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  1. Jul 10, 2000
  2. Jul 09, 2000
  3. Jul 08, 2000
  4. Jul 07, 2000
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:13:43 by simonpj] · 7bb06950
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This commit moves the instance environment out of the Class data
      structure, where it was immutable, to part of the type-checker
      environment.  This change is absolutely essential as part of
      our move to GHCi, and I think it's also going to be necessary
      for Andrei's work on generic functions.
      As part of this change, we can remove
        a) types/InstEnv.*	(thereby also removing a hi-boot loop)
        b) a tc-fixpoint-loop in TcModule
      Both of these are worthwhile simplifications.
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:13:22 by simonpj] · ec459c23
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      Improve comments
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:12:48 by simonpj] · 23cb37fa
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      Fix duplicate class assertion error msg
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 11:03:57 by simonmar] · 6151c960
      Simon Marlow authored
      Rearrange exception stuff, as per my message on glasgow-haskell-users
      The main change is the IOError type is now a synonym for Exception.
      IO.ioError can therefore be used for throwing exceptions.  IO.catch
      still catches only IO exceptions, for backwards compatibility.
      The interface exported by Exception has changed somewhat:
      	try       :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
      	tryJust   :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> a    -> IO (Either b a)
      	catch     :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
      	catchJust :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> IO a -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a
      	ioErrors		:: Exception -> Maybe IOError
      	arithExceptions 	:: Exception -> Maybe ArithException
      	errorCalls		:: Exception -> Maybe String
      	dynExceptions		:: Exception -> Maybe Dynamic
      	assertions		:: Exception -> Maybe String
      	asyncExceptions 	:: Exception -> Maybe AsyncException
      raiseInThread is now called throwTo.
      Where possible, the old functions have been left around, but marked
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 10:35:32 by simonmar] · 219fbecc
      Simon Marlow authored
      Remove the cast from CMacroExprs - it doesn't appear to be needed.
      This fixes the recently introduced bug when compiling CCS_HDR macros
      in profiling code.
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 09:44:31 by simonmar] · c01c4779
      Simon Marlow authored
      fix -keep-hc-file-too
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 09:37:39 by simonmar] · 29e5b129
      Simon Marlow authored
      revert rev. 1.81
  5. Jul 06, 2000
  6. Jul 05, 2000
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 17:16:02 by simonmar] · 5cbfe4e7
      Simon Marlow authored
      bullet-proof the package code a bit more; check for write access to the
      configuration file before doing anything, check whether we're adding a
      package that's already there, etc.
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 17:01:59 by simonmar] · b2d52fc9
      Simon Marlow authored
      Packages can now be added/removed from an installed GHC as follows:
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2
          $ ./ghc-inplace --add-package <newpkg
          Reading package info from stdin... done.
          Saving old package config file... done.
          Writing new package config file... done.
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2, mypkg
          $ ./ghc-inplace --delete-package mypkg
          Saving old package config file... done.
          Writing new package config file... done.
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2
      This is a first stab at the kind of functionality we need for
      installing Haskell libraries via RPMs: the RPM script would install
      the libraries, and then do a "ghc --add-package" passing the
      appropriate paths.  You'd then have "ghc -package" at your disposal to
      use the newly installed package.  Similarly on de-install, the RPM
      script would run "ghc --delete-package".
      Also in this commit: prettify the package dumping.
    • Keith Wansbrough's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 15:42:19 by keithw] · 8d5bf65c
      Keith Wansbrough authored
      Add -t flag to specify title of report.
    • Julian Seward's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 14:28:49 by sewardj] · dfedfb02
      Julian Seward authored
      Rename the marker used by Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs to ___ncg_debug_marker, to make
      it clear it has nothing to do with the usual object-splitting machinery.
      Improve Diff_Gcc_Nat:
      * Emit a warning, and stop, if there are no debug markers in the NCG code.
      * Handle .uahalf and .uaword, which appear in sparc assembly, but not x86.
    • Julian Seward's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 09:46:35 by sewardj] · 558c0ec0
      Julian Seward authored
      Make -S work when going via the NCG.
  7. Jul 04, 2000
  8. Jul 03, 2000