- Aug 09, 2000
Reuben Thomas authored
Clarified remarks about memory usage, and zapped bits specifically about resources required to compile GHC (this is not ANNOUNCE material).
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused import
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports
Simon Marlow authored
avoid some repetition of filenames in the primop rules.
Simon Marlow authored
build genprimopcode at boot time.
Reuben Thomas authored
werid -> weird
Simon Marlow authored
make this compile with pre-4.09 GHCs.
- Aug 08, 2000
Reuben Thomas authored
Fix so that libHS_imp_stub is made before HSrts.dll.
Reuben Thomas authored
Changed DLL_IMPORT_RTS to DLL_IMPORT (I had it the wrong way around).
Julian Seward authored
Give the included bits of Haskell their own rules in the Makefile, so that make boot/depend work properly.
- Aug 07, 2000
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk authored
Now Char, Char#, StgChar have 31 bits (physically 32). "foo"# is still an array of bytes. CharRep represents 32 bits (on a 64-bit arch too). There is also Int8Rep, used in those places where bytes were originally meant. readCharArray, indexCharOffAddr etc. still use bytes. Storable and {I,M}Array use wide Chars. In future perhaps all sized integers should be primitive types. Then some usages of indexing primops scattered through the code could be changed to then-available Int8 ones, and then Char variants of primops could be made wide (other usages that handle text should use conversion that will be provided later). I/O and _ccall_ arguments assume ISO-8859-1. UTF-8 is internally used for string literals (only). Z-encoding is ready for Unicode identifiers. Ranges of intlike and charlike closures are more easily configurable. I've probably broken nativeGen/MachCode.lhs:chrCode for Alpha but I don't know the Alpha assembler to fix it (what is zapnot?). Generally I'm not sure if I've done the NCG changes right. This commit breaks the binary compatibility (of course). TODO: * is* and to{Lower,Upper} in Char (in progress). * Libraries for text conversion (in design / experiments), to be plugged to I/O and a higher level foreign library. * PackedString. * StringBuffer and accepting source in encodings other than ISO-8859-1.
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk authored
Use \{ \} in regex instead of { } for literal { }. Hope it should be OK in theory; needed in practice here.
Reuben Thomas authored
Add COMPILING_STDLIB symbol analagous to COMPILING_RTS for the extern vars in stgio.h.
Reuben Thomas authored
Add gmp.h to boot target so that it gets copied during booting (otherwise make boot breaks down).
Reuben Thomas authored
Use $(MV) not mv.
Julian Seward authored
This is the program which generates bits of primop-related Haskell (and, soon, C) code from ghc/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.
Julian Seward authored
Reorganise the way primops are done. Most of the information about primops, their types and relevant attributes is in prelude/primops.txt. A supporting program in fptools/ghc/utils/genprimopcode reads this file and generates various bits of code which are #include'd into prelude/PrimOp.lhs. Eventually this mechanism will be extended to generate PrelGHC.hi and C code for primops in the bytecode evaluator. Also, add a few primops for creating, reading and writing BCOs.
- Aug 06, 2000
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Fixed conversion of MachWord to MachInt for large literals. Although completely untested, I believe this fixes bug #111021.
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Replaced `catchIO justIoErrors' with `catchJust ioErrors'
- Aug 04, 2000
Jeff Lewis authored
Port to OpenBSD from Thomas Nordin. Please merge with 4.08 (you'll also need the new config.guess and config.sub from the previous commit).
Jeff Lewis authored
Pulled in latest versions from autoconf 2.13. Necessary for OpenBSD port.
Simon Marlow authored
Simon Marlow authored
Another attempt at getting the pipeline stuff right. Fixed at least one bug.
Simon Marlow authored
-split-objs is entirely reasonable in conjunction with -fasm
- Aug 03, 2000
Simon Marlow authored
Simon Marlow authored
- Implement the mkdepend -X<dir> and --exclude-directory=<dir> options. - some small cleanups
Reuben Thomas authored
Removed isLocallyDefinedName test in isDllName, as SPJ's with SM's suggestion that it's redundant.
Simon Marlow authored
The parser didn't properly check that the constructor in a data declaration really are constructors (ie. begin with an upper case character). This patch fixes the problem. bug reported by: Tim Giesler, a couple of weeks ago.
Simon Marlow authored
Update the documentation on the +RTS -C option, and remove the note saying that it doesn't work.
Simon Marlow authored
Implement +RTS -C<n>, the context switch interval flag. This was previously advertised in the usage message, but there was a note in the Users' Guide stating that it didn't work. Anwyay, I'm going to consider it a bug and backport to 4.08.1.
