This directory tree's worth of stuff are utility bits that are used in more than one of the Glasgow functional-programming tools. (For the project-specific bits, try <project>/utils/<blah>.) lndir from X imake stuff (via DuBois); make a shadow tree of symbolic links ltx a "latex" wrapper. Re-runs latex/bibtex/makeindex enough times to "do the right thing." mkdependC script version of C makedepend (from X11R4 via DuBois) mkdirhier "mkdir a/b/c/d" will do "mkdir a; mkdir a/b; ..." (assuming none of those dirs exist) runstdtest runs a pgm with some flags & some stdin; checks for an expected exit code, expected stdout, and expected stderr. (Expect this to change :-) verbatim pre-processor for LaTeX files that typesets text between @...@ in typewriter font. sgmlverb pre-processor for SGML that does essentially the same thing as verbatim.
Forked from
Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
66217 commits behind the upstream repository.