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  • Zubin's avatar
    hi haddock: Lex and store haddock docs in interface files · b91798be
    Zubin authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Names appearing in Haddock docstrings are lexed and renamed like any other names
    appearing in the AST. We currently rename names irrespective of the namespace,
    so both type and constructor names corresponding to an identifier will appear in
    the docstring. Haddock will select a given name as the link destination based on
    its own heuristics.
    This patch also restricts the limitation of `-haddock` being incompatible with
    The export and documenation structure is now computed in GHC and serialised in
    .hi files. This can be used by haddock to directly generate doc pages without
    reparsing or renaming the source. At the moment the operation of haddock
    is not modified, that's left to a future patch.
    Updates the haddock submodule with the minimum changes needed.