- Jul 11, 2000
Michael Weber authored
updated comments
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Hash MachLabel, too
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Replace RcFloating with RcFloat/RcDouble. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here, so somebody else should better have a look.
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
* linux_TARGET_ARCH => i386_TARGET_ARCH * move callClobberedRegs into safety in front of the register #define-orgy (what the ... is this cpp-ery for? %-]
Simon Marlow authored
reinstate used import
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports; misc cleanup
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports; misc cleanup
Simon Marlow authored
remove unused imports
Simon Marlow authored
use MachLabel rather than MachLitLit for compiling foreign label and foreign export dynamic.
Simon Marlow authored
fix typo
Simon Marlow authored
undo what appears to be an accidental commit
Julian Seward authored
Fix up the sparc native code generator. Mostly dull stuff. Notable changes: * Cleaned up ccall mechanism for sparc somewhat. * Rearranged assignment of sparc floating point registers (includes/MachRegs.h) so the NCG's register allocator can handle the double-single pairing issue without modification. Split VirtualRegF into VirtualRegF and VirtualRegD, and split RcFloating into RcFloat and RcDouble. Net effect is that there are now three register classes -- int, float and double, and we pretend that sparc has some float and some double real regs. * (A fix for all platforms): propagate MachFloats through as StFloats, not StDoubles. Amazingly, until now literal floats had been converted to and treated as doubles, including in ccalls.
Reuben Thomas authored
Test completed, file deleted.
Simon Marlow authored
New autoconf tests for ghc version from Michael Weber, with minor modifications by me.
Simon Marlow authored
workaround for strange gcc-ism: elide 'popl %edx' in the epilogue.
- Jul 10, 2000
Reuben Thomas authored
Test file; will shortly be removed.
Reuben Thomas authored
Removed carriage returns (\r) from source files. Please don't check in such things; they can cause problems on Cygwin (funnily enough). I'm looking into how to avoid commiting carriage returns when working under Windows.
- Jul 09, 2000
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Third attempt by two people trying to get a simple fprintf right again... :-}
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Install HsStd.h, stgio.h, stgerror.h, and fileObject.h, too. Hmmm, this looks not particularly nice, perhaps we should merge those into a single HsStd.h some day.
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
By definition (sec. 7.3 in the H98 report), userError raises an IOError, so Prelude.catch should catch UserError exceptions, too. Apart from not conforming to the report, without this patch GHC's typechecker falls straight on its face.
- Jul 08, 2000
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Synched section on packages with new generalized package file format
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Generalized the package file format a little bit: include directories, include files, and options are now lists of Strings.
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
After the last fix in PprAbs.ppr_amode, we now need a cast from StgClosure* to P_ in UPD_FRAME_UPDATEE. I'm not sure if this is the nicest way to fix this, CgCon.cgReturnDataCon is another candidate. It looks a little bit like PrimRep distinguishes not enough between the different kind of pointers (there's no alternative for L_).
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Fixed Show instance for Exception
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Synch format string with actual args
- Jul 07, 2000
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This commit moves the instance environment out of the Class data structure, where it was immutable, to part of the type-checker environment. This change is absolutely essential as part of our move to GHCi, and I think it's also going to be necessary for Andrei's work on generic functions. As part of this change, we can remove a) types/InstEnv.* (thereby also removing a hi-boot loop) b) a tc-fixpoint-loop in TcModule Both of these are worthwhile simplifications.
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Improve comments
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Fix duplicate class assertion error msg
Simon Marlow authored
Rearrange exception stuff, as per my message on glasgow-haskell-users recently. The main change is the IOError type is now a synonym for Exception. IO.ioError can therefore be used for throwing exceptions. IO.catch still catches only IO exceptions, for backwards compatibility. The interface exported by Exception has changed somewhat: try :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a) tryJust :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> a -> IO (Either b a) catch :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a catchJust :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> IO a -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a ioErrors :: Exception -> Maybe IOError arithExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe ArithException errorCalls :: Exception -> Maybe String dynExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe Dynamic assertions :: Exception -> Maybe String asyncExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe AsyncException raiseInThread is now called throwTo. Where possible, the old functions have been left around, but marked deprecated.
Simon Marlow authored
Remove the cast from CMacroExprs - it doesn't appear to be needed. This fixes the recently introduced bug when compiling CCS_HDR macros in profiling code.
Simon Marlow authored
fix -keep-hc-file-too
Simon Marlow authored
revert rev. 1.81
- Jul 06, 2000
sven.panne@aedion.de authored
Keith Wansbrough authored
Fix obvious typo (pprStgARg for pprStgArg). Clearly not a frequently- tickled part of the compiler!
Simon Peyton Jones authored
* Improve the warning "M is imported but nothing from it is used" In particular, don't warn if some instances from it are imported. It's pretty much impossible to do the Right Thing always. A comment in Rename.lhs says -- NOTE: Consider -- module This -- import M () -- -- The import M() is not *necessarily* redundant, even if -- we suck in no instance decls from M (e.g. it contains -- no instance decls, or This contains no code). It may be -- that we import M solely to ensure that M's orphan instance -- decls (or those in its imports) are visible to people who -- import This. Sigh. -- There's really no good way to detect this, so the error message -- in RnEnv.warnUnusedModules is weakened instead * Minor comment changes to RnIfaces.lhs * Use NameEnv instead of UFM in TcEnv (tidy up only)
Simon Marlow authored
Add Marcin Kowalczyk and Michael Weber to the "Additional Contributors" section.
Simon Marlow authored
A string constant block can consist of multiple .string/.ascii directives. The sparc-specific code in this file already handled this properly, but the x86 code was wrong.