- Sep 21, 1999
sof authored
when mangling gcc output, make sure we distinguish between a \ at EOL and a \ in DOS paths
sof authored
sof authored
Reg. tests for h{Set,Get}Posn + hSeek
sof authored
Testing the sanity of Show on Addr
sof authored
Moved Show instance for Addr from PrelAddr to Addr & made it display the Addr in hex (+ have it cope with ptrs with MSB set.)
- Sep 20, 1999
Simon Marlow authored
Fix for compiling w/ ghc-2.10
sof authored
Added 'updateIORef :: IORef a -> (a->a) -> IO ()'
Simon Marlow authored
- fix bug in setSocketOption__ which meant that trying to set SO_REUSEADDR on Linux (and possibly other OS's) didn't work. - add rudimentary non-blocking connect support.
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Need sys/types.h for off_t
- Sep 19, 1999
sof authored
exts/ is now also a _ccall_ free zone.
sof authored
* Re-exported IO.HandlePosn, i.e., type HandlePosition = Integer data HandlePosn = HandlePosn Handle HandlePosition * Added hTell :: Handle -> HandlePosition (merely a wrapper for IO.hGetPosn ) * Added hSetBinaryMode :: Handle -> Bool -> IO Bool for dynamically changing the 'translation mode' of a Handle. This stuff is only useful on platforms that make a distinction between text and binary files (e.g., Win32)
sof authored
IOExts.hSetBinaryMode wrapper
sof authored
sof authored
sof authored
Allow seeking on devices and beyond EOF
sof authored
Have sizeof_time_t report the size in *words*
sof authored
unify two near-identical impls of toClockSec()
sof authored
* drop the restriction that seeks cannot be made on devices & beyond EOFs. If the underlying lseek() doesn't like us doing either, it'll let us know. * When asking for the current position under Win32, take into account that lseek() reports the _untranslated_ position, so adjust the resulting position by scanning input buffer looking for \n's (and treat them as if \r\n.)
sof authored
re-organised the initialisation of the 'flags' a little; record whether a file handle is in 'binary' translation mode or not.
sof authored
Drop the use of _ccall_, _casm_ and lit-lits in std/, "foreign import" is the future.
sof authored
nullAddr: avoid the use of a lit-lit
- Sep 17, 1999
sof authored
Consistently use .dll_o for toplevel object files that are to be included with all DLL-based apps
sof authored
expected (std)output of show001
sof authored
Testing Show for Maybes and Eithers
sof authored
Fixed bogus Show instances for Maybe and Either
sof authored
DLL building tweaks, including terrible hack to compile PrelMain
sof authored
posix is not for Win32
sof authored
Non-blocking I/O isn't supported on 'pure' Win32 platforms.
Simon Peyton Jones authored
[This is the commit message that should have gone with the typechecker commit a few minutes ago, whose message said ~/tmp/msg1 ] Improve location and context information on Insts (notably Dicts), and thereby improve error messages that relate to dictionaries. This arose from Marc van Doguen's suggestion.
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This bunch of commits represents work in progress on inlining and worker/wrapper stuff. Currently, I think it makes the compiler slightly worse than 4.04, for reasons I don't yet understand. But it means that Simon and I can both peer at what is going on. * Substantially improve handling of coerces in worker/wrapper * exprIsDupable for an application (f e1 .. en) wasn't calling exprIsDupable on the arguments!! So applications with few, but large, args were being dupliated. * sizeExpr on an application wasn't doing a nukeScrutDiscount on the arg of an application!! So bogus discounts could accumulate from arguments! * Improve handling of INLINE pragmas in calcUnfoldingGuidance. It was really wrong before
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Remove SST.lhs
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Add drvrun007, a test that crashed Hugs
- Sep 16, 1999
sof authored
toInt wibble
sof authored
Added expected stdout to reg. test for Float&Double exceptional IEEE values. (the numbers were produced on a PII & with the MS C run-time -- don't be surprised if you see slightly different numbers on your box.)
sof authored
checking Main.main's type + newtype def that caused a ghc-X (X<4.03, I think) TC crash
sof authored
Added Tree example from (older) versions of the Report
sof authored
Extended to show why changing the defn of ReadS (and read) is a good idea
sof authored
newtypes with a labelled field caused DS trouble sometime back
sof authored
Bunch of H98 tests I had lying about