alternatives, type of alternatives not all same:")
-- LATER: (ppr alts)
(panic "mkCaseAltMsg")
mkCaseDataConMsg :: StgExpr -> Message
mkCaseDataConMsg expr
= ($$) (ptext SLIT("A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:"))
(ppr expr)
(empty) -- LATER: ppr alts
mkCaseAbstractMsg :: TyCon -> Message
mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon
......@@ -492,6 +496,10 @@ mkPrimAltMsg alt
= text "In a primitive case alternative, type of literal doesn't match type of scrutinee:"
$$ ppr alt
mkCaseOfCaseMsg :: StgExpr -> Message
mkCaseOfCaseMsg e
= text "Case of non-tail-call:" $$ ppr e
mkRhsMsg :: Id -> Type -> Message
mkRhsMsg binder ty
= vcat [hsep [ptext SLIT("The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:"),
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