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Use GHC 8.8 as the minimum bootstrap compiler version

Ryan Scott requested to merge (removed):require-8.8 into master

This patch makes GHC 8.8 the minimum bootstrap compiler across all Docker images in preparation for the same requirement being imposed on GHC. In most cases, I was able to use 8.8.3. The exception is x86_64-linux-deb10, where the only 8.8 bindist I could find was 8.8.1.

Note that I was unable to install cabal-install- on x86_64-linux-alpine, even after lots of struggled attempts to do so. As a result, I have settled for cabal-install- on that distro. This probably isn't the worst thing in the world, given that x86_64-linux-deb10 also combines GHC 8.8 with cabal-install-

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