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  1. Jul 10, 2000
    • Reuben Thomas's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-10 16:15:33 by rrt] · ee13c263
      Reuben Thomas authored
      Removed carriage returns (\r) from source files. Please don't check in such
      things; they can cause problems on Cygwin (funnily enough). I'm looking into
      how to avoid commiting carriage returns when working under Windows.
  2. Jul 09, 2000
  3. Jul 08, 2000
  4. Jul 07, 2000
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:13:43 by simonpj] · 7bb06950
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      This commit moves the instance environment out of the Class data
      structure, where it was immutable, to part of the type-checker
      environment.  This change is absolutely essential as part of
      our move to GHCi, and I think it's also going to be necessary
      for Andrei's work on generic functions.
      As part of this change, we can remove
        a) types/InstEnv.*	(thereby also removing a hi-boot loop)
        b) a tc-fixpoint-loop in TcModule
      Both of these are worthwhile simplifications.
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:13:22 by simonpj] · ec459c23
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      Improve comments
    • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 12:12:48 by simonpj] · 23cb37fa
      Simon Peyton Jones authored
      Fix duplicate class assertion error msg
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 11:03:57 by simonmar] · 6151c960
      Simon Marlow authored
      Rearrange exception stuff, as per my message on glasgow-haskell-users
      The main change is the IOError type is now a synonym for Exception.
      IO.ioError can therefore be used for throwing exceptions.  IO.catch
      still catches only IO exceptions, for backwards compatibility.
      The interface exported by Exception has changed somewhat:
      	try       :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
      	tryJust   :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> a    -> IO (Either b a)
      	catch     :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
      	catchJust :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> IO a -> (b -> IO a) -> IO a
      	ioErrors		:: Exception -> Maybe IOError
      	arithExceptions 	:: Exception -> Maybe ArithException
      	errorCalls		:: Exception -> Maybe String
      	dynExceptions		:: Exception -> Maybe Dynamic
      	assertions		:: Exception -> Maybe String
      	asyncExceptions 	:: Exception -> Maybe AsyncException
      raiseInThread is now called throwTo.
      Where possible, the old functions have been left around, but marked
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 10:35:32 by simonmar] · 219fbecc
      Simon Marlow authored
      Remove the cast from CMacroExprs - it doesn't appear to be needed.
      This fixes the recently introduced bug when compiling CCS_HDR macros
      in profiling code.
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 09:44:31 by simonmar] · c01c4779
      Simon Marlow authored
      fix -keep-hc-file-too
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-07 09:37:39 by simonmar] · 29e5b129
      Simon Marlow authored
      revert rev. 1.81
  5. Jul 06, 2000
  6. Jul 05, 2000
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 17:16:02 by simonmar] · 5cbfe4e7
      Simon Marlow authored
      bullet-proof the package code a bit more; check for write access to the
      configuration file before doing anything, check whether we're adding a
      package that's already there, etc.
    • Simon Marlow's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 17:01:59 by simonmar] · b2d52fc9
      Simon Marlow authored
      Packages can now be added/removed from an installed GHC as follows:
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2
          $ ./ghc-inplace --add-package <newpkg
          Reading package info from stdin... done.
          Saving old package config file... done.
          Writing new package config file... done.
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2, mypkg
          $ ./ghc-inplace --delete-package mypkg
          Saving old package config file... done.
          Writing new package config file... done.
          $ ./ghc-inplace --list-packages
          gmp, rts, std, lang, concurrent, data, net, posix, text, util,
          hssource, win32, com, std2
      This is a first stab at the kind of functionality we need for
      installing Haskell libraries via RPMs: the RPM script would install
      the libraries, and then do a "ghc --add-package" passing the
      appropriate paths.  You'd then have "ghc -package" at your disposal to
      use the newly installed package.  Similarly on de-install, the RPM
      script would run "ghc --delete-package".
      Also in this commit: prettify the package dumping.
    • Keith Wansbrough's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 15:42:19 by keithw] · 8d5bf65c
      Keith Wansbrough authored
      Add -t flag to specify title of report.
    • Julian Seward's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 14:28:49 by sewardj] · dfedfb02
      Julian Seward authored
      Rename the marker used by Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs to ___ncg_debug_marker, to make
      it clear it has nothing to do with the usual object-splitting machinery.
      Improve Diff_Gcc_Nat:
      * Emit a warning, and stop, if there are no debug markers in the NCG code.
      * Handle .uahalf and .uaword, which appear in sparc assembly, but not x86.
    • Julian Seward's avatar
      [project @ 2000-07-05 09:46:35 by sewardj] · 558c0ec0
      Julian Seward authored
      Make -S work when going via the NCG.
  7. Jul 04, 2000
  8. Jul 03, 2000