Simon Marlow authored
Add a cross-ref to the section on Packages from the mention of the -package flag in the section on linking.
- Aug 02, 2000
Simon Marlow authored
remove mkdependHS from the list of directories.
Simon Marlow authored
Remove the old mkdependHS cruft.
Simon Marlow authored
Assimilate mkdependHS into the driver, obsoleting the old Perl version. The functionality is pretty much identical, except a few of the flags accepted by the old version aren't implemented (--exclude-module, --exclude-directory, --include-module). If anyone needs these options, please speak up.
Reuben Thomas authored
Many fixes to DLLisation. These were previously covered up because code was leaking into the import libraries for DLLs, so the fact that some symbols were thought of as local rather than in another DLL wasn't a problem. The main problems addressed by this commit are: 1. Fixes RTS symbols working properly when DLLised. They didn't before. 2. Uses NULL instead of stg_error_entry, because DLL entry points can't be used as static initialisers. 3. PrelGHC.hi-boot changed to be in package RTS, and export of PrelNum and PrelErr moved to PrelBase, so that references to primops & the like are cross-DLL as they should be. 4. Pass imports around as Modules rather than ModuleNames, so that ModuleInitLabels can be checked to see if they're in a DLL or not.
Reuben Thomas authored
Now copied from ghc/rts/gmp.h
Reuben Thomas authored
Allow GMP to be compiled as a DLL.
- Aug 01, 2000
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Simon's Marktoberdorf Commits 1. Tidy up the renaming story for "system binders", such as dictionary functions, default methods, constructor workers etc. These are now documented in HsDecls. The main effect of the change, apart from tidying up, is to make the *type-checker* (instead of the renamer) generate names for dict-funs and default-methods. This is good because Sergei's generic-class stuff generates new classes at typecheck time. 2. Fix the CSE pass so it does not require the no-shadowing invariant. Keith discovered that the simplifier occasionally returns a result with shadowing. After much fiddling around (which has improved the code in the simplifier a bit) I found that it is nearly impossible to arrange that it really does do no-shadowing. So I gave up and fixed the CSE pass (which is the only one to rely on it) instead. 3. Fix a performance bug in the simplifier. The change is in SimplUtils.interestingArg. It computes whether an argment should be considered "interesting"; if a function is applied to an interesting argument, we are more likely to inline that function. Consider this case let x = 3 in f x The 'x' argument was considered "uninteresting" for a silly reason. Since x only occurs once, it was unconditionally substituted, but interestingArg didn't take account of that case. Now it does. I also made interestingArg a bit more liberal. Let's see if we get too much inlining now. 4. In the occurrence analyser, we were choosing a bad loop breaker. Here's the comment that's now in OccurAnal.reOrderRec score ((bndr, rhs), _, _) | exprIsTrivial rhs = 3 -- Practically certain to be inlined -- Used to have also: && not (isExportedId bndr) -- But I found this sometimes cost an extra iteration when we have -- rec { d = (a,b); a = ...df...; b = ...df...; df = d } -- where df is the exported dictionary. Then df makes a really -- bad choice for loop breaker I also increased the score for bindings with a non-functional type, so that dictionaries have a better chance of getting inlined early 5. Add a hash code to the InScopeSet (and make it properly abstract) This should make uniqAway a lot more robust. Simple experiments suggest that uniqAway no longer gets into the long iteration chains that it used to. 6. Fix a bug in the inliner that made the simplifier tend to get into a loop where it would keep iterating ("4 iterations, bailing out" message). In SimplUtils.mkRhsTyLam we float bindings out past a big lambda, thus: x = /\ b -> let g = \x -> f x x in E becomes g* = /\a -> \x -> f x x x = /\ b -> let g = g* b in E It's essential that we don't simply inling g* back into the RHS of g, else we will be back to square 1. The inliner is meant not to do this because there's no benefit to the inlining, but the size calculation was a little off in CoreUnfold. 7. In SetLevels we were bogus-ly building a Subst with an empty in-scope set, so a WARNING popped up when compiling some modules. (knights/ChessSetList was the example that tickled it.) Now in fact the warning wasn't an error, but the Right Thing to do is to carry down a proper Subst in SetLevels, so that is what I have now done. It is very little more expensive.
- Jul 31, 2000
Simon Marlow authored
include GMP's configure files in a src dist.
Simon Marlow authored
x.yy.DDMMYYYY should be x.yy.YYYYMMDD for unstable snapshots.