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  • John Ericson's avatar
    Separate AST from GhcPass (#18936) · 81f06655
    John Ericson authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    There are two splits.
    The first spit is:
     - `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension`
     - `GHC.Hs.Extension`
    where the former now just contains helpers like `NoExtCon` and all the
    families, and the latter is everything having to do with `GhcPass`.
    The second split is:
     - `Language.Haskell.Syntax.<mod>`
     - `GHC.Hs.<mod>`
    Where the former contains all the data definitions, and the few helpers
    that don't use `GhcPass`, and the latter contains everything else. The
    second modules also reexport the former.
    See the issue for more details, but in short answer is we're trying to
    grasp at the modularity TTG is supposed to offer, after a long time of
    mainly just getting the safety benefits of more complete pattern
    matching on the AST.
    Now, we have an AST datatype which, without `GhcPass` is decently
    stripped of GHC-specific concerns. Whereas before, not was it
    GHC-specific, it was aware of all the GHC phases despite the
    parameterization, with the instances and parametric data structure
    For what it's worth there are also some smaller, imminent benefits:
    - The latter change also splits a strongly connected component in two,
      since none of the `Language.Haskell.Syntax.*` modules import the older
    - A few TTG violations (Using GhcPass directly in the AST) in `Expr` are
      now more explicitly accounted for with new type families to provide the
      necessary indirection.
    Future work:
    - I don't see why all the type families should live in
      `Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension`. That seems anti-modular for
      little benefit. All the ones used just once can be moved next to the
      AST type they serve as an extension point for.
    - Decide what to do with the `Outputable` instances. Some of these are
      no orphans because they referred to `GhcPass`, and had to be moved. I
      think the types could be generalized so they don't refer to `GhcPass`
      and therefore can be moved back, but having gotten flak for increasing
      the size and complexity types when generalizing before, I did *not*
      want to do this.
    - We should triage the remaining contents of `GHC.Hs.<mod>`. The
      renaming helpers are somewhat odd for needing `GhcPass`. We might
      consider if they are a) in fact only needed by one phase b) can be
      generalized to be non-GhcPass-specific (e.g. take a callback rather
      than GADT-match with `IsPass`) and then they can live in
    For more details, see
    Bumps Haddock submodule